The Very Best of Irish... So Far
Hostile Takeover
Karen McDougal vs. Bunny Madison

Karen was a highly respected and dedicated employee in a major firm. She had started out as a secretary, but her hard work and dedication had her climbing the corporate ladder rather quickly. She was now the executive assistant to the CEO of the firm. Truth be told she was a very valued employee. In short, she was the one who kept things running.

She had just returned from a much needed vacation. She never took time off! But Irish asked her to take a trip with him and how could she deny the Irishman? Karen grabbed a cup of coffee and headed to her office. She exchanged pleasantries with some of the other women in the office as she made her way, but she sensed that something was off. She was popular with almost all who worked there, but that was a big almost! Some were jealous of her and her position in the firm. They felt that they were more valuable and she had only attained her position in the firm by sleeping with the boss. Nothing could be further from the truth; she was a one man type of girl.

One of the women who despised Karen the most was a small blonde that had to fill in for her while she was gone. She never did like the brunette, but after being thrown into the quicker pace of the more experienced worker she liked her even less. However she did enjoy the perks of being the big guys #1 gal.

Karen entered her office and sat her coffee down on her desk. She couldn’t believe the pile of work that was built up on her desk. “Didn’t that bitch Bunny do anything while I was gone?” she asked herself. The light signaling new voice mails on the phone was lit but that could wait. She took a sip of coffee trying to relax and clicked on the icon for her emails. “Great! There had to be 200 emails to get through.” Just then she realized something was off. “Irish’s picture was still on her desk, but who did all these other pictures belong to?”

As Karen started going through her emails the computer chimed with a new message reminder. She opened it and saw that she had a meeting in the board room in ten minutes. Having a full schedule of meetings was nothing new for the beautiful brunette. What struck her as odd was the fact it came from the email that she normally used to send out meeting invites. “What the hell was this?” she asked herself. She tried to click on the list of invitees for the meeting but that was set to private. “I need to find out what the fuck is going on!” Karen said, not waiting the ten minutes, she left her office and headed towards the board room.

She passed the offices of many of the upper managers on her way and all those doors were closed. Weird! She reached the board room and headed in. She was the first one to arrive at the meeting as she normally was. “If you’re not early you’re late!” was a motto that served her well and with her work ethic was probably why she had a big office just down the hall from the boss.

Karen sat her notebook down on the conference table just in front of her normal seat, on the right hand of the boss’ seat. “Shit! I forgot my coffee!” she cursed under her breath. “I still have plenty of time to go grab it and be back before anyone else gets here.” That is when Karen heard the board room door close. Karen turned towards the door to see who had shut it. It was that little bitch Bunny who didn’t do shit the whole time she was gone. “I’ll have to take that up with her latter!” she thought to herself.

“Sit!” Bunny commanded before Karen had a chance to leave to get her coffee.

“What?” Karen asked the little blonde.

“Fine! Don’t sit! Sign here!” she demanded as she thrust paperwork in front of the brunette.

“What the fuck is this?” Karen asked Bunny.

“It’s your resignation… While you were gone we made some changes and you don’t work here anymore.” The blonde responded with an evil grin. She was truly enjoying this, the little bitch!

Bunny stepped closer to Karen extending one of Karen’s own pens at the brunette. “Does Mr. Hefner know about this?” Karen protested. “Sign the fucking paper!” Bunny commanded jabbing the pen into Karen’s side eliciting a pained grunt from the brunette.

“Why you little bitch!” was Karen’s reply as she was seeing red. “Poke me again and I’ll break your hand!” she continued.

Now Karen was 5’-8” tall so she seemed to tower over Bunny’s 5’4” frame. But Bunny was solid and actually weighed in about 5-10 pounds heavier than Karen and she was also 15-20 years younger. Bunny didn’t fear or respect Karen at all. As a matter of fact she had wanted to mix it up with the brunette beauty since she started with the firm. And it looked like that day had arrived.

As Karen stared her down, Bunny dipped her shoulder and charged the brunette without warning. Before she had a chance to react, the blonde buried her shoulder into the pit of Karen’s stomach. There was a loud audible “Ooooofffff!” as all the air was driven from the surprised brunette. With Karen’s body jackknifed over her shoulder, Bunny continued her charge, never breaking stride. “Aaaaahhhhh!” was the sound that Karen made when Bunny drove her all the way across the room, smashing her back first against the far wall.

Bunny backed off allowing Karen to stagger forward off of the wall. The brunette’s eyes were spinning in her head and she struggled to draw in a deep breath to refill her depleted lungs. But her freedom didn’t last long. Using Karen’s forward momentum, the little blonde grabbed the brunette’s blouse between the bra cups with one of her hands. The other hand shot between Karen’s legs. Showing the strength of someone twice her size, Bunny scooped Karen up off of the board room carpeting. Holding the brunette high over her head, the little blonde took three steps and power slammed Karen down onto the conference table.

The solid oak table was an immovable object! The blonde’s aim was perfect as Karen’s back slammed down right over one of the sturdy legs of the table. It didn’t give at all! The brunette wreathed in pain as she was sprawled out on the table top. Her short black skirt had ridden up her legs and now barley covered any of her most sensitive parts. This didn’t go unnoticed by Bunny, but she was still in attack mode. There will be plenty of time later to maul the brunette when she was finished.

Bunny walked to the far side of the table to where Karen’s feet were. “I thought you were supposed to be tough!” the blonde commented as she grabbed Karen by both of her ankles. With one sharp tug, Karen’s body left the conference table like Bunny was trying to pull the table cloth out from under the place settings in a magic trick. But to Karen there was no magic and it was definitely not a trick. “Ahhhhhhh!’ she cried out when she slammed down onto the floor.

Bunny stood at her fallen foes feet and her gaze started up the brunette’s body. Long muscular legs led up to a panty covered camel toe. “I will have to come back to that!” she said with a mischievous grin. The black skirt was now just bunched up material around her waist. There was some exposed skin between where the skirt ended and the blouse began. The muscle tone showed the results of hours in the gym. “Too bad none of that matters in a catfight!” she thought with a smile. Next was the tight black blouse with a plunging neckline. It showed off plenty of cleavage for all the guys in the office to drool over. “They aren’t as nice as mine!” Bunny comment as she grabbed her own D cup breasts, lifting them and given them each a loving kiss. Last but not least was Karen’s face. “It was almost angelic,” Bunny thought. “Other than the fact that her eyes were spinning in her head.” Another evil thought crossed her sadistic mind. “I’ll fix that!”

Bunny placed one foot on either side of the fallen brunette and started walking up Karen’s body towards her head. She stopped at the brunette’s waist and roughly sat down on her belly. This caused another expulsion of air from Karen’s body and she began to stir. Not wanting to give her foe any chance to retaliate, the blonde grabbed each of Karen’s arms by the wrist and placed them alongside her body where she was able to trap them in place with her knees.

The blonde playfully slapped Karen’s face trying to urge the brunette to rejoin her in the here and now. “This wouldn’t be any fun if you just slept through it without feeling any pain!” Bunny taunted Karen. And the blonde got exactly what she was looking for… Pain and fear in Karen’s eyes. “This is going to be so much fun!”

Karen’s blouse was more of a halter top than a true blouse. Her back was bare and the halter tied in a bow behind the brunette’s neck. “How did this slut get away with wearing shit like this around the office? No wonder why she got all those promotions!” The jealous blonde spat. She reached behind Karen’s neck and grabbed hold of one side of the bow. Now a gentle tug probably would have untied the halter. But instead it was a very angry, rough pull that Bunny applied to the bow. This caused Karen’s head to bounce off the floor and the bow to completely fail. This allowed Bunny to peel the material down below Karen’s breasts, completely exposing her magnificent globes.

“You know something bitch? We should have had this little meeting in the fish bowl!” The fish bowl was a large conference room with glass walls. Everything that transpired in the fish bowl could easily be seen from anywhere in the office. “That way everyone could watch me kicking your ass and striping you. Forget resigning! You’ll never be able to show your face around here ever again! I guess I can just drag your sorry ass down the hallway when I’m done with you. I think Merv the Perv in accounting would love to see me lead you out on a leash with a strap on shoved up your ass!”

Before Bunny could even think about her coupe de gras, complete and total humiliation of the brunette, she wanted to make sure that she inflicted as much pain as humanly possible to her victim. She didn’t only want Karen crying out in pain, she wanted her begging for mercy. Mercy was something that the sadistic little blonde had absolutely no intention of showing. As a matter a fact in previous fights that the blonde had with other woman, nothing got her off more than having her opponent completely helpless and begging her to stop. That is exactly when she normally increased the level of the beating until her foe passed from the pain. The other woman often awoke to the flash of a camera going off. “You are going to by the centerfold of my scrapbook!” Bunny assured the brunette who had no idea what she was talking about. Karen’s mind raced to some of the photos on her desk. “Where those beaten women in those pictures?”

As if reading Karen’s mind, Bunny decided to have a little fun at the brunette’s expense. “Yeah I guess you noticed my collection on my new desk. Kind of like a trophy case of the bitch’s asses that I kicked. I guess you noticed Irish’s picture was still there. I take what I want! Soon not only will I have your job, but I will have him too!” Bunny punctuated the scathing taunt with a blistering slap to the side of Karen’s left breast.

“Ahhhh fuck!” Karen cried out as the open handed slap sent her breast slamming into the other. Both breasts stretched to the limits of their skin before another blistering slap sent them flying in the opposite direction.

Like watching a tennis match Bunny sent Karen’s breasts flying back and forth with painful slaps. No, not a tennis match… it was more like watching those desk top Newton’s cradle kinetic balls. Slamming back and forth in perpetual motion… it was mesmerizing. But these kinetic balls had sound as Karen continued to cry out with each new open handed slap. Bunny felt herself getting damp in her panties.

The blonde was starting to feel the sting in her own palms. If it was any consolation, Karen’s orbs were now glowing bright red! Bunny rubber her hands together messaging away some of the pain in her hands. She was thoroughly enjoying her handy work so far. The tears streaming down the sides of Karen’s face were just icing on the cake. The next phase was to continue hurting her foe without feeling any of the pain herself. Looking down at the battered brunette, she had acquired her next target.

Karen’s nubs were as stiff as erasers. Was it the office air conditioning? A direct effect from the pain being inflicted onto her breasts? Or was this sadistic bitch actually getting off on getting her ass kicked? Whatever the reason, Bunny’s next target was a clear as day! Reaching down she grabbed hold of each of Karen’s stiff nipples, pinching them between her thumb and index fingers. This elicited a new level of pain on the brunette that was given away by her latest cry of pain.

Karen’s body jolted stiff as the new level of pain washed through her body. She nearly levitated off of the ground as she stiffened. This caught Bunny by surprise as her body slipped to the side slightly. But a nasty twist of each of Karen’s nipples had the brunette flat on the floor once more. Bunny took this as affirmation that she had already won. “I could do whatever I want to you bitch and there is nothing you can do to stop me! You should have just signed the fucking letter and saved yourself a lot of pain! Oh well!” she said as she tugged and twisted Karen’s nipples.

The brunette was in a world of hurt. She was in so much pain from the damage that Bunny was inflicting on her that she was unable to conceive a plan to stop her. “Fuckkkkkkk!” the brunette screamed as the blonde used her sensitive nipples as handholds to tug and twist her once magnificent breasts in every possible direction. Even if she was able come up with a counter, she was in absolutely no position to actually carry it out and dethrone her tormentor. Both women knew this, and the blonde fully intended on exploiting the situation to get rid of Karen once and for all.

The mindset of the two women couldn’t be any further apart at this point. Karen was crushed, defeated and completely at the mercy of the nasty blonde. Bunny on the other hand was feeling euphoric. Having a beautiful woman trapped and completely helpless beneath her had the blonde fighting back the urge to climax right there and then. “I need to slow down!” Bunny reminded herself as she fought to regain control of her breathing.

Bunny released Karen’s damaged nipples and seductively stretched, arching her back. She looked off to the side and caught the image of her reflection on the shiny reflective surface of the board room cabinetry. “Mirror, mirror on the wall… Who’s the hottest of them all?” she asked herself as she playfully ran her fingers through her own hair. “Yes sir there’s a new sheriff in town!” she told herself with a smile. “I just need to take out yesterday’s trash to complete my assent to my rightful place in the firm! Maybe I should be the new CEO!”

Karen hadn’t moved an inch. She was just grateful that the onslaught on her breasts had stopped. Her pain wracked brain was in a completely different place and she hadn’t heard a word that Bunny had said. “Hey bitch!” the blonde yelled, but there was no reply from the brunette.

Slam! “Uggghhhhh!” A downward punch crashed into Karen’s unsuspecting abs.

“Hey bitch I’m fucking talking to you!” Commanded Bunny. Karen’s glazed eyes made contact with Bunny’s. “When I’m speaking you better be fucking listening!” The brunette just glared back at the blonde blankly, completely lacking any kind of recollection to Bunny’s words. “Fine! Have it your way!” Bunny threatened.

The brunette’s breasts were pretty much destroyed and Bunny didn’t even know if Karen’s pain receptors in them were even working any longer. Those poor puppies were probably numb by now. I sure hope she wasn’t capable of feeling any further pain. That was perfectly fine with the powerful blonde… that just meant one thing to her… find a new target to destroy!

The blonde’s own lush legs were on display as her yellow dress had ridden up her thighs during their brief battle. OK, onslaught was a more accurate term than battle… They formed a frame around Karen’s torso. While they weren’t as long and defined as the brunette’s she had to admit they certainly weren’t bad either! “I wonder if Irish is a leg man?” she asked herself as her finger tips traced her curves up her thighs and passed behind her hips. One thing was for sure… she held Karen’s full attention!

Bunny’s hand soon came into contact with the material of Karen’s skirt. She just curled her fingers, snagging the material, and lifting it up out of the way. Her sensitive touch guided her hand just above Karen’s panty line. Like a submarine gracefully slipping beneath the waves, the blonde’s fingers slipped beneath the silky material of the brunette’s thong. Before Karen had a chance to respond and slam her legs shut, the blonde’s skilled fingers darted in for the prize. Karen let out a gasp as the blonde’s fingers had found the apex of her legs and slipped between her folds. “That’s right bitch! I own you! And soon everyone in the office will know it too!”

Bunny’s fingers seductively went to work on Karen’s love box. No matter how much she tried the brunette could not command her body to fight back and stop the blonde’s shameful invasion of her. Her body was overwhelmed with pain and soon it would be overwhelmed with embarrassment too! How could she let this little bitch do this to her?

The blonde sensed a change in the brunette’s respiration. Was this horny bitch getting into this? It almost felt like Karen’s hips were now moving in concert with the thrust of Bunny’s fingers. Was that a gasp or a coo that just passed Karen’s lips? “Don’t you dare fucking come without my permission!” the blonde commanded. “I’ll tell you when you may release… Then it’s my turn!” Her empty threat even had Bunny smiling. She knew that Karen’s sex drive was now a run-away train and there was absolutely nothing that she could do to stop from reaching and explosive orgasm at this point.

The truly nice part of having this little encounter in the board room was all of the hi tech gadgets that were built into place in the room. Since covid, zoom calls and other teletype meetings were now common place in corporate America. And to make sure that every part of an important meeting was recorded, the firm had motion sensitive recording devices install in the conference room. Yes, every minute since the moment that Karen had entered the room was being recorded. And the blonde fully planned on using the compromising footage to her advantage. “Go ahead bitch! Your mistress gives you permission to cum!” Bunny told her fallen foe. Almost on cue Bunny felt every muscle in Karen’s body stiffen. This was going to be great!

Bunny anticipated her hand being filled with Karen’s girl goo any second as the brunette was forced to orgasm. The blonde’s mind was gleefully already wandering, planning her next move. “Yeah! I think I will force feed this bitch her own cum! If she wasn’t already mortified by their encounter, she will be then!”

Instead of feeling her hand fill with a forceful stream of Karen’s liquid, the blonde felt herself flying through the air. When Karen’s body stiffened, it was her setting her feet and placing every last bit of her energy into tossing Bunny from her perch. The blonde’s unplanned journey came to a sudden stop when she crashed face first into one of the legs of the sturdy oak conference table. Once again the table proved to be an immovable object. Bunny just slumped to the carpet stunned by the blow.

Karen was hurting but she knew that she had to get up. She started to rise only to collapse back down to the carpeting, flat on her back. Her muscular limbs were splayed out in four different directions. The feeling between her legs was still pulsating like Bunny’s fingers were still deeply inserted inside her. She first had to fight off the urge of an explosive orgasm that surely would drain any remaining strength that she still had. She also knew that time was of the essence. Had Bunny gotten up first she would have easily restrained the brunette with minimum effort. No, she needed to get up right now!

The brunette forced herself to roll over onto her belly. Lifting her head up off of the carpet she could see that Bunny still hadn’t moved. “Good! I’ll take all the help that I could get!” she struggled to push herself up to her elbows and fought to bring her knees under her. Karen was then able to push herself up onto her hands and knees. She glanced over her should towards the door of the board room. It looked like it was about 10 feet away. But it might as well have been 10 miles. As she contemplated making a run for it she glanced back over to Bunny and the blonde was beginning to stir. Yup, the choice was made for the battle weary brunette. Karen rose to her knees and started slowly moving towards where Bunny lay to engage the blonde.

Karen arrived at Bunny and grabbed hold of the blonde by the hair. Pulling the blonde into position, Karen fired her best punch into the side of Bunny’s face. Unfortunately for Karen it only seemed to help awaken the dazed blonde. “Is that all you got?” the defiant blonde asked as a gratifying grin crossed her face.

Bunny too made it up to her knees and spun to face the brunette. She looked pissed! Rather than going for another ineffective blow to the side of the blonde’s face, Karen instead reached out and grabbed her by the hair. Bunny didn’t feel threatened at all by the brunette’s move. Rather than sink her nails into Karen’s wrist to try and break her grip, the blonde just lasted out with her claws and latched onto Karen’s mangled tit. The cry of pain by the brunette just brought out a villainess cackle from the blonde.

“Fuck you!” was all that Karen could defiantly utter. With a sudden show of strength, Karen used the grip on Bunny’s hair to bounce the blonde’s head off the leg of the conference table. The first blow weakened Bunny’s grip on Karen’s breast. The second blow and the blonde’s hand fell away all together. The third had the blonde’s eyes spinning in her head. The fourth and fifth blows…. Well those were just for fun!

When Karen released Bunny’s hair, the blonde just slumped to the conference room’s floor. Grabbing the blonde by her ankles, Karen pulled Bunny out from under the table. Still holding onto the blonde’s legs by the ankles, Karen used them to flip Bunny over onto her belly. It was now the brunette that found herself crawling up the prone body of her fallen attacker like the way that Bunny straddled Karen’s earlier in the fight.

Like before, Karen found herself taking inventory as she made her way up the blonde’s body. Her legs weren’t bad, kind of nice… Karen slid one of her legs over Bunny’s so that it was now between her legs, keeping them spread slightly. Running her hand up the inside of Bunny’s thigh, Karen made her way up to the underside of Bunny’s ass. Not a bad ass… a lot more meat on it than mine, but some guys like that. “I’ll definitely be back!” she promised herself as she continued over Bunny’s lower back. When she reached Bunny’s shoulders, she brushed her long blonde hair out of the way exposing the spaghetti straps of the yellow dress. “Now let’s get down to business!” Karen said with a smile.

Grabbing hold of the spaghetti straps, Karen slowly started sliding them down the length of Bunny’s arms. They soon had made their way down the entire length of the blonde’s arms. A determined brunette now reached under Bunny’s arms and grabbed the dress at the front above the cups. Grabbing hold of the material she forcefully pulled it down, working it under Bunny’s body. With a tug, Karen pulled the dress completely off of the blonde’s torso gathering the material at Bunny’s waist. It became clear that the blonde bitch wasn’t wearing a bra either.

Karen now knelt on the back of each of Bunny’s legs. She then grabbed the blonde by the hips and shifted her backwards so that Bunny was now on her knees, ass in the air. The brunette continued to peel the dress from the blonde’s body like she was peeling a banana. Bunny soon felt a draft as her panties joined the material of her dress, bunched up on her thighs, just above her knees. Karen now returned the earlier favor by thrusting her fingers between Bunny’s legs.

It was now Bunny’s turn to jump out of her skin. The blonde lunged forward removing Karen’s invading fingers from between her legs. Karen had to make sure that the blonde didn’t get away. That would be a disaster for the brunette! She still wasn’t strong enough to fight off another wave of attacks by the blonde so she dove forward, landing on Bunny’s back.

Karen wasn’t really sure what she was going to do now, but at least the angry blonde wasn’t able to spin around and go on the offensive. The brunette originally just tried to use her body weight to keep the squirming blonde pinned to the carpet. She soon realized that this wasn’t going to be an effective strategy when the Bunny just about broke free. Karen struggled to remain on top.

Her arms still felt pretty good, and Karen was able to snake them under Bunny’s. The brunette was able to lock on a full nelson, trapping the blonde in place. This wasn’t going to bring an end to the fight, but it certainly would buy her some time to come up with a better plan while draining some of the strength from her blonde opponent. Bunny continued to struggle for all she was worth trying to break free. She was confident that if she could get out from under the brunette she would be able to end the fight in short order. She had hurt the brunette and both women knew it.

Unable to free her arms, Bunny put her legs to good use. Planting her feet on the carpet, the blonde started driving forward taking Karen with her. “Ahhhh!” that cry came from Bunny. As it turned out, as she pushed her body forward from under the conference table, she was abrading her own nipples across the rough surface of the industrial carpeting. Now normally if you were doing something that caused pain to yourself human nature would tell you to stop. But in the case the blonde felt that she was meeting her objective of getting out from under the table. And maybe it was wishful thinking but she could swear that she felt the strength of which Karen held the full nelson start to slip. “Yeah, my tits could handle a little pain if the end justifies the means!” Bunny told herself so she powered through the pain.

Maybe Karen’s grip was slipping… If that was what Bunny wanted to tell herself… good! Let her think that she was having a positive effect through her efforts. Maybe Karen was just telling herself that she was allowing her grip to slip slightly… you know as part of her plan to give the blonde a false sense of accomplishment… If that is what Karen wanted to tell herself… good! Karen continued to ride Bunny’s back on her journey out from under the table. Both women felt good about the direction that the fight was headed. Only one would be right in the end.

Bunny could feel Karen’s fingers, that were interlocked together behind her neck, start to slip apart. With a new sense of purpose, the blonde picked up speed. She was able to tilt her head backwards. This allowed her to further break Karen’s grip and to actually see where she was headed. Suddenly she felt the brunette’s right hand slip away and pull free from under her right arm. The blonde was ecstatic!

With her right arm now free, Bunny planted her elbow and started to rise. This had Karen sliding off to Bunny’s left. “Yes!” the blonde exclaimed as she sensed victory. “If the boss’ pet felt like I was kicking her ass before, she hasn’t a clue of what’s still in store for her! That was going to feel like spring break compared to what’s coming!” Bunny thought with a smile.

The blonde’s little victory celebration was to be short lived. When Karen slipped off to Bunny’s left she landed on her knees. Driving forward, pushing off of her knees, Karen lunged with her left hand and was able to grab hold of Bunny’s right wrist. Her left arm now snaked under the blonde’s left arm, and now controlled the movement of Bunny’s right arm. The brunette need to follow up fast before the surprise wore off and the tough blonde would be able to pull her dominant arm free from the grip of Karen’s weaker arm. The brunette’s left hand was already feeling the strain of being over taxed, but she forced herself to hold on.

Bunny was leaning on her left side and began to try and pull her hand free. Once she did her plan was to turn towards Karen coming up between her legs and drive the brunette onto her back. She was really going to fuck her up then! The brunette was doing all she could to keep that from happening.

Karen knew she had to hold onto Bunny’s wrist at all cost. With her right hand free, it was time to initiate the next phase of her plan. Baring her nails, Karen raked her claws across Bunny’s large right breast. The nipple that had been rubbed raw by the carpeting felt the effect of the onslaught full blast. Bunny shrieked in pain and was now really trying to pull her arm free of Karen’s clutches in order to defend herself. The tug of war was on full force now.

The brunette knew that she was doing some real damage to the blonde’s breast by the way Bunny was fighting like a banshee to free herself. Holding on to the blonde’s wrist was becoming way more challenging. Both Karen’s hand and Bunny’s wrist were now glistening with sweat. Holding onto the slippery limb was tough. Karen feared what would happen if the blonde’s arm slipped from her grasp.

While it was fun mauling Bunny’s tit, Karen needed to find a new target that had a more positive effect on slowing down the pissed off blonde. The brunette gave one more savage squeeze with all of her might before allowing the sensitive breast meat to slide through her fingers. Bunny gave a sigh of relief as her throbbing tit found freedom. But instead of giving up, the brunette was just reloading.

Karen balled up her fist and delivered a blow to the side of Bunny’s face. The first one stung and got the blonde’s attention. But having found a sweet spot Karen began raining fire down on the side of Bunny’s face. The brunette felt Bunny’s attempts to try and free her arm start to subside. The barrage was doing some real damage to the little blonde. Bunny had done some real damage early on in their little encounter. With her sudden success Karen felt that she was leveling the playing field.

Bunny was now trying to duck her head behind her trapped right arm and ward off some of the blows. Now Karen wasn’t opposed to beating on the blonde’s bicep, but she wasn’t doing the damage that was worth the energy that she was expending. Karen pushed forward trying to roll the blonde on to her belly. She stopped just short when she had the blonde’s damaged right breast splayed on the carpet. She now started to pound away at the new target. This had Bunny howling in pain. The hard surface meant there was no give and she was feeling the full power of Karen’s blows.

Karen felt the tides turning and the time was now to go for broke. Karen grabbed Bunny’s right elbow and released her wrist. Using the blonde’s arm she rolled the blonde over on her back. She quickly straddled the blonde and started raining blows down onto the blonde’s face. Initially Bunny tried to cover up but the blows were coming too fast and what seemed like from every possible direction. Soon Karen’s offenses were overwhelming Bunny’s defenses.

The brunette stopped her onslaught on the blonde. She just leaned back on her haunches to catch her breath. She brushed her sweaty hair off of her face, tucking it behind her ears. She smiled at the blonde’s appearance. Her lips were puffy and the side of her face showed some pretty significant battle damage. Her right breast looked like hell! The left breast was still untouched… “I guess that I’m going to have to fix that!” Karen reassured Bunny as she leaned forward and pinched down hard on the blonde’s left nipple. “Ahhhh!” she screamed instantly.

The scream didn’t come from the blonde, but rather from the brunette. When Karen had leaned forward it brought both of her breasts into striking range of the blonde. Bunny took full advantage of the opportunity that just presented itself and latched onto both of Karen’s breasts with her sharpened claws. It seemed that momentum was changing again!

Bunny used the distraction to regain control of the fight. Using Karen’s breasts as a handhold, the blonde used them to tug the brunette off to the side. With both women lying on their sides, their legs became intertwined as they started to do battle with each other, both seeking to regain control.

Looking like a pair of gators in a death roll, the two women spun over and over each looking to gain the top spot. Banging off furniture they made their way under the table and back again. Each time it looked like one would gain the top position, the other continued the roll, coming out on top herself. First Karen, then Bunny, back to Karen…

With the last roll Bunny found herself on top. As Karen crashed to the carpet her legs parted ever so slightly. As the blonde rolled to the top, her knee found its way between the brunette’s legs striking home to the most sensitive of areas. As she cried out in pain they rolled half a roll landing on their sides. Karen couldn’t continue the momentum to take the top position. As she struggled to deal with the pain in her breasts and now the pain between her legs she knew that she was in trouble. Things were about to get worse… much worse!

Karen’s eyes suddenly grew wide. As she struggled to roll back on top of Bunny, she felt the blonde’s meaty thighs snake their way around her slim waist. Locking her ankles Bunny completed the scissors and started to apply a crushing pressure around the brunette. “Oh Shittttttt!” Karen cried realizing that she was trapped.

Bunny rolled onto her back bringing Karen’s body above her. She was not bound by the restrictions of the conference table or chairs any longer and was really able to apply pressure to the brunette’s waist, literally crushing her guts. Karen was feeling every ounce of force that was being applied. She felt herself fading fast.

The brunette was finally able to pull Bunny’s claws from her breast but that was the least of her problems right now. The blonde just rested on her elbows and concentrated solely on her waist scissor. While she was still on the bottom, she didn’t seem to mind at all. Karen’s body from the waist up was in plain view for her enjoyment. The brunette’s heavily bruised and scratched up breasts dangled right before her eyes. Continuing her gaze further up the brunette’s battered body; Karen’s once beautiful face came into focus. Framed by her long dark hair she was still quite pretty. The fact that she was biting down on her bottom lip trying desperately not to cry out in pain was what made Bunny’s day.

“Oh I’m sorry honey…” the blonde teased as she eased some of the pressure that she was applying to the brunette’s waist. “How about now!” Bunny asked as she seemed to double the pressure that she was applying before.

“Oh God!” Karen whimpered unable to contain her discomfort.

This brought a big smile to the blonde’s face. “On second thought you don’t have to sign those papers… This is much more fun!” she added.

Karen knew she was trapped. She rotated her body backwards until her knees met the ground. This also put some distance between the evil blonde and her tits. She placed the palms of her hands on the top of each of Bunny’s thighs and tried desperately to gain some separation. She was pushing down with all her might but to no relief. Bunny just seemed amused at the brunette’s feeble attempts. “Try harder sweetheart!” Bunny teased Karen. “You’re almost there!” In fact both women knew that Karen hadn’t gained any relief at all. Bunny just relaxed slightly only to slam her legs shut again.

“Uggghhhhh!” Karen grunted once more.

Out of options, Karen rotated her hands from the tops of Bunny’s thighs to the bottoms of them, just above the blonde’s knees. To Bunny’s surprise Karen began to stand, taking the blonde with her. Bunny still maintained the tight waist scissor and had no choice but to go along for the ride if she didn’t want to release the hold.

Once on her feet, holding onto Bunny’s legs, Karen rotated as fast as she could towards her right. Bunny’s upper body spun as well, hanging from the brunette, until she came to a sudden stop. That occurred when her head and shoulder slammed into the cabinetry along the wall of the conference room. Karen now spun back towards the left and tilted her torso back as far as she could. As she had rotated back to the conference table Karen leaned forward again slamming Bunny back first against the table. Once again it was her head that took the brunt of the impact.

Karen could feel Bunny’s scissor loosening so she once again spun as fast as she could back to the right. This time when Bunny’s head slammed in to the unforgiving cabinets the hold was broken and her body just slumped to the carpet at Karen’s feet.

The brunette took full advantage of the fallen blonde’s predicament. Grabbing hold of the top of the cabinet for balance, Karen started stomping down as hard and as fast as she could. The brunette targeted the blonde’s belly and breasts over and over. When Karen stopped to catch her breath, the blonde just wreathed in pain beneath her. The sudden movement spooked the brunette so she wanted to end this here and now.

Karen lifted her left foot and placed it down onto Bunny’s right breast and pinned it to the carpet. After what the blonde had put her through she was in no mood to show any mercy. She shifted her body weight so all of her 125 pounds were now crushing Bunny’s breast against the carpet. The blonde howled in pain from the torment. A few more stomps down to the blonde’s belly and Karen was confident that the fight was over.

Without moving her left foot, Karen now placed her right foot across the throat of the blonde. “Ok bitch it’s over! You don’t work here anymore! Do you understand me?” Karen pressed. Bunny was unable to speak. She just nodded in the affirmative trying to pry Karen’s foot from her throat.
Karen stepped off of Bunny who immediately rolled onto her belly and started dry heaving. “Strip!” Karen commanded. Bunny just looked up with a look of confusion on her face. “Strip!” Karen commanded once again this time accentuating her demand with a harsh kick to Bunny’s side.

The blonde got the message loud and clear and shimmied the rest of her way out of her dress. Karen adjusted her own panties and fixed the positioning of her skirt. The blonde remained on the ground looking up at the victorious brunette. “Panties too!” Karen commanded. When Bunny didn’t move fast enough the brunette drew her leg back preparing to strike again. But the blonde grabbed the waist band of her panties and started peeling them the rest of the way down her legs.

Karen pulled her halted top back into place, covering the battle damage to her breasts, and reached behind her neck to tie the top back in place. Bunny saw a moment of vulnerability and grabbed hold of the brunette’s ankle. But before she had the opportunity to try and pull Karen off balance, dumping her back down to the carpet, the brunette fired a kick striking the blonde in the face right between the eyes. That surely ended any further thoughts of rebellion.

The lovely brunette reached her hand out to Bunny. She held this position until the blonde surrendered her panties to the victor. “Now get the fuck out of here!” yelled Karen. Bunny started to rise to walk out as ordered. Just as she made it up to her knees Karen kicked her right between her shoulder blades knocking her back to the carpet. “I didn’t tell you that you could stand! You are going to crawl out of here like the vermin you are!”

Bunny crawled out of the office past all of her former coworkers never to show her face again. And that ladies and gentlemen was the end of the hostile takeover attempt.


Charlotte Sartre vs Sheena Rose