Erotic City II; Act Two, Part One
Featuring Chiaki Kuriyama, Lucy Liu, Vivica Fox and Geese Howard
They’d made their way back to the safety of
the Estate and as soon as the Black Fleet pulled up? More maid enforcers were
there to greet them led by Devin DeRay with her lieutenants, Devon Michaels and
Sandee Westgate. Anna Amore stood in the foyer with her contingent watching
with the most stoic of stares as another maid enforcer, an Asian, went by her
with another quartet. So much to report, Anna thought, and so many visitors
here at the Estate… Mmmmm, I can’t wait to tell you about your new found “fuck-buddy”,
Carmen. Anna could already see, his rather pissed off reaction, to Carmen’s
crap-filled fuckhole that she called a mouth! Shooting off about shit that she
had no business blabbering about. She could see… pain, in Carmen’s future. It wasn’t like
she wasn’t told before to stick to the one-night-stands of life and steer clear
of the shadows. Ohhh, he is gonna so destroy you Carmen… Or, Anna mused? Will
he take it all in stride since he has to be in his nurturing, loving,
all-protective father/husband mode? Anna didn’t mind pushing his buttons, it
often got her a good stern, HARD, talking to, but? Now that he has his three little
ladies? And after what happened to them? Hmmmm, guess I’ll wait till he’s outta
that mode or at least settled in. Carmen can rot for a few more fuckin days
behind bars.
And with that, Anna
unceremoniously turned around… and went back inside! If everyone’s out here,
then someone needs to be minding the store, she thought. She sasched back inside
and no one bothered to stop her and that only made her even more wet with want
as she knew that he would eventually reign her in if he didn’t want all hell to
break lose! But… that nagging feeling that now that Vivica, Lucy and Chiaki
were here and appeared to have totally fuckin given up on their whole “I’m an
actress” crap?! I hope those three fools don’t think that just because they’re
here they just rule the roost. They’re sadly mistaken if that’s what they
honestly think! Greedy bitches get gutted!
But as Anna
disappeared into the bowels of this gigantic multi-winged mansion, the other
Executive Maid Enforcers were busy doing their duty. DeRay made sure to get the
drivers side door of their master’s stretch limo for Charmaine, while Julia
found her door opened on the passenger side by Katsumi. As DeRay paid her
respects to Charmaine, Julia and Katsumi
exchanged rather passionate French exchanges of far more than friends “Is
everything okay? Are they all right?” Katsumi asked after actually embracing
Julia. Julia simply smiled back and nodded with a quick barrage of French “Only
their prides are hurt. They’ve been in the back soaking up all his pity like
sponges, lucky bitches!” she giggled “I wish I could kill the little bitches!”
Katsumi immediately
shared in the snide little sneer of actual happiness for them and how dare they for the fact that they
returned home with their cute little cunts kicked like this “I’m sure he’s been
very good to them?” Katsumi asked. And Julia, now she laughed lightly and
whispered “You would think that there was some sort of vacuum convention going
on back there.” Katsumi tried to quiet Julia down, but the randy little French
Fucker simply stated that “Either that or some sort of porn scene with all the
random moaning and groaning and outcries and, ah! Thank God I wasn’t driving! They
would have startled me into an accident with all those angry fucking noises
back there!”
But as Julia quietly gossiped to yet another
French Fucker, her wife Charmaine was all about business. She got the door for
their master and said not-nary-a-word, as the strong scent of sex was the first
thing to greet her. She simply soaked it in and let it harden her nipples and
tease her twat wet while she slowly helped Chiaki out of the limo, who was
still draped in one of their Master’s trench coats “We’re home now,
Chiaki instinctively
responded to Charmaine’s help “Domo arigoto gozaimasu, Charmaine-chan.” But it
was clear that Chiaki was still half-asleep and she honestly looked it as
Charmaine’s eyes drunk deep of Chiaki and she savored seeing that stupored…
trance-like state that she’d seen and felt, that Charmaine had seen and felt,
enough times herself. You randy little bitch, he’s not done with you just yet…
neither am I, Jap cunt. I still gotta pay you back for reaming my arse in the
matt room with the way you laid me out. Ultimately, you and I will have our own
little sit down and I’ll be the one standing victorious over your up-turned
ass! But for now, Charmaine helped Chiaki aside as her Master
emerged immediately behind her, for now? You’ve got your hands full… lucky little bitch.
DeRay’s eyes lit up
as soon as he emerged and she was oh so happy to tell him “Everything’s in
order Master” and then her words were echoed by all around here “Welcome home
Master. All is in order.”
He glanced around,
saw who was missing, knew what it meant, smirked and then dismissed it
Devon Michaels moved
up and told him “I’ve made sure to prepare your private chambers. I’m sure with
all the nights’ activities? You’d want to rest and reflect on everything.” Devon could recall many a night of resting reflections
and she was well aware that that was why Anna had retreated inside.
Meanwhile, Geese
nodded “I want no disturbances. Chain of command will be observed per normal
operation, emergencies are exceptions, understood?”
All around him came
the reply of “YES, MASTER!”
He glanced around
and gave a wry smile as he spoke one word and one word only “Good.”
Devon Michaels then
told him again “The grounds are secure and I double checked to make sure that
no local press, print or photography, got out.”
“Excellent work
And that only made
Devon Michaels even more eager to tell him about some of the guest here, but?
It could wait, it would wait. First things first! He wanted privacy and he
needed it now, so everyone else would have to wait their turn, especially those
dumb ass bitches that had the Dark Wolf.
As Chiaki was trying
not to shiver and held the trench coat tight around her, quite easily too, I
might add. Lucy came up out of the limo next and as he helped her she didn’t
think, she just spoke “Thanks honey.” and it felt weird and didn’t really work,
but? She wanted him to know that
she’d finally put both feet in, regardless of her bitching and moaning. She
actually faltered, but he was right there to catch her and she smiled up at him
and as soon as he smiled back she was right there to kiss him and hold him,
nearly losing her protective covering of his trench coat that kept the early
morning cold at bay. Yes, I’m in, Lucy kissed him a bit more. I’m in, but first
“One second,” she immediately got out of his embrace to turn and face, to catch
Vivica before she could get out of the limo “C’mon baby.”
Lucy was determined
to keep Vivica off-balanced and dazed and what better way to do it than to help
her out of the limo, instead of letting her get any kind of help from her “power
source”, if you will? Lucy
was well aware that Vivica desperately wanted to get up underneath the
protective embrace of their Master. A part of Lucy was still somewhat irked by
the clear cut fact that he genuinely showed Vivica favoritism, so now that she
was all out of sorts like this? Lucy had seen enough of Vivica and Geese’s
interactions. It was also another sticking point to Lucy. Vivica seemed to know
when to tuck her tail between her legs and haul ass back to him, something that
Lucy definitely wanted to master. I don’t wanna be all wimpy and whiny all over
him and shit, but still? You’ve got
me beat in that department, I’ll give you that. But now that I’ve got you on
the ropes? Ohhh no, I’m not gonna let up this time “I’ve got you, c’mon Anji.” Lucy purred, knowing full
well how the disoriented Fox would feel it all up and down her pantyline and
spine, and especially those tits of hers.
Bitch, Vivica
moaned to herself as she had no choice but to accept Lucy’s hands and help. Still
trying, Vivica
licked her lips as the sensations were still stirring the pot of pussyjuice
that Lucy had started brewing while they were going back-and-forth in the limo.
I see you’re still trying, but two can
play that game. I admit… you’ve got me… disoriented… but… I’m far from
finished… in this little… this little fuck-fight! And… by the time I’m done
with you… you’ll be begging me… to let you fall the fuck out…
But no sooner did
Vivica think that, Lucy was right up on her, right in her personal space.
Bitch, Vivica moaned weakly as Lucy pulled her in to her embrace and then
gripped her ass hard, while planting a nice, hot, kiss! On Vivica’s shuddering
form, to knock the beautiful Black bitch back off-balance and back into her
horny and stunned stupor from their ride home. Vivica wilted immediately as her
considerably shorter foe found her flinching and faltering in her grip,
groaning and trembling with each grasp of her ass, as Lucy hugged and held it,
like she owned it! Fuck is she doing? Vivica’s eyes actually closed as she
looked down at Lucy, but? How the fuck?
How the fuck is she… doing this… too meh? The slick sensations were quickly
reminding Vivica that, I have to get her
off of meh, but? I need a moment, I need… to taste that, she faltered
further as Lucy locked lips with her, moaning softly, coaxing more and more
whines and whimpers from Vivica’s two Little Bitches. Causing Vivica to leak
more and more in her already wet thong panties. Can’t believe… this bitch… is all over meh like this…
Chiaki let out a
whining moan at seeing Vivica struggle and shrink back, only to have little
Lucy-chan grip Vivica’s ass, and stop her from retreating, escaping. Then as
Vivica looked lost in lust and confused, Lucy pressed her kiss on Vivica and
forced her to accept it, take it. But unbeknownst to them? The assembly of maid
enforcers around them were quietly withdrawing except the senior most members,
who were quietly taking in this back–and-forth between the two. Katsumi watched
in an almost trance-like state as she moved around to the foyer, while Chiaki
herself was right there to see it up close and personal, but was caught-up… in
a bit of a quandary. Vivica-chan is supposed, she could see that Lucy was
getting the better of Vivica. Vivica-chan is supposed to be… our leader now,
but? Lucy-chan is just, she’s just… wearing her out and… if this keeps up,
then… everything’s gonna be back up in the air again!
But before Chiaki
could even decide what to do, who to help, should she help Lucy-chan… and then
challenge her afterwards? Or… is this how it should stay, she watched Vivica
tilt her head back and moan at the sky as Lucy was kissing her neck and still
gripping and groping her ass. Should I help Vivica-chan? Or? Or… kuso… ka…
demo… kuso… kuso… my tits… my body, how long would I even last like this… still
covered in crap, Chiaki groaned as she trembled hard and grinded her ass back
up against Geese as he was once again up underneath the trench coat… working
her tender little tits after making her cum with his dick down her throat and
his fingers way up her ass in the limo. For all of her wide-eyed expressiveness
and psychotic stares, Chiaki looked like exactly what she was without a camera
affect or a pan angle zoom. Petite, but still somehow three or four inches
taller than her Lucy-chan, however? Much like Lucy-chan… Much, much like
Lucy-chan and even Vivica-chan… she… they… were small compared to the man
who had gathered them all up and led events to this point.
As Vivica finally
returned sloppy kisses back to Lucy, Chiaki was far from the psycho-bitch that
most knew her as or thought they knew her as, thanks to her roles in Japan and her
one time Western experience. But certain
things? Certain SHIT,
really did bring out a side of her that actually justified the whisper-whispers
behind her back! And that episode with Jenn was one of them. Her own rants to
herself at how unfair it was that Jennifer could confront her like that,
cow-tit-cunt that she is! Start shit with her, RIP HER FAVORITE SHIRT! But then
it was my fault!? MY FAULT!?!! For kicking the crap outta that dumb cunt
Jennifer and showing that bitch that she should’ve minded her own fuckin
BUSINESS! But somehow? SOMEHOW!?!?
I’m the one they
call psychotic? I’m the one that was wrong for not letting her push me
around!?!? I’m the psycho-bitch for standing up for myself!?!? Chiaki shuddered
from his touch, always alternating between her holes, reminding her of recent
events. The fact that her back was pressed up against him and the gunk from the
cunt-kicking she’d taken from Hewitt, but here she was rubbing up against him,
but…? He didn’t care at all about that. He didn’t care at all that she was
making a mess of him, his clothes, this coat, NONE OF THAT MATTERED!
Bitch threw that
drink in my face! Coulda blinded me for fuckin LIFE! Chiaki’s pussy pouted even more and she felt the twinge
in her asshole as she knew that Jenn’s attack had? Took me off-guard! I was about to finish that bitch, finish her
sorry ass off and she took me off-guard… I’m not Gogo… I’M NOT JUST GOGO!
Chiaki felt his
embrace and she just grabbed hold of his arms as Lucy forced Vivica to turn
away from their kissing contest, panting and whining hard as FUCK! Worse for
wear from it, Vivica moaned at Geese for help, but Lucy silenced her with
another wet sloppy kiss! While Charmaine stood next to her Master and his
psycho-bitch wondering what the fuck was just going through Chiaki’s mind!?!?
Bitch sounded like, well, a fuckin BITCH!?!? Fuck is up with her? The elevator
clearly’s not goin all tha way to the top floor of that tower! I thought she
was gonna actually fuckin lunge at Vivica and Lucy the way she was whining and
carrying on! Charmaine watched her some more until she could only say to
herself, that bitch is right half-baked.
Chiaki felt his
embrace, his warm and protective embrace! And it only spurred her soaked sloppy
pussy and internal RANT! At the fact that, Tarantino! You asshole! Just because
I wouldn’t put out, you punish meh by not letting me have, what I EARNED!
Bastard, selfish BASTARD! I trusted you, I thought you actually cared! You
claimed we were… we were… You said I
was your Japanese UMA! Chiaki whined and again
Charmaine was carefully watching as Chiaki was standing there with a hazy-glazy
look on her face! Shivering and trembling as she was pushing back against their
Master, her eyes watching the continued fuck-fight between Vivica and Lucy, but
CLEARLY… not seeing what was actually in front of her. She sneered every so
often and let out bizarre whining noises with soft machine gun prattles of
unrecognizable Japanese! You said you’d help meh, Chiaki whined to herself… While
her Master’s hand was busy between her legs as she shuddered! You said… you’d
help meh… but, nhnnn-uh… but once you got
what you wanted? She remembered how hard she’d worked to suck him off after
their trip to Disneyland, and the feel of him
wearing her mouth out till she was a cockspit covered, soaked-sloppy, MESS! He
came hard on her face and mouth, her lips! Then he fucked her HARD! RODE HER
Just the thought,
the memories!?!? Made Chiaki bark! But…
Reality set in quick
as Chiaki remembered how it all ended, without warning, ABRUPTLY!
But u threw me away… she
whined hard as she creamed over at the fact that she’d been duped, fucked
over, LITERALLY… Once
you got what you wanted, she threw her head back against her Master’s chest
without warning and writhed around as she closed her eyes and felt everything,
her whole body was just a sensitive jumbled mess of fuck-me-flesh! And if you
say that three times? I’m sure somethin good’ll happen for ya! But as for
Chiaki, Chiaki de wa?!?!? She opened her eyes and let out a long drawn out
horny as fuck, moan! As Lucy was totally turning out Vivica. Then Chiaki’s eyes
rolled up and she hissed through her teeth as it all sunk in that… Everyone
always throws me away… they always THROW ME AWAY!!!! I believed you, Quentin!
Waited for you, TRUSTED YOU! Fought for you… died for you… and you threw me
away, Chiaki felt the constant buzzing of her clit as she settled back down
from cuming so hard at the fact that once again she’d been abandoned… U threw
me away… threw me away… basssstard, fuckin, ssspinelesssss… bbbbbasssstarddd…
Charmaine watched
intently, fuck is going through that daft cunts mind…? She’s practically pole
dancing all over him!? Whoops, looks like he’s had enougha that!?
Without warning
Chiaki was off her feet! The rush of emotion, sex, and exhaustion?!?! It?
Somehow she’d? Nani, she asked herself? What happened? I? Somehow Chiaki?
She’d… lost… a block of time “Nani?” she mumbled, but she knew as soon as she
realized that she was off of her feet… that only one man, foreign or otherwise,
would go through such lengths and never throw her away. She could only be in
that man’s arms as she moaned at him weakly “Geese-kun… I lost…”
“It’s okay… I
already know that you gave it your all.”
Yes “Yes…”
she moaned back, but I lost… and they cheered… but “It made me so wet.” She
looked up at him as they passed through these halls “Nan
desu ka? Why are you smiling?” she asked softly, coyly.
“Because I already
know how much you enjoyed it.”
Chiaki pressed
weakly with “Oh yeah… why?” Tell me.
Tell me why I enjoyed it so we can enjoy it together… You already
beat me in the car, and I need to give you more than what I’m supposed to,
since we’ve been apart for so long… too
He smirked “For
once” as he kept his eyes ahead as he carried her “you finally have what you
have always wanted. A master worth dying for. Someone who would grieve and
mourn your loss” he looked at her and her eyes held such? So much passion, such
love, for him and his words, as he told her “Someone who would miss you,
cherish you when you were by their side, and now? You and he would never be
able to share those moments ever again, but your last wishes are that they
remember you… and how much you loved them, because even in death…? You’ll
remember how much they always loved you.”
She’d lunged up and
embraced him so hard that he’d almost lost his balance! But she immediately started
peppering him with her feelings in Japanese “Geese-kun, you’ve always
understood me! Always known why I fight so hard, what I’ve SEARCHED FOR! They
always teased me, said I was UGLY! I didn’t fit in!” she held his face, and
then she kissed him and quickly parted lips to look at him… to touch him “The
Japanese word for husband… means Master too… I’ve” her ability to convey her
emotions had always landed the lithe beauty in more hot water than she ever could
imagine OR get out of “I’ve always longed… for
a love… who would accept me… for me”
she shook her head and smiled like her little secret was finally out “I never
would’ve expected a foreigner to be the man I loved… or the man who loved me.”
And that was
something that he found himself in total agreement with! Never in a million
years could he have imagined that a place that had given him
such an UNWANTED WELCOME when he was younger! Would ever produce someone that
he would actually want to be around, let alone honestly, actually, love.
Charmaine and Julia
opened the double-doors as both of them knew that their Master was going to be
really, REALLY, busy today! And that disturbing him would be… a really,
REALLY, bad idea! But they also knew what most knew that worked for him, were… employed by him. They knew that he loved Chiaki with all his heart and soul and that no matter what it took, he’d never throw her away, never abandon her. Both of his lead maid enforcers bowed as he carried Chiaki in, Julia then smiled hard as soon as she knew he couldn’t see her anymore. Then they closed the doors behind them and gave them their privacy. Meanwhile, inside? Geese gently lowered Chiaki down onto the bed, as he told her “I loved you from the very first time that I saw you. I could see… everything…” and even as he looked at her, he could still see
everything about her, without her saying a word, not one single word “Everything…”.
She backed up slowly, enjoying the huge contrast in everything about them, as he loomed over top of her. She smiled at him and licked her lips, while she quietly came up out of the trench coat that had been her shield, that had been covering her for the seemingly long ride home… and her cockfight in the car “Geese-kun,” she moaned “I’ve waited so long for this moment. This time I don’t have to worry about us ever being separated like that again, but… I was about to give up” she continued to back up slowly on her elbows as the coat slid slowly away… revealing her sticky pale skin “I, I couldn’t take much more” her peach colored areola and nipples were hard as hell as she continued to confess that “They kept tearing at me, wearing me down,
just like that cow-tit-cunt did earlier.”
He slid out of his
own shirt slowly as his beautifully beaten Pale Princess whined
to him “I wanted to do so much more, but?
I never had enough time” she could feel how hot she was, in here, AT LAST! Baring her soul to her Master,
and telling him how much she tried and tried and tried, but “I never
had enough money. Never enough time or money and always, always never able to think, to
breathe! Running me ragged, they ran me ragged” she rubbed her wet pussy
with her hand as she whined “Keeping me
distracted, they kept me distracted!
They did everything they could to stop meh, then I signed that contract, that
agreement” she finally got free of the coat knowing that he could see exactly
what Jennifer had done to her, how she’d beaten her, his bitch “They kept shuffling me here and
there, always keeping me busy, but never with what I wanted, what
I NEEDED! So I signed it, it was the only way that I knew I
could get out.” She melted under his caress as she started shuddering from the
fact that “Pseudo-love CRAP!
With guys I knew only thought I was hot because I did a big Hollywood movie!
Made fun of my eyes, my ears” she sat forward without
warning, flashing her hot pussy knowing he’d seen how everything was just
making her hotter and wetter “My nose, they
made fun of my nose! Ridiculed me, teased meh! Bastards, LOSERS!!!! I… I started… doing things… Started looking for
someone… to like me, I almost”
But as soon as he
embraced her, she went silent… and just… held him, held on to him for dear life and then… she admitted… “I’ve always… loved… the cool villains… They always have” she looked at the bed as she so loved sitting here like this and finally being in the embrace of a man, thee man, who would take someone like Gogo-chan… And love her, value her, while still being able to defend himself from her… and her madness… settle… her down, she moaned at him, hot and heavy as? She knew that he could take someone like a Gogo-chan… and make sense of her, untangle her, even while she fought tooth-and-nail to resist, to keep him away from what it was that had turned her into this monstrous mess… “You would love her” she whispered in his ear “You would value her… and protect her… from herself” she rubbed his back slowly, keeping as close as possible as she kept up her hot moaning whisper in his ear “The villains always have a tragic story… that makes them dynamic, unique, but it changes them… Bad girls need… protection too… To be loved” she drew back a bit and looked up at him and he was right there, listening… and? The touch of his hand, the warmth of his embrace?
Comforting, reassuring… and… loving…
Chiaki finally could stop dreaming and finally, FINALLY, her most cherished desire could be a reality, especially all those lonely nights… You’re going to fuck me to sleep, to death “Bad girls deserve to be loved” she could see it in his eyes, she could tell he knew exactly what was going through her sick little mind as she told him “Bad girls deserve to be loved… and you love me…” she kissed his lips softly, with those beautifully full, soft lips of hers as she moaned at him “You nurture me, help meh, and watch out for meh” she smiled at him and whispered “You watch out for your evil little psycho-bitch” both of them enjoyed the joke because in reality? Chiaki was about as “evil” as a lost little lamb! The only time she honestly turned “evil” was when she knew people were intentionally trying to get over on her. The more you tried, the more she would respond, till you crossed that line “Right now,” she kissed him again, longer,
a bit harder, then “Vivica-chan and Lucy-chan… are giving it all they’ve got… because they’ve been abandoned… thrown away… too many times” she looked down at the bed and then at herself, at him, their nakedness… the covers… then she looked up at him “Thank you” she said in English “Thank you for not abandoning me, for not throwing me away.”
“Never,” he whispered “never.
As soon as she felt
the passion of his kiss… she was ready to fuck.
To call what she wanted love making
was a fool’s game. She wanted to fuck.
The way two people fuck when they have lived through life without one another
“They’ll understand, Geese-kun. They’ll understand… they do understand.” she
wanted to fuck like two people who swore they would never see each other again
“Vivica-chan, Lucy-chan? They keep fighting because they think you’ll throw
them away, but I know. I KNOW! No one is here by accident”
she enjoyed the feeling of him laying her down on this bed “No one is here by
accident, they just don’t understand yet, but
they will” she moaned as he kissed her neck and she could finally feel the
length of his dick against her soaking wet pussy and she “No one is here by
accident! If you brought them here, called them here! YOU WON’T THROW
THEM AWAY!” then she whispered in his ear “I’ve
been defeated in battle. Humiliated and broken, defiled. I tried to fight you in the car, and got defeated and killed again, but you saved me in the Diner”
she licked her lips and held on tight as his body was her new trench coat, and
he was kissing her neck and… Just the feel of his body on top of hers? “You
spared me in the car” without warning she took him by his face hard and
actually showed him the strength that often times got her the psychotic roles
again and again, but it was… her… possessive stare, her medusa like
gaze, as she told him “I’m yours now. Yours, do you hear me? I can never go back home now, the JET will make me
suffer for leaving my Agency behind. I swear, I swear I’ll fight to the bitter end as long as you remember this bitch, your pale bitch.”
He smiled as he
remembered all of the things that he did to keep in touch with her and quietly
navigate her up out of the forest that sometimes is the New Nihon League… and the
J-Entertainment Talent agencies. Both the NNL and JET are absolute monarchies
unto themselves when it comes to their acting and wrestling talent-o’s. He’d sent
one of his maid enforcer’s, Charlie Lane. To enter into the NNL/JET scene and
actively involve herself in Chiaki’s NNL matches. Things started to steamroll
his way when Chiaki’s JET handlers decided to get her into Tag matches and she
eventually joined up with a number of other J-idol catfighting actresses, to
form 5 Count! She wondered what he was thinking about as he was looking into
her eyes and she didn’t have to wait long as his own eyes echoed hers and it
became no secret on what connected these two as he said “Now that I have you? You’re mine, and I am yours,” “Geese-kun?”
she moaned and started to, but he told her “But you are to stay within eyesight
and arms reach, understand?”
“No!” she barked and immediately told
him “I have to
But he pinned her
down “You have to do as I say”
She shook her head
wildly and then told him through her mess of a mane “NO! I’m tired of being told WHAT TO DO! I’m yours BUT YOU WON’T CONTROL ME LIKE SOME
“Noh!” Chiaki shook
her head wildly again and began spilling her guts about how JLH “She got
lucky!” but just the thought, just saying it!? Made her writhe
around underneath him as bits and pieces of their fight flashed in front of her
and made her madder and wetter while she whined incoherently, violently, in fits of Japanese that “She!?? She!?!?”
to be here up underneath him, SAFE, SAVED!?!? She arched up and
tried to get out of his hold as she thought to herself that… This is the role I
always WANTED! Why don’t the Evil Bitches EVER GET SAVED, RESCUED… Valued and
tended to “SHE GOT LUCKY!?!?” it happens all the time in real life, God
knows I’ve had to put up with more nasty tempered TRAMPS, teasing
me! And then when I KICK THEIR ASS, then their little boyfriends come RUNNING to tell me off,
CHASE MEH OFF?!?! To be beaten by her? HER OF ALL PEOPLE!?!? Chiaki just
started ranting and yelling in Japanese about the fact that “SHE
GOT LUCKY! I went easy on her because we weren’t in a fuckin
RING! Bitch. I nearly fuckin
killed her with one BACKDROP! Bitch, THAT BITCH!?!? I’LL TEAR HER APART!!!!”
But he held her down, as she ranted and writhed around yelling and screaming in Japanese about how easily she could destroy her in an actual ring! But he knew better. She’d already lost in a street fight, if you wanna call it that, so? He pulled her arms up by the wrist, seeing much of both Lucy and Vivica in
Chiaki’s bitter, angry, and rather violent, rantings!
She struggled to get free as her face was practically hidden underneath all of
that hair, but the gleam in her eye as she panted and cursed showed she was hot
as hell and she expected him to do something about it! Finally he forced her arms down by her wrist as she arched up! Then while she was bitterly bitching at him “I’LL TEAR THAT BITCH APART THIS TIME!!!!” he told her sharply “No,
you won’t! You had your SHOT!”
Chiaki yelped as his words hit yet another of her hot buttons and she remembered when she tried to catch Jenn with a last desperate spinning punch “I tried to get away, but she stopped me!?!? Turned meh around!?!? Tried to HIT HER!?!? I TRIED! AND SHE BLOCKED IT!?!? BUT SHE BLOCKED IT!?!? KEPT BLOCKING MEH?!?! WOULDN’T LET MEH GET AWAY!?!? I TRIED!?!?”
Chiaki was panting hard as the pro-Jennifer crowds chants
pounded harder in her ear and elsewhere on her body, in her mind! Her heart was
racing from the humiliation and failure, she was practically out on her feet
now, but she cried out “FUCKIN AMERICANS!!!!” Then she SWUNG at Jennifer, BUT GOT BLOCKED “UHHHHH-UHH!!!!”
and then she just creamed over, she just literally could feel
herself cream over hot and heavy from her pussy, straight into her panties! Fuccccckkkkk, master?!?! master, Geese-sama!?!? Jennifer knocked
her arm down as the roar of the crowd from her blocking Chiaki’s punch, actually caused her to
shove Chiaki upright with her left hand that had held the bitch by
her mane, then punch the sloppy pussied Pale
Princess, sideways!
Chiaki barked as she tried to stagger away and the only thought in her mind was escape! Jennifer had finally fucked up and now she was free from her fuckin clutches and she needed to get away, NOWWWWWWW!!!! Have to get out! Have tO escape, get back… to Geese-kun!
Cow-tit-cunt! You’ll pay!No one wears me out! Only Geese-kun can get away with that! You’ll, Chiaki didn’t know whether she
was headed out or up or down,
all she knew was escape and she was stumbling hard towards the brightest lights
she could make out!!!! Geese-sama, have to, Lucy-chan, Vivica-sama “NOOOH!!!!”
Jennifer grabbed
Chiaki as she tried to stumble and stagger away “NO YOU WON’T!!!!”
She spun
Chiaki around, who immediately screamed at Jennifer “COW-TIT-CUNT!!!!”,
but then she yelped like she’d just gotten dicked up the ass as Jenn BLOCKED
PUNCH!!!! She tried to go with the spin and THROW EVERYTHING AT JENNIFER,
but the cow-tit-cunt BLOCKED
IT!!!! She yelped even HARDER as her failed final
attack was flung aside, batted down to
the cheers of Jenn’s fans! Jenn savored that shocked and exhausted, FRESHLY
FUCKED LOOK, on Chiaki’s face! No need for words, Jenn simply CUNT-KICKED-THE-CRAP-OUT-OF-CHIAKI,
cunt-kicked her so hard that it forced her whole body to jump as she
hunched-over-hard, throwing her ass out while her arms rag-dolled back down, swung,
and then hung LIMP! Chiaki’s
mouth was slightly open, in a pouting gape, but her expressive eyes were hidden
as she stood there with them tightly closed for the longest of moments. Chiaki
was finished, out on her feet,
but feeling the soaked sloppy slickness all up and down her pantyline from this
brutal… dogfight…? Brutal… battle
between bitches.
Jenn watched
Chiaki’s face. Her eyes? Seemed to
fight to reopen, but Jenn had found all the right spots, all the right buttons
to push, and Chiaki couldn’t resist anymore and so she did what she always
did when too many of her mental weak spots were tripped all at once and
then capped off with a hard
physical finish…
She relented.
Chiaki shivered,
she couldn’t hear the crowd anymore. All she could do was feel all of the shit
that Jenn
had done to her!!!! Chiaki replayed every fuckin
thing over-and-over-AND-OVER!!!!
In the
worlds fastest fuckin video-review-booth ever
created… The mind…
mind, in this instance… too much, she whined to herself, too much… Then…? She opened her eyes as she actually pulsed hotter,
stickier! Pussy juice in her panties… No… From her times in
the NNL… Certain bitches there… She just couldn’t beat, still can’t beat…
Ueto is
most definitely one of them… It was something that Chiaki found ironic as all
hell, because in REALITY… Aya played the Good Girl, the Good Bitch, in her
roles, her movies, her TV drama’s, etc. But? In reality? Aya’s popularity had
caused her to not even graduate from high school. And she’s also been whispered
about to have some unknown and unseemly ties to being in a girl gang,
allegedly, of course! BUT!? If Chiaki IS the
quintessential, Evil Psycho-Bitch…
Then Aya
the quintessential, Good Girl… or at least on the surface… Aya and Chiaki have a
long history, even though Aya is a tad younger, these two bitches are OKAY,
outside the ring, but INSIDE THE RING!?!? INSIDE THE RING!?!? It is the Classic Confrontation of Good
versus Evil in everyway and both of these bitches leave EVERYTHING IN THE RING! Their very first match was at the Osaka
Dome and it moved mid-card’s to a whole ‘nother level when both of these
bitches refused to go down in the allotted time of the match! So they were
given 10 more minutes and in those 10 minutes Chiaki and Aya stripped each
other of every ounce of strength and stamina they had left till Chiaki
countered Aya’s Eye-Opener DDT, which is nothing more than a Jumping DDT from a
standing position. Hit a standing splash on Aya! Got her up, and HIT AYA, with HER OWN EYE-OPENER!
Climbed the top-rope fast as fuck and then got her 5-Star Frog Splash countered when Aya GOT HER KNEES UP!
Then while they were both in a fucked up stupor, in mid-scuffle she ATE AYA’S
A month later Aya
and Chiaki fought again at the Honshu Queen Competition of the Semi-Finals
round and Chiaki fell victim to Aya’s Blooming Flower finisher! It had already
been a brutal match, but Aya got the upper hand and after a series of whirling
irish whip reversals, Chiaki sent Aya to the ropes screaming like a stuck pig
only for the bitch to come back and counter Chiaki’s attempted standing tornado
DDT, with a tilt-a-whirl DDT that left Chiaki DDT’D ON HER TOES WHILE HER HEAD
WAS DOWN AND HER ASS WAS UP! Both bitches were rocking the traditionally,
ungodly SHORT, schoolgirl uniforms of
Japan and both had been flashing the capacity crowd all fuckin night with their
hi-speed, acrobatic moves, but this time Aya stuck Chiaki like a TACK! Leaving her mini-mini
PANTIES! Ko’d instantly, Chiaki froze up in that position till Aya pushed her
over, got the pin, and EMT’s had to make sure she wasn’t permanently injured!
She was out for a month… and the Get Well cards from Aya and the genuine
heartfelt concern… Only made Chiaki froth at the mouth as well as foam at the
cunt… Till she came out of convalescence to find that these two matches had
catapulted her to ICONIC STATUS within the NNL for her matches!
At the same time one of Chiaki’s longtime rivals from the movie
Battle Royale, Kou Shibasaki! Returned
to the scene. She had already been battling Chiaki to some degree of fanfare,
but was always triumphant over Chiaki, but where Aya was at least sellable as the Good Girl? Kou was billed as “the
Good Girl”…? Bbbbbut… Everyone knew that she was ANYTHING BUT! So, when
Chiaki and Aya’s rivalry got under way full steam ahead, KOU IMMEDIATELY JUMPED
INTO THE MIX! It wasn’t long before Chiaki was battling between Kou AND
already burning up the JET scene and was getting far more TV roles, which is
crucial in Japan! She REFUSED to allow Chiaki and Aya to move by her! UNLIKE
Chiaki and Aya, Kou LITERALLY was a NOBODY before Battle Royale and her role of
Mitsuko Souma, ROCKETTED HER TO UBER-IDOL STATUS! And… she’s a pretty good
singer too! But where Chiaki and Aya away from the camera, away from the ring,
were at least, if not maybe a tad bit typical for Japanese, OKAY!?
This was why Chiaki
freaked out at the Diner! IRONICALLY! As far as the proto-typically expected
behavior for a Japanese woman, it was CHIAKI, that embodied that, but because
of her LOOKS, she couldn’t get the time-of-day! So she had to resort to
expressing herself through the bizarre off-beat characters that she enjoyed
playing, but tried desperately to keep people from thinking, WAS ACTUALLY HER!
Kou and Aya? HA! Especially
KOU! She IMMEDIATELY pressed her
LUCK when her number came up and she remembered how she was a NOBODY! So she
took the bull by the horns and she RODE THAT MOTHERFUCKER TILL HE SAID “UNCLE!”
So Kou is aggressive and outspoken, later for that demure, SHIT! Being demure didn’t DO JACK
before she lucked up and landed the Mitsuko role! Fun Fact; Kou, the lovely
lady above, was SUPPOSED TO PLAY… drum roll please… Yuki Yubari in Quentin
Tarantino’s KILL BILL!!!! Tarantino had seen Kou in the EXACT SAME MOVIE,
Battle Royale! Where he spotted Chiaki! Ironically in Battle Royale, Kou’s
character of Mitsuko sneaks Chiaki’s character of Chigusa, after she had fended
off a fool who should’ve quit while he was ahead! Needless to say, Chiaki
Chigusa, after telling said boy to get lost… Gets her pretty face scarred when
the boy tries to threaten her with his crossbow and accidentally fires it and
it glances past her face!
A tad bit… pissed off… Chiaki Chigusa draws her
switchblade and goes after said boy and eventually stabs him repeatedly in the NUTS WITH HER SWITCHBLADE
Unfortunately for her… after killing said idiot, Kou Mitsuko snuck up on her and then proceeded after a brief stare down of switchblade-bearing Chiaki Chigusa, versus GUN-TOTING Kou Mitsuko… Chiaki makes a run for it and gets shot in the back numerous times as she runs for her life! She eventually dies from her gunshot wounds in the arms of a character in the movie that couldn’t even lie and claim that he loved her while she was on her last breath... So you can kind of see where the fanaticism comes from if you’re playing roles like this at the tender age of FOURTEEN!?!?! Never mind the other roles prior and during where she’s had a slew of misfortunes from rape, to being killed, supposedly, while taking a piss on the toilet! Ahhh Japan… LOL! So you can see now, why! Her encounter at the age of 18 with Geese… Who is QUITE…? HER SENIOR, I might add, by AMERICAN STANDARDS… but? It is just another ideal relationship by JAPANESE STANDARDS, and no, I am NOT JOKING…
Either way, as this
is her backdrop, you can start to see where the fuel for her fire comes from.
It gets to be a bit monotonous to always be the odd-bitch out, especially when
you’re talking about from an age as early as 11, where you’re killing grown
adults and playing the psycho-bitch and getting locked up with the key thrown
away! So Chiaki’s JET Talent Agency wanted to press her little BUTT into the
NNL as soon as she reached viable age for competition! But that meant training
and training and more training while working in fashion photo shoots as a child
model, going to school, ACTING, and then TRAINING in ballet and on-and-on-and-on… While always being
adored by the wrong kind of MEN!
And always being IGNORED, by the boys her
own age! So when she could FINALLY get into the NNL AND she started getting
more physically demanding ROLES… Oh she was ALL OVER IT!
This is the
foundation for her fetishes and fantasies and behaviors and the NNL was the
perfect place for her to take those aggressions to the center stage! And while
the light hearted Junior League of the NNL was fine for Kou’s “kiddy level”
feud, Kou is actually OLDER than Chiaki, so their feud was short-lived as Kou
“graduated to the big-league’s” of the NNL, while Chiaki stayed in the Jr.
League. So yes, both her and Kou feuded, but
not like this! Not the way that an older Chiaki at 19, was now feuding with
an 18 YEAR OLD AYA! It wasn’t long though before Chiaki found herself on the
short end of the stick in all of her matches with Kou, regardless of how hard
she fought!
Much of that had to
do with the fact that Kou was nearly 3 years older than her. Kou also wore on
Chiaki much quicker and kept her grounded! Kou had also developed an uncanny
sense of being able to cut off Chiaki’s momentum and keep her off-balance to
the point that Chiaki often ended up taking powerful shots from Kou. That left
her fuck- panting hard as hell and dazed! Kou would also make it a
habit to focus on countering Chiaki’s moves to add insult to injury on purpose
so that Chiaki would often times take twice the punishment, visibly so, than
she normally would. After awhile Chiaki would literally wail, bitch, and moan,
as if Kou actually was fucking her to death. When it was all said and done Kou
would always make sure to cinch Chiaki up in moves that would allow Kou to
upskirt Chiaki so that the fans could see the fact that Chiaki’s panties were
VISIBLY SHOWING what is now known as, Chiaki
Sauce! It is wetness that Chiaki only produces when she has truly gotten
her ass handed to her and been beaten so badly that her cunt starts producing
very thick, very sticky, very warm to the touch, cunt-cream!
Kou would then
proceed to actually PUT HER HAND, down the backside of Chiaki’s PANTIES! And
actually stroke her holes and show the fans the fact that Chiaki ACTUALLY WAS,
IN HEAT from how badly Kou had kicked her CUNT! Chiaki would often whine and
wail, stomp and shake her ass! In a vain attempt to escape as Kou had her way
with her! Then Kou always took her fingers out, made sure to show the fans how
well she could suck them clean! And then she would hit Chiaki with her Running
Chigusa Chain! Chiaki would always wail and bitch-bark as Kou ran the finishing
move that she’d created SPECIFICALLY, to finish off Chiaki! Until it ended with
Chiaki rolled up high and hard, again so that fans could see her soaked
panties! With Chiaki’s legs or leg pointing STRAIGHT UP, mindlessly quivering
and flinching from being put away so hard and wet!
Almost half of the
time when Kou fights Chiaki, she almost always gets Chiaki to piss herself
either when she shows the crowd Chiaki’s stained pantied ass, before fondling
and fingering her. Or when she starts the Chigusa Chain, which Chiaki has never
kicked out of, EVER! Or at the very end when she finally hooks Chiaki’s leg or
legs, and Chiaki starts quivering and trembling as she is being counted out and
pinned! Over the course of their matches, Kou has actually been able to KO
Chiaki, and before Chiaki left from Japan, Kou was actually starting to put her
away in 10 minutes or less!
So now the Pale
Princess was fighting 21 year old Kou who had a big edge in experience and then
the younger, 17 year old Aya! Caught between the pit and the pendulum! Chiaki
found herself in pitched battles with Kou, only to have to deal with Aya
sometimes days or weeks later! These two bitches, one older and one younger,
continued to bat Chiaki back-and-forth between them, till yet another bitch
showed up onto the scene that Chiaki couldn’t contend with, thus hemming her
into the center of their Bermuda Triangle, as one NNL blog/writer called it.
Chiaki and Aya would battle another 13
WITH THE PALE PRINCESS!!!! The last 5 matches this year however, showed that
Aya had clearly mastered beating Chiaki, as all she had to do was survive and
Chiaki would start wilting and withering as the matches went on. She’d wear
down and open up from being worn down and worn out from the string of hard fought
and definitive dickings that she always took from Aya in the end. So you’re
looking at nearly 3 years of ass-whippings from three top contending cunts that
could defeat each other, BUT CHIAKI COULDN’T DEFEAT ANY OF THEM! Not to mention
the fact that all three of these top tier celebrity catfighters always put
Chiaki away with dazzling flare, and had finishing moves specifically named and
designed to be used on Chiaki!
The cunt-kicking and
ass-whippings kept coming and Chiaki continued to battle it out in the NNL, but
found many of her chances for NNL Gold!?!? Blocked by the bitches she couldn’t
beat! So she often times had to go for lesser belts in the league. Her
cunt-and-ass-kicking’s from Aya culminated into a mutual project where Aya and
Chiaki worked together in the movie Azumi-2. The two bitches met as assassins
Azumi (Aya) and Kozue (Chiaki). After Chiaki kills a slew of bodyguards and
attempts to kill her target after pretending to be on Aya’s side for the entire
movie. Chiaki and Aya go at it in an intense but brief sword fight where Chiaki
swipes and slashes at Aya who deftly avoids her attacks! Then counters her in a
quick katana draw while Chiaki is in mid-slash! Aya slashes Chiaki right across
her heart-tit and kicks her cunt
so fuckin fast! That…
Chiaki actually freezes up and doesn’t even finish her fuckin ATTACK!
You could practically see by the look on her face! You could practically tell
by the look in her eyes, the shock!? You could tell that her cunt creamed over hot,
hard, AND HEAVY! Pouring out Chiaki Sauce! From how quickly, easily, and definitively, she is put
away by Aya Azumi! Fast, hard
and WET! Chiaki stands there
frozen with her katana still stuck in an incomplete downward slash… Then she
slowly lowers her sword as she stares off into the afterlife, clearly,
literally, DEAD ON HER FEET! EASILY DISPATCHED in an almost pathetic way, for
all of the build-up to their fight! An exact mirror image of how things had
become between her and Aya in the ring, by this point. Aya was beginning to get
complete control over Chiaki in their matches. And she too began to get the Pale Princess to start pouring her sauce in her panties
from being beaten to the punch more and more and earlier and earlier in their
matches! Chiaki Kozue then lowers her sword all the way down and then staggers
forward, clearly pissing all over her sauce soaked panties. Straightens in a
clear attempt to hold on to the last, and then she abruptly falls out, falling
to the ground and out of the camera… Aya Azumi speaks in a shocked tone about
the fact that Chiaki Kozue had killed her last remaining friend, and does it in
a way that she makes it clear that she didn’t think he would be killed by
“someone like her”. The fans get a nice shot of Aya Azumi’s ass, as the camera slowly
pans down to the ground till we finally see Chiaki Kozue’s lifeless body, eyes
still open from how hard and fast Aya Azumi fucked her to death! And slashed
her right across her heart-tit at that!
Even as she is laying there she
conjures up the image of her kicked, ragged-lipped, cunt! Pulsing her sticky
sauce from her hole even harder at the fact that her long-time rival has ended
her without much of a fight at all. The initial and only shot that she took
caused her to actually SQUIRT! CHIAKI SAUCE! INTO HER PANTIES! Which were
already wet with her excitement from killing the other guards and finally being
able to reveal her true colors, but now? Her cunt was instantly forced to
flinch and clench tight as all hell, along with her sweet little asshole… And
then in an instant both her holes were turned ragged and sloppy from the abrupt
intensity of it all, as she pissed hard as hell at being cut down so quickly.
Now, laid out and DONE, her sloppy pussy was most certainly loose and drooling!
Her clit, out and pressing hard against her sauce soaked and pissed panties,
while her heart, her asshole? Was
drowned out in the sloppy mixture of her own sauce and piss from being put away
wayyyy too hard!
No Gogo Kuriyama versus Black
Mamba Uma here, not in the least! At
least not in the fight, but just like her Gogo character, her sudden demise
leaves her standing stiff and in shock till everything sets in that she’s been quickly,
and abruptly, put down! It is at that point while
she lingers that she most definitely gives off the
impression that after pasting her panties full of pussyjuice and her hottest,
sweetest, cunt cream…
She pisses hard as fuck
all over it because of the fact that she’s never going to get the chance to actually
use it! And for all of her Evil Psycho-Bitch “powers”, she got BEAT! By the very same fuckin
strength! That’s really a colossal fuckin weakness, too!
So now here she is in America
and right out the gate she gets into a knockdown, drag out, BITCH-BRAWL! And looses… to a loser… Getting her cunt kicked like this? It always brought out her best “fuck-me-so-fuckin-hard”
juices! Her asshole was soaked from all of the wetness that she started leaking
from her pussy after Jenn tossed that liquor in her eyes and the realization
set in that… she might… eventually… lose.
Chiaki kept trying to hold on, hang on! But she couldn’t even see through her mane
of messed over hair and the more she tried to regain awareness, the more she
could feel just how badly she’d been fucked up and then!?
With an exhausted
and sweet groan?
Chiaki’s eyes became
a glossy and glazed window to her broken and shattered soul. She gave out and
just kept hammering herself in her head with the fact that Jennifer Love Hewitt had
HER?!?! BEATEN HER!!!! And the more she kept saying it to herself the more it
turned her on, the more it made her pulse from her pussy and cause her panties
to turn even wetter from getting whipped! Jenn and some of the crowd who could
see her face were perplexed as Chiaki stuck her sopping wet tongue out and
panted hard and heavy to the point of her whole body shuddering in slow sexy
synch with her broken breaths. She felt Jenn grab her by her bra, she didn’t
resist, she couldn’t resist! She stood there in a standing state of stupor as
Jenn wrestled and struggled with her bra! She WANTED TO RESIST, BUT!?!?
Since she couldn’t, she simply gave in and started panting, hard! Matching
Jenn’s attempts to get her fuckin bra off! As far as she was concerned Jenn was
fucking her! Fucking her standing up! Fucking her in front of all of her little
LACKEY FANBOYS AND FANGIRLS!!!!! She fell up against Jenn and just started
fuck-panting hard as she got closer and closer to having her bra pulled off of
her! But then she felt Jenn change tactics!? She felt Jenn just start prying at
the sides of her bra, she felt her fingers, forcing the sides down, pressing
and rubbing up against her supersensitive tits!
“I was totally
spent, Geese-kun.” Chiaki looked up at him as he was glaring down at her,
forcing her to admit the fact that “All I could feel was how badly she’d beat
me… nothing but… sloppy sauce,” she wanted him to understand the fact that “she
made me give up my Chiaki sauce… And it was… all up and down…” she tried to
remember what he had called it, what Geese called it… “Panty… line… Panty… line…
My pantyline…
was drowning in the same… sloppy sauce… that Aya, Kou and Yukie always make me
give up… Even though it’s been hours since my fight with Jenn… The sensations…
still make me soaked, still makes me… give up…” she tried to remember more as
he kissed her “Chiaki sauce… is what Aya, Kou and Yukie called it and all of
the writers and critics, bloggers and boards, for the NNL, call it that too. We
really have a lot more freedom with these kinds of things on J-TV, in
comparison to… American TV, but?” she really tried to figure out… just why the
fuck did getting her ass-whipped! Cause her to just?! To become so goddamn,
WET! “Is it the struggle…?” she looked at him “Is it the fact that I’ve been…
fighting with this bitch, in the ring, and we’ve been… rolling all over each
over, really trying to tear each other apart… And we know that one of us has to
lose… And one of us has to win. It’s not like over here, NNL and J-fans… don’t
really like random people running in on our matches, so? We fight… and we
fight… till one of us just gives out, totally!” she snickered as she admitted
to him that “I don’t always piss when I get put away, you know?” He gave her
look like, that wasn’t exactly… what I’m thinkin about right now, but then she
told him softly “Most of the time,” she blushed “I actually… well, can’t
believe I’m getting cold feet now. But I actually, cum so hard, that I just…
Then other times I try so fuckin hard to resist, to FIGHT IT! That… when I loose…
I just… it just… breaks meh… I gave it everything I had, but… this other bitch
is just… she’s just too much for meh to overcome and then she just… she just…
she jusssst… knocks meh out…” then she laughed lightly and told him “I’ve never
tasted… Aya’s oronomin, because” he cut her off quietly and finished for her “You’ve
never been able to beat her.”
Then she nodded and
they slowly but surely moved from over top of the covers, to underneath of
them… and soon as she huddled up next to him she told him softly, whining “Fuck me? Fuck me already and put me out of my misery.” As soon as he went to
react she quickly added for seemingly no damn good reason “She just got lucky,
Geese-kun. I can win, I promise… I promise!” what will you do now? I know you
can read me… What will you say? I’m so fuckin turned on, turned out, but I’m
right here with you. Tell me what I need to hear, not what I want to hear.
Geese didn’t waste a
moment in telling Chiaki “No.” She immediately put her leg up over his hip,
trying to get him inside of her as he told her “You had your chance and you
blew it. Losing to Love Hewitt is ridiculous.” He laughed to himself, kept a
smile from forming on his face, as he remembered how much she loved these weird
word games. Just as much as he did. You want me to tighten the leash, eh? Ohnnn-ya… Very
well… It has been a very long time. I can wait a bit longer… Makes you that
much more sweeter… And anybody whose anybody knows that most J-men… Don’t sample
the sweetness of their own women… Hmpfh, I’d keep foreigners out too if I
were them, heh-heh!
Chiaki knew that the
gears were working on his side of the fence and she squirmed even harder, YES!
Now… just to fuck up
your mojo for a second! This shit may seem common place to many of us
Western/American men, but between me, you, the wall, and whoever is peepin over
your shoulder like “Dude? Is
that porn?” Japanese women go absolutely gah-gah when they are actually remembered. Seriously, you
should pay attention! Simple shit like, “I’m goin to Disneyland.” “Really?
Could you bring me back something?” “Sure!” Now… in her mind, with most of the
time being all of the time. This means, yeah right bitch. I’m goin ta fuckin
Disneyland, not bring you BACK, Disneyland! So ACTUALLY GOING TO DISNEYLAND…
and ACTUALLY BRINGING BACK, say; a shirt for her… hmmm, specially an XL size
shirt if you’re trying to get in close with her… she’ll definitely think of you
when she sleeps in that, ohhh-ho, YEAH! So you get her an XL shirt with
something cute on it. The word kawaii (cute) gets tossed out like crazy over
there, as… long as it is… cute, but? Get a shirt with Mickey Mouse on it XL,
get her a mug, and maybe a few other knickknacks and then take your Black,
White, Brown, or Yellow ass back and give her those things? Dude? You’ve seen
the Prices Right, with Bob Barker of course, NOT DREW CAREY! But you’ve seen
when the woman is standing next to Bob Barker and then the fuckin doors slide open
and dude is like “A NEWWW CAR!!!!” and the woman goes absolutely APESHIT!!?!?
Yeah, that’s what
you’d get for honestly bringing her back some souvenir’s from Disneyland!
DISNEY-FUCKIN-LAND! And all it really is? Is just doing what you said. I believe it’s
called being considerate. J-society is tough on J-people, so? No wonder their birthrate
is going backwards. When you can get beat by slobs from America in the
romance department? Hmphf! Tokyo? You have a goddamn problem! LOL! Ahem, slobs
from America is now filing a formal protest to this authors words of
unwarranted criticism. No slobs of America were hurt in the making of this
post, nor were any Japanese people intentionally harmed. Pimpin’ hard, so you
don’t have to! Is a slogan someone should have copywritten by now. Void where
prohibited, detailed tax and tariffs, some restrictions may apply. Fuck was I
just talking about again?! Oh yeah!
Sorry, but when you
look at that, the fact that being considerate can really score big points in
Japan, be ye Japanese National or Foreign fool! And then use that as the
backdrop for our two long lost lovers here? Well, then things begin to make
sense in a hurry! So not only was our villainous
and isn’t that an oxymoron? OK! I have a point, I’M REACHING IT ALL READY, DAMN!?!? Everybody is in such a rush!
So yes, ahem! Our villainous, villainous heroine! Forced to part
ways with the man she hoped to be her Master! Left to fight on alone! Only to
be rescued years later as he fulfills his promise to return for her! Ain’t love
grand!?!? You don’t give a fuck, do you? You just want more of La Pervyness of
spying on these two people fucking and all that… Fine then… Beholddddddd….
Chiaki arched her back as her long strands of hair were all
up in her!?!? Mane in my face! Fucking me up! Making me submit! Fucking me up
mentally, emotionally… spiritually! Making me wet, making me submit! Making me
WAIT! But not… Not touching my…? My pussy… My body… physically “I had her, you
have to believe meh! I HAD HER MASTER AND
“She outsmarted
is reply was flat
and straight to the point! It forced her to whine back at him immediately as he
was right there, HOLDING HER SO CLOSE, but “NOH! NOH!” she shook her head wildly
as she held on around his neck, then she abruptly let go and started to shove
and push at him till he let her climb on top of him as she whined weakly “She covered me in all of that shit…” but
she still couldn’t get him inside of her and that only made her whine loudly
about how they “THEY ALL TURNED AGAINST MEH!?!?” then her voice shrank as she
could feel the length of it, the length of his dick against the sloppiness of
her kicked cunt as she whined weakly “Everyone
turns against meh, it’s not fair!?” she pouted “They were all chanting for her, FUCKING MEH UP! FUCKING MEH! ALL of
them, fuCKing MeH! Just the thought alone… They were chanting
so fucking loud!!!!”
he watched as she looked down at him through her mane of hair and just started
freaking out as she started rattling off about “Their bitch had beaten meh!?!?
And you weren’t there!!!! And Lucy-chan wasn’t there, AND!?!?”
He finally could see how hard her nipples were
and they weren’t the smallest set, but they seemed to get harder… They were
already dilated, and then asking her that? She sat there for a second
shuddering and he could feel her riding her sloppy pussy up and down the length
of his “YES! YES DAMMIT, I HAD HER!” then he saw that murderous intent in her fuckin eyes as
she glared at him going from innocent lamb to rabid-and-crazed lioness “I had
her ass,” she sneered “she thought she was so fuckin SLICK! Threw
water in her FACE! TOOK HER OFF? Oh,”
her voice got small as she actually realized what he’d just done and she gave
up some more of her sloppy sauce as it set in “oh…you? You?” she sat there for a second and then she whined
I!!?!” then her voice got small again and she looked totally fuckin
bewildered as she just started pouting from her pussy “I… so wet, I? Soh… wet!
So fuckin wet, I so, wet”
With a satisfied
sigh he told her “Gotcha.”
And she knew full
well what he meant. She shuddered hard and just started trembling as their
bizarre cat-and-mouse conversation, came to an abrupt end “Fuck,” she moaned
as she rode through the mini-orgasm of seeing all of the little puzzle-fighter
blocks, fall into place “shhhh,
ohhhh-fuck. She got meh… the same way that… I got her” he nodded as she
gripped his shoulders and rode through the aftershocks, whining softly as she
shuddered and told him “Geese-kun…
Master… You know,” she swallowed hard “you know Bad Girls, Bad Bitches can’t
take that?” he nodded again as he finally reached up and started to palm
her tits and slowly work them over while she continued to tell him that “Can’t… I can’t just, but? I have too, I have
too… I always follow the rules,” she looked down at him “don’t I? Don’t I Master?” he nodded as
he worked over her thick nipples… for such small tits… while she flinched her
kicked cunt and creamed all over her Master’s dick because “Tricked meh… Tricked meh with… the Truth,
which makes us even weaker, wetter! Easier to fuck… And finish off! Master…
Master! So fuckin wet… Master? I have to… roll over… have to follow… the Rules…
have to…”
She bent down,
hoping that? And sure enough? He kissed her… and she savored it, even through
her tangled jet-black hair, and it only made her whine “Gomennasai… Gomen-nasai… Gomen-na-sai” then she tried to roll off
of him, to roll over, and give him what he had earned. Only to feel resistance?
She felt the fact that he would
have to “let her roll over” and it caused her to whine at being stopped
“Nohh, nohhh?” She locked her legs
around his waist as she was now still straddling him with her hips, but laying
off to the right of his body and he was keeping her there!? He held her firm as
she tried to dismount and that only sent sharper sensations racing all across
her body and she whined in her throat as she desperately wanted his dick in the
only place a Bad Girl would take it after being beaten by her own filthy
fuckin trick! Beaten by her own weakness “Please, I want
it! I NEED IT! Please don’t juggle me like this!? I’m down, I’m down and I’m
defeated! I’m BROKEN!”
“But you tried to
resist anyway?”
She whined and then
tried to pick herself up so that he could go back to playing with her TITS! She
desperately wanted him to make her cum and suck on her nipples “FUCK!!!!
Driving me,” then she pressed her face against the side of his and whispered in
his ear pathetically “you’re driving meh
crazy! You’re so cruel! So mean to meh! Mercy!? Please, mercy! Show mercy to
your Pale Little Princess of Pussies! I know you like fucking my ass! I know
you do!” she sat up and nodded at him “I know you do!” But she saw that
empty, emotionless look which only made her shudder and shake, then thrash
around to try to get OFFA HIM “NOHHHHHH, please! I want it now! PLEASE!? You’re the Psycho, NOT MEH!!!!
Please-please-please! You know I’m getting even more turned on, too much and
I’ll just cum and that’s IT! Stop trying to be GREEDY and FUCK MEH ALREADY!!!!”
But she knew that, THAT!!!?
Wasn’t gonna get her
what she wanted… or was it?
“You really… missed me,” he smiled “didn’t you?”
Without warning… she
settled down… stopped, completely… The moment that she had waited for, hoped
for, long before she ever met this man… She always guessed that it was a moment
that every woman waited for, longed for…
to say to a man, that special man…
Finally… my moment… God… I never thought
it would happen… So long, it took so long… but… Thank you… and then she softly said “With all my heart… With all my soul… I could? I could… always please myself, but… I couldn’t make up for your
support. Your talk. Your guidance,
or? Or that… void… That loneliness that only you took away. You have always
accepted meh, for meh… How could I not miss you? How could I not miss my Master? And… I missed you… so
very… very much.”
Without another
word… she climbed off of him, having finally fulfilled her cherished wish,
remembering how Rika, Yui and Erika, helped her navigate her way through the
maze of the NNL when her JET Agency was firmly DEAD SET, AGAINST EVER! Allowing her to work for “the competition”! Chiaki hoped
that they were all right, and for the briefest of moments she reminded herself
“I have to tell Geese-kun. He has to help me get them out of there! I left
without a word… they probably hate me now… I won’t leave you behind! I
But even remembering
that? Realizing that she was now in a position to help her friends that helped
her make it through all those lonely nights! Plus after finally having her
moment… She felt the fact that her wetness had thoroughly soaked her tight
little asshole, completely. She tucked away the conversation that she would
have with her Master about 3 Count!, saving it and setting a little reminder in
the back of her brain. While she rolled over in everyway, lying down on the
bed, underneath these covers, onto her stomach. She laid down flat onto her
chest, pressing her tender tits and supersensitive nipples into the bed, while
she kept her head up, looking straight ahead at the beautiful awning of this
gigantic bed. She hiked up her ass slightly, not saying a single solitary word…
Then she put her arms against the bed in a v-shape to show him that he’d totally
trounced her on every level, in every
way… and now he could take what he’d earned from his favorite Evil Bitch.
He slowly… swept aside her hair… as she laid there… her ass and
hips swaying ever so slightly, gyrating, as if she were going through her death
throws after a long and hard fight… only to be caught off-guard… and made to
expose her softest… weakest of weak spots… so that her enemy… could put her
away, put her in her supposed place…
and she could struggle her last, try to hang-on… and hold-out… but finally…
bowed and broken… give in and submit… and
die… He kissed the side of her face and she shuddered as she slowly stuck
her tongue out… While he slid into her tight little wet and worn out asshole, carefully… slowly… allowing both of them to savor it, savor this moment… As she slowly played her part “Fuck,” she moaned “fuck meh Master… Fuck meh… Master…” Just
the sensation, the feel of how he was slowly opening her up… and all of that
sloppy Chiaki sauce… never mind the fact that they hadn’t bothered to clean up,
never went to the shower, just… Just the fact that even with her all sticky and
fucked up from getting her ass kicked at the Diner… He’d been slowly but
surely… cleaning her up, cleaning her off… with his hands, with his lips… his
tongue… his mouth… Tending to her, while she kept whining from the
after effects… like she should, like she had to, was supposed to, to the man
she was supposed to do these things to and for… “I gave it… everything Master… everything that I had… I wanted… to bring
her back… and lay her White ass at your feet… I,” she slowly craned her
neck as he finally got his entire length into her ass “I couldn’t believe…
she kept fighting…
kept hanging on… I just couldn’t!? Uhnf-I----I, ohhh God, that’s it, right there… couldn’t put
her away… You know how that wears away at us… When those fuckin Good Girls just
won’t fuckin die already… Master… Masssterrrr?”
He was still trying
to settle himself down against her, trying to… get accustomed… not to the
tightness of her hole, but the fact that… he truly, honestly, was damn near
3x’s her body weight. When they were together in Tokyo, he had the same sense
of uneasiness… and it took him some
time to get used to it “Massssterrr?”
she groaned.
“I’m right here.”
“It’s okay,” she moaned “I’m a
big girl… I can take it... I’ve been waiting for so long… to take it from you…”
she smiled as she felt his face press against the side of hers and the feel of
his kiss, the feel of his dick… deep in her ass “More… I have to have it all, Master… All of it, please…
More please…” he nodded as he slid further in and she turned her ass
up some more in order to make sure he could feel her sloppy ragged and kicked
cunt “You beat me in the car, and it
opened up my heart even more… Jenn… she broke my heart when she beat meh,”
Chiaki shivered as she felt those last few moments before she passed out on top
of that table that Jenn laid her down on “stripped
meh, showed everything… to all of her little otaku fanboys… Yes, that’s it. You can lay on top of meh, I
want you to lay on top of meh. I can
take it, I need to feel you …on top of meh. All around meh, inside
meh!” she gasped “That’s it… just
like that…” then she shifted her eyes towards him through the curtain of
her hair and asked him weakly “Do you
like it? Do you still like it?” he nodded, keeping his face pressed closely
to hers. Kept slowly stroking her, carefully,
but evenly. While still keeping his full weight from off of her, slowly
adjusting to her much smaller frame while she told him “Everyone got to see… my pantyline
profile, that’s what you called it,
right?” as soon as she felt him nodding she kept softly talking to him
while the sensations were washing all over her body… from him fucking her in
her ass…
“Everyone there… when Jenn stripped meh… they
saw my profile… saw everything… The bastards… at the Diner, Jenn’s fanboys…
they fucked my holes… kept meh all fucked up… They kept breaking my heart…
fucking my asshole…” her eyes rolled up into the back of her head as she
started gripping the bed “They had their dirty little fingers… all in my hot
soaked pussy… Up my ass… bastards… fuckin bastards… fucked meh,
finger fucked meh… senseless… Then… then… I just kept fading in and out… but they kept fucking meh,
fucking my holes… they really knew… how to play… they knew their roles… and
they kept meh from interfering… when Lucy-chan,” even he flinched as she
coated his balls with her Chiaki sauce clearly from the mere mention of Lucy
trying to save her “Lucy-channnnn…
Lucccccy---chan… can’t believe…
she beat my beautiful… Lucy… chan…” Chiaki raised her right leg and kicked at the bed
as she heard Lucy’s beautifully broken bitch-bark at whatever the fuck it was
Jenn had done to her “Jenn’s otaku’s… kept
meh all fucked up… I tried to go to Lucy-chan… but… They’d fucked meh too well…
and it was because Jenn had beaten meh like this… I couldn’t…nhf… I couldn’t
snap out of it, couldn’t break free…”
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