Boxing With Bijan Sudaan
Referee Bijan Sudaan signaled the bell and the contenders stepped forward with gloves raised. Challenger Fantasia wore leopard foxies, little more that a loincloth trimmed to look like ultra-short boxing trunks Her 12-oz gloves were hot pink and her ankle boots were dark gray. Champion Barocca wore red booty shorts that covered only the top quarter of her luscious heart-shaped booty. The tops of her white Latex boots rose almost to her knees and her gloves were black. The topless titans were a lot more colorful than their usual monochromatic wrestling outfits. Bijan however wore the traditional black and white striped shirt, although unbuttoned and tied below her bosom, with a bare midriff, black Spandex hiphugger slacks and black running shoes.
Barocca opened the action with a short flurry of light jabs that kept Fantasia bobbing and weaving to avoid contact. Fantasia was back to being a blonde again, with her hair reaching just below her shoulders. Barocca was her normal raven-haired self, with a thick, full mane teased to perfection. This early in the fight the girls were light on their feet, dancing to and fro, making themselves moving targets. As expected, this kept their enhanced breasts constantly in motion, jostling tantalizingly on their chests to the delight of their fans.
The brunette scored the first solid blow when she nailed her opponent with a fist to the nose that sent her blonde hair flying in all directions. Fantasia shook it off quickly and came back for more, grinning at the black beauty. Barocca obliged, but her second shot glanced off Fantasia's cheek and landed on her shoulder, doing little harm. That wicked grin reappeared as Fantasia spun Barocca's head with a well-aimed right.
Both battlers were well matched. Both stood 5' 10" in bare feet and weighed within a few pounds of each other at about 135. Their bustlines were comparable-and admirable-with impressive FF cups. Barocca had the slimmer waist by a healthy margin, but Fantasia had the definite edge on hips, with a voluptuous 38" beam. They had tussled before in a multiple-round catfight for Napali Video and had promised to meet again, this time in serious combat.
Barocca unloaded a mean uppercut just below Fantasia's ribs that bounced her boobies up into her jaw. "Good one," Fantasia smiled. "I'll have to return the compliment." She jabbed the Brazilian Bombshell's tits playfully, to see if she could provoke those dark brown nipples to stand at fuller attention. They did. No matter how badly one pounded Barocca's puppies, they always stuck their little noses out as far as they could. A return jugg jolt popped Fantasia's pink nips up, too, and brought a sly grin to Barocca's face.
Barocca always took these fights seriously. She was proud of her record and used her natural aggression and assertiveness to intimidate her opponents. Fantasia took a more light-hearted attitude about the proceedings. She was Barocca's equal in strength and skill, but viewed these bouts as sado-masochistic larks to be enjoyed for their pure sensation. Fantasia didn't give a damn about her won-lost record; she simply love mixing it up with another competitive woman. And Barocca was her perfect match.
The girls were punching close-in now. The short throws didn't have a lot of power behind them, but they hit their marks and tenderized their targets just a little more each time. Most were aimed at their bellies and abdomens, and a few couldn't help but hit their titties. Indeed, with hooters like theirs, it would be almost impossible not to nail their knockers, intentionally or otherwise.
Blonde Fantasia picked up a slight advantage, hammering Barocca slowly but steadily back toward the ropes. The brunette beauty was unaware that she was mere centimeters from the vinyl-clad cables that defined their field of combat. When Fantasia flattened one of her big brown bazookas, her rearward retreat was interrupted by the ropes on her back. Fantasia moved to administer some more punishment since Barocca had no avenue of escape.
But the feisty feline is most dangerous when she's cornered. A surge of adrenaline coursed through Barocca and she snapped Fantasia's head back with a fearsome fist to her face. Bijan had stepped forward to pry the girls off the ropes, but backed off when she saw that Barocca had the situation well in hand. Bijan loved contact sports and the early going in this bout was making her wet. She had tangled with Barocca in a recent tag-team match, pinning her once and getting pinned by her once. Bijan admired the Brazilian and eagerly awaited the day they would meet face-to-face, one-on-one.
She also was aroused by the busty blonde who at this moment was getting pummeled by the belligerent brunette. Fantasia was new to Bijan, although the referee knew who she was and had seen her short series of fight videos. She was pleased to see that Fantasia could hold her own against the almost unbeatable Barocca. Like now, when the blonde sent a hard one-two combination to Barocca's beltline. The Bombshell had fought her way off the ropes, but Fantasia stopped her advance.
The exertion was beginning to show. A light patina of perspiration coated the boxers' skin. It was hard to notice on Fantasia's pale skin, but Barocca positively glistened under the harsh ring lights. She fended off a left jab and returned a right hook to Fantasia's left boob that wrenched a yelp from the tall tigress. Pressing her advantage, Barocca characteristically pushed forward with another solid punch to the blonde's belly, and a repeat visit to her left breast.
Fantasia let her arms drop momentarily so Barocca would close in for the kill…which she did. But Fantasia had faked the Brazilian out. When the Bombshell drew near Fantasia uncorked a thunderous right to her jaw that spun Barocca 180 degrees and sent her to the canvas. The brunette got up immediately but Bijan held her back for the mandatory 8-count for knockdowns. Barocca was seething with the shame of being the first to hit the deck…and only five minutes into the match.
Before Bujan finished saying "eight," Barocca roared into Fantasia with a whirlwind of flying leather. (Yes, unlike many femme fighters, Barocca and Fantasia prefer real leather gloves. "I love the feel of leather," Barocca confessed. "It has a sexy sting on my body," Fantasia leered.) Fantasia had no choice but to backpedal and try to block the blows. She was only partly successful and one of Barocca's punches started her nose bleeding.
Per their prior agreement, Bijan called time out. She had one minute to try to stop Fantasia's nose bleeding. If she couldn't, she would decide if the fight should continue. This was a small nosebleed and the flow was quickly stanched with the application of a styptic pencil. Besides, Fantasia had mutter to Bijan, "If you stop this fight, I'll kick the shit out of you. I want that bitch Barocca…I want her bad." Regardless of the threat, Bijan signaled the battle to continue. Both girls had had a nice rest and were eager to resume.
Fantasia proved to be too eager. Anger got the best of her and she threw a wild roundhouse right that Barocca easily ducked. While she was bent down, the brunette bruiser battered Fantasia's belly with three sharp jabs. Still hot, Fantasia directed some of that heat to her foe. Barocca stood up only to find her face directly in the path of the blonde's lethal left. The Brazilian thought it would take her head off.
The impact drove her several feet to her left, landing on the ropes. She sagged, held up by her arms draped over the top rope. Fantasia moved in and ordered, "Get up, whore. I'm not through with you yet." Barocca's ears were still ringing and the room spun. She heard Bijan inserting herself between Fantasia and hew own limp body, grateful for the chance to get her head straight. Barocca got her feet under her, stood erect, and turned to face Fantasia.
A gloved fist from out of nowhere indicated that Fantasia wasn't where Barocca expected her to be. For a big girl, Fantasia was light on her feet…and heavy on her fists. This blow sent Barocca reeling into Bijan and the two black babes tumbled to the canvas in a tangle. Fantasia laughed as the pair of black queens sorted themselves out and got to their feet. Barocca made sure that it took longer than necessary, giving her time to recuperate and launch a new strategy. When Bijan stood, her shirt had mysteriously come untied and her mouthwatering mammaries were swinging free. She took a few moments to get them settled and retie her shirt before restarting the bout.
Barocca realized that Fantasia was more ready than she was to resume this slugfest, so she bought some time by playing keep-away. She jabbed at the blonde to taunt her, then danced back out of range when Fantasia counterpunched. This took skill and flawless timing, but it paid off in two ways. First, it gave Barooca's head a chance to clear; and second, it pissed off Fantasia no end. Tricking one's opponent into losing her temper was always a good tactic.
As Fantasia rashly threw a roundhouse right at Barocca, the black goddess ducked and let it fly harmlessly overhead while she followed up with a hard left to the cheek that added to the blonde's momentum and sent her face-down to the canvas. Now it was Fantasia's turn to wait out Bijan's 8-count while Barocca enjoyed a short pre-victory dance. Bijan bent at the waist to count for Fantasia, and Barocca amused herself by admiring the referee's phat booty straining the seams of those Spandex slacks. Fine stuff, that. Tasty.
Her daydream ended when Fantasia barreled toward her with fire in her angry brown eyes. Barocca feined a shot to her face and the blonde did what she thought she'd do: she raised her gloves for protection. That opened the door for Barocca to blast her belly with a dynamite left hook. But despite the blow, Fantasia responded with a bust-blasting punch to Barocca's left casaba that blinded her with a visible flash of agony. That punch went straight in, pancaking the Brazilian's boobie all the way down to her ribcage. The pain was unbelievable.
Barocca dropped to her hand and knees, the other gloved hand protecting her throbbing tit. Tears filled her gray-green eyes. Bijan began her count and the unthinkable occurred to Barocca: she could actually lose this fight. She glanced through bleary eyes at her blonde challenger, hopping from one foot to the other and punching her gloves together in anticipation. Fantasia, who only seconds before was the one down here on the canvas listening to the count-
The count! Jeez! Bijan was up to seven and Barocca was still folded into the fetal position, comforting her aching breast. It took a supreme effort for her to get to her feet and beat Bijan's count by a fraction of a second. The battered Brazilian clearly heard Fantasia spout, "Shit!" as she drew a deep breath and steeled herself for what could very well have been the quick end to this boxing match. Shit is what Barocca was certain Fantasia was about to beat out of her.
The irritated blonde flexed her arm muscles, hefted her heavy hooters, and stepped toward her prey. Barocca knew the odds were against her, but her primal nature wouldn't allow her to give up. She raised her gloves in the basic defensive pose and began circling her formidable opponent. Fantasia jabbed her in the nose and the brunette felt her blood start to trickle. It hadn't reached her upper lip so Bijan couldn't see it and stop the fight, so Barocca snuffed deeply to delay the inevitable. Fantasia tapped her again, but this one glanced off her cheek.
Barocca's instincts told her that the busty blonde's third punch would be the money shot. She anticipated a big wind-up and literally beat Fantasia to the punch. When Fantasia cocked her arm back for the big blast, Barocca peppered her unprotected tits with a flurry of fists from every angle. The blonde's boobies shook all over her chest as though they were in an 8.0 earthquake. She staggered back with Barocca in hot pursuit. Fantasia hit the ropes and instantly rolled to one side, just as the Bombshell heaved a wicked right whose momentum nearly carried her over the top rope when it missed its target. She fell tits-first against the ropes, a landing that reignited the fire in her bruised bosom.
Glancing at her knockers, Barocca swore her left boob had swollen a full cup size. At least it wasn't flat or sagging to her waistline. Except for the pain, it seemed in better shape than its right-side twin. "Quit dreaming," Barocca admonished herself, and turned her full attention to the problem at hand. Fantasia clobbered her with a raging right and the lights flickered for the Brazilian Bombshell. As her knees buckled she tipped forward and grasped the nearest solid object: Fantasia.
The panting pugilists clinched for a few seconds. When Bijan interceded to part them, she mistook the blood that Barocca had snorted onto Fantasia's glistening gazonga for Fantasia's own blood. The round-rumped referee called another time out and examined Fantasia's nose for any indication of reinjury. Finding none, she checked Barocca's face and saw the blood slowly trickling from her nostril. "So you're the bleeder," she announced.
"Me? I hadn't noticed," Barocca lied, feigning surprise. "It isn't bad. Let us go on."
"You sure you're OK?" Bijan inquired, squinting and examining the champ's face. "It doesn't look too bad. Just a little blood."
"I'm fine," Barocca insisted, thankful that through all this examination and chit-chat Fantasia wasn't finishing her off. In fact, Barocca was enjoying a welcome respite from the incessant pounding she'd absorbed. She was soaked in sweat and her hair was all matted and stringy. She looked like hell. Barocca snuffed up some more blood and narrowed her gaze at Fantasia. "All right, cunt," the Brazilian Bombshell thought. "Maybe you'll beat me. Maybe you'll become the new champ. But you'll sure as hell know you've been in the fight of your life."
Barocca sank her right glove into Fantasia's abdomen, just below her navel, and followed up with a left uppercut to her jaw. The big blonde plopped straight down on her sweet ass. She snorted a curse and painfully got up. Before finishing her ascent, she backhanded Barocca across the face, sending her stumbling like a drunk into the corner. Now the black babe was trapped as Fantasia closed in and hammered her belly with over a dozen short punches before switching to her tits.
She covered up as best she could, but Barocca was convinced this was the end, that the white warrior would surely put her away with a knockout punch. Fantasia battered he boobies like they were speed bags. Her milk cans had never taken such ferocious abuse. Out of sheer desperation, Barocca raised her arms in front of her face and breasts, her forearms pressed together. Then inspiration struck.
Barocca brought both gloved fists down hard in a chopping motion into Fantasia's face. The brutal blonde must have been off balance because the blow made her stumble backward. She fell, having tripped over her own feet, so Bijan didn't bother to start a count. Something had snapped deep within Barocca and she was transformed, much like Popeye after downing a can of spinach. She smashed Fantasia's face repeatedly as the blonde brawler rose, then redirected some blows to those pale pink puppies and flat belly. They soon grew red from the multiple impacts with leather.
Barocca's chest heaved with every breath and from the dead weight of her massive mammaries, which now felt like lead. For what seemed like an eternity Fantasia stood frozen before her, barely able to lift a glove in defense. Barocca cocked her right arm back and with a final effort, blasted the big blonde babe square in the face. The blow sent a spray of blood in all directions from Fantasia's nose and she folded up in a heap at the Brazilian's feet. A moment later, she capsized onto her side and Bijan began the count. Barocca retreated to a corner and draped her weary arms over the top rope, letting her beaten body sag and breathing through her mouth.
From far away she could make out a voice, "…eight…nine…ten." Then her arm was pulled up over her head and the voice said, "The winner and still champ…although God only knows how…BAROCCA!"
She couldn't celebrate or even appreciate for several days the victory that had come at such a high cost. Bijan had to help Barocca limp from the ring. Of course, she needed help to carry Fantasia's unconscious body out shortly thereafter. The swelling in her boobs subsided after four days but the remained numb for over a week. At least nothing was broken. To the contrary, Barocca's domineering attitude got a tremendous boost. "After what Fantasia did to me, nobody can defeat me. I am invincible. I am Barocca, goddess of the boxing ring."

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