The Gen Next Legacy
The ringside commentator Jam Rodriguez frames the night's match for the fans, as Carrie Underwood makes her entrance. "Let's start with a quick history lesson about how this pivotal bout came to happen. Long time fans remember that Britney Spears founded the first super group in the league, Generation Next decades ago. Even after Britney outgrew and abandoned the group, it continued to exist through several different incarnations. Recently, Britney had some harsh words about the current version not living up to the standards of when Britney first started the super group and the word undeserving was also thrown around."
"To be fair, Britney is one hundred percent right in that assessment in my opinion." color commentator Cole Hunter interjects. "However, that first Britney group set a standard so high that hardly anyone could follow."
"True!" Jam agrees. "Somewhat surprisingly, not Kelly Clarkson or 'Keira Knightley, but Carrie Underwood stepped forward to defend her group's honor, and challenged Britney to a fight tonight. Carrie said it's time that the two southern girls get together and settle some things. Despite this being a huge jump in competition for Carrie, she has vowed to kick Britney's ass and teach her a big lesson. That is some bold talk, but Carrie is in the ring to back it up." Jam shakes his head to himself. "Let's see what she's got then." Carrie has finished her entrance and stands dazzling in the ring wearing a sparkling sequin tank top and black cut off Daisy Duke shorts.
Britney enters the arena looking a lot less glamorous than in her younger days, and more like her weird current Instagram posts. Britney comes to the ring dancing while wearing a pink halter top, and black booty shorts. Like on Instagram she is twirling around and gyrating and twerking her way to the ring. She looks a bit eccentric these days, and just plain strange to many fans.
Some fans are laughing and mocking her just like in her comments on social media. Britney could feel the negative energy and the bad vibes as she makes her entrance. She becomes defensive and angry as she nears the ring.
Just as Britney reaches ringside and is about to enter the ring, she spies Alesha Dixon at ringside laughing heartily with her friends. Alesha and Britney have had some misunderstandings in the past. There is some bad blood, but they thought that it was all worked out. However when Britney sees Alesha laughing her head off at ringside, she assumed that they were laughing at her. Perhaps if Britney had observed all the empty cocktail glasses around Alesha and her friends, she would have thought differently. But Britney stops at Alesha and spits "What the fuck are you laughing at?"
"Hey Britney!” The drunken woman laughs. "Just us girls getting fucked up and having fun." Alesha innocently answers while giggling in drunken delusion.
Britney fires a mean look and responds, "Are you fucking laughing at me?" Britney loudly asks. Britney puffs up and is preparing to fight.
“No Britney! We were just having fun! We weren't laughing at you at all." Alesha pleads. However Britney was not having it or believing anything. Britney was caught up in her own world and fantasy. No matter how much Alesha tries to explain, Britney is not hearing the explanations and is only getting angrier. Britney believes that Alesha is guilty, but it really did not matter. Britney feels tht it is time to make an example out of someone and the negative energy. Alesha looks like a damned good example. Finally Britney hauls off and gives Alesha a hard two handed shove.
Alesha becomes irate immediately and shoves Britney back just as hard. Alesha shouts "Fuck you bitch! If you want some of me, come get some!" Britney fires back at Alesha with another shove. Then a shoving match starts as both women push each other back and forth briefly. It is brief because Britney quickly escalates the situation with a slap across Alesha's gorgeous face. Alesha responds with vicious slap, just as hard. Now the two women are engaging in a slap fight.
Jam exclaims "I can't believe this! Britney and Alesha Dixon just got into a slap fight at ringside!" The fans are going crazy. "They are taking turns slapping the shit out of each other!"
"Gotta admit this is not a smart fighting strategy." Cole provides while shaking his head. "It's down right dumb as hell! Britney Spears has gotten into a fight on her way to another fight."
Carrie looks on from the ring and is totally amused and laughing. She waits till both girls' cheeks are rosy red and fatigue is slowing their slaps down. Suddenly Carrie charges out of the ring, and leaps through the ropes with a suicide dive. Carrie dives into Britney's back and propels her very hard into the ringside barricade. Britney hits hard and crumbles to the floor. The volume level in the arena is booming. Alesha is about to climb over the barricade after Britney, but her friends grab and stop her. Carrie gives Alesha a menacing look as she peels Britney off the ground. Britney has pissed off both Carrie and Alesha and both of them want to give her a royal ass kicking. Carrie's glare lets Alesha know that it is Carrie's turn at Britney tonight and Alesha had better wait her turn. However, despite the stern warnings after Carrie has picked Britney up to her feet, Alesha grabs Britney's shoulder and whips her around to face her. Then Alesha unloads a sucker punch across Britney's jaw that decks her again. Carrie surges toward Alesha, but she backs off with her hands up. "That was for fucking up my buzz! She deserved it." Alesha defiantly explains.
Carrie wisely returns her attention to Britney and hauls Britney up and rolls her into the ring. Britney is very confused and dazed by this time. Her head was getting slapped around for a bit, then she went careening face first into the ringside barrier. Britney never saw Carrie coming and the thought of being attacked from behind never crossed Britney's mind. She was totally caught off guard when her chin slams into the barricade. It almost knocked her out. Now she is being rolled into the ring and is completely bewildered.
Britney finds herself lying face down in the ring. She is not sure how she got there, but figures that she is in real trouble. Britney pushes up to her hands and knees to get to her feet. That is when Carrie swoops in like a condor and stomps down on the back of Britney's head and smashes Britney's face into the mat with a curb stomp. The fans react to the devastating and vicious move. After this point, Britney has no recollection of what happens from that moment until she is lying in the ring after the match.
The referee calls for the bell to start the match, when his critics complain that he should have been stopping the contest. Carrie acted quickly. She was not going to let this tremendous, career altering opportunity pass. First, the Legendary Britney Spears that is arguably the greatest in the history of the league, is very hurt and dazed and prime to be taken out. Carrie is fortunate to come across Britney when she was not ready for this match and is going to capitalize on it. A dominating defeat of Britney will sky rocket her career and reputation. Personally, she never liked Britney in the first place. Destroying Britney in the ring is a fantasy night for Carrie. Now that Britney has besmeared the reputation and ability of her faction and friends. Carrie is going to unleash on Britney, and go buck wild on this bitch.
Carrie rips Britney off the mat and to her feet. Britney was like a deer in head lights. She cowered at Carrie's touch. Carrie whips Britney into the ropes. Then Carrie tries to decapitate Britney with a running clothesline when she bounced back. Britney is turned inside out. She is launched in the air and twists and turns before falling back to the canvas. The fans leap to their feet in awe from just seeing another human being launched like a rag doll, much less that individual being the mighty Britney Spears. Fans saw the fierceness and intensity on Carrie's eyes. Then they saw the loss distance in Britney's eyes. They realized that sweet Lil' Carrie is about to beat the ever loving horse shit out of Big Bad Britney. The fans decided that they loved it. Immediately a roar for Carrie to destroy Britney comes from the crowd.
Dazed Britney instinctively starts crawling on her belly to get out of the ring like a snake. Carrie easily catches the slow blonde by her black shorts' waist band and drags Britney back to the center of the ring. With Britney face down on the mat, Carrie grabs both of Britney's wrists and pulls her arms behind her back. Carrie pulls back so Britney's upper body raises off the mat then Carrie starts stomping down on Britney's back between her shoulders making Britney’s face slam, bang and bounce on the mat repeatedly. Poor Britney's face is being dribbled on the mat like a red, white and blue basketball being dribbled by Harlem Globetrotter, Curly Neal.
When Carrie stops and lets Britney go, Britney's lifts her head and her eyes appear to still be bouncing up and down in her head. She blindly crawls to the ropes slowly. She uses the ropes to pull herself to her feet and leans against them for support. Once she was a still target and quit wavering, Carrie charges over and buries her knee and thigh into Britney's belt line. It is either dangerously low or actually a low blow. Britney barks and crumbles over to the mat. While Britney catches her breath and holds her loins, Carrie yanks Britney's halter top off over her head. As typical for Instagram Britney, she was not wearing a bra underneath. She had hard nipples poking out almost all night. The dazed pop princess falls to her hands and knees at the country gal's feet. Carrie whirls the shirt around above her head three times and launches it into the audience.
Carrie knows that she likely has Britney at her mercy, barring a legendary comeback. That sucks for Britney. Carrie feels like Britney is a colossal waste of talent and opportunity these days. That within itself is a great enough sin for Britney to receive the scathing whipping that Carrie is going to give her. Carrie sees herself becoming the Betty Bad Ass, or John Wayne type that is going to slap some common sense into this silly bitch. "Get up!" Carrie loudly shouts, "Get up and fight, Britney! Where's your tough talk now?"
Britney is struggling to rise so Carrie helps her up with a handful of hair. Carrie gives Britney a quick demeaning slap across the face. Then Carrie tucks Britney's head under her arm and drives her skull back into the mat with a DDT. Fans 'oooh' loudly. They saw that Britney came into this match unprepared or unfocused, and Carrie is going to take full advantage of her sexy ass. The fans are expecting a prolonged dominate destruction, for as long as Britney can last. Britney lies face down on the mat like a cold fish. Britney's fans are loudly voicing their displeasure. Meanwhile Carrie's fans and Britney's detractors are encouraging Carrie to go further. Carrie has already decided that she's going to kick the shit out of Britney a little more either way.
Carrie takes a firm grip of Britney's hair and hauls her up to her feet. Britney complies brainlessly, unable to defend herself or comprehend how to resist. Carrie scoops Britney up onto her shoulders into a fireman's carry. A little life returns to Britney as she flails weakly causing the Cowboy Casanova singer a minor annoyance. Carrie parades Britney around briefly. She then tosses Britney off her shoulders allowing Britney to plummet to the canvas. Britney belly flops to the mat, and lands with her tits, stomach and face taking the brunt of the fall.
Britney curls up while holding her body tightly. Carrie kicks the downed pop princess mercilessly. Carrie is determined to take every liberty over the failing legend that she could. Finally Carrie hauls Britney to her feet and escorts her victim to the ropes. Carrie shoves Britney against the ropes where the rubber legged woman was happy to find help staying upright.
Carrie slaps Britney across her naked tits with a knife edge chop so hard that it made the fans wince. Carrie opens a full assault on Britney's breasts that has the chops coming fast and furious. Britney's breast quickly turn bright red as blows worthy of Ric Flair or Wahoo McDaniel bombards her chest. Britney screams, shouts and gyrates like electric bolts are coursing through her body. The seemingly endless waves of chops continues until Carrie's stinging hand could not take anymore. Britney keels over and crumbles face first to the mat.
While Britney lies face down, Hunter asks in total confusion, "Are you hearing this? What's that sound... it can't be..." Hunter stammers in honest confusion. "It can't be! Is Britney Spears crying? Britney is crying!" To Hunter's disbelief it was true. Britney was face down and grabbing her boobs while sobbing from the burning pain in her chest.
"Yes it true. The Legendary Britney Spears is in tears." Jam Rodriguez joins in. "The once dominant War Queen that has mowed down the best that this league had to offer for decades is lying in shambles. An untested Carrie Underwood has dominated Britney and brought her to tears."
Carrie was not impressed by the tears. Carrie angrily yells, "Get up you bimbo! Don't turn into a pussy now! Get up Bimbo!" This is Carrie's big chance to rid herself of labels like untested or surprise. She is determined to crush Britney and humiliate this bimbo. Carrie is going to rip Britney's fame and reputation from her. This is a unique opportunity for Carrie.
Carrie continues to yell at Britney to get up and adopts the name of Bimbo Britney for her rival. After shouting the name a couple of times, the fans started picking up on the name. Soon they are chanting 'Bimbo Britney!' on their own. That gets under Britney's skin quickly. Her head pops up with a red face. She immediately forces herself to her feet while swearing and cursing at the fans belligerently.
Britney's little rant comes to a quick end when Carrie's spin kick collides into the side of Britney's head. The hot blonde is dropped like a bad habit and falls to the mat cold clocked and spread eagle on her back. The fans pop loudly at Britney's downfall. They are jumping up and down celebrating Britney's downfall and hailing Carrie Underwood as their new golden heroine. Carrie could not help but to break out into a huge smile from the crowd's reaction. Carrie gathers herself and starts to bring her dream moment to life. Carrie bends over and looks into Britney's vacant face and waves her hand in front of her face, a la John Cena. The fans excitedly join the chant, 'YOU CAN'T SEE ME!' Carrie bounds off the ropes and returns to Britney. Carrie quickly brushes off both of her shoulders before dropping a fist drop into Britney's face for a Five Knuckle Shuffle.
The audience is loving it. Britney's body jack knifes off the mat and limply falls back down. Carrie puts two hands on Britney's chest and the referee drops to the mat. He makes the three count to mercifully bring the match to an end for Britney with the audience loudly counting along with him. The fans are cheering at the top of their lungs and still jumping up and down. This is a monumental upset and moment in catfighting. It is a huge moment for Carrie. She knows that she is extremely fortunate to catch Britney unprepared. However she took advantage of it. Britney is looking pretty pathetic and floundering on the mat. The fans are still cheering like they were thirsting for more. Carrie is definitely a great enough entertainer to know when to give the audience an encore.
Carrie marches over to Britney and grabs the waistband of her black booty shorts. The fans pop in encouragement for Carrie. Britney is aware enough to realize what's happening as Carrie starts pulling her shorts down. Britney tries to resist and even escape. However Britney is far too weak after her drubbing and Carrie is super charged on adrenaline. Britney knows that she is pretty much helpless and has to suffer more indignities at Carrie's hand. Carrie rips down and off Britney's shorts. Then Carrie grabs hold of Britney's G-string to keep her from escaping. Carrie snatches the back of Britney's G-string giving her a super wedgie.
Britney howls and wiggles and squirms to get away but she is caught like a fish on a hook. Carrie is cranking up the G-string at every chance. The G-string embarrassingly disappears into Britney's shaven twat and ass. Carrie yanks Britney up to her feet, allowing the fans and cameras to focus on her pussy and ass cheeks. Britney is frantic to get away but she is caught like a puppet on a string as she is dancing on her toes. The fans are mightily enjoying themselves. Carrie is now parading Britney around as exhaustion quickly sets in. Britney weakly flails as the G-String is so deep in her that it can barely be found. Carrie is mindful to remind Britney and the fans of all the trash talk that Britney did about her and Generation Next to deserve this prolonged humiliation.
"There is a commotion going on back stage! The cavalry is on it's way!" Jam exclaims. "Britney's group, Femme Fatal is attempting to come to Britney's rescue." There is brief sequence of Brandy, Melissa Joan Hart and Britney's sister, Jamie Lynn Spears running backstage and about to reach the stage entrance. Then they are met by a counter wave from Generation Next members. Carrie's friends, Natalie Portman, Keira Knightley and Kelly Clarkson. A wild brawl between the teams breaks out. There are elbows and fists carelessly flying wildly everywhere. Soon Kelly Clarkson and Melissa Joan Hart crash into the camera man and knocks him over. "It is total chaos back there!" Jam explains with the camera shot being bumped around and primarily showing the arena's roof. "We will keep you abreast of the action backstage."
"Jam! I think Britney is about to cum!" Hunter points out. Sure enough Britney is panting and gyrating as Carrie is sawing at her groin with the G-String. Britney certainly looks distressed as there is a burning pain in her loins meanwhile she is definitely nearing an orgasm too. Britney is looking so pathetic and pitiful that she is finally drawing some sympathy from the audience.
Carrie hears a stern voice from ringside that is also very familiar. "That's enough Carrie! Britney has had enough! Let her go! This isn't how country girls handle things!" Carrie is feeling the fans growing restless that this has been going too long. The voice demands "I've got rank around here over you. And I'm ordering you to stop this trailer trash shit now!" That last comment immediately ticked Carrie off. She finally lets go of Britney and lets the whimpering blonde collapse to the mat. Carrie acknowledges the fans briefly but she really wants to address the woman claiming rank over her and giving orders.
Carrie exits the ring and sees Shania Twain, the owner of the stern voice standing at ringside. "Last I checked, your name isn't Dolly or Reba, so I don't know why you're claiming rank out here." Carrie firmly states.
"I might not be Reba or Dolly but I definitely got country music rank over a flat chested girl that mentioned my name in her biggest hit song!" Shania glares back. "You're embarrassing country music with this trashy behavior! Now get girl! Get out of here, you've done enough foolishness for today."
Carrie pointedly stares at Shania and give a defiant chuckle. "Next time I see you in a ring, I'm going to take those saggy tits and slap you silly with them. That isn't a threat Shania, it's a challenge. You're going to have to prove rank over me girl. Be a good girl and accept my challenge, and don't make me come looking for you." Carrie turns and walks away from Shania dismissively. Carrie and Generation Next's confidence is soaring. Shania may be another former champion and legend, but Carrie sees another victim and another knoch on her belt.
Carrie walks up the ramp and enters backstage. Carrie is pleased to see Britney's Femme Fatal group laid out with her Generation Next girls standing over them. All of Britney's friends are topless and lying semi conscious on the floor. Jamie is stirring back to consciousness at Natalie's feet. She put up a good fight, but Natalie was able to overcome her and expose her perky little breasts. Kelly Clarkson gave Melissa a good drubbing on the other hand. She left Melissa cold on the floor and wearing only the clothing that Kelly elected to let her keep. Brandy is unconscious in the middle of a broken table from catering. Brandy is topless like the others, with her bronze skin covered in food. Keira has a bit of food on her shirt, but most importantly she is wearing a smile.
All of them are smiling in their success. They have cooked Britney and Femme Fatal beyond their wildest dreams. This is an unforgettable night for the current Generation Next. A last all good things comes to an end. Britney's last Femme Fatal member, Iggy Azalea, comes running in wielding a chair. She had a match earlier with Gabrielle Union and was getting checked by the physician. Iggy is screaming and wildly swinging the chair around. The Generation Next girls all beat a fast retreat to their dressing room. The after party is on their minds anyway.
Shania enters the ring and looks down at the disaster, Britney. "Girl look at you now." Shania shakes her head. "You know I'm a huge fan of yours. You've whipped my ass twice. You ended my championship reign, made me learn to live with it, because there wasn't a damned thing I could do about it. But you'd better get your shit together quick. Carrie is not going to stop coming for you, and there's a long line of people coming after her, who are going to want a piece of you." Shania advises.
“I know" the troubled blonde weakly responds. "Tha... thank you for helping me" She pauses "But why? Why did you do it?"
"Because I see a woman in trouble, and I've been a train wreck before. People helped me through. So it's my time to repay that favor. I've always admired you for being tough and a fighter." Shania extends her hand to help Britney up to her feet.
Britney takes the hand with a small smile and a good feeling in her heart and spirit. She is hopeful and confident that she is taking the hand of a future mentor, friend and perhaps new teammate. "Are you ready for a rematch with Carrie Underwood?" Shania beams.
"No she's done with me." Britney chuckles. "She wants to beat your ass now, remember?"
"Fuck... that's right."