Melyssa Ford vs Ki Toy Johnson
The Best of Friends
A Lady's Agreement

The 2005 VIBE. Awards were planned to the last detail; the venue, seating, lighting, audio, video the menu everything was perfect. However as the old nursery rhyme goes "along came a spider" some fool decides to take a swing at Dr. Dre as he is walking to the front to receive a Life Time Achievement Award then all hell breaks loose! Chairs fists and chairs fly even knives drawn and much to Q's and his fellow producers and promoters chagrin 3/4 of the guest left, in a hurry. As one over zealous and a tipsy young lady said at the end of the Broadcast when Tyra Banks was attempting to accept an Award for Alicia Keys in her absence; "Alicia Gown". Evidently Ms. Keys was raised in the boushie section of Hell's Kitchen;-).

Poor "Q" (Quincy Jones) deserved better even Dre felt worse for the old maestro so even though he was shaken and very pissed he agrees to go though with the acceptance in an edited version of the broadcast.

A few loyalist and some celebrities who were too drunk to drive agree to stay and help the show to go on. Plus the small riot did not shake the Brigade of video vixens that had seen much worse down through the years at parties clubs and even on the set of video shoots. That night belonged to the Video Vixens for several reasons; the VIP tables up front were abandoned and only they could fill those places in force hence they got more face time on camera than they would normally get in a year's worth of shoots. Last but not least the most astute, intelligent, eloquent and timely acceptance speech or really speech of any kind, came from the full supple lips of a member of their ranks; one Ms. Ki Toy "The Body" Johnson the recipient of the Video Vixen Award.

Ki Toy's offering was the highlight of the evening and no one was happier for her than her friend, colleague and fellow nominee Ms. Melyssa "Jessica Rabbit" Ford. However being a nominee Melyssa would have liked to win herself (she is after all human) but if she was not to be "the one" then she would want it to be her friend.

After the show the parting ensued "all night long", neither Ki Toy Or Mel is known to be a heavy drinker; social or otherwise but it was Ki Toy's night, it was the vixens night and they were going to as the old heads would say "paint the town red!". The ladies went from party to party to party "sippin' jus' a lil Champagne here and a lil there" until there were both uncharacteristically drunk in a "maf()%@h!" Consequently they were not both too drunk to drive nor could they remember what hotel they were staying so they hailed a cab and taken to the nearest nice Holiday Inn by an Indian Taxi driver, a one Mr. William P. Goupspeeday, PhD. Mr. Goupspeeday was an out of work nuclear physicist and only driving a cab to make ends meet until he got that phone call from NASA.

The lady's were giggling low laughing aloud and falling all over each other; both amused because of their inability to remember where they were staying. With slurred speech and loss of inhibition the two beauties assaulted each other playfully with vernacular not common to either of them:

"Melly Mel you know what?"


"You are my favorite b!%@# in the whole wide world" (a half burp half a hiccup followed Ki Toy's statement with a God Awful smell not far behind) opps excuse me!" The Queen Vixen said giggling even more.

"Ditto Ki I feel the same way 'bout you to you is the coolest h@# I know. D@^^% I'm a f()@%in' poet and don't know it!" The both broke into silly laughter for an extended period and then a sudden silence.

Ki Toy sat stoic glaring forward, her eyes red and glazed; red from the countless sips of bubbly she ingested throughout the night and early morning. But glazed because her heart was broken, realizing that no matter how gifted a problem solver she had been in the past she could not figure out how she could share her coveted prize with her dearest friend. Ki Toy tried to pull Melyssa up on stage but alas to no avail because "that proud, stubborn, West Indian, Canadian hefa yanked away from me" she thought. When women are as close as sisters they feel each other's pain and Ki Toy could feel Mel's. No one worked as hard as Melyssa Ford appeared on as many magazine covers, traveled as countless miles on a zillion different video shots that began to all feel the same. Well except the south of France. Not that Ki Toy and the other ladies in the business did not work hard it's just that everyone in the business knew that Mel could almost taste the award. Her only consolation was that the award went to someone she loved.

Melyssa stared out the heavily tinted window of the modified continental cab cascading her fingers as if she was looking through closed blinds. The silence was broken by her dear friend Ki Toy.

"Melyssa I have an idea ... "

"Look Toy I know what you are going to say and you need to quit being so soft hearted! No joint custody or no s#!% like that!; I mean d@^^n it's not a f()2%in' child it's just an award! I'll try again next time."

"B!%@# will you just here me out!"


"Let's wrestle for it"

"What?!" Melyssa turned toward Ki Toy with eyes wide and glaring. "See b!%@# that what you get for goin' against yo' 'precipuls' Here you are drunk in Mu@%#@ talking some dumb s#!% 'bout wrasslin" Too much f()25in Champagne", she said almost in a sage like manor turning back toward the night lights, stationary buildings and contra flow of traffic.

"Listen Mel, am I sexier than you, a better dancer or actress?"

"What?!" Melyssa said half turning back toward Ki Toy with a 'what tha F()@% is this b!%@# talking about now' look on her face.

"Do I look better in ta dress a bathing suit or a thong?"

"Get to the point Ki Toy cause girl you are giving me a headache" she said with a hurry up gesture of her right hand.

"Ok how do those women in those Battle Clan stories we read on line settle their differences whether they are friends or enemies?"

"Hear me out girl?" Ki said slurring her words but speaking with great passion and conviction. "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder right?" At the same time if we both did not think we were "The S#!% we would not even enter these kind of contests nor even be in the business. But the s#!% is arbitrary cause all about some bodies opinion of our bodies and s#!% so I figure the only way we can prove that one body is better than the other is that on conquers the other."

"Ok Ki I heard you out now hear me; you remember that s#1% between Tyra and Naomi?"

Ki Toy nodded eager for Melyssa's next line. "Tyra declined remember?"

"Yes I remember"

"And you assumed she was smart because "a girl would be a fool to get all banged up scratched up and beat up in the middle of a great career over some ghetto bull s#!%""

"Right you said that s#!% ?"

"Yes I said that s#!% Oopss excuse my French" said the elder vixen who suddenly realized the Champagne released a demon in her tongue.

"Yeah so since you said that why should we mess ourselves up for some bull s#!% award?"

"Look let me explain the difference , let me break it down to a gurl!"

"Ok ok let it be broke the h@#!"

"You and me are friends we don't have beef we are however competitors and want the same things. If we were in a race and I ran across the finish line before you or if we were playing tennis and I got more points you would hate losing but you could swallow it better than some arbitrary decision by a body of people who don't understand or lest be honest here even really respect what we do. And lets not fool ourselves that award and many more that we will compete for will be about our bodies and how they are perceived by horny men and jealous women. But if we compete body against body woman to woman no horny men no lazy @$$ lesser women your conditioning vs my conditioning until one of us breaks then we will know ; then I will know" she said in a heart revealing statement. Ki Toy had not only been reading the fiction created by Deacon she had also been reading the female fight philosophies of the woman Amber Janai who calls herself "The Stripfighter" She teaches that the pinnacle of a females sensuality is her ability to painfully force another woman to surrender verbally as one woman places her opponent's body on sexual display through painful contortion and at the same time showing off her own during this aggressive activity of grappling. Hence win are lose both women are sexy, strong and intelligent without the approval of men and without lesbian activity.

"Look Mel just wrestling; nothing to the face no kicking , no scratching, no biting , no head butts, no gouging, fish hooking, no breast attacks no vaginal or buttock assaults, just wrestling. Win by verbal submission 7 falls best 4 out of 7 or 6 even and the 7th decides the winner and if I lose I will give you my award no strings. You know this is not a trick, this is me girl and you know I would not hurt you." Ki Toy said caressing her friends had and tenderly smiling..

"Girl I know you would not try to pull any thing , but ..."

"Well if your scared I understand that too" Ki said sarcastically while now playfully patting Melyssa on the knee.

What? Said Melyssa turning up her lip and flaring her nose as if a bad odor had pass by suddenly.

"Tell you what Ms. Ki Toy Johnson" she said with a half smile, keep your little award and I will wrestle you anyway so that you can know for yourself who has the Better Body."

"OK now you talkin' and may the best woman win" said Ki Toy slurring almost every word. Ki Toy was is a bit of a health nut so she never drank except tonight it was special and after sipping all night and into the next day she was a little special too.

"Wait a minute gurl! Don't I get some say so over the rules?" asked Melyssa holding up one finger while her voluptuous body swayed back and for like a palm tree in a tropical night breeze.

"What what you want gurl?"

"Only way we can really test the bodies is ... (a short alcohol induced pause in between accompanied by the traditional hickup) we do the wrestling holds , body slams and body shotzzz."

"I'm with that just no s#!% to the face B!%@#"

"Oh B!%@# you know you my girl and I ain't gonna f()@% up you prily lil face. But I will put some pressure on yo body to make you quit d@^^!% LOL!" She proclaimed with a sloppy laugh.

"Awe Trick, you think you gonna get some body but you just gonna get got!"

"Ok so what rules do you want?" asked Ki Toy.

Melyssa gave her a list that pretty much shocked Ki Toy who was surprised that her friend knew that much about hand to hand combat. Though surprised she was not worried; Ki Toy had confidence in her skill and toughness even after becoming drunk.

The Rules:

Nothing to the face; no punching, scratching or clawing; though they did agree that they could use smothering techniques. No throat chokes, No gauging, No biting, No Head Butts, No Breast attacks, No Vaginal Attacks, no spinal attack like pile drivers, cherry bombs, power bombs, tomb stones stone cold stunners etc All wrestling, judo and jiu jitsu holds allowed, flips , slams, back breakers, nerve muscle, body and limb locks allowed.

The best three out of five falls , win by submission or call of the ref. "But who would referee this free style intoxication match?"

"Hey we need a ref" proclaimed Melyssa.

"You right gurl!" Ki toy agreed "lets get Esther to do it!" Referring to Esther Baxter their fellow model and Video Vixen.

"B!%@# we don't even know where Esther is.. h#!! we don't even know where the f()@% we is" exclaimed Melyssa. Then the both broke into laughter falling all over one another.

"Hey how about Mr. Guguu there", suggested Ki sloppily.

"Who the cab driver?!" asked Melyssa with a bit of a confused look.

"Yeah!" they both said with a drunken light bulb just came on expression.

"Who me?" asked displaying a delighted and surprised grin through the rearview mirror Mr. Goupspeeday. From that point on the rest of the early morning was a comedy of errors so to speak.

They found an out of the way hotel on the outskirts of town, secured a suit and had Mr. Goupspeeday clear a space and pad the surrounding furniture with sheets and blankets.

There was not much space to wrestle but not that much was needed. Neither lady was the type to back up or run and they would engage each other until one of them broke.

It was not a matter of being "street tough" for either of them it was merely a matter of being determined and never retreating no matter what. Both women were at the top of their game and had attained the success they did because they had this attitude.

They both discarded any decorative ornaments and whatever they had not attained naturally and kicked of their shoes. They faced one another and started towards each other until ...

"Hold up B!%@#" demanded Ki Toy raising the palm of her hand toward Mel like a traffic cop.

"What now? Cold feet?"

"H#!! no I just want to take off my s#!% first. Do you know how much this outfit cost?" said Ki Toy as she disrobed. Mr. Goupspeeday wisely said nothing he only stood by in silent ecstacy with his fingers interlaced in front of him praying he was hiding a near painful sophomoric erection.

"Good lookin' out gurl I don't want to mess my s#!% up either", said Mel as she followed her friend in taking off her expensive garments. They both decided that they also were very fond of their bras so they removed them also. Though alcohol makes it's partakers uninhibited and foolish in many ways these two ladies no matter how drunk were not about to mess up expensive designer originals.

The Fight

Though inebriated both women were more than ready for the battle at least emotionally. What I mean is they new they were not angry with one another, their feelings were not mixed there was much love between them , a kind of sisterly love. However because they were both competitors and both teaming with high self esteem a kind of "sibling rivalry" so to speak was underneath the surface of their relationship. Rivalry that dictated that "there could only be one".

Mr. Goupseeday gave a simple verbal command; Fight! They rushed toward each other like two eager pit bulls and their chassis echoed the sexy sound of unaccented physiques colliding.

They enjoined in tight mutual head locks reminiscent of muy tai fighter because the immediately started to work each other's thigh and ribs with their knees and feet causing there voluptuous . Periodically they would seek to trip each other to the deck but even through their alcohol induced states their keen since of balance kept them on their feet.

To some it might sound a bit boring but Mr. Goupseeday reported quite an "eye full": ample sweat glazed breasts pressed hard against each other battle hardened lobe to battle hardened lobe, their v-shaped torsos contracting sinewy excellence, their soft feminine six packs moving with epigastric appeal and with every lower limb onrush and defensive move their luscious thighs and juicy volute glutei tussled for sensuous superiority.

All of this artistic grappling was accompanied by the sexy growling sounds heard only when two magnificent she-predators are locked in a struggle for dominance.

The first break in the action came from Ki Toy who raised her mighty legs enveloped them around the upper part of Melyssa's "wasp waist" then clasped it with a malicious scissor lock that dampened Mel's growling to high pitched howls indicating lower rib cage pressure and the loss of precious air.

Melyssa could not endure this hold for long and she had to do something quick or she would be out in the first round. Though Mel was in a bad way she did not relinquish her head lock because she knew she was applying some pressure to Ki Toy keeping her scissor hold from being as devastating as it could have been. Suddenly like an elevator that lost power for traction Melyssa dropped to one knee aiming Ki Toys tail bone to the crest of the other. This unforgiving move was called by pr wrestlers a "Reverse Atomic Drop" and it more than accomplished it's goal.

"Oh B!@%#!" Ki Toy cried as her lovely legs went limp to the padded deck; her spine rang from her tail bone to the nap of her neck and her matchless behind was a quiver with pain. Ki Toy would have melted to the floor like ice cream in a microwave but Mel held here up in order to impose her will on Ki even more. Helpless Ki Toy could only await Melyssa's next move which would probably precede the end of the match.

Both women had determined that the other was too dangerous an opponent to let go for more rounds so they each had plans to take the other out early with some devastating or debilitating move or hold.

Melyssa quicky repositioned her self to change her head lock into a modified bear hug. Placing herself on the side of Ki Toy, Mel rested the right side of her face on Ki 'toy's right shoulder blade wrapped her arms underneath Ki Toy's left across her back and right across the brow beauty's breasts at the nipples. Sealing the hold with her hands clasped together and her knuckles driving into Ki Toy's arm pit. Melyssa pressed her sexy opponent into the wall with her pelvis restricting Ki Toys movement and then the pain began.

With the force and precision of a piston driven machine Melyssa thrust her right knee into Ki's solar plexis alternating her left knee with equal force into Ki's right kidney with her left knee.

Several thing were happening to Ki Toy that she could not stop; she lost he breath from the repeated attacks to her solar plexis, chest was sore from the constriction, she was dizzy from her circulation loss because of Mel's knuckles pressing the artery under her arm pit and last but certainly not least she could not react to the multiple attack because she was trying to hold control over her bladder after several clean knee shots to her kidneys.

Endure or give up were Ki Toy's only choices, not being a "quiter" Ki Toy took the pain. However this did not prevent her humanity and womanhood from crying out. Whimppering , tears snot and hanging spital cause the Video Vixen to look like a crack head going through withdrawal.

Seeking to hurry the process leading to her friend-foe's surrender Melyssa started to talk to Ki Toy to the cadence of every knee strike , "Give it up H@#! Give it up B!%@#! Give it up H@#! Give it up B!%@#! Give it up H@#! Give it up B!%@#!"

Every once in a while Ki Toy would issue a weak sounding albeit resolute response between gasps for air ; "Never, never, never give up".

Finally Melyssa simply grew weary of whoopn' Ki Toy's @$$, her arms like spaggetti and her legs became heavy like sacks of sand. Luckily she had battered her fellow bikini model so badly that all she had to do is press Ki Toy against the wall with her body while she caught her second wind. Because Melyssa was in such marvelous shape it did not take long for her to recover so she started repositioning herself for the "coupe de gras". One problem existed Ki Toy had caught her breath also and was waiting for her chance to strike. Meylssa's large and delicious mammarys were divided between Ki Toys right arm at the joint while her breast bone was pressing dead center. Ki Toy with e speed of a mongoose viced Melyssa's right tit and secure the breast lock by finger lock with her left hand coming around Melyssa's head contorting Mel's neck. Melyssa's immediate reaction besides a blood curdling scream was to try and reach for Ki's breast but Ki anticipated the move and merely stood on the balls of her feet which increase Mel's pain. It was obvious that Melyssa was about to submit but be for she could get the word out Ki Toy released the hold converted and preformed a "belly to belly suflex" hoisting her sexy foe over her head backwards. Melyssa landed in two parts first on the back of her head and neck and then her butt hit the deck. Her head and neck throbbed and her wind was gone; Mel wanted to give up but her ability to communicate was temporarily impaired. Ki Toy launched a back flip into Melyssa's mid sction causing Melyssa to loose what little oxygen she had left in her body the she inverted her self and with python like speed locked on a scull crushing head scissor which caught Melyysa between the lower jaw and the carotid arteries.

Melyssa's response was quick and maybe even involuntary however she rammed her knee into Ki Toy's head seeking release from Ms. Johnson's constrictor-like hold, then she wrapped her thighs about Ki Toys face in a mutual lock and it was on! Melyssa's legsa were at an angle while Ki Toy's was straight out.

Mr. Goupspeeday was almost over come with ecstacy and this erotic sight though there was no pleasure derived from it by the ladies. Goupspeedy tugged at his collar indicating that the well air conditioned room was suddenly a very warm place and he began to speak to himself out loud; "Oh My! I feel I should maybe I go to the rest room and relieve my loins. Oh but if I do that I will miss the action and I cannot declare a "vinner" , this would be a very very bad thing I think I will stay"

Both women though of torso attacks to escape the excruciating crushing of their heads and necks but the pain dictated they try to part each other's thigh directly.

Melyssa was hoping that Ki Toy release first on principle; she knew her friend well and figured Ki Toy would stop because she though the idea of having her head between another woman's head was disgusting. She was hoping that Ki Toy's Christian conservative values would over take he will to win. No such luck; just when she was having that thought Ki Toy tightened her mighty leg lock by crossing her toes while intermittently contracting her legendary sweat embellished glutei.

While Ki Toy's belly contracted like liquid chocolate Melyssa's became more epigastric and after five minutes all movement and sound stopped and Melyssa's legs relaxed yet Ki Toy's remained rock solid. Mr. Goupspeeday was panic stricken and he rushed to check on both women; "Ms. Ford? Ms. Ki Toy? Are you alright? He said touching them gently on their thighs.

Suddenly Ki Toy began to cough like a smoker the gasped and swallowed much needed air still not letting go of her victim.

"Did she give?" Ki Toy asked choking

"No ma'am but I think she is out and you are not, so I would say that you won. So please ma'am let her go " he offered.

"Oh my God yes!" Ki Toy said unlocking her twin pythons from her fallen friends head. Ki Toy spun around with all haste to cradle the head of her best friend, she stroked Melyssa's face pleading with her to wake up. Abruptly Melyssa inhaled making a high pitched sound her lovely tea colored eyes opened wide and then she started to cough violently.

"Oh Baby you pk?!" asked Ki Toy with tears.

Melyssa placed her hand between their faces and said sarcastically "Hold up B!%@#! You know Ms. Ford is Strictly D!@%ly" Both belles broke into uncontrolled laughter that caused both of them to resume coughing again.

"You got me Boo you are the best" Melyssa admitted. "For now" she added after a disarming pause. Ki Toy smiled and nodded with a when ever you are ready look on her face.

"I love the way you moved " Came a "ring tone" from across the room it was Ki Toys phone she answered it.

"Ki Toy here, Hi Sweetie, Mmmm hmmm yes , what? Who? For how much?... well we can't pass that up can we? Oh I see well she is here with me now. Yes, well tell him I will get back to and so will she."

"Who was that?" questioned Melyssa in a mostly sober from sweating in the fight type tone.

"My assistant, she heard from a Deacon of The Battle Clan who wants us to wrestle in a charity tournament."

"What, Deacon the writer is making matches?!" Melyssa exclaimed scrunching up her nose.

"Yeah girl, the Battle clan is offering $10K to every participants' favorite charity and $5k more to each winner.

"Huh?!Baby count me in!"

"Get this we have been challenged to a tag team match by Buffie and Esther"

"What! They don't want none of this" she exclaimed placing her arm around Ki Toy.

They gazed at each other in the mirror across the room and burst into childish laughter.
