Stacie Kamano Vs Traci Bingham
"In nature the Betta, or Siamese fighting fish, is a small drab fish native to Southeast Asia. This fish has been extensively cultured for the aquarium industry to promote the development of long, flowing fins and brilliant colors. All Bettas can and must breathe atmospheric air using a specialized structure, called the labyrinth organ, located behind the gills. If Bettas are prevented from breathing air at the surface of a pool they will die."
Traci Bingham was the Battle Clans undisputed Queen of the Beach she had defeated all comers no matter what background, skill level, experience or size.
Traci was a most exceptional warrior, the only kind of match she had not participated in was a “Siamese Betta Match” also known as a “Fighting Fish Match”. The Battle clan has seldom allowed them since the early 1900’s. G-Man was afraid of very little but was spooked once when an overly “gung-ho” Marine O’Sullivan challenged the great Ester Williams then reigning Champ to a Fighting “Fish Match”. It was a fiasco Miss O’Sullivan almost died and Miss Williams almost went to the authorities. It is hard enough to judge an even match on dry land much less in water. A girl may be able to swim but not fight in water also a girl may be able to fight on land but not in water. In the case of the Betta battle size means nothing so since then G-Man left these matches to the Asian clans. G-Man reluctantly consented to the match after the Battle Clan pressed him but did not openly participate, leaving the promotions and organization to his good friend “Racer X”.
The rules for the fight were as follows:
- The combatants would wear long flowing full-length gowns with nothing underneath.
- They would do battle in a large see-through tank 20 feet deep.
- They are restricted to clawing with their hands, nibbling bites, grappling with their legs and head butts.
- There is no time limit; whichever girl is kept under water by her opponent for 10 seconds 3 times or signals to the judges that she has had enough, wins.
The time had come; the battle took place in an underground aquatic center designed by Racer X himself. It housed among other things a giant fish bowl for lack of a better name. It was specially designed for just such an occasion.
The Lady Betta dawned gowns resembling the beautiful multi-laired plumage of some great exotic tropical birds. Though there was much material, the material was so sheer all spectators could see their flawless feminine forms no matter what the distance. The excitement of battle was evident in both women from their chests slowly heaving, six packs contracting and their slightly perspiring buttocks all aquiver. Stacey was wearing a canary yellow gown and Traci was dawning a Baywatch red gown both women equally stunning. They enter on two platforms that hung over the giant fish bowl, the gong chimed and they jumped in feet first.
They entered the water about the same time then immediately started at one another. Traci, knowing she was the shorter of the two, wanted an advantage so she swam faster and cross gripped Stace’s breasts and elevated herself above her opponent by pushing Stace under the water. Traci locked her legs around Stace’s rib cage then bit down on her left trapeasious muscle. It was the perfect Betta attack and hold, designed to devastate and conquer your foe quickly.
Stace had done this to many opponents before but had never been the victim of such an attack she was always the aggressor. Understanding what was being done to her she knew how to counter. She could not panic and had to concentrate; first Stace had to propel herself to the surface to get a fresh supply of air she did this by using a frog kick. Having Traci’s weight as a burden she barely got the mask of her face above water but she did gasping and swallowing an ample supply of air. Then she cross-grasped Traci’s mighty tits pulling them downward. Stace then contorted her right leg such that her foot fit under Taci’s jaw spearing her in the artery. This caused Traci to gag and release her biting hold as well as her scissors hold. Stace then quickly came up again for more air. Their positions now were equal, both had their heads above water and both had hands full of mammary. Though Stace was bleeding she was confident that she could overcome.
The female Betta thrashed violently about in blood stained water clawing, biting, and knee jabbing one another both hoping to gain some advantage. Stace carefully avoided a tooth lock with the smaller Maroon combatant knowing Traci has never lost a tooth lock battle having even broken the teeth of one “Ms. Foxxy Brown”. Traci on the other hand avoided with a series of leg locks Stace’s attempt at the “Kama Sutra Spear” which would surely end the match with a painful defeat. Traci feeling her legs growing tired locked her legs around Stace’s causing the Polynesian beauty to have to tread water for two. Traci smiled while she still wrenched Stace’s breasts and nibbled at her shoulders and collarbone without having the burden of staying afloat. Non the less Stace did not panic yet she leaned her head back as if giving in to the brown vixen’s onslaught.
It was not evident but Stace had a plan that would shock everyone especially Traci. With Lightening speed Stace head butted Traci
“CRACK! The sound was that of two bowling balls colliding. Traci’s eyes cross as she let out a blood curdling scream,”Aaarrhhaaa!” She released her claw hold and leg lock and held to Stace’s arms not really knowing where she was. Stace dragged Traci via tit through the water and pushed her against the bowl. Stace locked one of Traci’s legs with one of hers then periodically rammed her other knee into Traci’s vaginal area. Stace rhythmically pressing Traci’s small yet well rounded buttocks against the glass for all to see. Simultaneously she continued delivering head butts to the top of Traci’s head causing her to sink slowly under.
Finally Stace let go of Traci’s tits, pushed her under and between her legs securing a Front faced leg lock. Stace had cut off Traci’s air completely then grabbed Traci’s wrists pressing her hands against the glass tank meanwhile Traci beneath sure that this was the end of her life. She struggled for a short time then gave the signal for surrender while silently praying for mercy. The signal was unique and unmistakable it was both middle fingers in an erect position then pointing toward herself; the losing Betta indicating that she is f#@%ed. Stace quickly released her fallen foe lifting her above water. Traci was gasping for much needed air and at the same time the Hawaiian goddess was smiling knowing her victory was secure and her record untarnished as the reigning Queen of the Betta.
Stacie Kamano

Betta Baywatch Babe Today
Traci Bingham

Still Beautiful