Barocca vs Angelique
The hometown contender always has the crowd behind her, but what happens when both contenders are from the same home town? Does the loyal spectator root for his favorite? Root for both? Toss a coin? One thing is for certain: he’ll be happy with the outcome.
Rio de Janeiro is proud to host the Battle of the Busty Brazilian Brunettes starring two of the hottest hometown honeys to be found on any continent. In alphabetical order, they are Angelique Dos Santos and Barocca the Brazilian Bombshell. Given the upper balconies these über-babes sport, the promoter of this event just had to make it a tit contest. No wrestling, no boxing. Simply two amply endowed dames pitting their puppies against each other in a tit-smothering contest. Each woman will smother the other to unconsciousness in three separate timed sessions. The times will be added up and the woman who smothers her opponent in the shortest total time wins.
Entering the arena is angelic Angelique, and what a heavenly vision she is. She is preceded by her mouthwatering melons, shrink-wrapped in a tropical floral print bandeau that bounces with her every step. Look at those massive 36EE mounds jiggle. The 5’-4” firecracker distributes the rest of her 143# into her 25” waist and 36” hips. Her fans—and her opponent’s, too—cheer wildly and stomp thunderously as she mounts the platform and displays her wares. As they chant “Take it off,” the buxom beauty cups her ear, hinting that she can’t quite make out what they’re saying. Now she runs her finger across the inside of her tight top…no, she shakes her head and refuses to honor the crowd’s request. She circles the platform, making sure everyone gets an eyeful, and grinds her hips under her floral sarong.
A throbbing drumbeat pulsates over the audio system as all eyes again turn toward the entrance. Spotlights illuminate the dark curtain…the music rises…but nothing. The horny fans start hollering—even Angelique is focused on the unmoving curtain. Now with a flash, the fabric rips away and Barocca steps into the light. The Bombshell has sprayed on a leopardskin thong bikini with a matching kerchief-like wrap around her waist. It fastens on her right hip, showing the full length of her long luscious leg. With an exaggerated sway, Barocca strides down the aisle and climbs the steps to take her place alongside her opponent. At 5’-10” she’s noticeable taller than Angelique, and with an equally impressive rack. Barocca’s 21” waist and 36” hips make her 135# seem lanky. Apparently the crowd loves lanky.
Now the lusty ladies double-team the audience, parading all over the platform and shaking everything in sight. Angelique caresses Barocca’s face while the Bombshell hefts the Amazon’s amazing hooters. They break and circle away from each other, then return to the center, all in time with the sensuous music. It’s as though this choreography is intended not only to turn on the spectators but the contestants themselves, too. Angelique steps behind Barocca, reaches around, and runs her fingers across her rival’s ultra-slim belly. Barocca gives an electrifying shiver that sets her breasts and ass quivering. Not to mention that it ignites every man in the arena. She spins around and plants a deep, wet kiss on Angelique’s hungry lips. From here it appears that Angelique is returning the kiss—with interest.
With their lips still locked, the Amazon manually assesses the Bombshell’s most prominent assets, kneading her knockers thoroughly. Barocca dances Angelique in a tight circle with her hands firmly planted on the shorter woman’s bountiful butt cheeks. One hand eases over to the knot securing Angelique’s sarong and she whips off the flowing garment, leaving the Angel in a miniscule G-string that would raise eyebrows on any Rio beach. Angelique picks up the tempo and shakes her booty all around the platform’s perimeter so each spectator gets a full view of her grade-A hams. Completing her circuit, she returns to Barocca and likewise snatches away her leopard wrap. Bending from the waist, Barocca reveals her full South American moon to the crowd before orbiting that moon around the platform.
But the girls know what the audience paid top dollar to see. By now their frenzied fans have picked up the musical beat, clapping and stomping in time and shouting, “Tits! Tits! Tits! Tits!” until it reaches an undeniable crescendo. At a nod from Barocca, Angelique teasingly pulls slowly on the string tie in the middle of the Bombshell’s back. The leopard top slackens for a moment before Barocca shakes it off. That spasm sets her boobies bouncing in separate orbits and the crowd erupts. The darker darling’s coconuts seem to have a life of their own as they gambol over the stripper’s chest. Adding a bounce to her step, Barocca treats the entire crowd to her own special milkshake.
Now it’s her turn to help Angelique with her taut bandeau. The single clip requires only that Barocca give it a simple twist of the wrist—and it slingshots into the front rows like it’s spring-loaded. A small scuffle breaks out as Angelique’s admirers struggle to gain possession of the artifact that once graced the globes of their goddess. But most of the attention is directed onstage, to the woman herself, as the liberated Latina bends and lets her bangles dangle. Her honeydews are not as dark as Barocca’s, but her areolas are much larger and more tempting. The Amazon massages them until her nipples pop to attention, stiff as little dark pink thimbles on her perky puppies.
The girls gyrate on opposite sides of the circular platform, slowly moving clockwise and spiraling gradually toward the center. When they finally meet, Angelique cups Barocca’s bazookas and lifts them to her lips. She sucks each one until its chocolaty nipple is hard and jutting. The Bombshell’s eyes appear closed and that unmistakable expression on her face signals only one thing: ecstasy. Angelique pulls away, tugging one of Barocca’s nipples gently with her teeth, pulling the bulk of her boob with it until it plops back onto her chest. Immediately Barocca does her best imitation of a vacuum pump as she draws one of the Amazon’s nipples deep into her mouth and sucks for all she’s worth. After a full minute, she switches to the other breast and Angelique’s knees buckle ever so slightly. She grabs Barocca’s shoulders to stabilize herself, but makes no move to stop the Bombshell from milking her.
The audience is getting restless and the first contest hasn’t even begun, although they clearly enjoy watching the girls enjoy themselves. The Master of Ceremonies climbs onto the platform and after a brief word from him, the ladies reluctantly part. Quick glances at their juggs reveal lipstick smears all over their magnificent melons. Giggling, they call for towels, which are tossed to them by assistants. After removing the red stains from their wondrous weapons, Angelique tosses her used towel to a ringside fan. Barocca pauses for a moment, wipes her towel on her upper thighs and on her crotch before flinging it into the audience.
The MC quickly makes the unnecessary introductions and explains the rules of engagement. Each lady will take her turn lying flat on her back while her opponent smothers her face with her tits. The smotheree will raise both forearms at the elbows to indicate that she’s conscious. At the MC’s signal, the clock will start; it will stop the instant the smotheree’s second wrist hits the floor, indicating that the woman is unconscious. After a short break, the ladies will switch positions and repeat the procedure. Each will get smothered three times. No other sexual contact is allowed; this is purely tits in the face. To torment the crowd, the individual times and subtotals will not be announced; only the total time will be announced when the winner is named by the panel of judges.
A toss of a coin decides who goes first. Angelique calls heads and heads it is. Barocca settles her tail down on the platform and lies back, with Angelique kneeling at her head, her pale pumpkins dangling ominously over the Bombshell’s face. At the MC’s preliminary signal, Barocca raises her forearms. When he says, “Go!” Angelique plops her pontoons onto her victim’s face, giving them a good wiggle so they settle snugly over Barocca’s nose and mouth. Logical strategy calls for the smotheree to take as deep a breath as she can at the last moment to prolong the period before she slips into unconsciousness. The Amazon presses down a little harder and feels the Bombshell’s tongue tickling her cleavage. She giggles at the sensation and makes a mental note to pay her back.
Barocca begins her ordeal by ticking off the seconds on her fingers. It amuses the crowd at first, but the humor of it wears off quickly. She then makes a fist and raises her middle finger, waving her arm to attract attention. Most of the men’s attention is directed elsewhere, but she gets another good laugh from them. At first Angelique’s soft, pillowy breasts felt nice on her face but are beginning to feel a bit clammy now. After more than a full minute, she’s getting light-headed as the lungful of air is becoming more carbon dioxide. Anoxia is creeping up on the Bombshell. Although she swears her arms remain upright, the entire arena can see them start to droop.
Angelique is well aware of how Barocca’s arms are slowly sagging. Her left settles gently to the surface and remains motionless. Her right touches the surface, then rallies for a few moments before dropping with a soft smack. Barocca is totally out when the MC calls, “Time,” and the officials confer to agree to and record Angelique’s score for her half of Round 1. Part of the MC’s duties is to revive each smothered woman and he is devoted to doing his best. First he uses chest compression to evacuate the stale air from Barocca’s lungs; then he give her mouth-to-mouth to inflate her lungs with fresher, oxygen-rich air. Within a few seconds Barocca stirs and blinks her eyes. The rules allow her up to five minutes to awaken and move about to revive herself.
Angelique is in position when Barocca lowers her brown bombers to within millimeters of her grinning face. As a veteran femme-fighter, Barocca has dished out and taken many brutal beatings, most of which left her bruised and aching for days if not weeks thereafter. She admits to herself that this is a far more pleasant way for women to compete. If a girl has to lose by three consecutive knockouts, this is certainly the way to go. The MC signals, Angelique raises her arms, “Go”, and Barocca lowers her booms.
Angelique took a big gulp of air but wasn’t quite finished before everything went dark. Her opponent’s oppressive orbs not only cut off her breath but also her vision. Barocca soon squats down lower, pressing the full weight of her huge hooters onto the Amazon’s face. “She must be overstimulated,” Angelique thinks. “I can feel her hard right nipple poking my cheek.” Moments later Barocca wiggles her chest in a manner that causes Angelique to lose a small amount of her precious air. “If she does that again, I’ll have to be ready to suck in some fresh air.” And indeed Barocca repeats the maneuver, but by now Angelique is too groggy to carry out her plan. Second later her arms flop on the platform surface, and the big-busted babe is out.
As the MC brings Angelique around and the officials agree on Barocca’s time, the Brazilian Bombshell tries to find a discrete way of pulling her thong out of her crack. While bending to her task, the snug animal-print garment worked its way between her labia and deep into her ass cleavage, making her quite uncomfortable. When Angie comes to, she embraces the MC and grabs his crotch. With the audience’s eyes thus diverted, Barocca seizes the opportunity to reposition her thong. “We have two more rounds to go,” she thinks. “I don’t want to go through this discomfort again.”
During their break, she confers with Angelique and the well-endowed dolls decide on an impromptu costume change. They notify the MC, who nods in agreement. Barocca sinks to her knees and helps Angelique remove her floral G-string, to the roaring approval of the audience. Before rising to her feet, Barocca gives her rival’s pussy a long lick with her hot pink tongue and the crowd nearly blows the roof off the arena. The Amazon blots her pussy with her G-string before flinging it into the crowd. When the pandemonium dies down, Barocca rolls onto her back and wrestles her leopard thong off from around her hips. Angelique lends a hand peeling the tight garment from her opponent’s generous hips, noticing that it’s soaked clear through with Barocca’s nookie nectar. She sniffs it and returns it to the Bombshell with an enthusiastically approving nod. Barocca twirls it overhead and hurls it from the platform to a surging group of souvenir hunters. Thus liberated, the lusty Latinas resume their original positions in preparation for Round Two.
Barocca cuddles up to the MC and asks for his help in lowering her to the surface. He cannot refuse such a polite request. Once in place, the Bombshell opens her bomb bay doors by spreading her outstretched legs wide, giving the spectators on that side of the arena a spectacular view of her glory hole. This babe has a PhD in crowd pleasing. At her other end, Angelique kneels just above Barocca’s head and jiggles her jumbo juggs to loosen them up. She’s getting miffed at the stripper’s success in working the fans up to a fever pitch, but makes every effort to hide her irritation. She’s all smiles as the MC commands her to bury Barocca’s face with boobies. She times her honeydew-drop perfectly, as Barocca giggles at a lewd comment from one of the guys gazing at her gash. The Amazon is certain that her victim doesn’t have a lungful of air and will be that much easier to smother.
And she’s right. Not a full minute passes before Barocca’s arms start to waver and dip. After a brief attempt to rally, both hands hit the floor and the MC declares the smotheree unconscious. Angelique audibly expresses her disappointment and presses her fleshy mounds harder onto blacked-out Barocca’s face. Then she lifts them slightly and gives them a good shake, slapping the Bombshell’s cheeks with playful contempt. “That’s the price you pay for trying to upstage me,” Angelique thinks.
As Barocca undergoes a basic consciousness-raising therapy courtesy of the ever-willing MC, Angel asks a fan to lend her a handkerchief. Not many men still carry one, but one of her admirers hurries forward with the requested item. Angelique carefully removes every trace of Barocca’s lipstick from between her damp breasts—the heat from the arena lights and her opponent’s hot breath have made her melons moist. She gets down on all fours to return the handkerchief, but not before gracing the generous donor with a deep kiss of gratitude. That’s one handkerchief that’ll never see the laundry again.
Now it’s Barocca’s turn to flare at the sight of Angelique teasing the crowd. She steals the attention back by engaging in a short series of totally unnecessary calisthenics, ostensibly to waken her but actually to exhibit her extraordinary body. Toe-touches, deep kneebends, squats, and the ever-popular jumping jacks bring the crowd to their feet hooting and hollering. Angie interrupts this one-woman show and leads Barocca back to the center of the platform. She must be eager to get those brown bazookas back on her face again—who wouldn’t be?
The girls are in position waiting for the signal. Barocca runs a long finger through her moist pussy and wipes it across Angelique’s nose and lips just as the MC calls “Go!” The Amazon sputters as the dark clouds descend on her. From her inverted position, Barocca can’t see the fire in Angelique’s eyes as she grinds her gazongas onto her rival’s face. Sensing the MC on her left, Angelique registers her disapproval by punching Barocca lightly with her right fist. The Bombshell grins with sadistic satisfaction and snuggles her chest even more tightly against Angelique’s jaw. The Amazon squirms and the inevitable end occurs all too quickly to suit the crowd. When the MC calls “Time,” Barocca leaps to her feet and performs an energetic victory dance around her inert victim.
The Bombshell towels off while waiting for Angelique to get prepared for Round Three. Both women are satisfied with their performances so far, but neither knows who is ahead. Angelique pulls on her nipples and stretches them, as though limbering them up for the final round. Barocca takes a series of deep breaths to the point of hyperventilation, significantly increasing the amount of oxygen in her system to maximize the time it will take Angie to put her under.
Seconds later they find themselves in familiar positions. Angelique drops her buckets with a thud, the sudden impact surprising Barocca and forcing some air from her. Each girl is good at holding her breath under such stimulating conditions, so any tactic that reduces that stored air gives the smotherer a slight edge. Angel wants this to end quickly but Barocca hangs in there seemingly forever. Her arms droop to about halfway, then rally back to full upright. Barocca’s fingers flutter, a sign that she’s struggling to remain conscious The Amazon’s heart skips a beat when her foe’s right arm drops to the floor, but she’s puzzled to see the left defiantly vertical. After what seems like an hour, Barocca’s left sinks gently to the surface and the instant her wrist makes contact, the MC barks, “Time!”
Once again Angelique takes her time lifting her load off Barocca’s placid face. The longer she deprives the stripper of oxygen, the harder it is to revive her, and the less effective she will be at smothering Angie. Indeed, once Barocca awakens, she tries to get up too fast, blacks out again, and crashes to the floor. A rush of confidence courses through Angelique as the MC renews his efforts to bring Barocca around, massaging her face, shoulders, arm, legs…and of course her proud, firm breasts. He cautions Barocca not to rise too quickly and she heeds his advice, allowing him to continue his ministrations for several minutes while she breathes deeply.
Soon the ladies are in their final positions. Angelique is all smiles as Barocca suspends her superboobs over her head. “Go!” The chocolaty udders descend and the Amazon is plunged into total blackness—Barocca’s boobies are too high on her face. They’re covering her eyes and not her mouth. Angel sucks in more fresh air as Barocca adjusts her juggs and seals off her nose and mouth. This could be the Bombshell’s fatal mistake. Is she still woozy from her recent double blackout? Not thinking clearly? Did the MC’s massage overstimulate her sexually, thus distracting her from the task at hand? Who cares? All Angelique knows is that she has this round in the bag. This tit-smothering contest pays off with a $100,000 prize. The prone porn star dreams of ways to spend that small fortune as she slowly drifts off into unconsciousness.
The next thing Angelique is aware of is the MC lightly slapping her cheeks. Then she hears the crowd’s roar. Her eyes blink open and she sees Barocca flaunting her tits at the audience. “What an exhibitionist! Oh well, so am I.” The MC helps lift the Amazon to her feet and escorts her to Barocca for a “good sports” hug. As they embrace without affection, both girls glance at the officials, busy adding up their times and rechecking their figures. They summon the MC to the edge of the platform and hand him an index card.
“Ladies and gentlemen,” he intones, implying that there may be other women in the arena besides the top-heavy two sharing the platform with him. “I have just been handed the results. The winner, by a margin of only 2 seconds is…ANGELIQUE DOS SANTOS!”
Whatever else he says is drowned out by the deafening eruption of the crowd. Angelique’s fans scream with jubilation. Barocca’s fans decry injustice. Angelique beams with pride and hefts her tits in triumph. Barocca’s jaw drops in shock—how could her mighty mammaries come in second to this amateur’s airbags? With no genuine good will, she steps to Angelique’s side and raises the Amazon’s arm in victory.
But the winner isn’t buying the act. She can read in Barocca’s eyes her true feelings, and Angelique intends to milk this celebration for all its worth. She grabs Barocca’s forearms and forces the Bombshell to her knees. Over the din of the throng, she commands Barocca to suck her titties, as a concession to her stunning victory. The Bombshell recognizes that she is being subjugated, publicly humiliated by the shorter woman, compelled literally to lower herself to pleasure the woman whose giant breasts defeated her own,,,for now.
As Barocca gulps down her pride and bends her knee, a spark flickers in her gray eyes. Her face slowly lights up with a sinister Cheshire Cat grin as she nuzzles her conqueror’s nipples and a vengeful strategy hatches in her mind. “Oh, Angelique! Your revelry is vastly premature. You invite me to suck your titties? I’ll not only milk you, I’ll drain you. Our little sojourn down Mammary Lane will be your road to hell.”
Barocca maliciously sucks Angie’s areola deeply into her mouth. She bites down just a little too hard on the distended nipple. Before the Amazon can stop this abuse of her amazing airbags, Barocca instantly switches to her other breast and repeats her maneuver. Angelique squeals in pain, but cannot protest too much without spoiling her spontaneous party. The Bombshell feigns surprise and offers her most insincere apology, adding that she thought Angelique’s squeals were sexual ecstasy. Barocca sneers with contempt as the MC intrudes on their private war.
“Ladies and gentlemen. Your attention, please. The judges have just informed me of a secret clause in the promoter’s rules. It stipulates that a winning margin of 5 seconds or less is to be considered a draw. Angelique’s 2-second margin makes her victory too close to crown her the Best Breasts in Brazil. The rules provide for an additional battle—or two, if necessary—to determine the ultimate winner. So after a short 15-minute intermission during which they will rest and change clothes, our bodacious beauties will return for what may be the deciding conflict. Ladies, please return to your dressing rooms.”
Barocca vs Angelique RIO RIOT Part 2
“…so to summarize, if Angelique wins the next contest, she will earn the title ‘Best Breasts in Brazil.’ But if Barocca wins the next contest, each woman will be credited with one win apiece and there will be a third tie-breaking competition to determine who wins the title. And now I see that our ladies are ready, so I have the pleasure of reintroducing to you the busty beauty who almost won tonight’s first confrontation…BAROCCA THE BRAZILIAN BOMBSHELL!”
Unlike her earlier entrance, Barocca wastes no time bursting through the curtain and jogging energetically toward the raised platform, on which had been hastily erected a regulation-size ring. She trots around the circular platform, high-fiving her ringside fans and receiving many encouraging pats on her round rump for luck before bounding up the steps and circumnavigating the platform before climbing through the ropes. Barocca is dressed all in iridescent white: a cobweb top that outlines her magnificent mounds and allows her stiff nipples to protrude; shimmering high-waisted booty shorts; sheer white nylon hose held snugly by two Kelly green garters, the only flash of color; and ankle-strap sandals with 4” heels that elevate the dark-skinned doll to a towering 6’-2”. She bounces against the ropes on all four sides to test their resiliency and then settles into one of the corners, waving and smiling to random spectators.
“And her opponent, who only minutes ago proved to everyone that she has the most sleep-inducing bazookas in Brazil, outsmothering even Barocca’s bountiful bosom…BUSTY AMAZON ANGELIQUE DOS SANTOS!”
This time Angelique pauses a few beats before whipping away the curtain to stride toward the ring. Contrary to her rival’s almost monochromatic ensemble, Angie is attired in two-tone black and red Latex. She, too, circles the infield, greeting her devoted followers and getting gently pawed in the process. Both girls soak up the lascivious body contact like sponges, knowing full well what each of these horny guys would love to do with her in private and if they had enough time. As Angie enters the ring, she unzips and discards her red jacket, revealing a two-piece black Latex miniskirt outfit and knee-high black Latex boots with 3” platform soles and what have to be 7” heels. As much as these stilts raise her height, the Bombshell still enjoys a 7” advantage over the Amazon, but Angelique’s big puffy hairdo adds to the illusion that she’s closer to Barocca’s stature.
The MC enters the ring and announces, “Barocca? Angelique? This will be a no-time-limit, no-hold-barred tit fight. That means the majority of your holds must be directed at each other’s breasts and you must win by some form of breast hold or submission. Both of you are admirably equipped for this sort of combat, so if there are no questions, kindly remove your tops and wait for the bell.” Before he clears the ropes, Barocca whips off her white lattice top and drops it outside the ring. Angie unzips her black top and does likewise, taking the initiative to also peel away her black miniskirt, leaving her in a Brazilian-cut black Latex thong…and her dominatrix boots. Barocca eyes Angie’s platform boots and chuckles to herself.
At the bell, the girls spiral in toward center ring immediately and lock up…which is to say, they clamp hold on their opponent’s big honking howitzers. At this point, neither is attempting any sort of maneuver; each is simply using brute arm strength to crush her foe’s casabas with as much painful force as possible. Barocca’s long experience in femme fighting and her constant training for such conflicts have given her astonishing upper body strength, as Angelique must now agonizingly acknowledge. But the Bombshell is unpleasantly surprised to discover what a powerful grip the Amazon has. “The little porn princess must have developed her hand strength while pumping all those fat cocks in her videos. I bet she never took a break between takes. She must’ve kept jacking those joints all day long.”
Expressions of smug confidence slowly morph to grim determination and then to agonized grimaces as their tender titties absorb all this manual punishment. Angelique artfully adjusts her grip, deftly altering her hand positions without providing the slightest relinquishment of pressure. Barocca has to hand it to the kid: she’s better—stronger—than the Bombshell expected. She can read Angie’s face and knows that the shorter woman is having a tough time holding up under Barocca’s constrictions. The Amazon gasps through clenched teeth as the Bombshell cranks up the pressure a bit more.
Presently Barocca feels something at her back. Angelique has gradually backed her into a corner and lays her weight onto her hands, adding a dragging, clawing component to the tit torture she applies to the stripper’s milk cans. But the wily woman has a trick up her sleeve…even though she isn’t wearing sleeves. Barocca hooks one heel and then the other onto the bottom rope, pivoting Angelique into a position that reverses the dynamics of their mutual breast locks. Now it’s Barocca’s full weight that bears down on Angelique’s upper balcony and the porn star’s knees buckle under the stress.
As Angie sinks to the floor, both gals release their holds. Barocca misses her grab at the top rope, loses her precarious balance, and crashes awkwardly onto Angelique—tit-to-tit. The lightning bolt of pain blacks out both wrestlers for a split-second. When Barocca awakens, she’s rolled off Angie and onto the floor on her back, next to her reviving opponent. The gorgeous gladiators are glad for the brief respite: their tits are throbbing and both of their arms are tingling from muscular fatigue. They climb unsteadily to their feet and warily circle each other, shaking their arms to restore normal circulation.
Barocca takes the initiative. She grabs Angelique’s EE-cups and monkey-flips the stunned siren all the way across the ring and into the opposite corner. Angie lands hard on her hooters with exploding pain. Before she can get her bearings, Barocca flips her onto her back and slams her hams onto Angie’s chest. Encouraged by her victim’s reaction, she dismounts the Amazon and prepares for a repeat onslaught—but Angelique rolls aside as Barocca is in mid-air and the Bombshell drops ass-first onto the hard floor. Without Angie’s ample padding to disperse the impact, a jolt of pain rockets up Barocca’s spine and paralyzes her temporarily.
But it’s just long enough for the agonized Amazon to mount a counter-attack. She plants her heavy black boot—thick 3” platform and all—squarely onto Barocca’s left boob. The blast sends the Bombshell flopping ungainly halfway across the ring. A second booted nudge completes her trip. Before Barocca can gather her wits and soothe her tits, Angelique hauls her unceremoniously to her feet by her hair and knees her pussy. Barocca’s descent is halted when her tormentor yanks her by her tits back to her feet and drapes Barocca’s arms over the top rope. Angelique is far from being in perfect condition at this point, but she has the advantage and intends to make Barocca suffer as much as possible.
The white-sheathed wrestler is in no condition to put up much of an argument. Dangling flaccidly by her shoulders, she’s helpless to fend off the black-clad babe’s flurry of punches. Adhering to the theme of the match, Angelique aims most of her blows to Barocca’s bazookas, but a few stray to her belly and chin just for variety. Reduced to a human punching bag, Barocca’s groans and grunts become more feeble and pathetic. One roundhouse right to her knockers sends her reeling off the ropes and crashing to the floor…face-down, of course. Angie again goes for the hair to drag the bombed-out Bomb Fragment to her feet, then hoists her carcass onto her shoulders for what could be a final bodyslam. But inexperienced Angelique can’t keep her balance. She staggers under the extra load and slams her back against the ropes, depositing Barocca outside the ring in a miserable heap.
The winning pin or submission must occur inside the ring, so the Amazon is forced to climb out and drag Barocca back within the ropes. The demolished dancer senses the end is near and vows to fight her way back to victory. Angie hauls her prey back to center ring and drops her arms. As she staggers back to Barocca’s limp body, the Bombshell springs into action, reaching out with both hands to pull Angelique off her feet. Both battered babes slowly get to their knees and begin banging away at each other’s bruised boobies. The punches soon turn to slaps and each girl takes longer to recover from the stinging assaults. At last Angelique keels over on her side, her pink puppies now fiery red. Barocca’s breast damage isn’t nearly as visible but is equally excruciating.
Now it’s the Bombshell’s turn to pull Angelique up by her magnificent mane. She cuddles the Amazon’s face between her swollen boobs and tit-slaps Angie across the face a few times as if to contradict her claim to being the tit-smothering queen. Then Barocca clamps her vise-like grip on Angelique’s udders and squeezes with all her might. Angie screams, then whimpers, then sinks to her knees muttering her submission. With a final wrenching twist to her throbbing nipples, Barocca lays Angelique onto the floor, flops herself against the ropes, and raises her arms in triumph. The officials agree and the MC makes the announcement that Barocca the Brazilian Bombshell has decisively beaten Busty Amazon Angelique Dos Santos in the tit fight.
The victories stand at one apiece and due to the injuries inflicted on both combatants, the girls are allowed 30 minutes to rest and dress for the final confrontation. They use this extra time wisely, burying their breasts under icepacks to ease the pain and reduce the swelling. As before, they’re told nothing about the type of fighting in which they’ll engage—nothing beyond the cryptic advice “Don’t wear heels. Wear running shoes or go barefoot.” Barocca’s request for a double vodka martini is granted, as is Angelique’s for a double scotch and water. The promoters don’t want them drunk, but a good bracing jolt should get them back in the fighting mood.
As the clock ticks away the final seconds of the break, the Master of Ceremonies once again summons the contenders. Angelique enters first, having lost the second battle, wearing low-cut indigo hip-huggers with gray and white Nikes. Before she can mount the platform, from which the ring has been removed and which is now bare again, the MC brings out Barocca. She is similarly attired in hot pink hip-huggers and has opted to go barefoot. The statuesque stripper has large feet proportional to her tall, fit body, and she’s used to going barefoot. Oh yes, and both women are topless, of course.
They work the crowd together, but carefully stay on opposite sides of the capacity arena. As they mount the steps, they see the MC and two husky male assistants already waiting for them. “What the fuck is going on here?” each asks herself, throwing a quizzical glance at her opponent to see if she has any clue. She doesn’t.
“Ladies and gentlemen,” the MC’s voice resonates through the arena. As far as Angelique and Barocca have been able to discern, they’re still the only ladies in the cavernous dome. But then again, they don’t know a lot about the fight in which they’ll engage presently, so in part the MC is also addressing them. “This is the final conflict, the one that will decide which of these busty Brazilian beauties truly has the Best Breasts in Brazil. Will it be Busty Amazon Angelique Dos Santos…(pause for applause)…or Barocca the Brazilian Bombshell...(pause again)? Their last fight tenderized their titties so this final battle will leave no doubt about who deserves that coveted title. This will be a no-hands jugg joust.”
At that instant, the two assistants grab each woman’s wrists and pull them behind her back. In a flash handcuffs snap onto their wrists, immobilizing their arms and rendering them almost useless. Instinctively they try to wriggle free, but their struggles are futile. The MC turns to face them. “Ladies, you’ll fight using only your enormous tits, ramming each other with your mouthwatering racks until one of you can no longer continue. Although you cannot use your hands, there are a number of ways to win: submission; knockout; even pushing your opponent off the platform and she can’t get back on within 15 seconds—that’s a count-out. Given the condition of your kegs, this contest should not last very long. As soon as my assistants and I clear the platform, you’ll begin. And may the best breasts win.” No sooner than his feet leave the platform the bell sounds and Barocca charges Angelique.
Their casabas collide with a loud SMACK as Barocca’s aim is dead on target. Angelique is forced back a few steps from her foe’s momentum. The Bombshell follows through with another rack-ramming that backs the Amazon dangerously close to the edge of the platform. As if the 4’ height of the platform isn’t enough of a problem, add to that the difficulty of a combatant getting back on her feet with her hands cuffed behind her…and then getting back up the steps. Before Barocca can bulldoze her off the platform with a third assault, Angelique sidesteps. The stripper stumbles over the porn star’s fleeting leg and sprawls on the hard surface. She lands hard on her hurt hooters and grits her teeth against the pain that washes over them and her entire upper body.
Angelique quickly tries to shove Barocca over the edge but the dancer tangles her legs with Angie’s and brings her assailant down. Fortunately, Angelique lands on her back…and on Barocca, mashing her melons in the process. How quickly turns the tide of battle. Seconds earlier Barocca had almost shoved Angelique off the platform for a quick win, now the Bombshell has suffered two devastating bust blasts that bring tears to her eyes—tears of agony and frustration.
The babe in blue squirms her way off her pink-clad opponent and struggles to get up. Fighting anger and exasperation, Barocca gets to her knees and with a powerful thrust head-butts Angelique squarely on her bountiful bosom, rocking her back onto the unforgiving surface. The Bombshell is on her feet before the Amazon stops rolling and stomps Angelique’s left boob with her bare foot. Her follow-up stomp catches her writhing opponent on the shoulder and glances off, allowing the porn star the chance to drop the dancing doll on her keister. Barocca swiftly rolls away and both babes call a tacit temporary truce while they get to their feet and shake off the effects of this flurry of action.
They slowly circle each other, bent slightly at the waist so their battered boobs have a chance to dangle and shake off some of the pain. Rack ramming takes a lot out of a girl and their titties, always tender, are now even more sensitive to any form of touching—but neither woman will permit herself the slightest indication of weakness, Their adrenaline rushes have pushed their proud nipples defiantly forward, as if to taunt the other woman. The swaying also helps cool off those overheated hooters. The ladies gradually spiral closer, their eyes locked, alert for the merest hint of a sudden attack.
Angelique feints and Barocca reacts, only to be shocked when the Amazon dropkicks the Bombshell. Her aim is slightly off; one foot slams the stripper’s mamm, but the other clips her jaw. The ringing in the Bahamian’s head makes her unaware that she sprawls across the platform and nearly goes over the edge. Only when her fog lifts does she become aware that she’s on her belly and almost the entire upper half of her torso—including her hefty and throbbing gazongas—threatens to drag her to the concrete floor four feet below. She could land on her head or on her hooters. Either is a disastrous prospect.
As Barocca writhes to get herself more securely on the platform, she feels Angelique’s foot against her pussy, nudging her toward the edge. Barocca is face-down and can’t roll over onto her back without rolling off onto her head…unless…. With a quick spasm she twists her entire body, like a falling cat to land on its feet. Her legs tangle with Angelique’s, bringing the porn star crashing down and anchoring the stripper. The snarling bosom queens once again find themselves literally on the brink of losing the contest.
After uncoiling their legs, the busty beauties are on their knees, slamming their mamms against each other. Barocca rams Angelique and sets her down on her ankles. Then Angie struggles back up, attacks Barocca, and plops her booty-first onto her ankles. With their hands cuffed behind their backs, it’s a real ordeal to get back up, even only to their knees. But they keep banging their bazookas together in a painful and debilitating clash of wills and endurance.
With a last-gasp effort, the Amazon upends the Bombshell off her knees and onto her back—that is, onto her cuffed hands. Barocca’s bound wrists are like a large hard knot straining against her spine. Snorting in derision, Angelique struggles to her feet as her victim writhes in agony and desperation below her. With the toe of her shoe, Angie log-rolls the lusty, busty dancer to within a foot of the edge. As the porn star raises her leg for the final kick-off, Barocca lashes up with both feet and blasts Angelique’s bust. An ear-splitting shriek cuts through the crowd’s roars as Angie spins, crumples, and falls off the platform. She cushions her landing with her now mushy melons—an excruciating way to shock herself into unconsciousness.
The MC rushes to the edge and counts Angelique out officially before helping the victorious Barocca to her feet. The towering tigress glistens with perspiration under the harsh, hot lights. Her triumphant smile beams for all to see, lighting up her radiant face. As soon as the MC unfastens her bounds, Barocca lifts her arms and arches her aching back so the spectators can pay homage to the conqueror. Their cheers drown out the MC’s official announcement confirming that Barocca indeed has proven that she and she alone has the Best Breasts in Brazil.
As the two male attendants drag away the flaccid carcass of Angelique, Barocca is only slightly disappointed. She’d planned on making the Amazon suck her swollen tits as a sign of Barocca’s dominance…but her battered boobies are far too sore and tender for any such stimulation. In fact, it will be several days before her jumbo juggs are once again the source of any reaction other than pain. She consoles herself with the knowledge that Angelique crushed casabas will take even longer to recover. Barocca is grateful for the support of the MC as he escorts her back to her dressing room, where she soothes her milk cans with ice packs.