Super Rivals

by Ronin
Super Rivals
Lana Lang lay sprawled on the canvas. Not far from her, standing in a
neutral corner, Lois Lane beamed. Lana could hear somebody counting.
It was Wonder Woman. She was up to five. Lana rolled over on her
stomach. She could hear her Aunt exhorting her to get up.
The red head had gotten to her knees as the amazon princess reached
Superman had gone to New Krypton for a well deserved vacation. Lana
had gotten a call from Metropolis. It was Lois, of course.
"Listen Bitch," Lois began abruptly, "Superman and I would have been
married if you didn't keep getting in the way. Either stay in that hick
town of yours and out of Metropolis, or come face me woman to woman."
Lana was taken aback by the vehemence of Lois's verbal attack. She was
outraged by it. Her anger got the better of her as she answered her
raven haired rival.
"I'll fight you anywhere you want!" the redhead screamed over the
"Come to the city in two weeks." Lois demanded, "Superman is going out
of town then, way out of town. We can have it out, then."
"You got it!" Lana exclaimed, and hanged up loudly.
Lois smiled wickedly. It had gone exactly as she had planned. For the
last year, she had been spending two hours a day in the gym. She had
been taking lessons in boxing and wrestling. It was useful in her
profession to know how to defend oneself. So, not withstanding
encounters with the odd mad scientist, the sporadic hostile alien, or
the random super criminal, she would be found at her fitness club
hitting the heavy bag, lifting weights, or running the track. She
expected to take Lana apart with ease.
As soon as she hung up, Lana had gone to her local Y. She signed up
for two self defense classes. She had been going to her health spa
twice or three times a week. She was in good shape, but her regimen was
no where as demanding as her big city rival.
So, the two weeks had gone by, and the two young women had met at the
Metropolis Municipal Gymnasium An old boxing ring was set up there.
It was relatively small, not leaving much room to maneuver. They were
wearing bikini briefs, boxing gloves, and cross trainers. Lois was
wearing black briefs. Lana's were red. The gym was full of Lois's
friends. Lana had brought her Aunt Lottie for moral support.
The ace reporter smiled at the small town girl. "I'm going to wipe
the canvas with that hick bitch." she told her seconds. She shadow
boxed in her corner. She was eager for the fight to begin.
Lana was not as enthusiastic. For two weeks the small town beauty had
trained intensively for the bout. She had immediately regretted her
outburst two weeks ago. She feared she had fallen into a trap set by
her dark haired rival.
Her fear was justified when the bell signaled the first round. The
redhead was rocked by a left to the jaw, followed by a right to the
bustline, and another left deep into the solar plexus. Lana doubled
over in pain. The sudden shock of being hit three times was like
nothing she had ever imagined. She staggered when Lois hit her square
in the face with a right jab.
The reporter laughed maliciously, "C'mon Honey," she exhorted, "The
fun is just starting!"
Lois whacked the redhead in the jaw again. Lana went reeling into
the ropes. Relentlessly, the dark haired beauty pursued her redheaded
rival, ruthlessly attacking Lana's breasts and belly. The poor small
town beauty could only try to endure the beating as she laid helplessly
on the ropes.
Mercifully, the bell rang, ending the round. Lois strolled
confidently back to her corner. Lana struggled to return to hers.
Lauren, Lana's cousin and second, was appalled, "How much more can you
take of that, Sweetheart?' she asked Lana.
"I can stand anything if it means having Superman all to myself." Lana
Round two began as the first round had. Lois was beating the redhead
around the ring. The small town beauty tried to stand her ground, but
the Metropolis reporter was just too skilled. Lana wrapped her lovely
arms around Lois's flawless shoulders, but the dark haired girl just
continued to bang at the redhead's gorgeous body. Lana went to the
canvas when Lois executed a text-book perfect upper-cut. Wonder Woman
began the count. Lana was up at seven. Her eyes were glazed. She
spent the rest of the round desperately holding on to her rival, trying
to stay on her feet.
To Lana's relief, the bell finally signaled the end of the round. She
staggered back to the corner. She sat down heavily on her stool.
Lauren broke a capsule of amonia under her fighter's nose. Lana sat up
with a start. She was revived a bit, but in terrible pain. Her
beautiful body was paying an awful price for her love for Superman.
Lois Lane looked across the ring at her rival. She smiled
maliciously. Her plan had worked perfectly. Within two more rounds,
Lana would be reduced to a pile of bruised flesh, and the Man of Steel
would be hers.
As the third round began, the big city girl continued to dominate her
small town rival. Soon, Lana was on the ropes, as her dark haired
opponent continued to batter her voluptuous body with blow after
unrequited blow. Then Lana caught Lois on the side of the head with a
haymaker that came out of nowhere. Miss Lane staggered as her legs
turned to rubber. Lana connected again with an under hand to the belly
coming from the floor. It lifted Lois' feet off the canvas, before
putting her on her back.
Wonder Woman had reached six before the reporter was able to stand
up. The redhead pounced on the big city girl like a tigress on a
wounded antelope. Lois was not given a second to recuperate before she
was battered with rights and lefts. The dark haired beauty tried to
keep her guard up, but Lana bore down with renewed fervor. She knew she
could not afford lo allow her dark haired opponent to rally, so she was
relentless in her pursuit of her rival. The redhead pummeled Lois' tits
and tummy. She sent jab after jab into her antagonist's pretty face.
Lois began to stagger around the ring like an inexperienced B girl who
has had too much to drink. Lana was hitting her wherever and whenever
she wanted.
The fiery redhead backed the dark haired beauty into a corner,
thrashing the gorgeous reporter without mercy. Again and again, Lana
drilled Lois' body with short, hard rights and lefts. Her arms hanging
over the top ropes in a desperate bid to stay erect, the big city girl
was helpless under this onslaught. The small town girl laughed as she
repayed Lois for every dirty trick and insult to which the more
cosmopolitan woman had subjected her.
Finally, the bell rang ending the third round. Lois slid down the ring
post to her derriere. She was a mess. She was bleeding from her mouth
and nose. Her left eye was shut. Her body was mottled with bruises.
Her corner girls helped her to her stool, and tried to revive her as
best they could.
Lana returned triumpantly to her corner. The truth was, though, she
was no better shape than her dark haired rival. The first two rounds
had taken their toll on the fiery maned beauty, and her seconds worried
that she might have punched herself out that last round.
When the bell rang to begin the fourth round, both fighters put on a
brave show. At first, Lana tried to take advantage of the pounding she
had given Lois in the last round, but the dark haired beauty had
recovered quickly enough to defend herself. They came toe to toe in the
center of the ring, and began to pound each other with complete
abandon. Every blow was answered with another blow. Lana landed a
right to Lois' head. Lois responded with a boob buster to Lana's left
tit. The small town girl buried her left deep into the ace reporter's
midriff. Lois' eyes went round with shock. She hit the redhead in the
jaw. The small town girl was dazed, but managed to launch a right to
the big city girl's bustline. The combatants were fueled by white hot
passion. Niether could imagine life without the Man of Steel. Both
knew the loser would forfeit Superman's love forever. By the end of the
round, both women were weak from fatigue. They wrapped their arms
around each other in a sweaty clinch of mutual exhaustion. Their hot,
sticky bodies seemed glued together by perspiration. They glared at
each other with baleful hatred.
When the bell rang, Wonder Woman had to physically separate the
rivals. The two antagonists stumbled to their corners. Their seconds
worked feverishly to revive them. Everyone was sure that the upcoming
round would be decisive.
The bell rang. The two adversaries advanced slowly on each other.
Lana, eager to be done with it, launched a haymaker at Lois' head. The
dark haired beauty easily slipped under the punch, and planted her
gloved fists deep into Lana's gut. She followed this with a devestating
upper-cut to the redheaded vixen's breasts. Finally, Lois unloaded with
a straight right hand into Lana's face.
For a moment, the small town girl just stood there, a blank look on
her pretty face. Then, she toppled to the mat.
Someone was counting. Lana heard someone else exhorting her to get
up. It was her aunt. She got to her hands and knees. Wonder Woman
was up to seven. The redhead got her feet under her. She was ready to
stand up. Then nothing happened. The redhead could not move another
millimeter. She tried to summon every last ounce of will to rise, but
there was nothing left. All her strength was gone. She collapsed back
down to the canvas in a fleshy heap. She had given everything she had,
and it had not been enough. She whimpered in abject despair. Her once
beautiful body was reduced to a mass of bruised flesh.
Lois, standing in a neutral corner, raised her arms in victory as
Wonder Woman reached ten. She kicked her defeated rival onto her back,
planting a foot on one of poor Lana's battered boobs.
"I told you you should have stayed in that hick town of yours." the
dark haired beauty said, standing over her conquered adversary, "Come
near Superman ever again, and I'll do worse."
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