An innocent e-mail ends up pitting Supergirl against super model Elle Macpherson
Best of Jonair
The end of a long day was drawing near. Supergirl decided to make one last pass over the skies of Los Angeles before settling in for the evening. It was a mid march evening and the temperature was very comfortable. She enjoyed flying in weather like this.
She flew over the Santa Monica freeway and swung left as it junctures with the 110. A quick right had her flying over downtown over Figueroa St. She passed over the Bonaventure and quickly scanned the place with her x-ray vision. She liked to peek in on couples in the act. She was so horny these days, and, more than ever, feeling the
frustrations of a super being whose sexual fantasies could
not be fulfilled. She veered right on Wilshire and took
another scan at the La Omni, formally the La Hilton to see
who was doing it there. Mostly Japanese and Korean tourists,
she noticed. She was really horny. She zoomed up Wilshire to
where it intersected with Santa Monica and the Beverly
Hilton. Another quick scan revealed many interesting things
going on. As she flew over Beverly Hills, she used her super
hearing to hone in on every Mercedes which drove by below.
She got a kick out of counting how many Persian speaking
people drove Mercedes' in B.H. She got a kick out of the
Persians, especially after participating in an LAPD sting
operation of the jewelry district on S.Hill and S. Broadway
downtown where most of the merchants are Iranian
expatriates. She held them no ill will, however,
understanding the difficulties involved in relocating from
their own country where they lived exceedingly well before
it was destroyed by the fanatical mullahs.
She floated in through her apartment window and turned
on her computer. She was ready to surf the internet for a
while in search of some form of sexual stimulation. She
logged onto America On line. "You have mail" said her
computer. She was excited. She clicked on the mail icon and
saw that she had received e-mail from Harman, her new found
pen pal on the net. She hadn't quite gotten a handle on him
yet, but for now he seemed to be nice and harmless enough.
Not that she, Supergirl, the Maiden of Might, the Princess
of Power, could be intimidated by anyone, but she was glad
that he wasn't your average run of the mill pervert. If only
he knew that it was really her.
She clicked on his e-mail. She saw a file attached to it. "15 minutes download time?" She thought to her self. "What on earth could he have posted which would be so big?" The e-mail message simply said "You'll be amazed, Supergirl." She clicked on the download button and waited.
She looked over his e-mail again and noticed that "Supergirl" was in italics. Kind of derisive.Much in the way that Jerry Seinfeld would sneer and say "Hello, Newman." Who the hell did he think he was? Chiding her!
Didn't he know that she was Supergirl, invincible, all
powerful, dominating? Actually, he didn't. He thought that
this was some game, some fantasy being played out between
the two of them. Well, she would show him who he was dealing
with. " All these guys were the same" she thought. "They all
think they're hot shit when they're dealing with human
women, or I should say girls compared to me. But once they
see they're dealing with me, Supergirl, their dicks turn
into quivering pieces of useless flesh. I may still grow to
hate this guy" she mused.
The file was downloaded. She signed off AOL and
accessed the file. The screen turned black. Then a tiny
green speck developed in the center of her screen. Slowly it
became larger and larger until she saw a spinning green
glowing orb on her screen. "Cool graphics" she thought to
her self.
Suddenly, the orb stopped spinning and began emitting green rays which came off of her screen. A wave of weakness immediately engulfed her powerful body. She was stunned. She pushed back her chair, stood up and took two steps back, unable to comprehend what was going on. Her
powers were diminishing rapidly, yet she felt no pain. Her
screen began to bubble, and, in what looked like a special
effect from the movie, the abyss, the green glowing orb
flowed out of her screen. She took a few more steps back on
wobbly legs. The green glowing orb was now in her apartment.
"Kryptonite! But how could it be?" She had to flee at once!
She started towards the door, but the orb shot a laser like
beam at the door which now began to glow green as well. The
rays of the kryptonic door hit her as she approached within
3 feet. She stopped dead in her tracks. "The window!" She
was only on the second floor. She could jump through the
window and not get hurt. Once again the orb shot a laser
like beam at the window which like the door became
kryptonic. She was trapped!
"Supergirl!" A voice from the orb said. "You have been
the object of my desires for 17 years. Do you know how frustrating unfulfilled fantasies are?"
"Tell me about. Like I don't have that same problem myself" she thought to herself.
"You, Supergirl, are the source of my frustration which
I am about to take out on you tonight" the orb said as it
drew closer to her. She backed up until she was against the
wall. There was nowhere to run. The orb stopped right in
front of her. The power was draining rapidly from her super
body, yet, surprisingly, there was no pain. She realized
that this must be some strain of low grade kryptonite. This
was little consolation though because her powers were now
gone and she could easily be killed by conventional means if
not by the kryptonite itself.
"Who... Are... you and.. how Know it was" She asked, barely able to speak.
"I am Harman from AOL, Supergirl."
"What...what.. Do you want"
"Revenge!" Bellowed the voice from the orb.
"Why?" Asked Supergirl. "What have I done to you?"
"You have humiliated me" the voice replied. "Do you
know what it feels like to ask mere mortal woman to play the
part of Supergirl for the fulfillment of my sexual
fantasies. The fantasies for which you are responsible? The
women, they look at me as if I were nuts. I knew it was
really you online because you were the only one willing to
play the part."
The orb drew back a few feet. She noticed a video
camera lens in its center. Suddenly, a kryptonic laser beam
shot out at her hitting her in the midsection. It was like a
punch. "Aarghh" she shouted. "I'm definitely starting to
hate this guy" she thought. Another beam hit her in the
face sending her reeling. She was now standing in the center
of her room, arms down by her side, eyes wide open in fear,
legs wobbly. Quite a startling contrast from her normal
power stance. The orb emitted a green light which turned
itself into a fist. It came crashing powerfully against
Supergirl's jaw sending her crashing to the floor.
There she was, the Maiden of Might, the invincible,
powerful, overwhelming girl of steel, on her back on the
floor in the center of her room. Her mind was telling her to
get up, but her body said "fuck this." She now knew how
boxers felt as they heard the count of 10.
She was helpless, weak as a kitten, powers drained.
"And now, Supergirl, or should I say not-so-super-girl,
we'll get started. You'll be amazed!"
The orb emitted a large puff of green smoke into the air. Through glassy eyes, Supergirl watched as the smoke began to take shape. At first it looked like a hologram, but it developed into an actual living breathing figure. It was turning into the most spectacular woman she had ever laid eyes on. The body was now complete. It was perfect. So
absolutely perfect. It was in the tiniest bikini she had
ever seen. Then the face took shape. "Oh my" she gasped. "I
can't believe it! It's Elle Macpherson, the model."
"Correction, Supergirl. You mean super model. But
that's not really her. It's an android which I control and
tonight, she is going to make one of my fantasies come true.
You will see why it is she who deserves the title super and
not you, you helpless, powerless bitch!" Supergirl
desperately wanted to get to her feet. She couldn't take
being spoken to in this manner.
The transformation was now complete. Elle stood there
and struck Supergirl's favorite pose of intimidation. The
power stance! Her shoulders were back, arms resting
powerfully on her hips, legs spread slightly apart. A
powerful and imposing figure. She was clad in a star
spangled bikini of the tiniest dimensions making her world
famous 6 foot body look incredible. The finishing touch was
a pair of Wonder Woman style bangle bracelets she had on her
wrists which, at a second glance, Supergirl realized was
studded with tiny kryptonite jewels. If Supergirl had been
horny at the start of the evening, to her amazement, she was
incredibly horny now at the sight of Elle.
Her brain was sending her a cacophony of mixed signals.
Her jaw ached. Her midsection was sore. Her once powerful
and invulnerable body was weak. She was frightened to be
this helpless. What would become of her? Her breasts ached
from desire under her skintight lycra costume. Her nipples
becoming harder by the second.
From her vantage point, flat on her back on the floor, Elle's legs seemed endless. They were beautifully proportioned, perfectly tanned, and definitely went all the way up. As she focused in on her
bikini bottoms, she felt a tingling in her own nether
region. Her juices were beginning to flow. Her eyes
continued upwards and stopped on Elle's washboard flat
abdomen. Supergirl had always found the midriff to be among
the sexiest parts of the female body. "Pull yourself
together, Supergirl" she chastised herself. "This is a
serious situation here and you're thinking with your cunt!"
But she could not help herself. Her eyes completed the
upward journey. The firm 38" breasts straining valiantly to
pop out of the too tight too sexy too small lycra bikini
bra. And then there was that face. That beautiful face. She
would have to figure out a way to dominate this woman, this
android. Destroy it. Exert her superiority over it. She was
really starting to hate this guy! Or was she?
The tiny camera in the orb was capturing everything as
Supergirl still lay prone on her back on the floor.
"You like what you see, don't you, Supergirl" the voice
said "She is super. You are nothing. You will call her Super
Elle from now on. You will acknowledge her superiority over
His words cut through the proud and once dominant
Supergirl. She summoned up every once of energy she still
had. "Listen to me you son of a bitch whoever you are. I am
Supergirl! The most powerful figure on the planet. Neither
you nor anyone else will ever speak to me like this again.!
I'll find a way to get out of this. I always do. And when I
do, I will hunt you down no matter where you go and then
I'll show you the true meaning of humiliation. As for your 6
foot android bimbo whore ( pant pant), she's nothing
special. You can't impress me! I'm Supergirl. I will never
call her Super Elle nor will she ever be superior to me!!"
She was really starting to hate him! She instantly regretted
that outburst. The energy she used up to yell, could have
been put to better use trying to survive. She know she was
just blowing hot air. Did he?
"Supergirl" the voice said with surprise. "I had no
idea you felt this way. I'm shocked at the hostility in your
voice. In fact, I'm insulted and I'm going to leave now." A
bright flash appeared from nowhere temporarily blinding her!
She cleared her eyes and saw that they were gone!
"What?!?!?!?!" She couldn't believe it. Her computer screen
was blank. The doors and windows back to normal. The orb was
gone. The android was gone. That beautiful sexy android was
gone. Immediately her power began to surge back into her
body. "That's more like it" she said as she stood up and
flexed every muscle in her superpowered body. Her mind was
beginning to wonder. "What just happened here. He had me.
There was no way I could have escaped. I guess when one is
as powerful and feared as I am, a good bluff can go a long
way. " she ran her hands up her inner thighs and breathed in
heavily. "These powerful legs. Oh so powerful." Yet moments
ago they were weak and flabby and she found that erotic.
{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{flash!!!!!}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
Another flash of light! They returned! It was only a
brief lull. A psychological mind fuck! Her pumped up body
deflated rapidly as waves of weakness re-engulfed her.
"You didn't really think you were out of this did you Supergirl? How stupid would I have to be? I've got you, Supergirl. I've got you bad and there is not a thing you can do about it. You will call her Super Elle. You will acknowledge her superiority over you. And will never forget me!" said the voice from the orb.
There she was, face to face with Elle. Elle was in
Supergirl's power stance. Supergirl followed suit, although
she couldn't quite pull it off as always. She was weak.
Crack!! Out of nowhere, Elle landed a solid right to Supergirl's jaw. She followed up with a left and another right. "Uuunggggh" Supergirl screamed as the force of the blows made her wobble backwards. "Ooooommmmmmmfffffff!!!!!!! She groaned as Elle's fist crashed into her abdomen again and again and again. She doubled over in pain. Bam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A roundhouse kick to the face sent her crashing into the corner up against the wall. Had it not been for the wall she would have landed on her ass.
Elle rushed her and continued to pummel her with lefts and rights to the jaw and midsection. Elle was not all that powerful. In fact, she was quite average for a human of her size and stature, but she was too much for Supergirl's weakened condition. She continued to pound away as
Supergirl's now lifeless arms fell to her side, head fell
forward, and slowly slid to the ground.
Elle lifted her up by the hair and left her standing in the corner. She ran to the opposite end, turned around and ran full speed towards
Supergirl's helpless body standing in the corner. She
crashed into her with full force! "Aaaahhhhh" Supergirl
yelled. Elle stepped aside. Supergirl was devastated. Her
legs took three involuntary steps forward and then she
crashed face first into the ground.
"Oooohhhhhhhh'" she groaned as the lay in a heap on the
floor. Elle did not let up. She lifted her up by the hair
and flung her face first into the wall. Supergirl crumbled
to the ground. Elle lifted her again by the hair and flung
her face first into the other wall. Supergirl crumbled to
the ground. She was getting her ass kicked in the worst way!
Elle lifted her again by the hair. She was on her feet.
Her arms were by her side. She faced Elle. Elle grabbed her
in a front bear hug and began to squeeze. Supergirl felt
Elle's breasts up against her own and gasped. Her nipples
hardened immediately. She felt Elle's warm bare upper thighs
against her own and almost creamed instantly. Elle
maintained the pressure holding the two super bodies close
together. Supergirl's limp legs were lifted off the ground.
She rubbed her inner thighs together. She could not help it.
She could not breath. The pressure on her chest was too
much. She began to black out. Her head fell forward and
rested on Elle's shoulders.
Elle brought her lips down to Supergirl's ear and blew gently. Supergirl's eyes popped wide open in surprise. "Don't worry Supergirl" Elle whispered in the sweetest sexiest voice Supergirl had ever
heard. Super Elle let up on the pressure slightly and
continued to blow gently in Supergirl's ear. Supergirl was
going nuts. The thin strip of lycra covering her nether
region was completely soaked. Supergirl's heart sank as she
realized that in her mind she had referred to her opponent
as 'Super Elle.' she knew at that point that she had been
broken. She remembered the orb and the video camera inside.
She hated that Harman, or did she?
In any case, she could not give him the satisfaction of knowing that his plan was working, at least not that she had been broken on the inside. That her sexual urges had taken over. That they now controlled her body. No, there was no way that he could know what was going on inside her. Even she was surprised. Who would have thought that at the worst beating of her life, at her most powerlessness, she would become so highly sexually
Super Elle released her grip and Supergirl fell to the
floor. She grabbed Supergirl's arms and pulled her back on
her feet. What did Elle, Super Elle mean by what she had
said. The only words she uttered.
She stood helplessly in front of Elle. Her super powers
completely drained by the constant exposure to the
kryptonite. It this were the strong stuff , she would have
been dead by now.
Super Elle reached in between Supergirl's legs and lifted her over her head in a professional wrestling style move. Supergirl's body tightened as Super Elle's finger found their way to her g-spot. She immediately withdrew her fingers, only a brief tease, and body slammed Supergirl to the floor. She recoiled in pain.
Not giving her a second to catch her breath, Super Elle lifted her to her feet once again. She grabbed the fabric of Supergirl's costume just below the belt, placed a lifeless arm over her shoulder, and lifted Supergirl upside down over her head. The thin strip of lycra penetrated her lips and sent shudders all up and down her body. Super Elle held Supergirl upside down over her head in preparation for a devastating pro wrestling move known as a suplex. Super Elle leaned back and both women came crashing to the ground.
Supergirl landed flat on her back. All the air in her lungs was expelled instantly. Her legs were gone. She was rocking back and forth in pain. She swore to kill the next person who said that pro wrestling
wasn't real. She was hurt.
Super Elle pulled her to her feel, spun her around, grabbed her breasts and pulled Supergirl's back into her breasts. She was holding her up by
the breasts and massaging her rock hard nipples vigorously.
A billion volts of sexual pulses intermingled with pain shot
through Supergirl's body. She could not control herself. Her
head was arched back, her lips pursed in a "o" and she was rubbing her inner thighs together rapidly. She was putty in her hands.
The kryptonc orb appeared before her eyes, it's camera focusing in on her look of passion. "Say it superbitch! Say it! Call her Super Elle! Show respect to the woman who bested you. Proclaim her superiority."
"Never!!" Supergirl cried approaching the crest of a
powerful orgasm.
"We'll see about that" replied the voice from the orb.
On cue, Super Elle's hands fell from Supergirl's breasts and held her around the waist. Supergirl needed Super Elle's hands on her breasts. She had to have them there. She was on the verge of an orgasm like never before.
"Nnnooooooooooooo!!!" She moaned.
The orb was in her face. "Say it! Say it!."
Supergirl sobbed and shook her head left and right.
"I know what you need, Supergirl. I know what you're
futilely trying to hide. I know you! Now say it!!" Supergirl
remained silent.
Super Elle's hands went up to Supergirl's breast like
they were a moment ago. Supergirl shrieked in ecstasy. She
needed those hands there. She needed to cum. Super Elle
returned her hands to Supergirl's waist. They were torturing
her. They had her. Her head bowed down in defeat. The orb
was in her face again. "Say it!!! Say it!! You're nothing
Supergirl. Nothing at all superbitch. Not-so-super-bitch!!
Say it!!"
Her head was bowed down. The camera in her face. "Sss...sssu...Sssuuppper... Elle."
Super Elle's hands returned to Supergirl's breast and began to rub them with a passion. Supergirl rubbed her inner thighs together rapidly. She needed this orgasm. She was defeated, humiliated, vanquished and conquered, but all that mattered was the orgasm. She brought her hand down to her g-spot and began massaging furiously. Within seconds, the initial waves of her much anticipated orgasm were upon her. Her weakened body began to quiver in Super Elle's arms and her chest heaved up and down as she breathed uncontrollably." Aaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaa hhhhhhhhhhhhh
Just as the orgasm peaked, Super Elle placed her arm around Supergirl's neck and began to run forward. She jumped in the air with Supergirl in tow by the neck and landed on her butt. Supergirl landed face first on the ground with the added pressure from Elle's weight. This was another pro move. A finishing move called a bulldog. Supergirl was a quivering mass on the ground. She had not recovered from the
orgasm yet and was completely devastated by the bulldog.
"What's with this pro wrestling? What the hell are they doing?" She wondered. She was lying face flat on the floor. She felt Super Elle's hands on her arm. She was rolling her over on her back. She was powerless, lying on her back. Super Elle leaned down and placed her body on top of hers. Supergirl quivered to the feel of Elle's bikini clad body. Super Elle grabbed her leg, hooked it and pinned Supergirl's
shoulders to the floor. The glowing green orb was right
there. "One...two.. Three! It's over! It's over!! Supergirl
has been pinned!! Supergirl has been pinned!!" The orb was
going on and on. Supergirl was stunned at the stupidity of
this all. Was this a wrestling match? What was wrong with
this guy. She really hated him.
"Ladies and gentlemen, the unbelievable has occurred.
The mighty, indestructible, all powerful maiden of might,
princess of power, woman of steel has been pinned by a mere
model. A super model. Who's super now!!"
The orb was spinning wildly putting on a kryptonic
light show shooting laser beams all over the room.
Supergirl's room of doom. Each beam that hit her weakened
her even further. "Ladies and gentlemen?" She thought in
horror. "Was he broadcasting this all over the world? Oh the
Elle posed provocatively in front of Supergirl's nearly
lifeless prone body.
She heard that voice that she now hated. "And now for the main event!" The orb began to spin wildly once again and thick smoke filled the room. Suddenly, out of the smoke, a bed appeared in the center of the room.
Super Elle lifted Supergirl's prone body off the floor
and put her on the bed. There were shackles on all four
corners and Super Elle proceeded to secure each one around
Supergirl's wrists and ankles. Supergirl was spread eagle on
the bed.
"I'm going to take you to where you've never been
before, cream puff" Super Elle said in the softest, sweetest
sexiest voice Supergirl had ever heard. She could not
understand what they were doing to her.
Super Elle removed her top exposing her truly super
breasts. One hour ago, Supergirl wouldn't have given these
breasts a second thought knowing that her own were truly the
most spectacular. But now things were different. She was
beaten, vanquished, conquered and subdued. She was no longer
the ultimate.
Super Elle leaned over and her super breasts fell onto Supergirl's face. She swayed her shoulders and her luscious breasts swayed back and forth on Supergirl's face, never stopping long enough to give Supergirl's lips to latch on to a nipple. She toyed with the formally Supergirl for a while and said "There'll be time for me later."
Super Elle grabbed Supergirl's boots and began massaging her gently. She slowly went higher and higher, massaging every inch of her exposed legs and thighs. Supergirl could not understand how the woman how had so brutally beaten her could now be so gentle. Super Elle's
fingers were like magic. They were driving her crazy. The
sexual energy was building up. She moaned with delight and
anticipation as Super Elle's magical hands worked there way
up her inner thighs. Her pussy was going to be next and she
shuddered in delight. She screamed in agony as Super Elle,
her conqueror, deliberately ignored her sopping wet pussy
and proceeded upwards. Through the fabric of her
indestructible skin tight costume she felt Super Elle's
magical hands making their way across her stomach. She was
shaking her head back and forth in delight, moaning and
groaning loudly, straining at her shackles. She nearly
bit her tongue as Super Elle began to nibble at the rock
hard nipples protruding from underneath the mythical "S".
Super Elle massaged her breasts for what seemed like an
eternity. She had never experienced such pleasure. She had
never been so dominated. She wondered why the orb had become
so silent. Why she wasn't hearing the voice of the man who
she hated. Well, maybe, not really.
Super Elle stepped up the pace. She began kissing
Supergirl's neck and she thought she would explode. She
continued up to her ears and stuck her tongue in
provocatively. "Ooooooooooooooooooooooo hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She was exploding. What was
the point of this. Where was he? Why didn't he tell her what
was going on here. What did he hope to accomplish here!!!!
Super Elle planted her lips on those of the powerless princess, the maiden of meek, and damsel of desire. The horny bitch!!! Her tongue darted back in forth inside her mouth. She was in sheer ecstasy. She imagined what that tongue, that super tongue could do if it were put to use In a better place. Could it happen. Would she have to beg for
it. Would she?
As if Super Elle was reading her vanquished victim's mind, she lowered her lips onto the spot where Supergirl was prepared to have begged for. Super Elle's super tongue went to work, working Supergirl up as never before. Her body was powerless, yet it seems as if the sexual stimulation was giving her enough power to respond. Super Elle's technique was splendid. There was something familiar about it. She was
tracing the alphabet with her tongue! How clever!
On the few occasions that Linda Danvers had allowed
herself to be licked by a man, she found that they usually
do it like they're painting a house. Up down, left right.
This was so...refreshing! P...q...r...s..t. T. The glorious
t. This set the wheels of her upcoming orgasm in motion.
Suddenly she stopped. "Hey! What's going on" she thought.
The orb was back in n her face. "Say it superwimp!! Say it!! Declare Super Elle's superiority! You didn't think I forgot, did you? Say it!!!"
She hated him! She couldn't say it. She was Supergirl she was superior. She was the most powerful, the most desired woman on the planet. She could not say it! He began to hum the ABC song. Super Elle went back to work.
P.q.r.s...she stopped. "Aaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh!!!!!!!" She screamed shaking her head back and
" Say it!!!! Say it!!!!!"
Super Elle went back to work as he hummed.p.q.r.s.. She
stopped. Supergirl whimpered.
" Say it!!!! Say it!!!!!"
Super Elle went back to work. P.q.r.s...she stopped.
She rocked her head back and forth back and forth back
and forth. She needed this orgasm. She was spineless,
powerless, helpless, defeated by her own inner urges.
"" she gasped.
"Who?" The voice roared back at her.
" Please...I said it" she pleaded.
"Who is superior?" The voice bellowed again.
She had lost. She had truly lost. She hated him.
"Super to me."
Super Elle went to work with a vengeance. Within
seconds, Supergirl was in the grips of the orgasm of her
life. She was bucking and thrusting her hips wildly. Super
Elle took the palm of her hand and pressed down on
Supergirl's pelvic bone. This enhanced the feeling a
thousand fold as she tried with all her might to thrust
against the palm of Super Elle. The orgasm went on and on,
and when she was done, she lay there wondering what would be
next. She could actually die now and never miss another
thing after that ultimate orgasm which just wracked her
powerless body. She was wondering when she would hear that
voice. That voice that she hated. Or did she?
Super Elle arose from between her legs. Without saying
a word, she slipped out of her bikini briefs. She was stark
naked. Suddenly, the orb released another massive plume of
smoke and when it cleared, Supergirl could see that Super
Elle was now covered in an "S". Her "S". Not exactly. Super
Elle was wearing a blue lycra top with the red and yellow
"S" emblazoned along her beautiful breasts. It was a cut off
top which ended below her breasts. She was stark naked from
there on down.
Now Supergirl was really aroused. She could not believe
how sexy Super Elle, now truly super, looked. She was
gushing below. She needed more.
Super Elle, however, had a different agenda. She
climbed on the bed and straddled Supergirl's face.
Instinctively, Supergirl's tongue reached out and proceeded
to lick Super Elle's marvelous pussy. It was a remarkable
turn on. All she could think of was the top Super Elle was
After two minutes Elle stepped off.
The voice returned. "Superwimp. You are a failure. You
couldn't even make her cum. You're useless."
She hated that voice. She tried to protest." There
wasn't.. Enough time."
"Shut up superbitch! This android woman, whom you
yourself admit is superior to you, will show you what it
takes. You'll be amazed, Supergirl."
Another cloud of smoke appeared and when it dissipated,
Super Elle was holding in her hands a 10 inch dildo made of
kryptonite attached to a strap.
Supergirl's eyes widened in horror (or was it
anticipation) at the sight of Super Elle strapping this
moderately large tool on her body. Her leg shackles opened.
Her legs were free. Super Elle climbed up on the bed,
spread Supergirl's powerless legs, moved the thin strip of
lycra which barely covered her lips, and slowly began
penetrating her one inch at a time. Supergirl melted. All
her systems overloaded. She was no longer coherent. She was
not longer in any control of her body. The hardness of the
dildo, the effects of the kyrptonite now inside her body,
the sexual stimulation of this entire evening, was too much.
Super Elle started off slow and picked up speed and
power as she went on. There was nothing like a cock in the
hands of someone who truly understood a vagina. She was now
trusting like a wild woman. Supergirl was coming over and
over again. Super Elle continued for 45 minutes without
letting up. The tremors through Supergirl's body were so
strong. She was coming over and over and over again. The
kryptonite made it one long continuous non stop orgasm.
Supergirl was thrusting wildly. Her eyes rolled back in her
head and she screamed aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
She brought her arms down with such force that they
broke the shackles. Her arms were free!!
Then it all stopped. The orgasm ended. Super Elle
dismounted. Supergirl fell into a deep sleep.
Supergirl awoke and found herself on her back on the
floor. She was strong. She had her powers. She lifted
herself up on her elbows and looked around.
There was nothing. No remnants of what just went on
here. Did it really happen? She brought her fingers down to
her pussy. The fabric was wet. Her lips were sore. It was
What now? Where they coming back? Was this part of the
She looked at her computer screen. The America on line
sign on window was active. Should she sign on? What if the
orb returned? What if she had to hear that voice again? The
voice that she hated. Or did she?
She signed on.
"You have mail" her computer said. It was from Harman.
It was entitled "An after thought" She could not resist and clicked it on. The message was short and simple:
That was it.
She hated him. Or did she?
Asa Akira: Wicked Fuck Doll
Watch Full HD movie now in Stone Rage Catfights