Barocca vs Nikki Jaye
“Well, Barocca. I can’t tell you what a thrill it is to finally go up against a legendary femme fighter such as you. I’d’ve thought you’d’ve retired by now and left the field clear for younger women…such as me. I guess you’ve never met your match…yet,” Nikki Jaye purred with her Cheshire cat grin.
“How sweet of you to be so solicitous, Nikki,” Barocca hissed at the youngster. “What are you, fresh out of college? Still in school? I guess that’s why you challenged me to wrestle you in this college town bar’s oil pit instead of a real wrestling ring. Do you really think these beer-drunk undergrad bozos can handle the sight of two mega-busty babes like us sloshing around in all that slippery ooze?”
Nikki nuzzled her knockers up against Barocca’s in defiance. “Fuck them. I don’t give a shit what they think. I’m here to run an old bag of bones out of the business. The oil’s strictly for my own amusement.” Nikki knocked on the door and the feisty felines assessed each other’s assets until the manager let them in and ushered them to the back room.
When Barocca accepted the bar owner’s offer to oil wrestle one of the local gals, a student, she figured it would be one of those overconfident teeny-boppers on a lark, too full of herself to pose any sort of serious competition. She was flattered to learn that the challenger had asked for her by name. But now that she’d finally met this Nikki Jaye in person, she was taken aback. This full-grown babe just had to be a grad student, in her mid-20s. No mere wisp of a girl, Nikki looked her straight in the eye with a level gaze and sported a couple of casabas that rivaled Barocca’s bazookas. The Brazilian had to admit they’d be perfectly matched physically.
Nikki would clearly be the local favorite, but Barocca had a national—no, make that an international following. Normally she wouldn’t bother with anything as frivolous as a college town oil fight in a small bar, but with the current economic downturn, she couldn’t resist the fee the bar owner had offered. Plus he’d talked up her challenger quite enthusiastically. When he finally said he’d pay for her travel expenses, motel accommodations, and meals, Barocca agreed. Besides, she had nothing on her calendar for the next several days and this sounded like easy money.
The contenders had arrived at the bar a half-hour before the bout was scheduled to begin. Ms Jaye couldn’t wait to start trash-talking the Brazilian Bombshell from the moment she laid eyes on her. They were both dressed casually, so as not to draw too much attention to themselves on the way to the venue.
Nikki wore tight jeans and a plaid oversized man’s shirt, unbuttoned, the tails tied at her bosom. Ankle socks and colorful running shoes completed her attire, plus a large shoulder bag that contained an assortment of wrestling outfits and high heels. She and Barocca did not want to appear in the same color for their conflict.
The veteran vixen also wore jeans, but hers were cutoffs that displayed a hint of booty cheek. As a professional exotic dancer, Barocca was accustomed to showing off her assets in public and her street clothes were way more modest than her usual stage ensembles. A lighter blue denim vest with the two top buttons unfastened let her ample chest bounce as she walked and revealed just enough bare midriff to entice anyone whose eye she caught. She was bare-legged and shod in sandals with a slight heel. The bountiful Brazilian also carried a large tote bag stuffed with bikinis and high heels.
In the bar’s back room, where they would change into their wrestling rigs, the haughty hotties continued to sass and assess each other. Both stood a statuesque 5’-10” and sported impressive breastworks. Nikki outweighed the svelte stripper 144 to 130, with the extra bulk in her bust and waist, and well-toned. Barocca maintained her fabulous 37F-21-36 figure, slim and stacked. Nikki Jaye boasted an equally curvaceous 40F-26-36 silhouette. Barocca’s ebony hair was teased into big curls and hung halfway down her back. Nikki’s brunette locks were straight and also covered the upper half of her back.
The girl grapplers kept their hands on their hips, trying to avoid engaging in battle too early. That stance suited Barocca, who used it to emphasize her incredibly tiny waist. But she was dying to get her hands on Nikki’s knockers and crush those overinflated orbs with her strong fingers. Jaye grudgingly admitted to herself that Barocca’s boobs still held up like a much younger woman’s—like a girl in her early 20s, in fact—like Nikki. I hope my hooters look that good when I’m her age, she thought, bumping hers into Barocca’s again just to irritate the busty Bombshell. Barocca bumped back, but they were careful to stop short of an impromptu jugg-jousting tournament.
The bar manager interrupted this ego contest when he walked up with several kimono-style bathrobes folded over his arms. He asked each contender to select a robe whose color would compliment hei wrestling outfit. After a brief color-coordination session, Nikki selected a rich blue with white trim and Barocca snatched a white one with silver trim. The bar manager ushered the lusty ladies into separate rooms and left them alone to change. A few minutes later they both emerged wrapped in their silken cocoons and teetering on glittering stilettos that matched their bikinis. With a few minutes to go before their match would be announced, they killed time fiddling with their hair and checking their makeup. What a waste of time it is to worry about makeup for an oil fight, Barocca mused. But vanity triumphed and the busty black beauties continued touching up their faces.
Presently they heard their cues from the MC and the robed wrestlers strode through the curtained doorway and into the glaring lights trained on the oil pit. It was really just an inflatable 10’-diameter child’s wading pool with baby oil about half an inch deep in it, but it would serve their purpose. It rested on a 15’ square platform elevated about a foot off the bar floor. Nikki was first to step into view, with Barocca holding back just long enough to build audience anticipation. She needn’t have bothered; the only slightly lubricated spectators, almost all of them male, erupted in a deafening roar of appreciation and unbridled lust. The catcalls included the usual assortment of obscene sexual solicitations to which both babes were entirely accustomed. The girls mounted the platform and circled the pool before settling in each of the rear corners and posing in their shining kimonos.
Over the PA system the unseen MC intoned, “First up is our challenger, a local favorite making her debut here tonight. In the blue robe we have the fabulous NIKKI JAYE!” Nikki undulated forward untying the blue robe’s white sash, and whipped it open to reveal a glaringly bright gold thong bikini whose top could scarcely contain her bulging breasts. Even Barocca gave a slight gasp at the sight of her opulent opponent. The patrons hooted and hollered as Jaye turned to give them a fantastic view of her luscious round booty.
“And Nikki’s opponent,” the PA droned on, “a fan favorite from way back.” Barocca seethed at the backhanded reference to her age, searing Nikki must have put the announcer up to it. “In the white robe, let’s hear it for the incomparable BAROCCA!” The Brazilian Bombshell slowly oozed forward with a regal expression on her flawless face and let her satiny white robe slide off her dark shoulders, revealing an iridescent red thong bikini whose top two sizes too small, enhancing the illusion that her firm bust was even larger than it actually was. This time the rafters shook as the spectators lost all semblance of control.
As the MC explained, the ladies circulated among the horny crowd, picking up cash donations and plenty of stray fingerprints. Then they each chose one of the more generous donors to help oil up their bodies in preparation for combat. Returning to poolside, the girls slipped off their heels, stepped carefully into the slick oil, and knelt facing their assistants. Each of the guys dipped his hands into the muck and eagerly spread it all over his woman’s body, from the neck down. No area was left uncoated, with special attention directed to the amply boobs, meaty asses, and warm pussies. Not that the guys were shy, but Barocca and Nikki coaxed them on to make sure even the spaces between their boobs and ass cheeks were well oiled. When they were all shiny and slimy with oil, they thanked their assistants with long, soulful kisses and sent them back to their seats. Then, still on their knees, the two slick chicks turned to face—or rather to scowl at—each other.
Somebody took a metal object and clanged it on what sounded to the girls like a trashcan lid and the bout was on. The wanton wildcats flung themselves at each other with reckless abandon, fully aware that the slippery oil made maneuvering not only difficult but actually treacherous. They slammed together with a juicy SPLAT that rained oil on the front row spectators—who didn’t seem to mind or even to notice. Barocca got her wish, grabbing a big double handful of Nikki’s left tit, but she immediately lost her grip. She did manage to plop that chocolate pudding pop out of its golden cup, to the wild cheers of both babes’ fans.
In retaliation, Nikki yanked on the taut string linking Barocca’s bra cups, hoping to snap it off, but the reinforced garment held. She had to settle for pulling the Bombshell off-balance so she landed face-first in the oil puddle with another huge SPLAT! Jaye was quite pleased at the sight of Barocca’s carefully made-up face dripping with goo as she arose, humiliated, to face a laughing crowd. Nikki lashed out with a swift foot to kick Barocca’s leg out from under her for a second facial dunking. This time Barocca rolled away, giving the younger oily bird a chance to tuck her tit back into its strained container.
This bitch is too cocky by half, Barocca decided, rolling back up onto her knees. By now her artfully teased hair was soaked with oil and dangling in dripping strings. Her eyes stung, too, and her vision was slightly blurred. Wiping them helped somewhat; besides, what did she need sharp, clear vision for? Nikki was a big enough target in these close quarters. As her adversary scooted forward on her knees, Barocca reached for a handful of hair and hauled Nikki’s face into the oil to even the score. Still holding Jaye’s hair, Barocca mopped her face left and right in a large arc through the messy muck. She also used the opportunity to loosen the knot on Nikki’s bra strap.
Jaye’s jumbo juggs plopped out of her flaccid top and splattered into the oil. Barocca triumphantly swung the drenched garment in a circle over her head and let it fly into the audience. That was just an instant before she felt Nikki’s head rocket up and crash into her chin. The Brazilian’s jaw snapped audibly shut and her head snapped back. Dazed, she felt two hands clawing at her majestic melons before they jerked down, taking her undersized top with them. As her head cleared, Barocca heard the fans cheering as both women were now topless, their magnificent mounds visible to all.
With her ears ringing from that headbutt, Barocca reached out blindly and closed her arms around Nikki, but she had no idea how her prey was oriented. It made no difference. Slick Nikki writhed around until the girls were tit-to-tit, squashing their pectoral pride to the delight of every breast man in the bar. She knew she was getting to Barocca, as she could feel the Bombshell’s nipples stiffening against hers…and she could tell her own nipples were responding in kind. This was quite stimulating and both battling bust queens were near orgasm before they broke their mutual bearhugs. As much as they loved the sensation, they had a fight to finish first. The rest could wait until after the bout.
Barocca reached around and took hold of Nikki’s thong and introduced her to a true professional femme fighting wedgie. The golden fleece cut into Jaye’s sensitized pussy like a hot knife and she let out an ear-shattering yelp. The crowd, as usual, assumed this was all part of the show, part of “selling it”, but in truth, it hurt like a son of a bitch. Barocca knew that Nikki would go out of her way to give her a wedgie at the earliest opportunity, but it was worth it to force such an agonized scream out of the new kid now.
Despite the assault on her tender twat, Nikki had managed to get each of her arms under Barocca’s thighs and abruptly dumped the dusky dancer flat on her back…with her legs wide apart. She grabbed both of Barocca’s undulating udders and squeezed—hard—as a diversion, so the spectators wouldn’t notice that she rammed her knee—also hard—against the Brazilian’s pubic mound. Nikki repeated this maneuver several times and the audience never grew wise. Of course, they were becoming increasingly drunk and wouldn’t have noticed even if someone sober had pointed it out to them.
Barocca finally slithered away and the girls treated themselves to a quick breather on opposite sides of the pool. By now quite a bit of the oil had been splashed out, so the manager took this opportunity to replenish the pool while the girls wiped their faces with towels and the patrons almost to a man ordered another round. Barocca had to admit that Nikki was pretty good. Not the usual amateur slap-and-tickle grab-ass exhibitionist, the kid could certainly hold her own against a seasoned veteran like herself. But the Bombshell was convinced that her experience would carry the day.
Jaye was frankly amazed that Barocca was putting up such effective resistance. She’d been certain she’d have put the stripper away by now. After all, Barocca was in her 30s now, while Nikki was only in her early 20s and full of youthful energy. It hadn’t occurred to her that Barocca was still so good because she kept herself in top condition. Most women her age were beginning to sag, especially their boobs and butts. But Barocca still had the body of…well, the body of a gal in her 20s.
There was a lot more oil in the pool when the manager restarted the contest, and both Amazons slipped and slid slightly as they approached each other. Nikki pounced on Barocca but they splashed into a heap immediately, neither getting a good hold. By now the girls were nearly indistinguishable. Both were tall, dark, with stringy hair, and dripping with oil everywhere. Their make-up was smudged—no, it was gone, smeared on the towels they’d just used. The only way to tell them apart was to remember that Barocca was in the red thong and Nikki in the gold.
Besides the oil in their eyes, the twin tigresses were also being blinded by their oily hair wrapping itself around their heads. They may as well have been blindfolded…but since wrestling is most definitely a contact sport and since the oil made their missed moves seem more a function of slipperiness and not visual impairment, it didn’t really matter. Through her matted hair, Barocca still was able to pull Nikki’s face into her heaving hooters for a suffocating breast-smother that had every guy in the bar wishing he could trade places with Nikki right at that moment.
Actually, she wasn’t really struggling to breathe. Jaye easily slid her nose down just enough to fill her lungs whenever she wanted, but she was frankly enjoying having her face massaged by her tormentor’s chest pillows. And once again the buxom Brazilian was on the verge of an orgasm. That’s the moment Nikki chose to repay the wedgie. Just as Barocca’s own nookie nectar was drenching her soaked thong, Jaye yanked it from the front so hard it snapped apart and slid through the stripper’s slick slit. With a shriek the Bombshell released her hold, clutched her pussy, and rolled into the fetal position frozen in pain.
With her enemy temporarily neutralized, Nikki rose unsteadily to her feet and offered Barocca’s ruined red remnant to the highest bidder. A lanky lad with $100 took the prize and tucked the C-note into Nikki’s discarded shoe. Returning her attention to her foe, Nikki saw she was achingly getting onto all-fours. She decided to help Barocca by clamping on a tight forward headlock and roughly hauling the bedraggled beauty to her feet.
Neither lass remained on her feet for more than a few seconds. Barocca’s feet slid out from under her and she dropped back to her knees, dragging Nikki to her knees a moment later. But Jaye wouldn’t relinquish her headlock and cranked up the pressure until she heard Barocca coughing and choking. My god, the vexed veteran thought, this bitch has powerful arms. Just feel those biceps. I’m glad we aren’t boxing or she’d be punching my teeth out. She’s stronger than some men I know.
Indeed, while most of Barocca’s training regimen focused on keeping her firm and slim, with better than average muscle tone, Nikki’s concentrated more on enhancing her strength. Juggy Ms Jaye spent a bit more time than her current rival pumping iron and working on building arm and leg muscle. Now that effort was paying off—big time. The bawdy Brazilian thought she would pass out soon, and nobody—especially she—wanted this battle to end with such an anticlimactic outcome as the loser passing out. This crowd deserves a big finish, the lapsing Latina thought. And I sure as hell won’t be the one to let them down.
Nikki Jaye kept grinning as her Amazonian right arm cranked and tightened like a python around Barocca’s delicate neck. The whiff of impending victory whetted her appetite for the growing accolade of the spectators and she cautiously got back onto her feet, dragging her flagging foe up with her, never diminishing the headlock. She had Barocca bent over at a right angle, with more of the dancer’s weight bearing down on younger grappler and forcing her to take a step back. And another. And still another. Her victim’s flailing right hand settled on Nikki’s left tit and her left snagged the top of Jaye’s gold thong.
Suddenly Nikki felt herself tipping backwards. Whether by accident or by devious design, Barocca had forced Nikki’s feet against the edge of the oil pool and was pushing her over the edge. Toppling backward, she inadvertently loosened her headlock enough for Barocca to draw a deep, gasping breath. The Bombshell’s head slipped through Nikki’s arm but she tightened her grip on Jaye’s thong. The next thing she knew, Nikki landed with a splattering thud on her back on the platform, continuing on to the bare floor. A split-second later, Barocca crashed on top of her, still clutching the thong that had ripped off during their tumble.
The crowd went wild as both disoriented dolls got their bearings and tried to return to the oil pool. By this time, that side of the platform was as slick with oil as the pool itself, making remounting tricky. Nikki made it back in first, but Barocca countered by headbutting her in the belly as soon as Jaye spun around to face her. They fell as a single rolling mass until they bumped up against the far wall of the oil pool. Now they truly resembled identical twins; there was no easy way to tell them apart. With the last stitches of their once-gorgeous bikinis now useless rags, they wrestled and writhed in the slime, first one on top and then the other.
The crowd was becoming hoarse but the drenched darlings fought on with nearly the same vigor with which they began this struggle. Clearly both combatants had got their second wind, that jolt of adrenaline that true fighters get just before their final winning move. Most of the audience couldn’t tell for whom to root…and didn’t care. They were simply enjoying the spectacle. For loyal fans of each huffing honey, they weren’t sure they were cheering for the right wrestler.
Eventually Nikki snaked her legs around Barocca’s slim waist, locked her ankles, and delivered a crushing scissors. The Bombshell thought she was being cut in two. Jeez, I thought her arms were strong. They’re nothing compared to her legs! the beleaguered Brazilian agonized. Thank god she can’t arch her back on this oil and increase her leverage to bear down even harder.
Again, Nikki could smell victory. Her twisting twin got herself spun around so she was facing down, her shiny heinie aglow like a rising full moon. Nikki couldn’t resist teaching Barocca a lesson by spanking the sassy stripper, the loud smack from each slap music to the collegiate’s ears. Humiliated, the brash Brazilian seethed with anger. She tried to pry Nikki’s legs apart. No luck. Then in desperation she spun half a turn, clasped both hands together, raised them high overhead, and brought them crashing down on Nikki’s right bazooka. Then again. And again. With each blow she felt Nikki’s scissors falter and weaken until finally her legs sprang apart and Barocca rolled to safety.
Or so she thought. Barocca was in much worse condition than Nikki, realizing that only when from above her head Ms Jaye flopped her colossal cannons onto Barocca’s face as she lay gasping on her back. She raised up just enough to let her pendulous pontoons tit-slap Barocca’s cheeks as she twisted her upper torso back and forth as rapidly as she could. Under other circumstances this could have been quite enjoyable, but not this time.
Then the wily warrior bearhugged Nikki and swung her bent knees up as hard as she could muster, banging them into Nikki’s noggin. That dazed the well-endowed wildcat and she slid off the Bombshell, splashing limply in the oil. Barocca lifted her beaten body and flung it across Nikki’s prone form, hooking her leg and going for the winning pin. The crowd chanted, “1…2…”
And with a groan, Nikki Jaye flipped Barocca off of her. The Brazilian’s matted hair obscured the sight of Nikki’s pussy descending onto her face and she squirmed as the youngster mashed her gooey cunt onto the vanquished veteran’s nose and mouth. Nikki tweaked her victim’s stiff, protruding nipples for a painful titty-twister, but the oil made that impossible. Barocca spread her fingers wide, grabbed both of Jaye’s juggs, and sank her red talons into the oily orbs. Nikki screamed and Barocca bucked her off.
After a few seconds on their hands and knees, alert for even the slightest sign of weakness, the exhausted wrestlers reared up and clashed again, oil droplets flying every direction from their colliding bodies. Locked tit-to-tit, belly-to-belly, they grabbed each other’s hair and tugged in that quintessential form of female aggression, snarling all the while. As if on cue, each woman released one handful of hair and reached for her opponent’s crotch, clamping down for all she was worth. The mutual mauling of their distended clits brought tears to their eyes, and they bared their gritted teeth like feral cats.
Nikki headbutted Barocca squarely on the forehead and the stunned stripper stiffened and fell onto her back with a huge SPLAT. Jaye dove at her prey but Barocca raised her leg at the perfect moment. Her kneecap nailed Nikki’s throbbing right melon and her shin caught her flat belly. With a loud “OOF” Nikki collapsed to one side of the Brazilian Bombshell, who swung her leg over and plopped her ass heavily onto Nikki’s remarkable rack, pancaking her bosom painfully. “1…2…3,” the MC shouted and it was all over.
The winner stumbled and slid to the edge of the oil pool and the MC had to sweep away her hair to try to identify her. Still puzzled, he was forced to ask her name before intoning over the boisterous spectators that Barocca was the winner, by pinfall, after 23 minutes and 8 seconds of fierce fighting. The Bombshell waved her acknowledgement to her cheering fans and, steadied by the same lucky assistant who oiled her up at the top of the match and now wrapped her in a large, thick beach towel, walked unsteadily to her dressing room.
The MC also helped Nikki to her feet. He didn’t have to urge the crowd for a hand; they screamed and stomped their feet for the wonderful effort Nikki had made. Everyone—even Barocca—was well aware of just how close Nikki had come to trouncing the seasoned stripper and walking off with a resounding victory. Nikki’s assistant handed her a towel and escorted the conquered collegian back to her dressing room.
The bar didn’t have much in the way of clean-up facilities, at least nothing that could handle two towering tigresses who were as soaked with baby oil as Barocca and Nikki Jaye. Their beach towels took care of most of it and a little soap took care of the rest of their skin. But their hair was another matter entirely.
“Barocca, how do you get this shit out of you hair?” Nikki asked with a chuckle. “This was my very first oil fight and frankly, I didn’t think about cleaning my hair.”
“Well, Nikki, take it from an old hand. After I did an oil fight with Nina Mercedez for a charitable event a while back, she clued me in to a special shampoo that’ll do the trick. It takes two or three washings, preferably in a shower, but it’ll get all the goo out of your hair. I thought I had some in my bag, but it looks like I left it in my motel room.”
Lathering up her shaved pussy, Nikki smiled, “Y’know, I didn’t mind losing tonight. I mean, you fought a hell of a fight. Right now I’m the one who feels ten years older, but I had a lot of fun and learned a lot.” She paused and looked Barocca straight in the eyes. “We could be great friends…outside the ring.”
Barocca grinned. “I know exactly what you mean. I admit at first I thought you were a smart-mouth kid…you know, all tits and no talent. But by the end of the first minute out there, I’d quickly developed a deep respect for you. You’ll go far in the femme fighting world…if you want to stick with it. How about soaping up my back, honey?”
“Sure. And I intend to stick with it, sugar. Hell, with bodies like ours, we’re naturals.” Barocca turned, pulled Nikki into a close embrace, and kissed her squarely on the mouth. Nikki parted her soft, full lips and the sudsy sirens traded tongues until their emotions grew unbearable.
“Fuck this shitty sink,” Barocca sighed in a low tone. “Let’s get dressed, wrap our hair in towels, and head back to my motel room. We can share a nice hot shower and get all this crap out of our hair.”
“Sounds good to me,” Nikki agreed. “Tomorrow’s Saturday and I don’t have any classes, so I can stay as long as you’ll have me.”
“Oh, I’ll have you, all right,” Barocca laughed as the back of her fingernails traced a path down Nikki’s damp torso. “And you’ll have me. Several times each, if I’m any judge of character. Yeah, the better we get to know each other, the closer our friendship will be, naughty Nikki.”
They draped their arms over each other’s shoulders and headed lazily toward their dressing rooms. As they walked, their arms dropped languidly until they were cupping each other’s swaying ass.

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