Jungle Queens From A to Z
"I am Barocca, Queen of the Amazon. I have journeyed far and long to meet with Nandee, Queen of the Zulu. Take me to your Queen."
Bowing low, the Zulu guard escorts the royal visitor to the waiting carriage for the final leg of her trek to Queen Nandee's palace. He is surprised that unlike so many other diplomats and members of royal families, Queen Barocca allows him to speak freely with her. It apparently is true, what he heard, that these dignitaries from across the Atlantic are more democratic. They respect everyone as they would royalty.
The husky guard is secretly delighted to converse with such a stunningly beautiful woman as Amazon Queen Barocca. He finds her warm and friendly, and yet every inch a Queen. Truth be told, she finds it difficult to avert her gaze from the handsome and muscular escort. "He must be very capable, as he has been sent alone to protect me," Barocca thinks as she eyes his sturdy physique at every opportunity.
"I cannot keep referring to you as 'guard'. What is your name?" Braocca asks.
"I am Jobu, chief of the palace guard, your Highness," he replies.
"I can understand why you are chief," Barocca smiles admiringly. She detects a movement below Jobu's belt, and a distinct effort to suppress a growing erection. Barocca reflects that she would not find such a response to be impertinent. In fact, if they had more time and privacy, she would even encourage such attentiveness.
As they continue, Jobu discovers that Queen Barocca possesses a lively sense of humor. She teases with him almost flirtatiously and refuses to take herself too seriously. "Not at all like so many other members of the foreign nobility," he smiles to himself.
"Your visit comes at a most appropriate time, your highness," he remarks. "Since ascending to the throne only recently, Queen Nandee has been graced by visiting royalty from many nations, paying their respects and offering alliances. Some bring gifts and peace offerings."
"I have come to offer the friendship of the Amazon people," Barocca states simply. "I, too, have only recently acquired my throne, so Queen Nandee and I already have much in common."
"We all love and respect Queen Nandee," Jobu states. "We palace guards will to do anything for her. And since you, Queen Barocca, are her esteemed guest, we will do anything for you also." Arching an eyebrow, Barocca files that information carefully away, for future reference.
As Barocca's carriage nears the palace gate, another visitor inside awaits Nandee's pleasure. She is a servant girl, a gift from a neighboring kingdom who has arrived only minutes before. The headmistress of the palace servants gives her a disapproving stare. "I see you are to be Queen Nandee's new body servant. I cannot present you to her Highness in your condition. Off with you. You must bathe and put on proper clothing. Return here as soon as you are ready and I will present you. Do not keep the Queen waiting."
Jobu helps Queen Barocca from the carriage and leads her into the palace. "I will inform her Majesty of your arrival. I am sure she will want to see you at once." Striding down a short corridor, he enters a doorway and leaves Barocca standing at the massive double doors leading to Queen Nandee's throne room. The Amazon Queen gives her garments one final check-over in preparation for meeting the Zulu Queen. The doors open wide and an elderly dignitary motions her inside.
"Queen Nandee is most eager to meet you," he rasps, assuming he is addressing the new body servant. He leads Barocca processionally toward the empty throne. "Her Majesty will be with you directly," he wheezes and backs away to vanish in the cavernous hall. A few second later Zulu Queen Nandee sweeps in from behind a curtain, strides to the throne, and seats herself.
"Welcome to my palace," Nandee says, eyeing Barocca from head to toe. "Turn around, please. Slowly."
Bemused, Barocca slowly spins a full turn. "I wonder if she checks out everyone's body this carefully. Oh well, different people, different customs," she thinks. Aloud she states, "I bring you greetings from my people, Queen Nandee."
"I appreciate the good will of your people. We have much to discuss and I have a busy schedule today, many ambassadors and officials to meet. I will have you escorted to my quarters, where we may speak privately. I will join you there in a few minutes. There is so much for me to do." At a signal, a female servant materializes and leads Barocca to Nandee's quarters.
There, Barocca drinks in the splendor of the Queen's apartment, giving herself a tour of the sitting room, the lavish bedroom, and the lavish wardrobe. Maids or queens, women are always curious about how someone else lives. About ten minutes later, Nandee enters to find Barocca admiring the view from the window. "You have a beautiful country, Queen Nandee."
"Thank you," Nandee replies. " You're name is Barocca? Help me remove this. I want to bathe before the next group arrives."
With a devilish twinkle in her eye, Barocca helps Nandee unfasten her gown. Standing before her in total nudity, Zulu Queen Nandee is graced with a body to die for. Her skin is several shades darker than Barocca's, a rich brown like fine dark chocolate. Her firm and all-natural breasts are topped with perky nipples that are almost coal black. Barocca resists the urge to fondle them, but senses her own nipples rising to the occasion. Nandee's slim but feminine legs are slightly shorter than Barocca's, which accounts for their height difference. Her pubic area is shrouded with soft black hair, and her shapely rump shows not the slightest trace of an extra ounce.
"As my body servant, you will attend me at my bath. You are acquainted with the art of massage?" Nandee inquires.
"Yes, your Highness." Barocca smirks, "So that's it. She thinks I'm some new servant. I'll play along and see how much fun I can have before she gets wise. This should be much better than the usual stuffy formal introduction."
Nandee's bath is a sunken pool about 12' by 9' and about 3' deep, filled with warm water. "There is a hot spring on the palace grounds that provides this natural mineral water," she explains. "I bathe in nothing else. It keeps my skin looking young. As my body servant, you will be required to enter my bath to assist me. It is a great privilege to be allowed to share my royal bath in this medicinal water."
"I am grateful, your Highness," Barocca replies meekly. To herself she recalls the nearly identical stories about the mystical powers of the Amazon River water in which she has bathed since infancy. Her own creamy smooth skin is testament to the benefits of bathing at least daily in medicinal waters.
Descending into the pool, Nandee says invitingly, "Disrobe, Barocca. I will soon summon you to join me when I am sufficiently relaxed." Seizing this opportunity, the Amazon Queen ever so slowly unfastens the clasp on her left shoulder and lets the top of her gown fall, almost revealing her generous left breast. She carefully observes Nandee's reaction and notices the Zulu Queen's eyes widen. She undoes the right clasp and the entire upper half of her dress drops to her slim waist.
"My god, look at that bosom," Queen Nandee thinks. "I must not stare. But those are the most gorgeous breasts I have ever seen. So round. If I were not Queen…" She subtly licks her lips, hoping that Barocca doesn't notice. "Do not be shy, Barocca. You must accustom yourself to such intimacy."
Barocca catches that little pink flicker of tongue and the short involuntary gasp Nandee couldn't suppress. She unties her belt and unwraps her gown while turning her back to Nandee. The Zulu cannot help but smile at the sight of Barocca's heart-shaped posterior, luscious thighs, and long tapering legs. Barocca swings her hips provocatively as she steps over to lay her gown on a nearby sofa. Then she turns and takes a wide stance, pausing in this pose long enough for Nandee to appreciate her assets.
"This Barocca comes from a strange people," Nandee muses. "Although she has a thick mane of black hair on her head, she has no body hair. Ah, perhaps it is some sort of purification custom. Maybe it is a custom I should adopt. It is quite…stimulating." Clearing her throat almost inaudibly, she seductively calls, "You may enter my bath now, Barocca."
"My pleasure, Queen Nandee," Barocca coos, rolling her hips as she approaches. Extending one foot into the water, she is surprised that it's not as warm as she expected. Her nipples react autonomically, popping to full erection. Nandee sees this and remarks, "I'm afraid the water has been allowed to cool too much while I was occupied elsewhere. I will summon more hot water."
Not wanting to spoil the mood-and not wanting the real body servant to show up and spoil her joke-Barocca says, "Oh no, your Highness. It's just…Well…that is, I'm just nervous." She steps further in and sinks down to Nandee's level, facing her. "I must learn what you like, Queen Nandee. How else will I be able to please you?"
Smiling, Nandee replies, "To start, I like by back scrubbed gently with this sponge." Barocca silently takes the large sponge, rubs the fragrant soap on it until she has a thick lather, and applies it to Nandee's back in large circular motions. She can feel Nandee shiver with sexual anticipation as she surrenders to Barocca's ministrations.
"If your Majesty will allow, I will bathe you as we do in my country. I'm certain you will be pleased."
"I am always open to new experiences, Barocca. You have begun well, so you may continue."
Pressing her spectacular breasts against Nandee's soapy back, Barocca reaches around with her bare hands to lather Nandee's nubile knockers. The Zulu wiggles her ass into Barocca's lap with a satisfied sigh. Her jet black nipples feel as hard as thimbles as Barocca strokes Nandee's succulent tits. The Amazon carefully restricts her manipulations to Nandee's upper body…at least for now.
Nandee's breathing becomes heavier and more rhythmic. Barocca moves around front to face her, without breaking contact for an instant. Nandee stares as though hypnotized at Barocca's bazookas, bobbing up and down in the soapy bath water. Her breathing becomes faster and her eyes close. "Too soon," Barocca thinks. "I have much more planned before I let her off."
"Queen Nandee. It's getting late. Your guests will be waiting and I still have to massage you."
"You're right, Barocca. Rinse me off and fetch me some towels. Prepare for my massage." Within minutes the Zulu is lying face down and wrapped in soft towels, with the Amazon hovering over her.
"Your Highness, I must lower the towel," Barocca explains. Nandee props herself up on her elbows while Barocca delicately removes the thick, fluffy towel from her upper torso. Pouring a dollop of scented oil onto her palm and rubbing her hands to warm it, Barocca diligently works the anointing balm into every square inch of Nandee's dark back. That deep rhythmic breathing returns almost immediately.
With her head resting on her folded arms, Nandee's breasts are mashed down and protrude slightly to her sides. Barocca slyly makes sure to brush her oily hands against them at every opportunity. Nandee's wistful sighs tell Barocca that her plan is working perfectly. Before replenishing her supply of oil, the Amazon silently lets her robe fall to the floor and kicks it aside.
"Now your Highness should roll over," she advises the Zulu. Keeping her eyes closed, Nandee obeys and in so doing, her towel also falls to the floor. Either Nandee is so transported with pleasure that she doesn't notice, or she simply doesn't care. Barocca oils up Nandee's front, paying particular attention to her heaving bosom and her flat belly. As Barocca's slick hands approach Nandee's ebony-tufted crotch, the Queen parts her legs invitingly and releases a quivering sigh.
Working lovingly on one leg and then the other, Barocca eases those black limbs further apart until she has an unobstructed path to Nandee's labia. The Amazon clearly sees a glistening around the Zulu's glory hole, a sign that the supine ruler is sexually aroused. Caressing her way up one oily leg, Barocca reaches her goal and slips a slick finger into Nandee's pussy. "Oh-h-h-h," Nandee moans and lifts her hips receptively.
Barocca gently adjusts her finger so it brushes Nandee's clitoris on the outstroke. "M-m-m-m," the Zulu Queen moans again, following with a soft gasp. Barocca inserts a second finger, a little further in this time and Nandee bends her other leg up. Barocca steps up the pace slightly and adds a twist to her manual strokes, screwing her fingers in and out with a gently slurping sound from Nandee's pussy.
The quivering Queen suddenly sits bolt upright and glares at Barocca. "What are you doing?" she demands.
"Giving you an Amazon massage, your Majesty," Barocca states without breaking her rhythm.
Nandee's gaze softens, her body sags a little, and she considers her options. Then lying back she spreads her legs even more and commands, "Proceed."
Barocca spreads Nandee's drenched labia with the thumbs and bends forward, pressing her face into Nandee's overheated crotch. She flicks the darker Queen's clit with her pink tongue, eliciting a girlish giggle from Nandee. Barocca next runs her talented tongue up and down the length of Nandee's pussy lips, slurping up every available drop of her sweet nookie nectar. Nandee goes into orbit, rolling her head from side to side as wave after wave of orgasmic tremors rock her body. Her convulsions almost knock Barocca onto the floor.
The milk chocolate masseuse keeps up the stimulation long after Nandee collapses from her second orgasm. She reinserts her fingers, three now, and moves her mouth to Nandee's nipples, sucking and nibbling lightly on each, and kissing her proud breasts. The Zulu can feel her belly being poked by Barocca's stiff nipples and she senses herself approaching another climax. "I'm going to cum," she admits to her servant.
Barocca quickly shifts into low, positioning herself to swallow all the feminine juice Nandee can pump out. Moments later Nandee rewards her loyal servant with a facial of earth-shattering proportions. Barocca backs away, wiping her sopping grin with the back of her forearm.
As she slowly returns to Earth, Nandee hears echoes of Barocca's remarks. "Barocca, what did you mean, 'an Amazon massage?' Where would you learn that?"
With a smug smile, Barocca replies, "I must confess, Queen Nandee. I'm not your new body servant. I guess there was a mix-up in court. I am Barocca, Queen of the Amazons-"
"Barocca! They told me-. But I thought-." She swallows deeply. "I'm so embarrassed. I don't know what to say, what to do."
"Don't worry, Nandee. I spotted the mistake early on. But I decided to go along with it for a while. I wanted to meet the real you. Not in some overwrought, high-and-mighty regal setting, but woman-to-woman."
"Well, we certainly did that," Nandee laughs. Blotting her pubic mound with a towel, she continues, "But I'll never be able to forgive myself for treating you like a servant. And for letting you …uh…eat my…"
"Oh, that was entirely my idea," Barocca chuckles. "And my pleasure." Another playfully demonic look crosses Barocca's face. "But since you agree that this is a much more pleasant and stimulating way to conduct a state visit, I feel it my duty to point out that all of the, shall we say, diplomatic feelers, have gone in only one direction so far."
"Say no more," Nandee whispers. The two Queens change places without comment and Nandee starts off squatting on Barocca, sweeping her all-natural knockers against Barocca's magnificent melons. Both are still aroused from the earlier session, so little time is wasted warming each other up. Nandee leans forward and kisses Barocca's open mouth, their tongues finding each other in a mutual oral orgy.
Nandee moves down to suckle Barocca's bulbous breasts, and the Amazon Queen's eyes roll back in her head as the ecstasy washes over her entire body. The Zulu doesn't let up, drawing Barocca's dark nipples deep into her lust-hungry mouth. With a sharp squeal, Barocca's boob squirts a quick jet of breast milk into Nandee's mouth. With a delighted twinkle in her eye, Nandee sucks Barocca's tit dry before switching to its twin and repeating the whole procedure.
"Pipe down, Jess. Get over here" Arnie calls in a hoarse whisper, motioning his partner to join him.
"OK, Nandee," Barocca purrs, fixing her with her most seductive stare. "Now finish me off. Eat my pussy, Nandee, like I ate yours."
"I will do better," Nandee muses. "I will drive Barocca insane with womanly passion." Burying her face in Barocca's steaming slit, Nandee teases and tickles the Amazon's pussy like the finest courtesan. Mindful of her royal obligations, she nevertheless brings Barocca to two heady orgasms before she is forced to stop for her ceremonial duties. "We will continue tomorrow, Barocca. I am looking forward to our next meeting."
After they have both finished dressing, Nandee summons a guard to escort Barocca to her quarters. "If I may ask a favor, Queen Nandee, would you please assign your chief guard Jobu to protect me during my visit? He escorted me to your palace and seems a most capable man."
"Jobu is among my favorites also. I will grant your request at once. But now I must go attend to the affairs of state, Queen Barocca."
An hour later Barocca has bathed, primped, and changed into a diaphanous lavender negligee. She tiptoes to her apartment door and eases it open just a crack. There is Jobu standing at attention at his post. He turns at the sound of the opening door and sees Barocca peering out at him like an eager child.
"Yes, your Highness? May I be of some help?"
Opening the door further but still concealing most of herself behind the heavy wooden barrier, Barocca smiles. "Oh. I'm pleased to see you've been assigned as my guard. Yes Jobu, you can help. I have a …problem for which I'm certain you'll be the perfect man. Enter, please."
She opens the door even more, Jobu obediently steps in, and Barocca closes the door behind her and slides the bolt home. Jobu turns to face his charge. Barocca leans back against the door and allows Jobu to feast his eyes on her naked body, sheathed only in this nearly transparent lavender veil. He assesses the lay of the land by studying Barocca's angelic face, her tousled black mane, her impertinent breasts, her dark areolas, her flat tummy, her wide curved hips, her creamy thighs, her long tapering legs, and her delicate feet.
Barocca does some reconnoitering of her own, starting with Jobu's chiseled features, his broad muscular shoulders, his massive chest, his slim but solid abs, his long tree-trunk legs, and his sandal-shod feet. But what attracts her eye and rivets her attention is the uncontrollable bulge erupting beneath his loincloth, a ceremonial vestige of an ancient time when soldiers and guards wore a minimum of clothing. Barocca is helplessly pulled across the carpeted floor by a force as primal as gravity until her trembling body almost touches his. She gazes into Jobu's dark eyes and breathes, "I want…I need for you…That is…"
Jobu remains dutifully silent his eyes being drawn deeper into the green eyes of this exotic beauty before him, her full lips stammering for the right words. He feels her hand slip beneath his loincloth and grasp his growing manhood. When notified that Queen Nandee had assigned him to Queen Barocca, he strategically removed certain undergarments that he was sure would not be needed. The widening of Barocca's eyes and the smile spreading across her face reassures him that his instincts had proved correct.
"You wish me to perform a service," Jobu prompts. "It will be my pleasure to fulfill Queen Barocca's every desire. You may rely on my discretion."
With a gesture that is all but unnoticeable, Barocca's almost weightless wrap drops to the floor and she stands ready and waiting for Jobu. His disrobing takes a little longer, but within moments they are exploring each other's magnificent bodies with delight and enthusiasm. Pressing Jobu onto the bed and onto his back, Barocca wraps her hand around his stiff shaft and begins slowly pumping up and down.
Careful not to bring him to climax yet, Barocca works Jobu's joint into full erection. She is impressed with its length and surprised by its girth. "He's so thick I can't close my hand around it. I must suck this magnificent cock, she thinks, popping his prodigious prick into her eager mouth. Her velvety lips glide up and down Jobu's rigid shaft as Barocca slurps along its entire length.
Jobu occupies himself by kneading Barocca's bazookas with one hand while exploring her hairless honey pot with the other. His pussy probe is drenched with the Amazon's juices. She moans with ecstasy as she continues bobbing on his thick dick.
Jobu feels himself becoming overstimulated. He grabs Queen Barocca and tosses her onto her back as gently as possible under the circumstances. The Amazon spreads her legs just in time for Jobu to plow his quaking cock into her waiting pussy. His powerful thrusts make Barocca feel like he's driving her through the mattress and into the ground. Breathing heavily through her mouth, she meets every one of Jobu's strokes with a pelvic thrust of her own, filling her pussy with every inch of Jobu's joystick.
Barocca locks her legs behind Jobu's back so his cock won't slip out of her as their tempo increases. Within seconds they both reach earth-shaking orgasms that leave them completely exhausted. Jobu collapses onto Barocca and she fears he may crush her before he considerately rolls off her tingling body and settles beside her on his back. The visiting vixen snuggles closer, hugging Jobu's powerful arm and stroking his solid pecs until their breathing stabilizes.
"Yes," Barocca sighs, "You are the perfect man for this, Jobu. Come, let us enjoy some wine and talk before we try this a second time."
"Thank you, Queen Barocca. You are most gracious…and most generous. I am told that Queen Nandee has a full schedule that will occupy her all afternoon and well into the late evening."
"That's good to know, Jobu. You are very astute. I like a man who is attentive to detail. And as my bodyguard, we must maintain the closest possible liaison during my visit here."
"I will protect you from all intruders, Queen Barocca."
Running her hand along Jobu's long black manhood, Barocca replies, "Well, not all intruders, Jobu. Some intrusions are most welcome."
Setting aside their empty wine glasses, Barocca sinks to her knees between Jobu's massive legs and licks his shaft up and down with her talented and electrifying pink tongue. Without using her hands, the amorous Amazon brings him once again to full attention by paying particularly close attention to his lady killer's bulbous head. Then leading Jobu back to the bed, Barocca presents herself on all fours. "I love it this way, Jobu. Plunge in."
Jobu doesn't have to be told twice. His stupendous stinger buries itself inside his hostess's honey hole as he grabs her hips and establishes their rhythm. This time Jobu takes it a lot more slowly, making certain to sink his shaft to full depth with every stroke. Barocca appreciates his efforts as Jobu's black mamba fills her pussy time and time again. She appreciates it even more when Jobu brings her to climax three more times before he pops his own cork.
Barocca summons dinner for both of them to be delivered to her room. After a satisfying meal, they spend the night in a cultural exchange of sexual practices in which both Barocca and Jobu learn many new customs. Exercising her regal authority, Queen Barocca demands that Jobu spend the night with her…for protection, of course.
When Barocca awakens to a deferential knock at her door, she is shocked to find Jobu is nowhere in sight. Slipping into a robe, she answers the door to find the old, stern female servant announcing with a poker face that Queen Nandee would like to meet with her in the inner courtyard as Queen Barocca's earliest convenience. Knowing that that means "right now", Barocca dresses quickly, skips her customary make-up, brushes her hair hurriedly, and follows the waiting young servant girl to the courtyard.
Queen Nandee sits on a smooth rock on the edge of the hot spring, dangling her bare feet in the warm water. As Barocca approaches, Nandee jumps to her feet and scowls at her royal visitor. "Now I know why you asked for Jobu to be your bodyguard. It so happens that Jobu is my bodyguard, Barocca. I assigned him to you as a diplomatic favor, not so you could use him as your personal sex toy. You and Jobu have betrayed my trust."
"I had no idea you and Jobu…I mean, I was…Oh, Queen Nandee," Barocca stammers. It had never occurred to her that Nandee and Jobu may be lovers, not that Nandee was so possessive of him. Still, as the Queen of the Amazons, Barocca doesn't take kindly to such upbraiding. "Jobu is man enough for both of us, Nandee. But if you feel so strongly about him, perhaps you are prepared to fight for him."
"Yes, I know of your fighting traditions in the Amazon, Barocca. I am prepared to wrestle you for Jobu. Since you issued the challenge, I will choose the time, place, and manner of the battle." Nandee wades across the shallow spring to stand defiantly before Barocca in a wide-legged stance, her hands on her hips. "Here. Now. We wrestle to a five-count pin. The winner gets Jobu."
"Suits me," Barocca sneers. "And since it's just between us Queens and this spot is so secluded, let's go woman-to-woman." Barocca whips off her top and allows her ample bosom to swing free. Not to be outdone, Nandee also rips off her brief top, and the rivals glare for a moment at their magnificent mammaries. Then the clash begins.
The courtly combatants spring at each other…or rather, at each other's breasts. Locking onto those luscious lobes, these lusty ladies claw, squeeze, and scratch like feral cats. They instantly grimace in a combination of agony and exertion, each determined to make the other surrender to the torment she suffers. But neither grants her for that satisfaction as they grip and maul, tug and twist the other's udders. Finally, to break the stalemate, Barocca pinches and twists Nandee's ebony nipples until tears of pain fill the Zulu Queen's eyes. Nandee releases on of Barocca's breasts only to sink her fist deep into the throbbing melon. The agony forces Barocca to release her nipple locks and both women retreat to soothe their savaged breasts.
Nandee drives a foot into Barocca's belly, doubling the Amazon up. Then the Zulu takes hold of the Amazon's skirt and flings her around in a wide arc. The delicate fabric was not designed for such stress and it rips off, sending the tall tigress, now wearing only the briefest thong, stumbling into the warm spring. She loses her footing on the slippery rocks and plops into the water, which is only a few inches deep. Seething, Barocca growls at the laughing Nandee and charges her new nemesis.
Crouching, Barocca catches Nandee in her midsection and the pair of black Queens tumbles onto the courtyard lawn in a sprawl of arms and legs, snarling and hissing. The Amazon gains the advantage and hammerlocks Nandee who is face down. But not for long. The Zulu Queen bucks Barocca off her back and pounces on her visitor, again targeting her big tits.
Barocca is as flexible as a cat. She writhes sinuously and clamps her long legs around Nandee's neck, pulling her tormentor off her. In a flash she converts this to a choking scissors that has Nandee gasping for breath and trying desperately to pry her captor's legs apart. With a vindictive laugh, Barocca tightens her grip, shaking her legs to increase Nandee's suffering. Her idle hands soon find something to do when they rip Nandee's skirt from her hips, leaving her stark naked.
Nandee is near blacking out and goes limp. Eager to end the fight, Barocca releases her scissors and rises. Placing her foot on the inert Nandee, Barocca strikes a triumphant pose and starts her count. When she reaches three, the devious Zulu grabs Barocca's ankle and with a sharp twist hurls the heavy-hootered honey onto her shapely ass.
With new respect for each other's fighting skills, the she-cats circle each other warily. Nandee vows not to fall victim to Barocca's superior strength and vast experience. Barocca curses herself for stupidly falling for Nandee's possum act. They lock up again, arm in arm, struggling for superiority. Not the novice she appears to be, Nandee suddenly spins Barocca into a full nelson that thrusts the Amazon's amazing breasts forward as her back arches. Her jumbo juggs jiggle as the smaller woman bounces Barocca to accentuate the pain of her hold.
"If Jobu could see you now, what would he think, Barocca?" she snarls to her captive.
"He'd probably pop a super boner. Men love to see women fight and the sight of my stupendous body brings all their cocks to attention," Barocca snaps through gritted teeth.
"Is that all you are? A pair of oversize titties and a hot pussy?" Nandee replies. "No wonder you have to journey all this way to find fresh man meat. Did you use up all the local men?"
"Men from all over the world want me," Barocca brags. "I can have any man I want. And I want Jobu."
"But will Jobu still want you after I'm through with you?" Nandee slams her knee into Barocca's back, converting the nelson into an excruciating surfboard hold. The busty black battler fells like her back is about to break. With a final shove, Nandee pushes the agonized Amazon away and Barocca sprawls onto the grass, a mass of pain.
Before she can catch her breath, Barocca feels Nandee hauling her by her hair to her feet. The naked Zulu delivers a devastating right cross to her guest's jaw that spins Barocca in a full clockwise circle before she drops to the ground. Then Nandee reaches down and yanks Barocca's thong until it snaps off. She roughly jerks the torn fabric deep into Barocca's pussy, cutting into her sensitive femininity like a hot knife. The Amazon's shriek spreads a warm malicious grin across Nandee's face.
"Don't forget, Barocca, that I had to defeat the great Cleopatra to attain my throne. Many had tried before me, but only I prevailed. And now you come here to abuse my hospitality. You fuck my man and make this pitiful attempt to steal him away. How pathetic. I will drive you away in shame, Barocca. You will be unable to show your bruised and scarred face even in your own country."
During this harangue Barocca had reached her boiling point. Now she explodes all over the boasting beauty strutting around her. Jumping to her feet, the Amazon warrior kicks her bare foot into Nandee's crotch, crumpling the Zulu Queen to her knees as the fiery agony consumes her entire body. Then Barocca picks Nandee up and lifts her high overhead. With a mighty thrust she flings the black goddess toward the hot spring.
Nandee lands a little short, but her momentum rolls her into the warm water. A split-second later Barocca is on top of her, pushing her face into the babbling liquid. Nandee flails her arms and knocks Barocca off her feet. Now both beauties are splashing around in the shallow stream, naked and soaking wet. The Zulu girl gets to her feet first and charges Barocca.
The Amazon, on her back in the water, shoves a foot into Nandee's belly and throws her rival overhead and rolling onto the grass. Barocca scrambles up and pounces on the stunned Nandee. She grabs the Zulu warrior's ankles, spreads then wide, and stomps hard on Nandee's unprotected pussy once, twice, three times. Howling, Nandee folds herself into the fetal position. Her only consolation is that since she is dripping wet from the hot spring, Barocca can't tell that Nandee is crying from the intense clitoral agony she has inflicted.
With a derisive snort, Barocca pulls Nandee up by her hair. With her left hand she suspends her hostess on her tiptoes while her right fist punches the helpless Queen in the face, breasts, and belly. Her soaking wet condition no longer disguises the fact that Nandee is sobbing uncontrollably from pain, frustration, and humiliation.
The Amazon Queen lets her prey drop to the ground and with her toe nudges Nandee onto her back. Barocca places her foot firmly on the heaving chest of her conquest and ever so slowly counts to five. "Just to prove that I have mercy on my victims, I will not shame you by allowing your servants to see their so-called Queen in such a state. I will leave you here alone until you can sneak back into your own palace. Please have the decency to clothe yourself so your servants will not mistake you for a common woman of the streets. Oh, I forgot. You Zulus can't distinguish between Queens and commoners. Maybe there is no difference."
Barocca picks up her discarded skirt and top and replaces them. She smoothes back her wet hair and looks pityingly on her vanquished foe. Then the Amazon spits in Nandee's direction, turns, and heads back toward the palace.
Nandee lies sobbing and massaging her aching body for over an hour before she can rise and return to her palace. She uses back passages to avoid anybody who may witness her humiliation.
Barocca has already vacated her visitor's apartment and is in her carriage on her way back to the coast, escorted by Jobu. "I know Queen Nandee would have preferred to tell you personally that she has assigned you to accompany me all the way back home to the Amazon River valley. I'm sure when we arrive there you will find a message appointing you her ambassador to my throne. I can think of no better way to cement relations between our two nations."
"It will be my honor and my great pleasure to serve my two Queens in any way I can, Queen Barocca," Jobu smiles. "I have enjoyed serving Queen Nandee, but I also welcome this opportunity to broaden my horizons. I'm certain that my time in your court will be beneficial to us both."
Motioning him to move to the seat beside her, Barocca asks, "Jobu, have you ever, uh…had diplomatic relations in a royal carriage?"
"No, my Queen," Jobu lies.
"Then let me introduce you to an honored Amazon custom," Barocca coos.