Corporate Fight 2
Narrator portrayed by Charisma Carpenter vs Lena portrayed by Gorgeous George
After my fight at a corporate party, many other girls at the office were also not against this way of sorting things out. They provoked me more than once, but they were afraid to get into a fight themselves. I wanted revenge for my loss, but there was no reason and place for another fight.
There was one employee that pissed me off now more than the others, Lena. She got a job here through her pull. She just came and wore her pants, her mink coat and outfits. She has paid for nothing. We divided bonuses after bonuses with her, because she is also our fellow employee. More than once I wanted to punch her in her insolent face.
She was 35 years old, with dyed blonde hair that fell just below the shoulders, straight and beautiful. She was slim and slender, with gorgeous C cupped breasts. She always took advantage of her appearance and position. This infuriated many people.
Once we had worked a year for the company, we all got together for a walk to lunch. I drank a little during lunch, and with the alcohol talking, I sent her a text message. It read like, 'let’s talk bitch, seriously today'. Lena wrote back, 'Ok, wait for the evening when everyone leaves'. She carried on normally all evening, as if nothing had happened.
The guests dispersed closer to 11, only Lena and I remained. I imperceptibly closed the office from the inside while doing this Lena went to the sartier. I was dressed in a dark green wrap dress, with a shallow neckline, emphasizing my C cup breasts, and a juicy ass. I had my hair down and wore chic shoes with heels. The dress was pulled at the waist with a belt, as the dresses' length was almost to my knees, with a slit at the bottom. Lena came in a similar dress with a cut under the neckline, but with buttons and without a belt. Lena's dress was black color, slightly below her slender bottom, but well-fitting her slender body. I was slightly larger, but we were the same height.
I was sure that I would kick her ass, but I didn’t know yet what tactics to choose. I went to the sartier, but Lena had already left there. We ran into each other in a long corridor without any furniture. Ideal, I thought. We stood opposite each other, about two meters apart. Lena fingered her rings on her hands and smiled. I was beside myself. I wanted to throw myself into the fray and smash her head against the wall.
“Will you beat me?” She asked.
I leaned forward and grabbed Lena by the shoulders. She gave in and came forward, but then grabbed me by the shoulders in response, and forcefully knocked my back against the wall. I was indignant, but immediately got a fist in the stomach. The blow was not bad. As soon as I thought about it though, she hit me again and again. I doubled over in pain, still bewildered. Lena grabbed my hands and pressed them against the wall adding a forceful knee shot in my stomach. I gasped; this bitch is not as simple as I thought.
She hit me again. I freaked out, and snatching one of my hands free, I hit her in the chest. Lena did not expect this, as well as the next knee blow to the stomach. She let go of me and bent over, holding her hand on her stomach, as she backed away. I leaped at her, attacking by grabbing her throat with my hand. Lena grabbed my hand. I saw plenty of shock in her eyes. With my right hand, I planted my fist into her belly. Lena wheezed in pain. I hit her again, and again. The fourth and fifth blows in the gut were extra strong. Lena was already bouncing on her heels from the blows, and bent over in pain, while holding her hands on my hand, which were squeezing her throat.
She coughed and groaned. I grabbed her by the shoulders and kicked her in the nose with a full swing. She stepped back abruptly. Lena's blood flowed from her nose, her arms hung down, and her head hung down too. I raised my fists and walked towards her. I punched her three straight inserts to her chest. She only managed to gasp and step back a step from the blows. Then I prepared and delivered a good hook on her right jaw, then on the left jaw. Her head tilted from the impact along with her body. A small trickle of blood flowed from her mouth. I hit her hard in the gut. Lena doubled over from the blow, groaning in pain, exposing her face for an uppercut. The punch went smoothly and accurately. Lena stood up abruptly and threw up her arms and collapsed to the floor.

I sat on top of her, and captured her hips with my feet. I did not have time to hit her. Lena abruptly grabbed me by the shoulders and forcefully threw me off of her, and sat on top of me. The situation had changed dramatically, now I was under direst. Lena was furious, she pressed my one hand to the floor, and using her other hand, with a scream, and she began to beat me in the face. She smashed my lip and scratched my cheek with her ring. I tried to twist and throw myself out from under her, but she immediately crossed my jaw with her other hand. It hurt, she knew how to hit hard. She began to hit me in a rhythm. Eventually from the rights or the lefts on my face, my mouth filled with blood. I phased out for five hits. The sixth was so strong that I spat out a clot of blood with saliva from my mouth. I was slightly stunned. Lena paused, apparently already celebrating victory. It saved me.
I strained all my muscles, and forcefully pulled myself out from under her. Lena quickly jumped to her feet, a lot faster than me. She punched me in the jaw, then another and another. I stepped back, with arms raised to protect my face. I hardly blocked her hands. Pulling myself together, I forcefully hit her forehead and in the nose. She cried out in pain and stepped back. I wiped the blood from my face with the sleeve of my dress, and raised my hands as in a boxing stance, preparing for the attack.
Lena came forward, and struck with a hook from her right fist. I repulsed that punch, but did not deflect a direct jab to my nose, nor a blow in the stomach. I dodged her next hook and nailed her liver with a juicy blow from below. Lena gasped, then got caught on the jaw from below too. Then we grabbed each other by the shoulders and we started fighting on the spot, trying to knock each other to the ground. I leaned forward slightly, and got a knee in the stomach, then another. I tried to throw Lena over my thigh, but she twisted, and took me by the throat with one hand, and got me with her other hand behind the collar. She pressed me against the wall. I got a delicious knuckle sandwich in the stomach, then another. I was furious, this bitch pressed me against the wall and knocked all the crap out of me. She hit me hard, right under the chest, with a fist rising from the very bottom. She seemed to put all her strength into the blows. I moaned in pain, and tried to scream, but only hoarse sounds came from my mouth. I don’t remember how much she beat me like that in the gut. Lena probably not yet tired. Everything inside me hurt, it was difficult to breathe, and blood was flowing from my mouth, and falling on my chest. Lena took me behind my shoulders and pulling me from the wall and let me go. I could hardly stand on my feet, my strength was leaving me. Lena hit me with a hook on the right side of my face. It turned me around a little, blood splattered on the tiles. I straightened up, looking at her. She smiled. Her face and teeth were bleeding, but she was winning. I received a blow from her right fist. Again almost falling, the blow turned me around. Everything floated before my eyes. I lost consciousness again. Again another uppercut knocked me down. I collapsed on my back on the tiles and passed out. …
A few days later, when I returned to work, Lena had already quit, depriving me of all chances for revenge. Many girls laughed with me, calling each other a pear. I expected an attack from almost everywhere. The boss was angry with me, and I realized that the next time will be my last.