You Need to Read Mero vs Carey before you go any further
Carmen Electra (51%)
Dethrones Britney Spears
(49%) Carmen enters the ring first and
waits for the new champ to arrive. Britney
who has made quite a few enemies recently
finally enters with her new entourage, ECW
valet, Tammy Lynn Sytch, and MTV VJ
Ananda Lewis. But to Carmen’s dismay,
Britney’s “Brat Pack” has picked up a new
member, fellow teen idol, Cristina Aguilera.
Carmen paced nerviously, as Britney
stretched in her corner. She knew winning
the title would not be easy. Although Britney
was not very polished, she was young,
strong, and just seemed to always find a way
to win. But her new friends, it made the task
even tougher.
Carmen wrestled very
tenatively at the start of the bout. She was
still trying to convince herself that she
belonged in the championship match. She
went from being nicknamed “whiping girl” to
respectability with a tainted win over Pam
Anderson, and gained a title match by
impressively thrashing Halle Berry. Britney,
on the other hand, beamed with confidence,
following her upset destruction of the
seemingly unbeatable Catherine Zeta Jones.
Besides, her collection of teen idols, and
Tammy Lynn would make very cetain she
would prevail. But most impotantly, Britney
single handedly kicked the shit out of the
three best fighters in the Battle Zone that
night, Jennifer Lopez, Salma Hayek & Zeta
Jones, were all left defeated in the ring as
Britney walked out with the prized title, no
one could opose her.
With confidence &
aggression, Britney controlled the match. She
locked Carmen in one violent hold after
another, but was still no closer to winning the
match, than when she started. Her friends
eagerly cheered her on, even through her
inability to put Carmen away. The only thing
that was accomplished was Carmen’s
confidence growing with each passing
moment that passed. To Britney’s credit, she
did not become at all frustrated by Carmen’s
resilience, but cooly grappled her to the mat,
and locked her in a tight headlock. Britney
howevre realized the danger of letting
Carmen stay in this match, so she made
manuvers to finish her opponent once and for
First, Britney gouged Carmen’s eyes
while she was trapped in her headlock.
While Carmen was trying to clear her vision,
Britney took the opportunity to roll Carmen on
her stomach and slap on a Camel Clutch.
Britney reared back, wrenching Carmen’s
back into agony. Carmen sreamed and
searched for an escape route, but the stong
teen had all her avenue’s covered. Britney
continued to appy as much pressure as she
could, pulling back harder & harder. Carmen
held on as best she could, but knew she
would soon have to submit. But this is where
things turn koocky for Britney.
Britney had her back to the entrance to the
ring, as she simply waited for Carmen’s will
to subside. First, Downtown Julie Brown has
returned from the dumpster, and was
charging down the ramp to the ring. * Clad in
only sheer black lace panties that were filled
with rips & tears, she ran to the ring with her tits bouncing. Britney’s entourage had their backs
to the ramp, with their attention firmly on the
action in the ring. Julie came up unoticed
behind Ananda, and picking up a cord for the
ringside microphones & camera’s and looped
it around her throat. Chritstina & Tammy
stood in shock for an instant but they had no
clue that following Julie were Salma Hayek &
Catherine Zeta Jones. This unlikely duo
pound Britney’s friends to their knees. The
final piece of the puzzle, Jennifer Lopez, now
leisurely walks to the ring. She climbs to the
ring apron, in front of Britney and yells, “Hey
Bitchney! looks like your title reign is coming
to an end.” Britney rises off Carmen and now
sees her friends plight at ringside. She
angrily turns back to Jennifer and wlks to her
saying, “You stinking convict, you’re behind
this” When Britney gets into range, Jennifer
unleashes a stinging slap across her face.
Jennifer drops off the apron and Britney turns
to see Carmen back on her feet.

Carmen flashes a jab into the teen's face that snaps
her head back. Carmen pistons another and
another. Britney staggers, dazed by the
sudden offense. Carmen carefully measures
her foe, and knocks her block off with a
crushing right hook. Britney crumbles to the
mat. She tries to regain her feet, but crashes
back to the mat at each attempt. She
resembled Mike Tyson, trying to rise after
meeting his demise at Buster Douglas’
hands. The audience is silent as their once
powerful champion struggles pitifully to regain
her feet. After several attempts, Britney
finally is able to stand on her trembling legs.
Carmen carefully waits & stalks the
champion. Once she is somewhat standing,
Carmen unleashes a lethal knock out punch,
that lifts Britney off her feet and flat on her
back. Carmen places one hand on Britney’s
chest and gains the three count.
imediately starts to celebrate her victory.
Jennifer claps & smiles as Salma, Julie &
Catherine too pay their respects to the new
champion, before leaving the area, allowing
Carmen her moment in the sun. After
Carmen exits with War Queen title, Britney
comes to, and is furious.
“No, No, No” she
yells at her upset loss. She goes to ringside
where her defense unit is still groggy from
their beating. Britney yells, “Some
bodyguard”, and starts to take her frustations
out on the fallen Tammy Lynn Sytch,
stomping her into submission. Ananda &
Christina rise to join in with Britney in
demolishing Tammy. Finishing the job on
Tammy the crew of teens angrily leave
ringside, minus the War Queen title.
Generation Next has vowed revenge on it's Enemies

Julie, Jennifer, Carmen, Catherine & Salma should beware

* Have you read Mero vs Carey Yet??