Busty Angelique vs Melissa Mounds
by WordWeaver
Angelique stood in front of the full length mirror admiring herself as she prepared to do battle with the lovely Melissa Mounds, cupping her mammoth sized breast in her hands, hoping they were up to the punishment she new they would be subjected to by her foe in tonight's fights! Her 36EE-25-36 figure glistening with sweat from her earlier warmup exercises. She was taking this battle very seriously as she new Melissa was! They had fought once before, a year ago, in a savage catfight over her then boyfriend and she had lost a grueling battle to the cunt who had then stolen her man from her. He had only recently returned to her after Melissa had found a new plaything in Trinity Loren's man after her defeat of her weeks ago in their Best Chest battle! She finished putting her hair up in a bun and then she strutted out the door in her black Bikini bottoms passing Melissa's door on the way to the glass enclosed ring.
Melissa was inside her dressing room stretching in front of her mirror, her well proportioned body also sweaty from a long warmup routine as she pulled up her pink spandex shorts around her waist. Her large breasts dangling down as she bent over to pick up the brush she had dropped. She did her hair up in a long Pony tail and satisfied with the look she left her room. As she opened the door she could hear the cries of the many spectators as her rival for tonight stepped into the glass enclosure and strutted her stuff! She gave the bitch her moment of glory as she expected to easily take care of Angelique in her quest to become THE Best Chest for a long while to come!
As Melissa stepped through the entrance Angelique was pushing her expansive breasts against the glass and driving the guys nuts as her already huge nipples were splayed against the glass looking even bigger as her tits made them even more prominent! Melissa smiled as a few of Angelique's admirers suddenly turned their attention to her, pissing Angelique off as she turned to her new rival and glared at her! Melissa opened the glass door and locked it behind her as she strutted towards the center of the enclosure, her face dripping with the anticipation of ripping Angelique around the room by her tits! She had once lost a very lucrative dancing spot to this big titted Brazilian beauty and she was anticipating some very painful payback for her! "I see you still have a problem shaving your mustache, of course it looks good on you!!", she said with venom in her voice, knowing how self conscious Angelique was about it.
"At least my tits aren't getting saggy like your's you old hag!", the tanned beauty purred right back at her foe! Melissa put her hands up and said 'Lets go at it bitch, I can't wait to tear those tits off and stuff them up you BIG ASS!!", she yelled as the 2 beauties closed the distance between them. Each lady had donned a pair of opera gloves just before entering the ring, Angelique's were black like her bikini bottoms while Melissa's were pink like her spandex shorts.
Neither fighter had any intention of waiting for the bell and as soon as they closed the few feet between them they latched onto each other's tit's as they crowd came to it's feet as one and roared! Angelique grabbed two fistfuls of each side of Melissa's while her foe clasped her fingers onto the huge areola's of each of her tit's and the fight was on! Angelique's brown eyes narrowed and she gritted her teeth as Melissa expertly crushed the tender titflesh savagely as her own face lite with rage as her own tits were stretched outward by Angelique. Neither lady gave ground at first as they tore and crushed each other's huge mammary glands as the crowd screamed it's approval. Their eyes were locked onto each other's as each searched for any show of pain. They stood toe to toe for 3 minutes tugging, pulling, and pushing at each other's huge tits, each pair locked in crushing grips as the muscles in their upper arms rippled while they battled. Angelique was the first to grudgingly give way as Melissa's crushing grip on the front of each tit took it's toll, her areola's being grinded in her rivals strong hands, forcing her too change her strategy and she reached under each of her rivals tits and grabbed at the tender flesh on the underside of each huge boob! Melissa's face betrayed nothing even as she inwardly groaned at the painful change of attack and she putt all her concentration into grinding the nipples and areola' trapped in her hands into hamburger! The extra effort payed off as the Brazilian beauty let out a small moan and the crowd got louder in possible anticipation of a winner coming up!
Angelique suddenly began tugging the titflesh from the underside of each mammary trapped in her hands, downwards and was rewarded with a loud moan of pain from her bitter rival as each seemed to finally hurting the other! Still, neither lady had a clear advantage yet as the continued their attacks, their moans starting to turn to yells of agony as the pain stated to build up to intolerable levels in both ladies tits!
When the bell rang ending the tit squeezing part of the fight both ladies refused to disengage as they each began to rock back and forth as they continued the boob crushing fight! A cry filled the room as Melissa started to force Angelique down to her knee's but a second later she was tugged down by Angelique and the two rivals continued their agonizing assaults on each other's now throbbing breast's!!!!! This went on for about a half minute till a teary eyed Melissa released her grip on her rival's left tit and suddenly punched it square in the nipple driving it in deeply as Angelique bellowed out in pain from the blow, her areola already swollen and throbbing from her rival's long vicious crushing attack!
The Brazilian beauty's hands flew from her rivals tit's to defend her own chest from further punches as Melissa cocked her hand back to deliver another blow to the other tit! Melissa ripped the blow into the breast right after knocking her rival's defending hand away, smiling as Angelique cried out in pain and she wickedly grinded her gloved knuckles in deeply! Not to be outdone the tanned hellcat returned the favor and sent an uppercut into the underside of Melissa's left tit, making sure to do a little grinding of her own and was rewarded with a loud cry from her rival's lips as her tit erupted in pain! Melissa, pain stitched across her face, cocked her arm back for another blow when her other tit was slammed with an uppercut, driving her backward in agony from the force of the punch and onto her back! Angelique dove on her and straddled her stomach as she reached down and grabbed the nipples of each huge tit before her and tried to tear them off Melissa's chest, grinning like a Cheshire cat at the agony that poured from Melissa's teary eyes. Not finished quite yet, Melissa grabbed both of the dangling boobs in front of her and she slammed them upwards into her rival's face over and over!! Angelique tired to punch Melissa's tits but her tits blocked her view and she struck at an awkward angle, only just catching the left side of the right tit.
Melissa slammed the huge globes of flesh into each other and grinded them together like she was making hamburger patties, her rival's face erupting in utter pain from the savage attack! With a cry she was forced from her perch and rolled away from her opponent, massaging her aching tits as she got to her feet quickly. Melissa was only seconds behind her, Angelique made the mistake of taking her eyes off of Melissa and she was struck from behind as Melissa slammed into her and drove her forward into the glass! Angelique screamed in agony as her tits were slammed into the glass and mushroomed against it. "Does that feel as good as it did earlier, Bitch!!", Melissa yelled in her ear as she pushed against her with all her weight!!! The Brazilian beauty was beside herself with pain tears began to stream down her lovely brown eyes!! "You're all mine now, I'm goin' to crush those tits till you scream yourself hoarse, then I am going to go to your house and fuck your boyfriend so good he will leave your sorry ass again and take up with me like before!!!!", she said in the trapped beauty's ear!
Some things are better left unsaid as Melissa suddenly found out the hard way! With a scream of complete rage Angelique slammed her elbow back and caught her rival on the jaw, stunning her. Then she pushed backwards with all her remaining strength, sending her opponent stumbling backwards! Melissa caught herself before she fell and looking up she was just in time to see her foe's fist crash into her mouth, snapping her head back and mashing her lips against her teeth, blood immediately pouring from her split lips! Still the tough catfighter refused to fall and struck out catching Angelique in her left tit, bringing a cry of agony from her Brazilian rival!
Still enraged, Angelique refused to succumb to the agony pulsing through her breast and charging froward she began assailing each of Melissa's tits with uppercuts to the tenderized underside of each, driving Melissa back a step with each blow till she was pinned against the glass and grabbing her by the hair she pulled her down and started to knee her in each tit over and over till Melissa was screaming her surrender. Not finished yet she whipped her defeated rival around by the hair and pinned her against the glass, ramming her knee into her back and crushing her tits against the glass as tears flowed and her rival was racked with pain filled sobs, her bruised and swollen tits being grinded against the glass as she cried out for mercy, getting not one ounce from her enraged rival!! After another minute of absolute torture for the once seemingly unbeatable catfighter, she let her sink to the floor clutching her ravaged tits. Angelique strolled around the ring triumphantly, clutching her own swollen and bruised breasts as the crowd roared in approval!!!!!!!
Off to the side sat Colt 45 who was slated to be her next opponent and had watched the battle with great interest, taking notes during the fight and grinning from ear to ear with the strategy she had come up with that she hoped would help destroy Angelique in their upcoming match!!!
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