Prelude: Usually, The Price is Right and Wheel of Fortune are filmed at different studios, but work on the location where Wheel of Fortune normally occurs made it necessary to move that show to the usual The Price is Right locale, CBS Television Studios at 7600 Beverly Blvd in Hollywood. An innocent change in venue at first glance, but when the famous and richly paid (the TPIR models would substitute vastly overpaid if asked about her compensation) Vanna White invades the TPIR model's turf, you had to start looking for a Bad Moon rising.
The scheduling is tight with extra shows being filmed there. Although they didn't overlap, TPIR and Wheel butted up against each other. The first time this occurred, sparks began to fly between Vanna White from Wheel and Dian Parkinson from TPIR. As Vanna finishes up a filming of Wheel, Dian is waiting, anxious to provoke a fight. Dian starts, "Hey Vanna, another tough day at the office, huh? Guess it takes a lot of skill to learn the alphabet and point to the LIGHTED blanks and be part of nothing more than a glorified hangman game?"
Vanna responds, "Well…what's your name, again?"
Dian angrily responds, "Dian Parkinson!"
Vanna continues, "Well, Dian, you see I actually possess a personality and have SPOKEN lines. For all the viewers of The Price is Right know, you could be a mute since I've never heard you speak a word."
Dian's gorgeous face becomes even more flushed and she answer, "Here's a word for you, and I will even do it 'Wheel of Fortune' style. There are 5 letters, the first is a "B", the third is a "t", and the last letter is an "h". Figure it out yet, BITCH?"
Vanna now purses her lips in total anger, and tells Dian to get out of her way, "Slut, I don't have time to talk to lesser paid PROPS like you. At least a refrigerator has some use to it. You are totally worthless!"
At this point, it becomes obvious something is about to occur right here, right now. Dian says, "I'm not going anywhere, Missy. I'm challenging you to compete in a beauty contest with me and a catfight after that. The crew working the sets can judge the beauty contest, and the catfight will be no holds barred, submission only, so when YOU give up, I will be the winner."
Vanna snaps her fingers in Dian's face accompanied with a "you've got it, whore, but you will wish you had never heard of Vanna White when I get through with you."
Dian ends the exchange with, "Vacuous Vanna, I already wish I hadn't heard of you, and so do millions of viewers of games shows."
Beauty Contest: As usual in these beauty contests, there will be 6 categories to be judged with the winner of a majority of these winning the overall contest. It is quickly obvious how big of a confrontation this is since the crews of several sets of other shows being filmed who are temporarily free hear about it and come to be witnesses to the two most glamorous queens of game shows squaring off for supremacy. The areas will be facial beauty, tits, shape, legs, back and ass. Dian and Vanna will keep the areas not being judged at a moment as covered up as possible so as not to influence the areas being compared at any time. They start off with the facial beauty battle, and this particular one isn't even close. Vanna has a nice smile, but her beauty isn't competitive with Dian's almost flawless face. Dian Parkinson takes a 1-0 lead as the women bare their chests for the second battle.
Once again, Dian's 37Ds are far superior to Vanna's smaller orbs and dominate to take a 2-0 lead. The next area of comparison is shape, and this one will be much closer than the first 2 contests. Vanna has a firm, flat abdomen and a curvy look to her midsection, but Dian has a perfect hourglass figure of 37D-23-37 which overpowers Vanna in yet another battle to take a commanding 3-0 lead with only 3 areas left.
Dian can't resist a little taunting at this stage of her rout with, "Vanna, next time, why don't I just compete against that straight chair over there…it would be stiffer competition." That gets quite a reaction of laughs, particularly from The Price is Right crew and those who are either fans of Dian or those who simply don't like Vanna.
The next comparison is of legs, and both women are definitely hot in that area. Both have shapely, model-like legs, with Dian getting the slightest of nods from the judging audience to take the victory and a 4-0 lead to assure the overall beauty contest victory. The women turn their bodies around to display their backs, and although this one is close also, Dian again wins it to make it an embarrassing 5-0 lead with a chance at a clean sweep. The last judgment will be for the better ass, and Dian has lost a few of these comparisons. While Dian's ass is rather flat, Vanna has nice butt cheeks and avoids a complete wipeout by winning the ass contest, but losing the overall 5-1.
Vanna is visibly upset, while Dian displays an arrogant smile of victory. Dian can't resist a dig before the catfight begins, "Overrated slut, looks like you should have spent more time in the gym and less time turning letters. Here's another word for you. First letter is "L", third letter is "s", and fifth and last letter is "r". Want to buy a couple of vowels?" Once again, the anti-Vanna crowd is eating this up, while Vanna's fans are ready for their queen to shove her fist into Dian's big mouth!
Catfight: The woman are given the option to put on bikinis to begin the catfight, and they decide to start that way since they wear so many in their game show hostess jobs. Dian starts in her favorite medium blue bikini while Vanna goes with basic white.
The women approach each other, contact bodies, and wrap their arms around each in a bear hug duel. The women are fairly well matched in arm strength, but Dian does gain an advantage and pushes Vanna's over onto her back. A Vanna hit hard on her back, but Dian doesn't mirror her body on top of Vanna's. Instead Dian attacks from Vanna's left side by laying down perpendicular to Vanna on top of Vanna's left arm, putting her own legs around that arm to trap it in a leg scissors, and moves her right arm and hand to hold down Vanna's right hand.
With her free left hand, Dian begins to tug on Vanna's bikini top, perhaps explaining one reason why the women wanted to start in bikinis. The guess among the crews is they wanted to have yet another opportunity to embarrass their rival by forcing or ripping off the bikini of their opponent. Dian laughs as she pulls Vanna's bra towards her and begins to fondle Vanna's orbs.
As Dian continues to twist and squeeze Vanna's price possessions, the Wheel of Fortune blonde tries to free her left arm from Dian's legs or overpower Dian's right arm with her own. Dian finally rips Vanna's bra completely off and tosses it to the side. Dian pushes herself up in the air by pushing on the floor with her left hand and pushes against Vanna's right hand with her own right hand. Dian purposely lets her body plummet down across the chest area of Vanna, causing the sultry blonde to emit "ughs" which only encourages Dian to repeat the process a couple more times. Vanna finally is able to free her right hand and arm from Dian's dominance and institutes some bucks to free her left arm from Dian's leg scissors and force Dian off her body.
Both women stand up, the most noticeable difference between their last standing confrontation being Vanna's tits now bouncing when she moves since her bikini top is now on the floor somewhere. Dian challenges Vanna to a test of strength by positioning her arms in front of her, her hands above her head. Vanna's hands clasp Dian's, and just like in the bear hug, there is little difference in strength, but just enough to send Vanna to her knees in front of Dian.
Dian widens her stance enough to surround Vanna's head, and once again the gorgeous The Price is Right model uses her fit legs to surround a part of vivacious Vanna...this time her head in a standing leg scissors. Dian pulls down her own panties, she knows that already her pussy hair is wet and that area odorous from the physical exertion. Dian grabs Vanna's head with her hands, and spreads her legs to free Vanna's head in order to force Vanna's face into her dense pussy hair area which not only restricts Vanna's breathing, but also humiliates Vanna. After several seconds of rubbing Vanna's face into her pussy area, she slams Vanna down to the floor. Dian grabs Vanna's arms and simultaneously puts her right foot onto the back of Vanna. But moisture works to Vanna's advantage as Dian loses the hold on Vanna's wrists, which allows Vanna to raise her back, sending Dian's right foot flying and Dian being pushed away from her body.
Both women get up, Vanna's bare chest now joined in nudity by Dian's pussy area. Vanna's red face is evidence of her anger, but she keeps her composure enough to mount her first offense with a hard right slap across Dian's perfect face. Dian responds with one of her own to Vanna's face, but Dian is too proud of her facial beauty to want to continue with this exchange. As Dian raises her hands in front of her face to protect that area, Vanna rams her fist into Dian's midsection to rob Dian of her breath. As Dian bends over in pain, Vanna turns her back to Dian, reaches back to grab some of Dian's long, beautiful tresses, and slings Dian to the floor in front of her with a snapmare type of move.
Dian lands hard on her ass, and Vanna rushes to get behind Dian, grabs Dian's wrists, crosses Dian's forearms around the gorgeous blonde's neck, and essentially chokes Dian, ironically using Dian's own arms to do it. If that torture wasn't enough, Vanna thrusts her left knee into the back of Dian eliciting the first screams of pain from the former Miss World USA. But Dian has been in similar situations before in other matches and moves forward quickly, breaking contact with Vanna's knee, and using her bound arms as leverage, she causes Vanna to roll over her head. Vanna lands on her back in front of Dian, and the awesome blonde model takes advantage by stomping Vanna's exposed abdomen. As Dian repeatedly lands these blows, Vanna is finally able to catch Dian's foot and send the off balance blonde tumbling to the floor beside her.
As both women are lying on the floor, they decide to just keep the action there as they grab each other's hair in a classic catfight moment. Dian and Vanna eventually begin to roll back and forth, each woman gaining a temporary advantage by ending up on top of the other due to a good hair pull. But Vanna ultimately remains on top as the rolling comes to a stop, and she gives a short slap to Dian's face for good measure. Vanna partially raises her body in order to double her legs over Dian's trapped arms.
Vanna's focus now seems to be on Dian's monster mams and the bikini top that still hides those beauties. Vanna rips off Dian's top, resulting in an immediate sexy bounce of Dian's juggs. Vanna grabs as much as possible of Dian's incredible boobs, trapping those nice, extended nipples of Dian whenever so can between her fingers as she massages and fondles them. Vanna spouts, "so this is what the tits of a Miss World USA look like - not bad, but maybe you could use a little more red color in them." With that, Vanna slaps Dian's globes around a little bit to cause some red marks or streaks to occur in them. Dian grimaces, but is too busy trying to buck Vanna off her trapped body, and after a few attempts, Dian indeed dislodges Vanna from her body, saving her mounds from further punishment.
Just as both women make it to their feet, Dian lunges towards Vanna, who steps aside as Dian flies by. Vanna grabs Dian's left arm and implements an arm bar and shoves the gorgeous blonde against a wall. Being compressed against the wall once again punishes Dian's huge tits. Vanna still has Dian's arm trapped with her left hand and arm as she raises her right hand to Dian's hair and violently yanks her head back by using her tresses. Vanna's leaning against Dian's body keeps TPIR model's body trapped against the wall. Dian is in agony with her tits being smashed against the wall, her head and neck being strained by Vanna's hair pull, and the stretching of her left arm behind her back. But Dian has never been one for clean wrestling and shoots back her left foot to catch Vanna right in the crotch area. Vanna's eyes go glassy due to the low blow and a stunned Vanna drops all her holds and stumbles back from Dian's body.
Dian and Vanna's body have become completely drenched with sweat. The audience seems to actually prefer that as it gives the impression of their favorite combination sport, oil wrestling and cat fighting. Muscles also seem more evident with more straining required to perform most of the holds.
Dian and Vanna approach each other, and Dian grabs Vanna's left hand with her own left hand and quickly smashes a right elbow into Vanna's extended arm. As Vanna's arm is driven toward the floor and Vanna's form slumps in the same direction, Dian straddles the held arm and forces it, and Vanna, down hard to the floor.
Dian moves closer to Vanna's head so she can sit on the back of her head at the same time she bends Vanna's left arm behind Vanna's back in an arm bar of her own. Dian raises her ass up periodically and drops her butt back down on the back of Vanna's head while maintaining the arm bar to stabilize her position. After enduring this torture for several seconds, Vanna is able to start rolling to the right as Dian's ass is in the air, and frees both her arm and her head from Dian's grasp.
Vanna is getting up with her back to Dian when the TPIR blonde clips her around the knees sending Vanna once again to the floor, stretched out on her stomach. Dian stands alongside Vanna's body and grabs Vanna's ankles to bend back those luscious legs towards Vanna's head. Dian plants her right foot forcefully into Vanna's back, releases Vanna's ankles so she can sit down on Vanna's back and move her own hands forward to lock them under Vanna's chin in a apparently secure chin lock. However, perspiration is still constantly playing a part in this match. With Vanna quickly moving her head and Dian's hands slipping, Vanna escapes the painful hold.
Both women arise more slowly now that the match has extended longer than either had expected. Vanna is the aggressor with a fist to Dian's midsection, and shoves the stunned Dian onto her back. Vanna moves forward to cover Dian with her crotch area exposing her wet and odorous pussy area, along with her dense fur, to Dian's beautiful face. Vanna does a great grind of that area back and forth across Dian's nose and mouth area, not only to embarrass Dian but to make her breathing even more difficult at a point in the match where each woman is breathing heavily due to exhaustion.
Vanna moves down Dian's body enough to situate her shoulders near Dian's face and gives her a double barrel armpit smother. First, her left underarm then trying to dry her right armpit on Dian's face. Dian's disgust is obvious with "no"s and "stop"s in the moments she is audible.
Vanna turns around to face Dian's chest and she sits her tight ass on Dian's beleaguered face. While holding Dian's tresses with her left hand, she leans over a bit to stretch with her right hand to Dian's pussy. Vanna begins to tug on TPIR's bush eliciting Dian's screams of anguish. The only break for Dian is that both her arms and both her legs are free with Vanna concentrating on disgracing her more than using any great wrestling holds. That soon results in Dian bringing up her right knee to contact Vanna's head and thrusting her arms against Vanna's body to launch the Wheel of Fortune's beauty off her body.
While the blow to her head has stunned Vanna, she has the advantage of being at least partially up, while Dian Parkinson is still on her back. Vanna quickly increases that advantage by delivering a couple of kicks to Dian's right side. As Dian is trying to get her wind back, Vanna approaches Dian's incredible body from the side and lays one leg over Dian's chest area and slides one leg underneath Dian's abdomen and brings it up on the other side to lock in a leg scisssors across Dian's most obvious asset, her treasure chest.
Vanna uses her legs to squeeze Dian's massive mams and has Dian yelling as she tries to pry Vanna's legs off. But Vanna has her legs locked in tight. Dian waits for a moment where Vanna's head approaches her right arm and grabs a handful of Vanna's locks. At the same time, Dian begins to throw fist at Vanna's legs, and Vanna is forced to give up the hold. Vanna pulls out of Dian's hair pull, which separates both women for the moment.
Both women can barely get to their feet. Their tanks are just about on empty after a long and strenuous match. Dian begins to move towards Vanna, and having frozen the blonde by expecting a close-up attack, Dian stops in front of Vanna and extends her right foot with a swift kick into Vanna's most private area, her pussy. Dian, grabbing Vanna's left arm, hurls the bent over Vanna to the floor onto her stomach. Dian drops knees onto Vanna's back, having worked over the same area earlier in the match with footstomps. Dian turns around to face Vanna's feet, grabs, squats over the lower back of Vanna and grabs Vanna's legs and begins to cradle them in her doubled-up arms in a Boston Crab maneuver…a little sophisticated for the catfight match observed so far by this audience.
Dian thinks she may be near a victory and chides Vanna for her current predicament, "C'mon, Wheel whore, I destroyed you in the beauty contest, and now I'm kicking your ass in this fight. Give it up, slut…don`t make me inflict even more pain on your pitifully weak little body."
Vanna screams "No! No!", but that just encourages Dian to pull on Vanna's legs ever harder. After prolonged pressure, Vanna cries, "I give, you Price is Right slut." Dian pulls a little harder for that comment, but lets Vanna's legs go. Vanna writhes in residual pain, particularly due to the torture on her back.
Postmatch: Dian relishes the situations when she has won a catfight and gets to humiliate her defeated rival, but this match is especially sweet for her. There has never been much of a love fest between Vanna White and the The Price is Right models, which get only a fraction of the publicity and a fraction of the money that vivacious Vanna gets. Special animosity exists between the more beautiful Dian and the higher paid and more famous Vanna. Thus, as tired as Dian is, it is obvious she will be staying in the area to dish out punishment against Vanna.
Dian rolls Vanna onto her stomach and covers her with her own body, mirroring her assets on top of Vanna's. Dian rubs and grinds her larger tits across Vanna's smaller ones with an accompanying taunt, "Slut, you seemed to have an obsession with my boobs during the fight, so time for you to get a real feel for them."
After grinding them for a while and smashing Vanna with her bigger orbs, Dian moves up enough on Vanna's prone form to position her hangers a few inches above Vanna's face. Dian drops her massive mams on top of Vanna's face in an incredible titsmother using two of the best breasts around. Vanna's mumbling can be faintly heard, but Dian ignores any pleas and continues to cut off Vanna's breathing and to show off her juggs to Vanna on her terms. Dian switches from her titsmother to another smother, this one using her silky smooth pits. Dian lowers her left armpit and grinds it across Vanna's face, the amount of moisture deposited and smell experienced by Vanna to be at its zenith for the match. Dian adds onto Vanna's displeasure by repeating the underarm cover with her right shoulder. Dian laughs, "I know it is a pleasure for you to experience all my great assets, and what's a little sweat or body odors between `friends`, right?"
After an appropriate amount of humiliation with that move, Dian assumes a straddling position with her legs doubled up on each side of Vanna's midsection. Dian asks for a dildo and a barrage of them are thrown her way. Odd that so many would be so readily available on game show sets. Dian begins to work the toy into Vanna's throbbing pussy until Dian feels Vanna's spurt of cum oozing around the dildo. Dian collects some of it and smears it onto Vanna's face with the comment, "Slut, here's a new kind of makeup for you."
Dian moves forward to where her own pussy is near Vanna's face, takes another dildo, and this time inserts it into her own vagina. Little time passes until Dian also gets excited into a secretion of her own and once again makes sure that Vanna not only gets it on her face, but concentrates it around her mouth. "Oh, I'm sorry, I haven't distributed it even enough" and with that, Dian sits her flat ass on Vanna's face and slowly squirms for what seems to be an eternity before speeding up her movement to make the facesitting seem even more forceful. Vanna's resistance is almost nil at this point, but Dian apparently wants a little bit more time with her prey.
Dian rolls Vanna onto her stomach and mounts Vanna's back and slaps Vanna's butt with a few spanks, harder than playful, but not harsh blows either. Perhaps, they could be best described as something to remember her by and enough to leave some dim red marks to serve as further reminders of her humiliating loss to Dian. The former Miss World USA seems to be getting bored and seems prepared to wind up this ordeal. Dian turns Vanna over onto her back, slides her right foot across Vanna's face, and as she moves away with one last insult towards Vanna and her Wheel of Fortune show. "Oh, and honey, besides you being an overrated witch, your host Pat Sajek is downright SHORT! Have a nice day!" With that, Dian struts off the set with a memory she will never forget, and one that Vanna won`t forget either.