Tia Carrere (62%) Blasts
Jennifer Lopez (38%) Tia’s hide
and seek match last month vs. Christina
Applegate suited "The Relic Hunter" to a tee.
When she suggested another on location
match for her fight with Jennifer Lopez she
was surprised at Jennifer’s eager response.
Then she was reminded of Jennifer’s affinity
for fighting almost anywhere and the beating
she had also given Christina Applegate
several months back in a gymnasium parking
lot. A location with an outdoor setting was
agreed on. They would meet in a forested
area in the Everglades Park owned by the
t.v. studio. This suited both Tia as an action
adventure star and Jennifer as it was near her
own backyard of Miami.
Tia was driven to the area of a cabin far in
the backwoods. Jennifer had yet to arrive but
she was assured she was not far behind as
she readied herself . The heat and humidity
was oppressive and Tia wearing a pair of
green shorts cut so high they could’ve been
called briefs along with a black top
underneath a green shirt which she had tied
to expose her midriff. She was adjusting her
ecru socks and tightening the laces of her
black hiking boots as she heard the jeep pull
up with Jennifer and the few invited guests.
She looked up trying to feign little attention
to Jennifer’s arrival and more on her boot
laces as she knelt on the pine needle riddled
ground. But truth in fact her mind was all on
She glanced up to see that Jennifer had
slipped around the corner of the cabin
dressed similarly to Tia except for Khaki
colored shorts and beige boots with white
socks. Unlike Tia she only wore a bikini top.
Both women’s skin already shone with sweat
as the early afternoon sun broke through the
evergreens and cypress trees. The only other
people there were a few invited guests who
had rode up with the combatants. Their
presence was not only to cheer on their
particular favorite but they would also film the
fight which was being fed live to monitors in a
studio as well as care for the fighters should
they become injured.
Jennifer made a gesture for Tia to come on.
Tia rose to her feet. There was no pretense
to why they were there. They were there to
fight, so with no words spoken the two
approached and started to swing fists. Both
had connected with some but managed to
block other fists. They embraced as closed
fists found their way to ribs. Tia had rolled
back Jennifer with a palm to the chin and was
trying to deliver a blow to her throat as
Jennifer raked her eyes and then tried to flip
Tia. Tia held fast and drove a knee into the
still bent over Jennifer. They struggled for
dominance as suddenly Tia’s back was
rammed against the still hot hood of the
Jennifer’s Jeep.
She screamed and turned ramming Jennifer’s
head into the metal. Jennifer shook off the
impact and felt for bleeding as she felt a lump
rising on her forehead. She looked around
ready for the attack but couldn’t find Tia. Tia
like the wildcats that populated the area had
climbed to a nearby low branch of a tree
about 6 feet above ground. Jennifer found
her foe too late as she nervously scanned the
area only to be met by Tia’s heavily booted
feet as she used the small but substantial
branch to flip down and kick her foe in the
face and chest. Jennifer was on her back
shaking her head as Tia lifted herself to her
perch and leapt off onto the prone Jen. Jen
nearly caught her with her raised knees just
as Tia impacted but she managed to roll only
getting a glancing blow while nailing Jen in
the upper torso and head. Tia held her ribs
as they did absorb some of Jen’s knees while
she waited for Jen to get up.
Their bodies stung with sweat, pine sap and
dirt now which made them miserable and all
the more irritable in the fight. As soon as Jen
rolled to her knees and nearly upright she
was caught by a hard kick from Tia that
reeled her back and the two were once again
face to face with fists but Jen was more on
the defensive as she lunged at Tia ramming
her back into the very tree she used for her
offense. She flipped Tia as they struggled
back into the woods a short way over her.
They found they were on a slight incline
leading to a marshy area. The two in an
embrace rolled down the incline till they hit
the bottom some fifteen to twenty feet.
women were somewhat disoriented as Jen’s
back had landed against a small sapling and
Tia felt her back soaked in water. They were
just up again now finding their footing
precariously in either hard soil or steadily
spongy water soaked soil to the point it was
all mud just a few feet away. As Tia had
gotten up the groggy and hurting Jen
readied for the attack grabbing a large stick
and swinging at Tia. She managed to miss
all but one hit which hurt like hell against her
ribs. Jen tried to aim it at her legs but Tia
jumped and lunged at Jen grabbing the stick
for leverage and pulling Jen towards her
where she caught her in a neckbreaker. As
she held her she delivered a couple vicious
fists to her throat, chest and face. Jen still
had some fight left in her as she raked her
eyes and the two fell back in the mud. With
their heavily booted feet weighing them down
and the mud obscuring their vision Jen felt
she had gained an advantage and moved
in. She was suddenly feeling stung as pain
shot through her body. Tia had removed her
now mud and water soaked shirt and used it
as a weapon striking it at Jen. She now
grabbed Jen as she pulled her toward her
with the shirt and discarded it before Jen
could use it. A couple well placed fists at
close range and now grabbing her by the
head in a front facelock, she backed into the
water and held Jen under till she flailed her
arms in surrender.
Making sure she wasn’t playing possum she
lifted her out only to dunk her again till she
could feel the fight was all out of Jen. Tia
dropped her back on the mud as Jen’s people
assisted her and the victorious Tia’s friends
helped her back up the hill leaving Jen
gasping for breath and crying out for revenge.
Down & Dirt like Tia likes it! |
Jennifer goes down again |