Appetizers & MILF Cocktails
NOTE - This match follows events of THREE GURNEY NIGHT 
Before the DELICIOUS PLE there were lingering issues that needed to be addressed. Salma Hayek's Drama Queen title defense against Lucy Liu got wildly out of hand. Lucy's Lui-Tang Clan got involved. Salma's La’Confidante faction got involved. Then an unnamed group of Salma haters of Jennifer Love Hewitt, Alyssa Milano and Lacey Cathbert finished everyone. Surprisingly or perhaps not, Booking Committee Chair, Christina Applegate interjected herself in the proceedings. An allie of Salma and rival of Christina, Roselyn Sanchez, came to help out in the chaos. She did not fair well in the end. She was being carted out on a gurney along with Salma and Lucy. Christina took advantage of the opportunity of eliminate a member of the rival Fab organization. Applegate created her own bukkake scene, forcing Roselyn to suck endless cocks and directing for poor Roselyn to be doused in jizz as punishment.
The discipline committee comprised of members of the Board of Directors is charged with dealing with the fallout from this brutal but highly eroticlly enteraining public display. Christina first terminated Roselyn, Alyssa & Hewitt's contracts for violating the rules by interfereing in Salma's match. However after Christina's oral gang bang of Roselyn the committee reviewed and overturned the decision thanks to a loophole in the League's rules. Jennifer, Alyssa, and Lacey had an application to form a stable waiting to be approved and used that to circumvent the rules. When word got back to La Confidante about this manipulation of the rules and how Roselyn was hung out to dry, they quickly offered Roselyn membership. Joining another stable got Sanchez back in the league, but not as a Fab, but as the newest La Confidante.
The last business was discussing punishment for Christina Applegate for an unprovoked sexual assault and publically humiliating a member of the league. The delegates sit in a large room to discuss her punishment or if any should be levied. Instead of a typical boardroom, they meet in a room that looks like it is for a business therapy retreat. There is a meeting table, but there is also a sofa with lounge chairs, a bar and catering in other parts of the room. Delegates are all over the room where ever they feel comfortable.
Angela Bassett currently has the floor. "This decision is crucial to the future and the perception on this league. For years now we have been unable to sign young talent to this league because of happenings like this. Jennifer Lawrence, Emma Stone, Sydney Sweeney and Karol G all joined other organizations because of the bias and bull shit by the authority in this league." Angela finishes "Christina's reign must end and her actions against Rosyln are beyond heinous enough to warrent her end as Chairman of the booking committee."
"Really? this is a certainly a change in attitude." The discipline committee chairman, and studio advisor, Quatro Calderon interjects. "When you were on the booking committee, you was a cohort of Christina and helped her pull off such shenanagans."
"Very true." Angela answers. "I wasn't a big fan of Halle Berry and the Fab Four for a long time." Angela smiles. "I thought Stone Rage gave them too many conssessions. I worked with Christina to counter that advantage. But, now that I'm on the Board of Directors, I've changed my views. I've put aside petty personal affairs and view the overall profitability of the company."
"You mean after you sold out to Stone Rage to get your position on the Board." Fellow committeee member, Missy Hyatt, loudly jokes. After getting a number of loud snickers, Missy continues, "Did Stone write that script that you're acting out today, or did he have a professional team do it?"
As the snickers grow louder Angela shoots Missy a look that if looks could kill.... "As I was saying, all of our paychecks and bonuses depend on the profit margin of this company. The young talent are afraid of the vindictive and petty bookmaking and tribal warfare in the league. We desparately need the new talent. How many times can Salma Hayek fight Alyssa Milano, or Jenny McCarthy battle Pam Anderson? For the record, I'm still not a big Halle Berry fan, but Stone Rage has enlightened me on the financial downfalls of my actions."
"Well I am the First Lady of Professional Wrestling", Missy begins. "The phrase, Controvercy creates cash has always proven true in this industry. Christina may be extreme, but so was Vince McMahan. We have a gritty and sexy product. If the younger girls can't handle it, then so be it. Our fans love it!" Missy smiles at Calderon, "I suggest a significant fine for Christina and to carry on. This league has enjoyed tremendous success under her leadership."
"She was a success in the past. This league has become a joke and a farce under Christina's leadership. Fans and stock holders are still upset about her involvement and blatant cheating in The Fab Four versus Chosen match!" Angela argues vehemently. "Applegate must go!"
The debate began with Missy and Angela leading their positions. Calderon championed Missy and enouraged her to fight for him. However Angela dropped names of possible new talent that she can aquire with Christina out and intrigued committee members. Millie Bobbi Brown and Megan the Stallion's names came forward. Some members start to change their minds to seeing Angela's vision. Quatro gets concerned and instructs Missy to go to any length to change minds. His corporate overlords will be furious if he allows Angela to have enough influence to alter the direction of the league. They put him in position to do that. This is turning into a disaster for Calderon. He tells his pawn Missy to take drastic actions.
Desparate, Missy begins a personal tiraid against Angela when the debate began again. She begins with, "What caused this seismic shift in opinion against Christina? Is it because Calderon did not support you in your quest for an Academy Award years ago? I don't think that anything that Angela Bassett says can be trusted!" Then Missy launches a full, all out massive assault on Angela's integrity. First, she lables Angela as a Stone Rage Stooge and a decietful woman with a tricky agenda. Missy calls her all types of a liar and all promises that she makes are worthless. Missy finishes questioning if Angela even deserves to be a member of the Board. By the time Missy finishes even people that knows Angela very well in the room were questioning themselves.
Angela is embarressed, furious and about to explode when she has the floor. She is doing everything in her power to maintain her professionalism and not to prove Missy right. Angela trembles as she begins. Calderon smirks thinking his plan has thrown Angela off of her game. "See, that is exactly what I'm taking about. Just because we enjoy a sexy fetish, doesn't mean that we have to act like a gutter prostitutes arguing on the corner. If you were a celebrity from outside our league, how would you react to a cheap dumb bitch turning the crucial decisions of our league to a bullshit argument that sounds like a foul mouthed hooker? I'm not even addressing her ridiculous allegations. We are not in middle school. The only question I have is, who do we vote out of the league first, the long time cheater, Christina Applegate or this legendary cock sucking hoe, Missy Hyatt?"
Missy breaks the following silence that signaled her doom by leaping to her feet and saying, "I'm not going to sit here and be talked about like this! You've got 5 seconds to apologize before I kick your ass and throw you off this board of directors!"
"You're got four more seconds than you need, because I"m not apologizing for shit! You might as well come on over and find out who really is leaving this board!" Angela challenges.
Missy's eyes flash to Calderon. His expression offered her no help. Next her eyes lock with Angela's. Slowly both women move away from the meeting table and to an open area of the the floor. Angela is wearing a white blouse and a pretty short skirt. Missy is in similar business attire with a black blouse and a slightly longer skirt. Both wear snarls as they close the distance between them. They snatch each other by the hair and start pulling and yanking back and forth.
Missy is taller and slightly younger than her foe, but Angela is stocky and clearly stronger. However thanks to her few inches of height, Missy is able to hold her own. Both have to widen their base for footing causing their brief skirts to rise above their thighs. It reduces them to waist bands or belts and reveal both of their pantyhose encased legs and glimpses of their sweet asses, as they stagger around.
Missy takes the first advantage with a snazzy wrestling move. The blonde whips around behind Angela. She expertly locks the surprised fighter in a rear chin lock and wrangles her under control. Angela feels like a fly in a trap with her eyes bulging as her oxygen becomes compromised. However Angela uses her strength and power to drive Missy backwards until they fall into a soft sofa in the room. The unexpected tumble loosens the hold. Then the grappling women fall off the sofa to the floor. There Angela is not only able to get away, but get on top and gain the advantage.
Angela starts tearing at Missy's black blouse and rips it open. Missy vengefully goes after Angela's white blouse in return. The blonde rips it open and tosses Angela off top of her. The two women are rolling around across the carpet. Calderon loudly interupts by saying, "Ladies, wouldn't you be much more comfortable and this fight would be a lot more entertaining without those annoying blouses?" It is a pimp move, but both women acknowledeged the big pimp in the room. Both women stopped immediately and look into each other's eyes. Then they broke apart and followed orders and removed their blouses and tossed them aside. Both were now ready to continue the fight in their bras and their hiked up skirts.
The seasoned amazons look into each other's eyes again and spring back into action. With so much flesh already revealed, both women were eager to relieve the other of all their clothes. It humiliates their foe, and it satisfies the big pimp management. Also by Calderon's mysterious request being made, both suspect that there is at least one camera or more recording this scrap for the streaming service.
Missy strikes first and relieves Angela of her right boot while twisting her foot and ankle a lot in the process. Angela retaliates by pulling Missy's panty hose until is splits and bursts wide open from Missy's hip down her left leg to her ankle. Missy takes revenge by bitting Angela's upper thigh. Angela screams is surpise while uttering, "You nasty bitch!" Unknown to her those words are prophetic. This tussle has made a nasty turn to a biting, hair pulling, and scratching extravaganza.
Angela struggles to get away from the gutter tactics. Missy watches hungrily with a grin. The blonde takes one great swipe with her right hand and Angela's bra magically goes flying across the room to the floor. Missy laughs. She saw that Angela's silky sexy little bra did not have a chance against her in this catfight. Besides Angela's breasts did not need a bra anyway. They stood firm and strong on her chest. Missy was impressed. "This bitch obviously works out a lot!" Missy thinks.
Angela was frozen for a moment, like she is mystified by the magic. Missy takes her to the carpet and plants a knee on Angela's belly. Missy then grabs her leg to take off her other boot. Meanwhile a grunting and barking Angela rips off another really large portion of Missy's panty hose. "Shut your cunt mouth!" Missy says as she grabs the discarded piece of hose and shoves it into Angela's grunting mouth. Missy maneuvers up until she takes a seat on Angela's face. Angela is flat on her back with a mouth full of pantyhose and Missy's pussy on her nose. Missy laughs and grinds her butt a bit before the strong woman undeneath throws Missy off top. Angela dives on top of the blonde. Angela is embaressed and looking for revenge. She grabs what is left of Missy's pantyhose by the waist band and pulls and jerks it down. Quickly Missy's lilly white ass is showing. Surprise, surprise Missy is not wearing panties. Angela adds a stinging spanks to her revenge plot. Angela is determined, steadfast and eventually successfull in getting the hose off the struggling blonde pro wrestling legend.
The MILF's go right back at it. They are back rolling around on the carpet while slapping and scratching flesh, and pulling hair. Missy adds biting to the cocktail and Angela throws in crotch gabbing to the recipe. Missy goes after Angela's very expensive skirt. Angela tries for Missy's bra. However that bra is heavy duty to hold up Missy's monster boobs. It is nothing like the frilly and sexy diddy that Angela wore. Missy's support bra held up better than Angela's designer skirt as well. To Angela's chagrin the skirts buttons give way allowing the skirt to start sliding down her legs as she thrashed around. Before long Angela had to kick her own skirt off to free her legs.
Missy is surpisingly aggressive. It really impresses Calderon. She continuously captures Angela between her legs and bites her arms or tits or whatever. Angela normally exceeds in everything she does. Calderon expected the same here. Missy is constantly frustration her, and the biting has definitely thrown her off her game. Missy is pretty far ahead on points right now. Angela keeps howling, yelping and barking while struggling to overcome the blonde.
At one point Angela goes after Missy's skirt at the same time Missy goes for Angela's panty hose. They tumble around across the carpet. Angela's hose are coming down below her butt. Angela sees Missy's lilly white ass exposed while they are interterwined. Angela bites Missy's ass. The blonde yells but powers away. But Missy does not forget to come away without Angela's panty hose in hand. Angela finds herself on her back while Missy is standing and yanking her opponent's hose off down her legs. As her hose are leaving her feet, Angela dives and grabs her hose to try and save them. A tug of war starts with the hose. Missy roars, "Give it up! They're mine now!" as she jerks the hose out of Angela's grasp. Calderon eyes rise seeing Missy demean and repremend the regal actress. A scold shows on Angela's face, then she launches herself up into the blonde and barrels into Missy and thrust her onto a large lounge chair. Before Missy collects herself, Angela has jerked off the blonde's skirt to complete her mission too. Missy rolls off the chair and lies on the floor. Angela walks around her while trying to catch her breath. Missy springs up suddently. "You've ruined everything today." Missy grumbles as she grabs Angela's panties, the last piece of clothing that she is wearing. Missy jerks the panties down to Angela's ankles as she says, "I'm finishing the job today!"
Angela engages Missy again and the two ladies find themselves in the familiar position of grappling against each other. Angela and everyone else are aware of the extremely rare fact and sight that Angela Bassett is completely naked. Missy Hyatt did that to her while maintaning her heavy duty support bra still intact. Angela is very aware and embaressed too. She goes after Missy's bra. However the blonde protects it by grabbing Angela's plump bare breast and biting it. The actress howls and abandons her quest for the bra. Her yells get louder once Missy grabs Angela's naked pussy and squeezes it.
Then as if she is transforming into the Hulk, Angela's howl becomes a roar. She picks Missy up off her feet and slams her down on 4 x 4 drink table. Angela immediately pursues the prized bra. She is able to plop Missy's tits out of the cups. Just wanting to inflict some pain, Angela bites Missy's huge boobs. "Ahhh you're biting me!" Missy welps like she is surprised that Angela is fighting nasty too.
Missy kicks Angela off of her. She springs off the table and takes the fight to the floor after Angela. Missy is a wild woman She is spanking ass, squeezing pussy and biting any fleash that her mouth could latch onto. Angela may have been squealing like a little girl, but she was also waiting for her spot to reverse everything. Angela finds Missy off balance and uses her power and strength to put Missy down on her back and get on top of her. Once on top, Angela grumbles "Payback is a bitch!" and bites the breasts bulging out of Missy's bra. Meanwhile Angela's fingers go behind Missy's back and works on the bra hooks. "This granny bra looks uncomfortable, annoying and unenteratining. Let get it off for you." Angela says. She wrestles the unhooked bra off of Missy's body and out of her grasps. Angela takes the bra from Missy and rises to her feet. Then she disdainfully throws the bra back to the carpet beside Missy.
Finally both magnificent mature women are totally buck naked. "You're such a bitch!" Missy retorts as she slowly stands. Missy feels her fatiuge and the momentum shifting. She rushes the smirking actress. They grapple a little while until Missy slings Angela towards the sofa. The blonde leaps on top of the beautiful actress lying on the furniture. She pins Angela underneath and begins by taking a big long bite out of Angela's left tit. Then she takes an equal bite on her right nipple. With Angela still hollaring, Missy posts her great big breasts above Angela's head. "You wanted them? I'm going to them to you!" Missy announces with a huge smile. Missy swings her massive tits back and forth to slaps Angela across the face with them. Missy's double D's are knocking Angela silly. Then with panic exuding from Angela's face, Missy plunges her breasts down on Angela's face.
Angela Bassett is swimming and thrashng under Missy's wonderful breasts. Her body motions shown her desparation. After a lengthy spell, she is able to dislodge Missy with a handful of golden hair and violent twists and turns. Both tumble off the sofa to the carpet. When they rise to their knees, Missy grabs her dicarded skirt and starts whipping Angela with it. In turn Angela grabs Missy's blouse and returns fire by using it as another poor weapon. Seeing the futility in these actions both throw the clothes away.
Angela stands to catch her breath from the harrowing experince from Missy's tits. The blonde stays down, but goes to her hands and knees and starts barking and growling like a dog and chases a fleeing Angela and nips at her heels. "I like it down and dirty!" Missy says between barks.
"Because you're a dirty bitch!" Angela harshly snaps back. Then Missy lounges from her doggy position and grabs Angela's legs and pulls her back down to the floor. Angela rolls over to her hands and knees to make a quick escape by crawling away. Missy keeps a hold and crawls up Angela's legs until the buxom blonde is face to face with Angela's ass. Missy's eyes light up and she opens her mouth and takes a huge bite into Angela's chocolate ass. Angela's eyes pop open and she makes a loud howl like a wolf seeing a full moon. Angela hears the room fill with laughter and the dignified and respeceted actress descends into embaressment. Missy chomps down in the same spot and gets different wail out of the suffering actress. Angela is able to twist to her side with Missy still hanging on to her thighs for life. Angela is caught in the extreme desire to get out of this embarrassing and undignified encounter with this dirty bitch dragging her down into the mud. The sexy blonde takes another chomp out of Angela's ass. Finally the curvy voluptuous actress is able to flex and get Missy off her and escape being dinner.
The widcats instantly go back at it again. This time Angela is getting down and dirty just as much as Missy has fought. Actually Angela is more aggressive and vicious than Missy. She bites Missy's big boobs, squeezes her pussy and bites her ass like a rabid beast. Missy is screaming and faltering at an alarming rate. While rolling round Missy comes across Angela's panties. In a flash she snatches the undergarment and wraps it around Angela's neck. Before Angela reacts Missy pulls her face down into her massive tits once again. Humiliation and fear washes over Angela and she exlodes. Angela tosses Missy off top of her in a burst of pure strength. With wicked aggression and speed, Angela crawls on top of Missy and heads down south of the border to Missy's twat.
The vixens are on the floor in a '69' position with Angela on top. Angela bites down on Missy's pussy like a tigeress. Missy gasps then bites into Angela's hairy burger that is looming right in her face. The mutual pussy bite lasts many seconds before Missy releases Angela and starts screaming loudly. She is freaking out and screaming so much she can not regain her composure to attack Angela's twat again. Instead she tries to push Angela off top of her. Seeing the finish line, Angela improves her control position. She slides off Missy to her side, then around till she pins one of Missy's legs with her body and seizes the second leg with one muscular arm to force the blonde's legs apart. Then she bites down on Missy's vulnerable pussy lips again.
Missy is screaming and babbling uncomprendable words and prases now. After a bit, Missy's body relents and she just laid there and loudly moans as if the fight was eaten out of her. The observers are getting uncompfortable and wondering if they should stop this. Calderon speaks up saying, "Enough Angela! I think you've proven your point!" Calderon saves Missy from the empbaressment of having to admit defeat. Angela releases Missy allowing the blonde to curl into fetal position and not dispute the outcome. A couple of Angela's supporters on the committee rush to congratulate and celebrate a bit with the victorious heroine. Calderon continues ,"It appears that this committee and this board is not big enough for you and Missy to coexist. I'm sorry Missy, but you're off the board." Angela Bassett bursts into exuberance. "Without Missy it is obvious that the vote will be to also relieve Christina Applegate from the booking committee as well." Sudddenly there is a small celebration around Angela.
After allowing the good vibes to continue for a minute or two. Calderon speaks again. "Also with Missy no longer on the committee that puts us below quarum. So by rule I am able to make an emergency nomination to the board and committee. I would like to nominate Christina Applegate to the board of directors." Angela's celebration comes to as abrupt halt. Protests instantly arise from her supporters. "Also with Lucy Lawless being promoted to general manager of the new United Kingdom division and Christina Applegate being removed from the booking committee, I am allowed to make an emergency nomination to the booking committee as well. I would like to nominate Missy Hyatt to the booking committee." There is fussing and bussing all around the room. A smiling Calderon immediately says "All in favor say Aye." After a strong response. "Since we do not need a majority vote it sounds like the aye's have it! Meeting adjourned!"
Gasps, clapping and banter fill the room. Calderon goes over and helps Missy off the floor and tenderly escorts her out of the room. Angela is gaped mouth, buck naked and frozen in shock in the middle of the room. "Great fight Angela!" Calderon compliments the stunned actress. "I'm pretty sure I can convince the discipline committee to overlook your obtroucious behavior by fighting a fellow committe member today, if you show your regrets and allow the company to release the security video of the fight." Angela just stood in a stupor. She questions if this a win, loss or draw today. Then a grin slips across the face. Anytime Calderon is foiled and has to readjust is is a victory. Also she looked marvelous while doing it. With satisfaction and
pride etched on her face, Angela struts her strong sexy naked body across the floor to the exit. The lipstick and bite mark on Angela's firm black ass bling like a badge of honor.