Barocca vs Bijan Sudaan
"So why did you insist on a private wrestling match, Bijan. Didn't you want anyone to see me stomp you cute booty into the mat?" Barocca smiles.
"Quite the opposite," Bijan replies. "I thought it'd save you all the shame and humiliation that comes from having a much younger woman whip an old pro."
"Your hormones must be out of whack, honey."
"At least I don't get hot flashes, sugar."
"Did you come here to talk or to wrestle?"
"Oh, that's right. I don't want to make you late for your AARP meeting."
Barocca wisely resists the temptation to lose her temper and charge heedlessly at the smart-mouth Bijan, Instead she steps toward center ring and beckons Bijan to do the same. Ms Sudaan sashays forward as though browsing in a curio shop, not preparing to grapple with the most victorious vixen in the femme fight world.
They cautiously circle each other, clockwise. Barocca is stunning in a metallic copper one-piece suit, bright as a new penny. Spaghetti straps tied behind her neck, descending to just above her areolas, where the bib-front of the garment begins. The shimmering Lycra tapers sharply to her crotch, vanishing between her legs only to rise as a single slender strand from her bare ass cheeks. That connects to an identical strand encircling her 21" waist and tying in front. She is barefoot, as is her opponent.
Bijan Sudaan struts her stuff in a metallic silver G-string bikini. The top cups are about the size of a cocktail napkin torn in half diagonally. They provide no support, only hiding her nipples and areolas. The bottom similarly provides merely minimal modesty and allows a full view of her full moon, which is only slightly larger than Barocca's. Bijan's long straight hair is dyed dirty blond with golden blonde highlights, a nice contrast to her opponent's shining coal-black curly mane.
The antagonists lock up hand-to-hand for a classic test of strength. Barocca's height advantage gives her the edge in leverage, but Bijan has a terrific grip so they struggle on an equal footing. Slowly Bijan bends Barocca's wrists back, gaining the upper hand, but Barocca counters by shifting her weight and pressing forward, sending Sudaan back a step.
Tiring of this stalemate, Barocca leaps up, plants her feet under Bijan's bulging breasts, and allows gravity to pull them both onto Barocca's bare back as Sudaan sails overhead to crash onto the mat. The Brazilian keeps rolling with the momentum, back somersaulting onto Bijan's back and tying her legs up in a tight clamp.
"Pretty spry for an old woman, eh, Bijan?" she chides. The blonde does not reply, but merely grits her teeth and tries to wiggle out of the hold. Barocca knows she can't win with this hold but bears down to increase the pain but mostly to cut off the blood flow to Sudaan's lower legs. When the brunette finally releases her, Bijan's legs are numb and tingly and don't support her well.
Staggering like a drunk, Bijan is defenseless when Barocca applies a reverse headlock, drops to one knee, and flips the unstable blonde onto her back. Sudaan lies motionless and Barocca rashly climbs onto the middle rope for a power dive onto her flaccid foe. But Bijan rolls away at the last moment and Barocca slams hard onto the mat.
Now it's the Brazilian Bombshell who's stopped dead in her tracks and Bijan flips her onto her back for a quick pin. Grinning, she slaps the mat, "One…t-" Barocca tosses her off with a grunt and both beauties get back onto their feet.
By this time both battling beauties have a better assessment of each other's capabilities. They'd fought once before but that was a tag match. Barocca was teamed with Ebony Ayes and Bijan partnered with Vanessa Blue. Singles matches are different. Bijan had learned some new moves since their last encounter…and so had Barocca.
They circle each other twice, looking for opportunities and working out the kinks from the previous take-downs. Bijan adjusts her G-string and Barocca resettles her bosom, neither breaking eye contact for even a nanosecond. The copper-clad cutie reaches for a lock-up but Sudaan grabs her wrist, turns and crouches, flipping Barocca over her head and against the ropes-upside-down.
Barocca tucks her neck to avoid landing on her head, landing instead on her shoulders and flopping onto her back, one leg dangling over the bottom rope. Bijan can't resist. She stomps Barocca's outstretched leg right on the knee. Human knees aren't designed to bend that way, but Bijan stomps again, and once more before the abused Amazon manages to drag her leg off the rope and out of harm's way. Bijan discovers she's fond of footwork and switches her attack to Barocca's belly. The first stomp elicits a satisfying grunt from her victim. The second stomp meets resistance in the form of Barocca grasping her ankle and twisting Sudaan off balance.
The Brazilian knows she'll be limping if she tries to stand, so she pounces on Bijan from a half-kneeling stance. After some flailing, Barocca has Bijan in a full Nelson. For added leverage, the brunette kneels behind the sitting Sudaan. Bijan's struggles are in vain until she gets an inspiring flash. Making fists above her head, she bends her elbows a bit and blindly slams both sides of Barocca's head. The shocking impact forces Barocca to release her Nelson and Bijan scrambles out of reach.
Still down on the mat, the glamour girls grapple some more until Bijan has Barocca in a gaping leg split. The Brazilian is on her back with Bijan squatting on her left leg and leaning against her raised right leg. The brunette is all too aware that her crotch is fully exposed to any assault Bijan may want to launch. What Bijan doesn't know is that Barocca's dancing career has kept her joints quite supple and that the leg brace isn't as painful as Barocca pretends. She notices that their energetic floor work has popped both of Barocca's bountiful breasts out of the top of her copper suit and that one of her own boobies has flopped out of the side of her miniscule top. Bijan feels her pussy getting warmer and wetter, so she presses further on Barocca's right leg.
The leg stretching and the writhing open Barocca's labia so Bijan can see her soft pink pussy, with a narrow band of copper Lycra stretched across it. The Lycra is soaked, either from perspiration or from Barocca's nookie nectar. It certainly doesn't smell like perspiration. Getting another inspiration, she puts all her weight behind a final shove against her prey's right leg and rolls Barocca on the her right side while still squatting on her left leg.
Sudaan grabs a hold of the fabric strand just above Barocca's ass cleavage and yanks sharply. The pussy wedgie is like a hot knife slicking into the Brazilian's most tender area. Another tug stabs even deeper and Barocca lets out a yelp of pain. She claws at Bijan but manages only to tear off her silvery top, letting both of Bijan's bazookas swing freely. Both battlers have breasts like big double scoops of chocolate ice cream, topped with even darker chocolate areolas and thick, hard nipples, now jutting forward almost an inch. Even the searing pain from her pussy doesn't soften Barocca's erect nipples.
Bijan goes for one last jerk on the strand-and it snaps! Barocca spasms and jolts Bijan off her perch. The brunette's bright copper suit now hangs like a dishrag from the neck straps, so Barocca simply whips it off and throws it through the ropes.
"Fucking thing'd just be in the way," she observes. Shoving Sudaan into a corner with a hand to her throat, Barocca adds, "Here, let me help you with yours," and rips off Bijan's silver G-string with one swift move.
Now both girls are totally naked and an arousing sight to behold. Their bodies glisten with the patina of perspiration. Their inner thighs glisten with their love juices. Their exertion has them both panting, their bosoms rising and falling with rapid deep breaths.
Like huntresses stalking prey, the stealthy stunners circle and attack. After a few swift moves, Bijan has Barocca in a twisting armbar. It's her left arm, fortunately, and the brunette soon untwists her way out of it. She hiptosses Sudaan and traps her in a crushing body scissors. Bijan had never fully appreciated the strength of the exotic dancer's legs until now. Barocca grins as she ratchets up the compression until her victim can scarcely breathe. Every time the Brazilian straightens her legs for another pulse of painful pressure, her glutes flex temptingly.
Frustrated, Bijan is reduced to slapping the mat and occasionally hammering Barocca's hams in an effort to relieve the agony and break the scissors. She starts to feel light-headed, the onset of unconsciousness. The brunette inflicts one final Python-like constriction before releasing the suffering Sudaan for some new form of torment.
The real reason Barocca let her go is that Barocca's legs were getting numb. She disguises that passing vulnerability by strutting around the ring as Bijan gets to her feet. It also allows the Bombshell to resume normal circulation to her stressed-out lower limbs. The blonde has no intention of continuing to be on the receiving end of such torture and resolves to turn the tables on her tormentor.
She rushes forward and grabs up Barocca in a mighty bearhug, lifting the lanky lovely off her feet and thus depriving her of any defensive leverage. Bearhugs work better when the huggee has more bulk in the middle that Barocca has. Her ultra-slim 21" waist isn't quite enough for an effective bearhug and Bijan's arms aren't in the optimal position to crush her opponent.
However, Barocca's bountiful bosom is in the optimal position for a breast smother. She hugs Bijan's face tightly between her bouncing boobies and shakes them side to side. Bijan is getting tit-slapped on both sides of her head. Barocca again wraps her long, strong legs around Bijan's waist and applies compression. Sudaan tightens her hold and is rewarded by a groan from Barocca, but once again she is becoming groggy from oxygen deprivation. She decided to release Barocca, but not without doing just a little more damage.
Bijan releases her hold and simultaneously drops to one knee. Barocca's bubble booty bursts on impact with Bijan's other knee and a lightning bolt of excruciating pain shoots up her spine. With a loud shriek she goes limp instantly and falls on her back, inert. Bijan seizes her opportunity and clamps a head scissors on the stunned stripper. Barocca's hands immediately go to her throat to try to pry Bijan's powerful legs from around her neck.
Sudaan smiles as the Latina chokes and coughs. She finds that being in control and seeing Barocca's naked body undulating and writhing as she struggles to breathe is sexually stimulating. With her next neck squeeze, Bijan feels that familiar and always-welcome warmth and wetness building in her sensitive pussy. Yes, that's it, Barocca. Struggle more. Yeah. Buck, baby. Fight me. Make me cum right in your face.
Instead, Barocca starts flailing her arms and one brushes Bijan's boobs. In a flash the Brazilian Bombshell latches on to that udder and squeezes with all her might. As Bijan was approaching an orgasm, her dark brown breasts became super-sensitive and her nipples stood up stiff. Now they are at their maximum vulnerability just as Barocca assaults them. The Brazilian sharp talons stab at the tender tit flesh. Bijan yelps and her legs spring apart.
Needing time to restore her respiration, Barocca rolls Bijan onto her stomach and mounts the blonde's back. She applies a back-breaking camel clutch, inching herself lower until she's sitting on Sudaan's ample ass. Cheek to cheek. Barocca grinds her butt against Bijan's, aware that the blonde was nearing orgasm just seconds before and hoping to get her going again. But this position has Barocca leaning too far forward to be fully effective and Bijan bucks her off…right after she climaxes.
Barocca rolls easily into an upright posture, but Bijan is slower, still recovering from her orgasm. No time now to enjoy it. She's on all fours when Barocca kicks her in the belly. A barefoot kick from a woman whose legs are still fatigued from an energy-draining scissors is pretty weak, but it's still enough to roll Bijan into the ropes. The brunette bends down and grabs a handful of streaky blonde locks and hauls her victim to her feet.
Sudaan shows her gratitude with an elbow smash to Barocca's face. That staggers her back a few steps. Bijan then punches her in the belly, doubling the diva over, and follows that with a knee lift that sends the brunette flipping backwards on to the mat. As Barocca's legs fly up, Bijan grabs them, spreads them wide, and stomps her heel onto the Bombshell's pubic mound. Barocca shrieks and coils into a protective fetal position.
Both battered babes need a break. Bijan retreats to the far corner and drapes an arm over the top rope to steady herself. She's sore all over and sweating like she's been hosed down. Barocca gradually uncoils and slowly pulls herself up the ropes. Although she, too, aches all over, the throb in her crotch overrides everything else. She takes a step toward the corner and her knees start to buckle. Bijan notices this and smells victory. Both woman begin circling the ring very slowly, still clinging to the top rope until they feel ready to resume.
The blonde abandons the rope first, and Barocca reluctantly follows suit, as pride demands. She really isn't fully recovered but she can't show any weakness that her opponent may exploit. This Bijan is tougher than Barocca expected, but certainly not invincible. I'm not invincible either, Barocca thinks, remembering how Minka cleaned her clock in that alley behind the restaurant a short while back.
"Getting tired, old lady?" Bijan asks derisively. "Wanna wrap it up so you can take your nap?"
"Do I look like Rodney Dangerfield?" Barocca pants. "No? Then how come 'I don't get no respect' from you?" She punctuates her rhetorical question with a backhand slap across Bijan's mouth.
With a sneer, Bijan lashes out with a kick to Barocca's unprotected pussy and the Bombshell crumples to the mat with a gasp. Sudaan strolls around the writhing ruin as the brunette struggles to her feet. She swings an angry punch toward the blonde but Bijan ducks the emotionally-fueled fist and buries her own uppercut deep into Barocca's pussy. Down she goes again.
The battered Brazilian coughs-no, retches several times. The pain is so incapacitating that she fears she'll throw up. How humiliating would that be: puking on your opponent's feet? Sudaan is coasting now, biding her time until Barocca rises for another dose of sexual abuse. The younger woman sees victory within her grasp.
The brunette rises halfway, pauses, clamps her hands on her knees, and coughs uncontrollably. Bijan rushes forward for the final blow. She clasps her hands together, lifts them high for a crushing double axhandle to the nape of Barocca's neck, and-
And doubles up from a quick one-two to her vulnerable belly that drives the wind from her lungs. That fucking bitch was playing possum! she realizes. Before she can gulp down a sorely-needed breath, Barocca uppercuts her jaw, sending Bijan sprawling onto her back, spread-eagle. Gasping for air and only semi-conscious, Bijan is aware that Barocca is between her legs, forcing them farther apart with her knees.
The first part of Bijan's gasp is a desperate gulp of air. But the second part is the shock of feeling two of Barocca's long fingers invading her lubricated labia and sliding up her slick pussy. The brunette pumps those fingers in and out, driving the blonde into a horrible ecstasy.
"So you want to fist fight, eh?" Barocca snarls. "You want to go for the pussy?" She inserts a third finger, filling Bijan's love canal. "Fight not going the way you expected. Thought I'd be an easy pin. You guessed wrong, kid."
Sudaan had accommodated quite a few thick cocks in her time and was proud of her tight pussy. But she shrieks when Barocca ups the ante to four fingers and pumps them back and forth like a reciprocating piston…an overbore piston. Bijan's respiratory needs still outrun her ability to recover from that double gut punch and she's still too weak to fend off Barocca.
With a maniacal grin, Barocca rams her entire right hand inside Sudaan's slot. The blonde thinks she's about to burst apart. But wait; there's more.
"This is how I fist fight, dearie," Barocca glares with fiery eyes as she makes a fist of her right hand and ravages Bijan's inflamed femininity. Sudaan's scream is abruptly cut short when she passes out and goes completely limp. But not before drenching Barocca fist with what seems like a gallon of fragrant jizz.
With a deep sigh Barocca relaxes her hand and withdraws it from Bijan's boiling box. Standing fully erect brings a vestige of pain from her own throbbing cunt and she hobbles toward the ropes. Glancing back at her unconscious victim, Barocca snorts with derision and heads for a restorative shower.

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