Four Course Meal


NOTE - This match follows events of BATTLELINES 3 WRAP UP SHOW

"We have both the champion and challenger in the ring and ready for action!" Cole Hunter reports from the commentator's desk.

"Jennifer Love Hewitt is patriotically dressed in a red white and blue flag inspired bikini top and Daisy Duke cutoff jean shorts." Jam Rodriguez notes loudly as the other commentator. "I think she is trying to steal a little crowd approval because her behavior has not been worthy of those colors lately, in my opinion. She cheated by using a cattle prod to win her match against Kim Kardashian. Then she held Kim and her teammate, Demi Lovato hostage and dressed them up like cows to force Jennifer Lopez to give her this title shot." Jam recants. "Also she and her new faction apparently, destroyed Salma Hayek, Lucy Liu and would be rescuer, Roselyn Sanchez after their match. Hewitt and her crew have become a terror of late, instead of All-American sweethearts."

"Hewitt has been a bad girl lately, but to many she is still America's Sweetheart." Cole adds. "To be fair, what is up with Jennifer Lopez's faction, the Fab Fifty? Tia Carrere and Halle Berry have not been their normal heroic selves. They have been acting like rogue, outlaw, renegades so far tonight. The Fab Fifty have been nothing but bitter old bitches that's creating chaos. Maybe JLo is about to show a different side of herself too."

The ring announcer takes the center of the ring and commands everybody's attention. "In the red corner...... We have the challenger, fighting out of Waco, Texas and weighing one hundred and twenty eight pounds, with measurements of 38, 26 and 38 inches..... JLove, Jennifer Love Hewiittt!" Hewitt bounces in her corner making her curvy body jiggle inside her American flag inspired outfit. She raises a hand to acknowledge her fans and totally ignores her detractors voicing their disapproval.

"Her opponent!" the announcer continues with his voice building. Eyes immediately turn to the champion. JLo is still wearing a smirk from a serious doubt that the challengers weight and measurements are accurate. "Innnn the blue corner and coming from The Bronx New York, and weighting one hundred and thirty pounds with measurements of 34, 26 and 37, the reigning War Queen champion, aka Jenny From the Block, aka The Bronx Bomber...... Jennifer Lopez!" JLo receives a hearty welcome. She turns stone faced for the impending battle. JLo raises the championship belt above her head and makes a revolution around the ring. As JLo passes Hewitt, who has her back turned, JLo smashes the gold belt into the side of Hewitt's face. JLo drops the belt and starts beating the piss out of Hewitt with both fists of stone.

The audience loudly gasps and responds in total shock. "I told you! I told you!" Cole loudly exclaims to Jam. "Your heroic Fab Four have been destroyed and slaughtered. They're dead and gone. There's only this old, desperate Fab Fifty remaining." Hewitt is cowering and getting clobbered before she even got her ring jacket off. The bell rings despite the chaos because the fun has begun. The referee is trying to get JLo off of Hewitt. There is finally a break in the assault when Hewitt is pounded to the mat and rolls under the ropes to flee the ring. While the referee immediately reprimands and criticizes JLo, Hewitt tries to get herself together outside the ring. "The Fab Fifty are a bunch of bitter old losers. I"ll let you in on some insider secrets. This is the entertainment industry and we have rules, written and unwritten like everyone else. The Fabs tried to jump up the food chain without going through proper channels. Now they are being punished. The powers that be sent the Chosen to punish them. The Chosen whipped them good and took their Fab Four name and their glory from them. Now they are crazy, mean old women that are mad at the system." Cole finishes.

Hewitt tosses off her ring jacket and climbs on to the ring apron, salivating at getting revenge on JLo. However JLo greets her by grabbing a handful of Hewitt's hair and tossing her over the ropes and back into the ring. JLo viciously stomps the actress a few times before grabbing another handful of hair to haul her startled rival to her feet. JLo forcefully escorts Hewitt into the corner like she was a small child. There JLo wails on Hewitt's chest and big fat breasts with forearm shots. Then JLo advances by climbing on the middle turnbuckle and rears back to pound Hewitt's picture perfect face. Hewitt dodges the punch leaving the champion off balance for an instant. Hewitt use that brief instant to give JLo enough nudge to send her tumbling head over heels off her perch and over the top rope to the arena floor.

JLo was caught off guard, off balance and out of sorts. She tumbles out of control for a hard landing on the back of her head. JLo grabs her head but tries to stand. She is obviously dazed and staggers around. Ringside fans saw how hard she fell and were not surprised that she is addle. They were surprised that once she stopped stumbling, she immediately climbs back on the apron to get back into the fight. Hewitt meets her and tosses JLo over the top rope and back into the ring.

JLo lands hard on her back with confusion still written on her face. Hewitt reached down and grabs both of JLo's ankles and hooks her feet under Hewitt's arms. Hewitt falls backward onto her back and slingshots Jlo across the ring, from one corner across the ring to the other corner. JLo lands hard on her chest and face. She is wide eyed and trying to find her bearing, but Hewitt has her ankles again and turns her back over on her back with her feet hooked for another slingshot. As soon as JLo realizes what's happening, she has been slingshot back across the ring, back to the other corner. This time JLo nose dives on her face and skids on her nose.

JLo wisely rolls away and gets a little distance to the ropes to help her rise. Looking for a time out, JLo puts one foot through the ropes for the referee to break the action. Jlo is half in the ring and half on the apron. She is motioning to the referee to make Hewitt back off according to the rules. However Jlo has already established that the rules are more suggestions than essential in this match. So Hewitt grabs JLo's hair again and tries to toss her back into the ring. Since JLo had a leg in the ring an one out, she got all twisted up in the ropes. JLo ends up hanging upside down with both legs caught between an intertwined between the twisted together top and middle rope. JLo is upside down hanging helplessly like a bat. Hewitt gets a few cheap kicks and stomps at the helpless champion before the referee orders her to a neutral corner under the threat of disqualification.

The referee tries to tug the ropes apart to free JLo's ankles. However shrewdly Hewitt is on the opposite side of the ring and leaning and pushing on the top rope to make them tighter and the task much harder. Finally the referee turns and sees Hewitt working against him. He yells and demands she stop pushing on the ropes vehemently. He turns and puts one foot on the middle ropes to use his body weight to help separate the ropes and free the champion. Hewitt seizes the opportunity to dart over and kick the one leg that the referee is standing on out from under him. All the fans burst into laughter as the referee falls on his ass with a boom. Hewitt then proceeds to kick the trapped JLo at will again. JLo is pretty much helpless as Hewitt stomps the struggling and twisting champion that is trapped like a rat in a trap. The referee recovers his feet and pulls the ropes apart to free JLo.

JLo's body tumbles to the mat from hanging upside down. She tries to scramble away but Hewitt seizes her rival before she can escape. Hewitt quickly fires several shots to the champion's gut before she hair hauls her up. Hewitt seizes JLo and showcases her curvy and voluptuous figure's strength as she hoist JLo up like a sack of potatoes and body slams her into the mat.

The fans are going nuts between the comedy and the sexy competitors with tits and asses jiggling. Everybody is having a good time and cheering the action and about forgot who they came to root for. Hewitt is feeling the energy and emotion and is extremely hyped. She yells and flexes for the crowd. JLo dizzily stands where Hewitt scoops the champ up again. Hewitt flaunts JLo around before slamming JLo down even harder and more resounding than before. The audience is at an apex, Hewitt is so exited that she is about to burst. She runs into the ropes and rebounds off to leap in the air for a Hulk Hogan leg drop on the champion. JLo's mouth drops open as she sees Hewitt's big ass coming down on her, and she vacates the area and quickly gets out of the way. Hewitt comes crashing down on her ass incredibily hard. She arches her back and howls like a wolf.

JLo scrambles to her feet. Then she nails Hewitt in the face with a spinning round kick while she is sitting there. The champion leaps and twists in the air and comes crashing down on top of Hewitt with a spectacular and flashy standing moonsault. JLo grabs Hewitt's Daisy Duke shorts and wraps Hewitt into a tight pin. The referee drops to make the count. Hewitt cannot kick out with the champion getting the illegal advantage of grabbing the tights. The referee makes the three count and the bell rings. The referee hops back to his feet and is raising the champion's hand before the audience knew what just happened. Hewitt rolls out of the ring to the floor and tries to understand what the fuck just happened. Months of plotting and planning just went up in smoke in three quick seconds.

The fans start grumbling and feel cheated by the quick and illegal finish abruptly ending their fun. Soon after Hewitt is livid. She is yelling and protesting the illegal finish. "You fucking bitch, you cheated! This is bull shit!! This is total bull shit ref! Look at the replay!! I deserve another chance! She cheated!"

"It was blatant! That bitter old woman cheated!" Cole agrees from the announcer's call. "She didn't cheat because she had to. She didn't cheat to win for personal advancment! She cheated to cause chaos! The system is fine with cheating to get ahead, it accounts for that. JLo cheated to mock the system. That will not be tolerated!"

JLo calmly grabs the mic and looks at Hewitt with all grace and composure. "You cheated to get this match bitch! You got what you deserved." JLo pauses briefly. "But you haven't gotten everything that you deserve. Not after what you did to Kim (Kardashian) Demi (Lovato) and Roselyn (Sanchez). We want more. I'll give you another title shot. All you have to do is get your three friends from backstage, and I'll call my girls out. We'll have a brawl.... no rules. All you got to do is beat a title shot out of me. Kick my ass and I"ll sign a contract for you to have a title shot, any time any place and anywhere. It will be money in the bank for you."

Jlo's eyes remain challengingly locked with Hewitt's. Hewitt senses something very different about this woman since their defeat by the Chosen. JLo wants revenge for all the bedlam that Hewitt and her crew have caused. She is willing to risk her title and reputation to get it for herself and her team. Instantly the ring fills with Coco, Demi Lovato and Kim Kardashian, looking for a fight. The audience is roaring for a fight. Hewitt is still undecided about her next move, when Alyssa Milano leads the rest of the team of Lacey Chathbert and Sarah Michelle Gellar to Hewitt's side on the floor. Alyssa screams "If you want a brawl then you got one. We'll whip all your sloppy fat asses all over this arena!" Hewitt's mouth drops as she whirls her head around to Alyssa in shock.

Lacey and Sarah were not shocked and follows Alyssa into the ring. Hewitt thought that she was the leader of the group but apparently not. So she follows suit and enters into the ring too. JLo's Fab crew sportingly allows them free entry into the ring without harassment. They wanted to leave no doubt about kicking these bitches asses once and for all. Once they entered the ring, all hell breaks loose.

Kim charges at Hewitt from the moment that she enters. Kim is still driven by that ill fated Texas Branding match. She was shocked with a cattle prod. Hewitt totally humiliated Kim. The big booty reality star was tied her up, dressed like a cow and milked by Hewitt. The fire from that humiliation was blazing within her. Kim tears into Hewitt like a savage beast.

The two blondes, Coco and Sarah Michelle quickly find each other and square up against one another. They had a brief encounter following the Branding match and were eager to decide a clear winner between the two of them. Coco feels like she should easily overcome this skinny petite blonde, but in their last encounter, Sarah proved much more of a challenge. For her own ego and sanity Coco has to break this little woman. Sarah is confident that she is able to whip this big cow with her massive tits and ass into submission. With rumors of a Buffy The Vampire reboot on the horizon, a Coco knock out would launch Sarah back to her height of popularity in the 90's.

Lacey and Demi are the two least experienced fighters in the ring, so they found it natural to square off against one another. Both are fairly new to this wild brawling. They were trained to compete in the ring under supervised conditions. Both struggle to adapt and quickly develop new strategies.

JLo and Alyssa were left to match up. The vixens were fine and happy about it. They have been in historic FAB vs ABA team battles, that have helped shape the league. Although they have never had a singles match, they are very familiar with each other. Both know the scouting report on the other thoroughly. The vixens share a quick smile at each other before the fisticuffs begin.

In one corner of the ring things are being settled pretty quickly. Kim tears into Hewitt like a blood thirsty werewolf. Her fists flew too fast, landed too hard and came too fiercely to be denied. "Damned! Kim must have had some pent up issues from their Texas Branding match." Cole jokes.

"I'll say, that's an understatement." Jam adds. "She's tearing into Hewitt."

"More like she's ripping Love Hewitt a new ass hole." Cole finishes.

Kim was unleashing all her pain, humiliation, frustration and disappointment from that match. Kim had trained for a victory. She fought and was on her way to kicking Hewitt's ass. Then Hewitt shamelessly cheated and robbed her of glory. Then Hewitt followed by dumping inhuman abuse and humiliation on Kim. The irate reality star's bombs had Hewitt swaying like tree in a hurricane. She is trying to cover up, but is still getting bashed and battered. Kim has claws too. She is snatching hair out by the roots and scratching and squeezing Hewitt's beautiful bosom. Kim snatches off Hewitt's star spangled top then sends Hewitt to the mat with a wicked left hook. Kim takes a moment to stuff the top in her Skim's yoga pants as a trophy before continuing battering her foe into dust. Kim is amazingly sexy in her feral state. The normally composed and cultured billionaire displays the inner intensity and ferocity that has made her a household name for generations to come. Meanwhile Hewitt is floundering around trying to defend herself and fight back as best she can. Those big exposed tits are flopping around madly, putting on a show of their own. The whipped middle aged woman's juicy ass is sagging out the bottom of jean shorts as a really big bonus. "Hewitt's just getting the total shit kicked out of her." Jam adds in his professional opinion.

In another corner, the slender blonde and the stacked blonde are having a test of skill verses power. The veteran slayer, Sarah has tremendous skill that can best Coco. Her strikes are precise, swift, stiff and accurate enough to knock Coco loopy. Sarah's advantages are evenly balanced by Coco's strength, power and athleticism. Coco has dynamite in both fists and does not need a perfect punch to knock Sarah's block off. Any old good shot will do. Both address each other aggressively and confidently but cautiously as well. Then Coco starts trash talking the disciplined blonde. "Is that all your skinny ass has got?" Coco teases after one of Sarah's blows. After eating a right cross Coco laughs, "You're supposed to be a slayer or something, lil' girl?" The taunting gets under Sarah's skin and she quickly makes a mistake. Wham! Bam! Boom! Coco's dangerous fists puts Sarah dazed and on the ropes literally. Coco really laughs loudly now. Her measured strikes, just punish Sarah. "Too fucking easy!" Coco laughs.

Coco laughs and amuses herself as she picks Sarah apart with a few more blistering taps. Then lightening strikes. Sarah's foot charges up like a lightening bolt. It has the speed and power as if it was summoned by Thor, the god of thunder hmself. It strikes right between Coco's thunder thighs in her pussy. Coco's mouth opens for a silent scream before she drops to both knees holding her excruciating pussy. The dismal woman looks up. "Gutter fucking whore! You're too easy!" Sarah says before unleashing a side kick to Coco's face that snaps her head back and sends her to the mat.

If this was not a gang fight, someone would have stopped the fight now. Since she had the luxury of time, Sarah decides to have some fun. She seizes the front of Coco's shirt and pulls the dreamy eyed blonde's upper body off the mat. Sarah takes her time to measure Coco before drilling her in the face with a big punch. Quite a few more follow snapping Coco's head back and forth. Coco's thin white tank top starts stretching and giving away allowing Coco's big brown nipples to peak out. Not wanting to hurt her fist Sara begins bitch smacking the busty MILF making her head and eyes spin around.

This continues until out of no where, Coco's hand shoots up and seizes Sarah's windpipe. Sarah looks like a fish with her eyes bulging and her mouth opening and closing hoping to gulp a bit of air. Then a heavy handed smack paint brushes Sarah's face. A backhanded pimp smack follows on the other side of her face. Sarah thinks that is the hardest that she has ever been smacked in her life. It gave new meaning to the term pimp smack for her. Coco easily tosses her foe off top of her to the mat. Then Coco rolls on top of Sarah and takes a seat on her belly. Then with a small roar Coco grabs her own tank top and rips it down the front like Hulk Hogan and exposes her beautiful extra-large breasts. Coco unleashes a fierce attack on Sarah with her bowling ball sized boobs. Coco pounds Sarah's normal sized tits flat. She knocks Sarah silly by swinging her huge knockers and smacking Sarah across the face with them. Coco also subjugates Sarah to long smother sessions under her monster tits. Cole illustrates, "Coco is pulverizing Sarah with nothing but her bare, naked breasts, and it's awesome!"

Lacey excitedly scoots in the ring where Demi energetically meets her. When Demi goes to lock up with her, Lacey goes right for Demi's eyes. Lacey digs both of her claws into Demi's eyes like a wild woman. Demi shrieks at the top of her lungs from shock as well as pain from the vicious assault. Even with her vision blocked she regains enough awareness to fire kicks and knees forward, knowing her attacker must be still in front on her. Demi is able to kick Lacey away and rip her claws from her eyes, but her vision is impaired to say the least. Demi is obviously disoriented and staggering. Lacey springs into Demi again to take advantage of her blindness. Demi again wails and is driven back into the corner with Lacey seemingly trying to claw her eyes out. It is a torturous experience for Demi that she wants to end and never endure again. Demi reaches out blindly and snags Lacey's long hair. Despite being blinded Demi is able to wickedly sling Lacey's head from side to side so violently that Lacey looses her grip on Demi's eyes.

The young singer is not known for her full composure. So Demi reacted to the harrowing experience and unaccustomed blindness by going ape shit crazy. Demi starts windmilling blows left and right. She is mowing down anything in her path. However only Lacey was in her path. Demi has always had dramatic weight changes, but tremendous power has been left even though she is as small and fit as she has been in a decade. Lacey ducks and dodges and gets away while loosing a big clump of hair in the process.

Lacey then quickly learns that quick movements keeps her relatively safe from Demi's hailstorm. Lacey dances around and peppers Demi with sharp, snapping jabs. She is hurting and frustrating Demi while picking her apart. After getting her head snapped too and fro a few times Demi raises her defenses to protect her head. Lacey then targets Demi's erect nipples poking against her bikini top. Demi pitifully pines as her puppies are getting pounded. Demi's beautiful ass is getting kicked and punished until the heavy handed diva finally lands a shot against Lacey's head. Lacey is wobbled and staggers away. She tries to continue to pepper Demi again, but is soon harpooned with a punch to her stomach. Wide eyed and gasping, Lacey retreats again. Demi advances and pins Lacey on the ropes. Demi tries to finish her off, but Lacey clenches and ties the brawler up. Demi tries to get away but cannot. Eventually they end up in a grimy tit to tit battle inside the clench. Once again Lacey is taking a small advantage pounding Demi's ribs and guts. Lacey continues the intense battle and is certain she is going to drop Demi like a bad habit from these fierce body shots. Lacey already envisions Demi rolling on the mat gasping for breath while holding her gut. She can see Demi's eyes begging for mercy when she raises her foot to come crashing down on Demi's head to finish her. Then yet another heavy shot to her ribs takes Lacey's breath away and brought her back to reality.

When Alyssa charges into the ring JLo meets the problem head on. She charges at Alyssa too. When they meet, JLo swings low and nails Alyssa in her gut as she passes by. While Alyssa is doubled over holding her gut, JLo nails her with a sizzling overhand left. Alyssa stagger off trying to pull herself back together. When she turns to face JLo again, the champion is bouncing on the balls of her feet in a boxer's stance.

From here out, JLo is determined to keep the spat on their feet. She blocks all of Alyssa's attempts to take her down, grappling or locking up. She wants to keep it purely a striking contest, or boxing match. JLo is known as the Bronx Bomber for a reason. She is a very good boxer. JLo bobs and weaves and busts Alyssa up at her convenience. JLo spars back and forth with Alyssa for a few minutes. She takes a few shots and certainly gives several shots, but all the while, JLo is learning Alyssa's flaws and strengths. Then at the right moment, JLo blasts through the flaws in Alyssa's defense and demolishes her with a right haymaker that puts her down to the canvas. Alyssa pops right back up where JLo is waiting for her. JLo coolly jacks Alyssa with a two fisted combination that ends with a high kick to her face. Alyssa goes down harder. Being as tough as a $5 steak, Alyssa is struggling back up. JLo even help her up so she can blast Alyssa with a spectacular spinning kick to Alyssa's mug that puts her down for the count.

JLo seizes Alyssa's ankles and picks them off the mat and spreads her legs open. Then JLo sends a fist down like a missile into Alyssa's twat. Alyssa howls as she registers the searing pain. JLo unloads a series of sizzling punches down into Alyssa's pussy that takes her breathe away. After Alyssa struggles through to catch her breath, she mysteriously starts laughing. JLo gets a confused expression and slows a bit. Alyssa continues her taunting laughter and says, "Do your worst bitch, it doesn't matter. We've already won." Alyssa sees JLo struggle to process the words that she just heard. "Everyone has seen us turn your girls into cows and we've eliminated Roselyn Sanchez from the group forever! Nothing that you do tonight is going to measure up to that!"

Alyssa continues laughing as the reality sets in on JLo that her rival is right. As the acceptance sets in, JLo fires three very hard punches down to Alyssa's cunt that quells her laughter. JLo knows Alyssa was right. This brawl may be therapeutic and fun for her team, and exciting for the fans, but is ultimately meaningless to the Fab's in the long term goals. The ring general JLo, knows this exercise only bolsters the moral of her team, but otherwise is a meaningless battle. JLo grumbles, "Get the fuck out of here or you'll get our worst." Ever so slightly, JLo loosens her grip on Alyssa's ankles, allowing Alyssa to wiggle free and nobody noticed that it was on purpose. Alyssa understood the strange unspoken agreement between her and JLo and went about to fulfill her end of their twisted contract."

Alyssa flees from JLo and pushes Coco off top of Sarah to free her from Coco's titty prison. Alyssa and Sarah next escape the ring. Alyssa runs to grab Hewitt's leg and drag her out of the ring from Kim's assault, while Sarah does the same for Lacey. Alyssa collects her team at ringside while JLo's team stands menacingly in the ring. Fans start to cheer the new renegade version of Fabs that is built to survive the new millennium. Playing the villain's role Alyssa and Hewitt lead their team away from the fight. Although JLo may have deduced that this battle should end, Kim, Coco and Demi still wanted blood. They leaped out of the ring to finish off their rivals, so JLo joins them. They began chasing their rivals backstage.

The big booty quartet proves swifter than most expected, and catches up to Hewitt's team at the top of the ramp. Another fracas breaks out. The Fabs are determined to make a final statement and definitively finish this episode with these rivals. Alyssa has already over achieved her objectives and seeks to fight the Fabs off enough to escape. The weary sloppy brawl continues through backstage between the eight women. They switch off partners constantly and just hits whoever is handy. More clothing is getting torn away. Lacey and Alyssa's tops are shredded off their bodies in the process to reveal their over stuffed bras.

Alyssa's crew is definitely not having any fun. They resort to grabbing anything that is not nailed down to throw or bash the Fabs with to get them off their asses. After creating some separation they are able to break away to exit to the motorcade. Physics finally comes into play and the Fabs start to slow and tire from hauling all that ass around. According to the contingency plan, Alyssa has her driver waiting in the motorcade with their SUV running. Alyssa & crew piles into the large vehicle. They have to kick and fight off the Fabs to get into the vehicle and get some doors closed to speed away.

As the SUV speeds them to safety, Alyssa, Lacey and Sarah burst into celebration. Ice cold bottles are popped as the party begins. They considered tonight a successful outing. They took the fight to the legendary Fabs and went toe to toe with them. They took it to the champs and came out still standing with their heads held high. They did not take the title, but they hurt the Champs in other inconceivable ways. They humiliated Kim and Demi to the core of their souls. They initiated Roselyn Sanchez's expulsion from the group. Sanchez has been with the Fabs since the first expansion. Her nickname was Sargent Rock, because of her leadership and stability. Alyssa boasts about establishing them as a new force in the league. Big paychecks and notoriety are on the horizon for all of them.

One person is outside the celebration though. Hewitt is visibly upset about her title shot being collateral damage in this process. Alyssa came to her with the concept of uniting. She was skeptical before and even more so now. Alyssa sees her displeasure and tells her not to worry. "The Fabs and the fans will be clamoring to see them fight again. Next time it will not only be for the title but for a hell of a lot more money too." Alyssa advises her teammate. Hewitt realizes that could be true, but it could not pan out too. She cautiously allows herself to believe. Alyssa starts to wonder who could be a young replacement for Hewitt in the future if necessary.

Back in the arena JLo's Fabs start celebrating and congratulating each other when the SUV speeds off. There was achievement in the air. They defended the title, and gained a measure of revenge over this new threat. It is not the Fab Four anymore. Damned the norms and status quo, the Renegade Fab Fifty took the fight to their asses. Then they kicked their asses into retreat.

JLo's sees a camera capturing the moment for the fans. She felt it time for a punctuating statement on the night. JLo breaks away from the celebration and seeks the camera for a final oration on the day.

"The industry always teaches people to be aggressive and relentless for success. But when you venture into an area that they can't control what you're doing or outside their boundaries, they try to punish you. If that doesn't work they discredit you and erase your name! The industry sent the Chosen to erase the Fab Four. They got the job done by hook and crook and hung the Fab Fifty name on us. If you want to make us outlaws for working outside your boundaries, then maybe we should start acting that way! The Fab Fifty is going to raise so much hell around here, that you'll be begging us to return to the Fab Four! THE FAB 50 DON'T GIVE A FUCK!!!"

TO FAB FIFTY: The Renegagde Run
Daisy Ducati vs Diamond Banks
Daisy Ducati vs Diamond Banks