Janet Jackson vs. Jennifer Lopez by Wildword 3/17/01

After watching Toni Braxton humiliate Christina Aguilera,
Janet turns to Toni and sighs, "That was fun and it made
me hot. I'm ready for a little more fun. I'll see you later."
She heads down the hall to Jennifer Lopez' dressing
room where she bursts in without knocking.
"What the..." Jennifer murmurs as she stands
up. "Who da fuck do you think you are to come busin' in without
Janet smiles, "Oh I just wanted to have a little
chat with you." Janet sits down and crosses her firm legs
and says, "I'm really glad Puffy finally got wise and ditched
you. I could never understand what he was doing with you anyway,
not when there's so many hot sista's out there."
Jennifer puts her hands on her hips and flips her
long, black hair haughtily, "I'll have you know it was ME
who let HIM go - if its any of YOUR business!"
Janet just chuckles as she looks Jennifer up and
down, then goes on.
"'nother thing I wondered 'bout. How can anyone
say you got the greatest ASS? It's obvious they haven't checked
out MY fabulous Black booty if they dumb enough to say THAT stuff."
Jennifer smirks and says, "I don't think they're
interested in the FAT-est ass dear. It's pretty obvious you came
here to pick a fight with me. Apparently, nobody warned you not
to mess with a Puerto Rican."
Janet stands up and pushes her chest into Jennifer's.
"Oh, I heard 'bout you caning Carmen Electra's ass at that
party. Don't scare me none, cause you ain't gonna get away tryin'
THAT shit with me!
Jennifer smiles as she backs up toward her make-up
"Yeah I did cane that slut's ass. Hell, I. heard
she couldn't sit down for days. You should know I still have the
cane and your ass is a lot bigger target than hers."
Janet pulls herself up to her full height and sneers,
"Well, then bring it on girl!"
Jennifer launches herself at Janet and immediately
grabs her by the hair. Jennifer rips out huge chunks of Janet's
hair before Janet finally frees herself from the Latina's grip.
Jennifer Laughs at Janet as she brandishes two handfuls of hair
she pulled out.
'Nobody messes with J-LO," she says as she throws
the hair in Janet's face.
Janet blinks and throws herself back at Jennifer.
The two women soon have their hands on each others bare breasts,
painfully twisting them into unnatural positions. Jennifer is
soon forced to her knees and Janet manages to wrap her long, strong
legs around the Puerto Rican's head, effectively pinning Jennifer.
Janet then takes time to return the favor by yanking
out several strands of Jennifer' hair and slowly dropping it on
her face. But she soon tires of that and so she pulls Jennifer
to her feet and slams her back against the wall. Janet uses Jennifer's
body for a punching bag, landing numerous rapid-fire blows to
her face and breast until Jennifer is defeated and almost unconscious.
Her arms hang limp at her sides and she no longer makes an effort
to defend herself.
Janet rips a lamp cord out of the wall and uses it
to ties Jennifer arms behind her back. Janet leans Jennifer back
against the wall and for the next couple of minutes the Black
Avenger uses Jennifer's bare breasts like punching bags. Jennifer
can only howl in pain and beg for mercy as her beautiful firm
breasts are beaten and slammed back and forth until they turn
from an ugly red to purple, black and blue.
Finally, Janet steps back and takes a deep breath.
As she examines Jennifer's battered body, she says, "Now,
THAT was fun! But I never leave a job half done. Come here, we
gotta take care of the other end."
Jennifer looks dazed and uncomprehending as Janet
pulls the lovely Latina over her lap.
"I think we need to get to the seat of your
problem, hon. I wanna see what everyone thinks is so special 'bout
your booty."
Janet holds the helpless Jennifer bent over her knee
as she grabs the large hairbrush Jennifer had been using to brush
her hair.
"This should do nicely," she purrs, looking
at the hairbrush.
Sobbing and pleading, Jennifer realizes what Janet
has in mind and begs, "NO! Please don't spank me. My ass
is my money maker, please don't punish it."
Janet laughs, "Bullshit! I never thought your
ass was that great anyway. I can make some improvements on it
that'll make it an even bigger attraction than it is now. Well,
at least when I am through it'll be bigger - until the swelling
goes down anyway. And it'll certainly have more color in your
cheeks; like a nice bright red."
Janet brings the hairbrush down in rapid fashion,
giving the diva's ass the paddling of her life. Jennifer can
only sob, cry and moan as Janet blisters her bare bottom.
As she spanks her, Janet tells Jennifer, "Yeah,
I used to give that bitch LaToya spankings like this. Funny, she
didn't take it any better'n you. You're both a coupla crybabies."
As Jennifer weeps and squirms in pain, Janet pauses,
runs her fingers lightly over Jennifer's crimson cheeks and says,
" I don't know what the hell Puffy ever saw in you. You're
just a big sissy..."
"...a crybaby..."
"...a wimp..."
Janet's arm finally tires of the spanking, so she
pushes Jennifer off her lap and kicks her over into a sitting
position in the corner of the room.
Janet stands in front of Jennifer and tells the red-eyed
Latina, "Now I'm gonna give you an up close and personal
look at a real, great ass."
Jennifer looks up in fear and shakes her head, "No,
No!" as Janet turns around and backs her large, bare, black
bottom up into Jennifer's tear-streaked face. Janet rubs her bare
ass all over Jennifer's face. While Jennifer cries, and whimpers,
her perky nose is forced up and down the crack of Janet's ass.
After she's satisfied, Janet lifts Jennifer under
the arms and drops her ass in a chair she's prepared specially
for her. Jennifer yells as her tender and sore red bare bottom
drops on the bristles of two hairbrushes Janet has laid on the
seat of the chair.
As Jennifer squirms in pain, Janet laughs, "Bet
that really gets to those world famous cheeks, huh girl?"
Janet's enjoyment is interrupted by a knock at the
Clapping a hand over Jennifer's mouth before she
can cry out for help, Janet warily asks, "Who's there?"
"Toni," comes a whispered reply.
Janet hesitates, then she says, "OK, come in."
Toni Braxton comes in and sees the sight of a naked
Jennifer Lopez, crying as she is forced to sit on hairbrushes.
Toni holds her stomach as she laughs and tells Janet,
"I wondered where you disappeared to! Looks like you had
some fun here today too. Guess we've both had a good day."
Janet nods, "Oh, boy. I sure did! But somehow,
it doesn't seem like I've done enough. Think we should get Carmen
Electra some pictures of Ms Lopez' well-punished bottom."
Toni states, "Yes, sure. I bet she'd appreciate
it. Hold on, I'll go get my camera."
As she leaves, Toni tells Janet, "It looks like
J-Lo went from having the worlds best ass to the worlds worst."
Eyeing Jennifer's red sore swollen behind, Janet
"Hurry back with that camera, we have to show
everybody our handiwork."
Janet and Braxton spend the next hour forcing Jennifer
to pose in various awkward and humiliating positions while they
take hundreds of Polaroid pictures of her well-punished and red
bottom. With her hands still bound, Jennifer is helpless and in
no position to argue and after a brief resistance, she poses for
the pictures in every position desired by Braxton and Jackson.
Rumors about the existence of pictures showing a well
spanked Jennifer Lopez ass circulated for months afterward, but so far none have turned up on the Internet to "prove" the rumors are anything more than a horny geek fantasy. But is it?