Nightmares of Futures Past
A Shot of Brandy, Part Three
Angela Bassett, Tamera Mowry, Lynn Whitfiel
NOTE - This story immediately follows A Shot of Brandy, Part Two
Brandy stood here in the
infirmary dressed to the T… gawking….!!!! It was some ungodly hour in the dead
of night, she’d made sure of that before she came in here “Wow,” she murmured
while she just kept… staring
“she is still-out…!?” Sure enough…? Lynn was still out… cold. Flat
on her tits and stomach with her head turned to… the right side… of her body…
with a huge white pillow underneath her head. They’d left her in her bra and
mini-skirt with her heels still on, at least that was not what Angela wanted,
but the Empress Dowager of Actresses was long since asleep, and rightfully so.
Her fight with Lynn Whitfield, the Queen of the Creole’s, had taken a heavy
toll on the Empress Dowager. Angela hadn’t fought Lynn in years and she wasn’t
a spring chicken anymore, but she was still one of the most highly sought after
MILF’s on the planet. Married, but one can still dream, right? Regardless of
all of that Angela fought not for herself, but for the
bratty-backstabbing-bitch that was now standing in here gazing, gawking, at Angela’s handiwork.
Angela and Brandy are friends, sort of. Bonded
together by their disastrous time together as a part of the long since gone and
highly UNSUCCESSFUL, Team Whitney.
As you know, Team Whitney fell
apart rather quickly and never generated any kind of buzz with fans of the
Battle Zone with Press or with anyone for that matter. Even as Brandy stood
here in her burgundy ensemble she felt like what she was, a Deposed Pop
Princess, exiled to the deepest oceans of obscurity, while actually, HONESTLY, having the dubious
distinction of being one of the most successful Pop singers of all time. The
Mississippi Maiden found it all too ironic that Lynn had been offered the
chance to join Team Whitney from the door, but like a soothsayer she accurately
predicted that the team would be a total disaster and she flat out refused to join. Brandy ran her
hands down the side of her own burgundy mini-power skirt, thinking to herself
about the fact that “They kept that information from meh. Ah guess momma didn’t
want meh to know that somebody wuz already doubting that we could be
successful. Ah guess she had her reasons and she swore she wuz right, but?
Turns out Lynn was actually the one who was right.”
Brandy could only guess what
was said, but she did know after listening to everything that Lynn and Angie
had talked about yesterday. Angie was the one who tried to recruit Lynn.
Somewhere in there, when they were talking, something was said that caused
Angie to get into it with Lynn. Brandy pursed her lips as she felt such a
strong attraction to Lynn!?!? Ah dressed up just for you Lynn, do you like it?
And Brandy definitely looked stunning. She had decked herself out in one of her
outfits that she had with her in her garment bag. An all burgundy power suit
made of the finest material she could afford. It was meant for her courtroom
appearances and she’d worn it once or twice, but realized that it said the
wrong thing to the wrong people, so she stopped wearing things that made her
appear to be the “rich and powerful pop star”. But now? No, now was a perfect
time to wear this and for the perfect reason. She’d painted up her nails in
burgundy, her skin tone meshed perfectly with her outfight. The black silk
blouse clung close to her curves underneath the burgundy suit jacket that she
wore. The training hall was kind of cold and mixed with the actual arousal that
Brandy felt seeing Lynn laid out like this? Brandy’s nipples were quite hard
and pressing against her silk shirt, which made for an exquisite and enticing
sensation to the turned on little trickster. It’s past due time Ah finally find
out whut really went on and whut did u know that Ah didn’t?
The engine purred underneath
the hood quietly as she pushed her beige high heel a little further down on the
gas pedal. She made sure to keep her eyes on the winding road, especially at
this hour as her driver-gloved-hand, reached and shifted. She was still all
dolled up from her casting call late this evening for a pretty good pilot
series for the E! Network. No sooner did she get out of there, late, but with
good reason! She’d made it past the initial audition and they wanted her to do
some readings with some of the people they’d already actually cast for the
series, GREAT SIGN! A great sign
that she’d gotten the part, but no sooner did she get outta there? She got the
call that now had her driving with the top down and the breeze, feelin good on
her face, as she still couldn’t believe all of the things that Angela had told
her. They’d gotten into a fight!? AGAIN!? All she
could do was give a wry smile as she wondered what that sight looked like, but then again? Angie did call me, so obviously she must’ve
won. But Lynn’s not some push over, even I know that.
I probably should’ve changed before racing out here, but? Just looking at the
view and all, this place really is out in the middle of nowhere.
Back at the Training Hall;
Wasting no time Brandy walked
in under the low lights, not wanting to draw any attention from her dimwitted so-called savior, Angie. The feel of her burgundy power
mini-skirt tight around her hips and ass, gave her a surge of vampy, if not
trampy, power, and no? It wasn’t anything trampy about it. She looked good and
she KNEW SHE LOOKED GOOD! Ah made myself nice and pretty for this, because something tells me that Ah’ve
finally found whut Ah was missin when Ah wuz with momma. Brandy licked her lips
and actually enjoyed the feel of her mahogany lipstick, the taste, yes the
taste. It thrilled her, like she hadn’t been thrilled in a long time, a long fuckin time. With each sexy step towards Lynn’s inert body,
Brandy’s heart fluttered. Ah can’t believe Ah’m doin this, but? Ah can’t help
it, even if Ah wanted to. Never, Ah never should’ve stood there and let this
happen, and Ah’m sorry.
With each sexy step she could
feel the contoured confines of her mini-skirt clinging to her hips and ass, but
the yielding resistance of the fabric as it followed her motions. The fact that
Brandy’s sweet little ass was showing jusssst enough from the hemline of her suit coat, jusssst enough to
entice and tease, to ask; what would it be like to have a shot of Brandy? To
have a chance to get up underneath this form fitting “obstacle” that someone,
somewhere, dared to call a “power mini-skirt”.
The Deposed Pop Princess was
caught up in the heat of the night, the heat of the moment! As she stood under
these low lights admiring the impressive physical form… of the beaten and unconscious… Queen of the Creole’s. Mah poor baby, Brandy moaned to
herself. How dare she do this to you…? Just the
thought made Brandy wet with want, much the same way that Lucy Liu became so
outraged at seeing her sweet little Chiaki-chan stripped and laid low in the
Diner. Here stood Princess Brandy, having finally
found what she was looking for. Lynn was motionless and Brandy actually had to
look closely to see the fact that she was still breathing and it made her
madder, at herself, and at Angie. How dare that Christian
CUNT, cum between
us, she whined to herself even harder than the last time. It just
did something to her to see Lynn like this, but? Don’t worry
baby, I’m here now. I’m here now, I’ll help you. I’ll getchu out of this… Take
care of you. Brandy stopped! Right at the foot of the table, it was
actually an elevated hospital bed without all of the sidebar shit that normally
comes with it, but what Brandy saw…? What Brandy was seeing…?
I figure that Angie just needs
a little help in trying to smooth things over before Lynn comes back around.
Then again? It wasn’t like I bothered to ask her what
exactly did she think I could do
to help. And that was something I should’ve thought about before running out to
my car like Batgirl! What in the world am I supposed to do to help Angie get
out of this? I mean, nobody likes to get laid out cold, and Lynn’s got a long
memory too.
She took another curve and
groaned in frustration as she realized that she hadn’t exactly thought this
whole thing through! She did secretly admit that she probably came racing out
here because she needed something to do. Ever since Tia got married, I feel
like I’m incomplete now. Like I’m missing out all of a sudden?
For whatever reason, making
that admission made her put her foot on the gas and attack the road a bit more
than she probably should at this hour of the night. But it was too true that
since her sister got married she was happy for her, but she felt an uneasy,
unsettling, loneliness “It would’ve been nice if we could’ve gotten married off
at the same time.” And maybe that’s why I’m racing out here like Boo-boo the
Dummy, to see what I can do,
about something that I’ve never really liked getting involved in like that. But
then again? To knock Lynn out? Cold!? The thought did make her nipples hard
because Lynn was just one tough bitch, but Angie had done it. And then she calls me? To help her what? Stuff the body in the trunk? That thought made her laugh as
she envisioned her and Angie carrying Lynn’s heavy ass and stuffing her in the
trunk “Ohhh no, not in my car!”
Back at the Training Hall;
Brandy felt like she was… what she is… A Deposed Princess,
one who had been driven out, forced to roam the hinterlands, never to be able
to return to reclaim her land, her people, her birthright!
Driven out of everyone’s minds, forgotten except for the few loyalists that
followed her into exile… Driven out to roam around
aimlessly, trying to hammer out a living that wasn’t worth shit… To
her, all of Team Whitney was nothing but a bunch of EXILES! Cast out from
society, struck down after failing to maintain their own individual empires… careers… Careers that had gone up in smoke… down the toilet…
or straight ta fuckin hell! Brandy could see it quite clearly and she lived in
that moment and admitted that… The Exiled Empress Dowager
of Actresses, Angela Bassett, had just happened to stumble upon my
roving band of nomads, wandering out here aimlessly in the fuckin hinterlands
of obscurity, me? MEH! CAST OUT!
LOST! Lost, forever… But this
bitch, she can occasionally get back to the fringes of the place that we once
ruled, that we ruled over… Till those
fuckin peasants revolted and shit, ingrates. FUCKIN
But here she
is… Angela Bassett, still the Darling of SOME PEOPLE! NOT MEH! But now here she is
offerin meh her fuckin PITY! Ah
ain’t one’a those kids on them Christian info-mercials! Ah don’t need no,
DOLLAR A DAY TO SAVE MEH! But here she is… talkin
down ta meh like she’s doin so much fuckin better. That Zen shit den gone to
her old bitty brain and made her
fuckin senile! But
lo-and-behold, our two tribes go at it, ‘cause Ah don’t want no
sympathy from her! She’s no better than meh! All Ah need is some supplies, a
chance to actually START OVER! AND AH’LL BE ALL RIGHT! So Ah tell my people to
attack… All we need is to steal her shit, we can put her fuckin people to work
as slaves and we can fuckin build a whole new Queendom, RIGHT HERE IN THE
HINTERLAND! Ah’ll turn this fuckin savage land into a new Queendom for myself!
And Ah’ll make you my bitch, Angie…
You were supposed ta be my bitch…
Ah wuz supposed ta win, Ah swore Ah had won… but Ah lost,
Ah fuckin lost, again…
Brandy looked down at Lynn’s
body and her heart went out to her, to see her laying here like this… It
actually hurt her and she didn’t understand AT FIRST, why she felt that way,
but now? NOW SHE UNDERSTOOD! How dare that bitch try ta talk down ta us, she’s not better than us! No better
than us… No better… Ah failed in taking her down, failed in
subjugating her and her fuckin band of nomads, it’s not fair! Why do they let
HER come back and still trade and do business while meh?! You and Ah, we’re
stuck wandering forever… Forgotten,
we don’t deserve to be forgotten…
In Brandy’s mind she had
secretly snuck in here, just like she did in real life, but in her
mind? After she’d been routed by Angela’s better equipped and better
armed bastards and bitches! The bitch couldn’t just finish her off, NO! Angie
couldn’t just take her fuckin sword and just RUN ME
THROUGH WITH IT! NO! She starts bein all nice
and understanding and SHIT! AH
DON’T WANT YOUR PITY! AH WANT YOUR SHIT! Not literally of course, Brandy then
laughed to herself! But she stopped in a hurry
as her…? She could actually feel… How wet
she was as she looked down at Lynn… You have… soh much ta teach meh, so much to
teach me… Ah won’t let her… do this to you… You shouldn’t have lost… Ah know
whut it’s like to lose, when you’re the one in the right… Ah know what it’s
like… to lose… Ah don’t wanna be a loser anymore… Ah want you. Ah know that you
can show meh what Ah need to see, to know,
I KNOW IT! I FEEL IT! God ah feel it… Ah’m so
hot for you, you’ve got what momma doesn’t even have. You’ve got style, poise,
you exude presence, grace!
Momma used ta have that, but what ah feel for you, whut ah think about you? Ah
know that you and only you can put meh back on the right track.
Even as she took the
straightaway just envisioning the fight was actually kinda intoxicating. She
actually took one hand off of her steering wheel to unbutton the top of her
white blouse. I know it had to be one helluva fight,
she said to herself and with a quick motion she also undid part of her suit
coat as she could imagine quite clearly how hard of a fight it really was. Her
beige suit ensemble highlighted her perfect brown skin, right down to the
beautiful little mole on her face. Wonder how that must’ve
went down for Lynn to end up knocked out though? It had to be some sight to
And she didn’t need to try too
hard as she knew that Angela had really been training hard since her days in
the Battle Zone League came to an end. As far as she was concerned she could
see Lynn giving Angela all she was worth, but as she adjusted the volume of her
CD player, Michael Jackson’s song of I can’t help it,
from his Off the Wall album, seemed that much
more appropriate as she sped along getting closer and closer to the Team
Whitney Training Hall. Lynn’s no slouch, I know
that much, but Angie’s been really working her butt off to stay in shape and
really learn from that whole, Team Whitney travesty! It really ate her up the way that they
belly-flopped like that. So I can see how this could turn real personal in a
hurry, but then again? I thought she said that Lynn had refused to join them
anyway… Ohhh that’s right, they ended up fighting when Lynn told her that first
time that it wasn’t gonna work! Ouch, I remember when they approached Tia and
I? No way José! We turned them down
flat too, but I still don’t get why her and Lynn got into it that first time though?
Angie beat Lynn then too, so
I’m sure that probably made Angie feel like “What does she know!?” Tamera’d
heard about the first fight too, brutal.
From everything she’d heard Lynn could really dish out and take punishment, but
Angie just hung tough and kept wearing away at her till she managed to send
Lynn crashing through her own living room coffee table! She got back up, but
she was really messed up by then. They’d practically ripped each other’s
clothes to shreds, but that kinda pushed Lynn to her limit and Angie’s quicker,
while Lynn’s got a lotta power. I heard her breasts were all hangin out and stuff!
From falling through the coffee table and all the other things that had gone on
up to that point! Yet another reason why Tia
and I don’t really get involved in celebrity catfighting. I’d rather take my
chances and go the long road or stay with the more NC-17 celebrity catfight
companies. This way you don’t have all your goodies hangin out and people
droolin at the mouth! Waiting to see you get publicly humiliated!
Either way, Angela said Lynn
was too messed up to stand toe-to-toe with her anymore, so she tried to rush
her! She said she thought she’d thrown her back out when Lynn smashed into her
and drove her all the way to the wall! She tried to throw her ass off of her, good luck! Lynn’s really filled out
nicely, forget what you heard. She’s built like those voluptuous paintings!
Those old Black paintings of West Africa, you aren’t tossing her that easy,
‘specially if she’s really trying to hurt you. But Angie didn’t panic, she did
mess her back up trying to actually toss her off. Ironically it was that back
pain that reminded her that Lynn had exposed her back to her! Lynn was picking
Angie up and getting ready to do God knows what! When Angie said she just
focused everything she had and stopped flailing around trying to stop Lynn!
Regained her focus as Lynn was about to dump her who knows where! Tamera tried
to recall exactly how Angie told her it went down but she couldn’t quite
envision it right? Was it a bearhug that Lynn had her in? Was it…? Whatever it
was she had set her up so that she had Angie ‘round the waist, but Angie’s!?
One of her arms was free and she hammered her right across the base of her neck
with her forearm! It jolted the crap out of Lynn, who was already worn down and
weakened! She gave her two more hard hits like that with her forearm and Lynn
flinched and faltered from both shots, lowering Angie back down to her feet
both times till the fourth one made her cry out and let go!
Angie kept tellin me that Lynn
was just hunched over after that! Breathin hard and heavy like one of those
speared bulls of Barcelona! Or… well? Like we
women sometimes do when we get a pretty good piece from a man. Just admitting
that makes me a little hot and bothered, but I can only imagine what it
would’ve looked like to see that sight! I think… she gave Lynn a knee right to
her chest? Or… right to her? Can’t remember, but I do know she popped Lynn up with
a few knees while she was all hunched over worn out like that! Lynn’s a
stubborn and vain woman, she shoulda just gave it up, but I know she swung on
Angie and got another lick in before Angie just started hammering her till she
was out on her feet! I think she staggered away from Angie and then… Fell over
into what was left of her coffee table!
Now she’s been beaten again? I
can only imagine that she fought ten times as hard this time, but still got
laid out. She’s not gonna be a happy camper whenever she comes around, that’s
for sure!
But as she downshifted and
checked her GPS Tamera could see Angie standing there exhausted as could be
from kickin Lynn’s ass a second time, with Lynn laying on the side of her face,
away from Angie! The Team Whitney Training Hall, totally torn up! But Lynn
brought down again, her clothes a mess! And more likely than not her breasts
hanging out again from her and Angela fighting like two wildcats! She sighed as
she murmured to herself “Glad I didn’t get involved in all that Battle Zone
League, mess!”
Back at the Training Hall;
As far as Brandy was concerned
when she lost to Angie THAT WAS IT! Ah became her bitch, she
beat meh, beat meh… bad… Knocked meh out, had meh thinkin, that Ah had actually won and that Ah
finally wasn’t a loser anymore. Instead Ah was just
AH’M SO FUCKIN PATHETIC! Ah’m so fuckin pathetic… Ah’m younger, faster, but Ah? Ah’m… just… gettin reamed out and run
over by every-fuckin body… And when Angie beat meh… old ass Angie Bassett…
That’s like gettin mauled to death by a toothless LIONESS! Embarrassing,
HUMILIATING! Ah’m humiliated… again… But when you showed up?
When you talked to meh earlier!?!! Ah dunno, just the way
you carry yourself!?!! You’re warm, friendly, but you radiate this
aura of, I’m better than you! But you still come
off like… even though I’m better than you its okay, we can still talk! It’s
condescending, like a backhanded compliment, but!??! You just can’t, you don’t
mind because it’s you! Ah haveta have you at my side! Ah know with you at my
side counseling me, ah can actually make
a comeback in every way! With you as my mentor, my coach?! MY MILF!
Brandy’s mind was racing a
mile a minute as she could see herself standing there with Lynn at her side,
every so often whispering in her ear and giving her insights to help her take
the fucking sting out of anything and everything that came her way! She could
see Lynn standing next to her as she announced the fact that she was gonna
return to the Battle Zone and form HER OWN GROUP! With Lynn as the manager, and
even sometimes as a participant. It made her wet, it made her
horny! She could see herself as no longer a Deposed
Princess, BUT A PRINCESS! With a beautiful and powerful Queen at her
side! Whom she knew had very deep ties to a dangerous
and… unknown… Emperor!
Ah want you to
take meh to this Geese, not Miss Christian!
Ah can already tell that you and he have some old sparks that never settled
down. Ah could be like the Lost Princess,
desperate for asylum because my pursuers have realized that just sending meh
away… wasn’t good enough anymore. It was time for meh to be shut up for good!
Ah can be the bridge between the two of you, literally…
Ah’m willin ta switch hit for the Cause! Ah’d be your Little Princess
for the two of you and you two could use meh like the little attention whore Ah
am! Spoil meh rotten with all of your attention and LOVE! And Ah’ll return it
with all of meh! Ah’ll give the two of you every piece of meh like some lovesick SLAVE!
Then… when it’s time for meh to go out and do what Ah need ta do? Lynn will be
right at my side, my advisor, my confidant, my mother, MY
Brandy looked at the floor…
and quietly admitted to herself that “Ah’m really scarin mah-self,
right about now.” Then she dismissed it because, Lynn’s got none-uh my blood so
it’s okay! In all honesty? Ah haven’t felt this
alive in years! Ah can’t stop thinking about this, ah can’t stop thinkin about
you, Lynn! Ah can only
imagine whut he must be like for the two of you to turn so catty?! But if he’s
got you in his corner? And Ah’m inclined to think that you’re really, actually,
in his pocket. But if he has you and since Ah like you? Ah’m thinkin that he’s
more interesting than whut I thought when Ms. Christian was trying to drag me
to him. It was then that she realized that Angela had taken Lynn’s white
diamond necklace and hid it just in case. That necklace, Brandy said to
herself. Why in the world would you fight so hard for something that you could
always call the police about, 4-real-4-real? It has some sort of deep… deeper
meaning, value, to you, doesn’t it Lynn?
As far as Brandy was concerned
she’d lost to the Exiled Empress Dowager and she’d become her bitch. But when
Lynn showed up and she started talking to her, showed she wasn’t about to take
Angie’s shit! Ah know who Ah belong with, but?
But the fact that the Queen of
the Creole’s was even eventually humbled by the Empress Dowager!? It made the
Deposed Pop Princesses pussy wet with want and weakness. If you haven’t guessed
by now, one of the reasons why Brandy is admitting her attractions too late is
because she was trying to decide, which one of these two beautiful Black MILF’s
could actually lead her out of this forest of her own fuck-up’s! Her attempt to
take out Angie failed miserably, so badly that she actually DREAMED that she
had won, when she was really as unconscious as unconscious could be! If Lynn
hadn’t been called in, try as she might front now, the Deposed Pop Princess was
actually intent on being Bassett’s little bitch. She’d earned it with how hard
she’d knocked her into next week, besides!? Shit wasn’t working out when she
was behind the wheel, so might as well hand Angie the reigns, can’t get any worse right!?
The mere admission of the fact that getting knocked the fuck out by Angela was
the last straw for her already strained sanity, on how shit had just
totally turned out in her life, her career?! EVERYTHING!
She threw herself at Angie and Angie threw her right back!
It hurt to be spurned by Angie
and odd thoughts kept twisting around in Brandy’s brain as she remembered what
it was like for her to molest Halle
when they were in the BZL. That first reallll taste of pussy, had her hooked! And to have
the berry of Halle at her fingertips, wet, whipped, and willing!? Something
that her and her cohorts at that time knew every man in America! Would kill to
get the chance to be able to just fuck Halle Berry SENSELESS! And watch as that
bitch wanted more, and more…
Brandy licked her lips as she was able to smell, hear, see… and feel… that
incredible night that she had with Halle, totally at her fuckin mercy, literally! She wuz like… a bitch in
heat… and it was contagious… We musta fucked her
seven-different-ways-to-Sunday! But she still wanted more, she wanted it all,
every way… every… hole… Ah never thought it could be that intense to fuck
another woman, but… That bitch wuz awesome… And she played her role, she didn’t
resist, she obeyed like a good little bitch should when she’s been beaten at
her own game… Ah can see why she became so special to Stone Rage… lucky
bastard. Brandy could still remember how Halle tasted, how she finally got the
bitch to cum so hard that she finally gave out! Everybody else was exhausted,
but Ah had to be the one to finish her off! Guess it wuz because nothing else
wuz goin right for meh in the League, so!? Best Ah could do wuz be able to just
fuck this bitch till she PASSED OUT! The power, the power that Ah felt
listening to her panting like that, writhing around whining…
Brandy’s own pussy was
starting to demand some attention as she felt the fact that some of the others
were pawing all over her and eating her out from behind while she was up in
between Halle’s legs eating her out like a pro, while never having been in this
kind of Caligula type shit before, EVER! Halle’s cries and whines, the way she
just… yielded like that… By the time it wuz over… Ah had ta have more! But they
outvoted meh and let her go… stupid bitches. We coulda fucked her all damn weekend by
the way she wuz acting. And that wuz the beginning of the end for meh… Ah
haveta have some more… But it has to be pussy that’s wet from a good, hard, FIGHT! A good hard, FUCK! It’s sweeter when it comes
from a cunt that’s just gotten her ass beat! And now… she’s defenseless… helpless… vulnerable
“AT MY MERCY!” Brandy shuddered with a
loud quiet cry that showed that she knew allllllll too well of what it was like
to be beaten to the point of helplessness, to be at someone else’s mercy. Too many times, she was actually standing there panting,
working her way through a rather sudden-but-intense-climax! Too many times, she whined to herself. Ah was just the
fuckin doormat for the rest of those dykes up in the League, till Ah got a
taste of Halle’s berry. Brandy looked down at her palms, her hands, remembered
how Halle gave in to her, to all of them, let them do things to her, with them…
It’s a rush, a HIGH! A sense
of… power, complete power, over someone else… and Halle, little slut!
She liked it, loved it! Because we brought it out of her… because her defenses
had been worn down, worn out… She fucks like a pro… Ah miss that bitch, seeing
her all weak and needy, yielding… submissive… She
was a perfect little slave-bitch… And Ah want more of that, for meh, for meh to
be in control, dominate… but? It rarely
turned out like that… Ah was always the one ass up, face down… Laid out hard and…
and wet… just like Ah know you are now, Lynn…
Brandy was drawn back here
after what had happened yesterday and she was still kind of shocked about the
fact that Angie knew that Lynn WAS NOT gonna wake up, any time soon. Just the
way that Angie acted, the fact that she was so
sure that Lynn would just, stay down? It
made Brandy more than a little horny and hot to know that Angie KNEW, that she’d beaten this
bitch so fuckin bad, that she would not be coming around
at least for a day or two. A DAY… or TWO? But… when Brandy looked at how hard
these two bitches had battled it out, and then their age. Plus it wasn’t like
either of them were still in the League. Lynn was never in the Battle Zone
League, but she put up one helluva fight!
Still, it was weird to Brandy,
sort of. To see Angie so confident and filled with power. The power to actually
know for a FACT! That Lynn’s ass wasn’t getting up off this bed no time soon.
Brandy wanted that kind of power. She wanted to feel the rush that she thought
she had felt when she thought she had face-sat Angie to sleep, only to find out
she’d actually gotten knocked-the-fuck-out her damn self! Brandy had no choice
but to admit to herself as she settled down. Angie is
tough, much tougher than she wuz when we were all in momma’s group. Hhhhhh, Ah hope you’re okay momma, Ah’m sorry Ah can’t be
there to help you through whatever you’re going through. Ah… can’t save others when Ah can’t even save mah-self. Just the thought
makes me weak, makes me ashamed… GOTTA SNAP OUTTA IT! Ah can’t dwell
on that right now… It’ll ruin my buzz that I’m gettin from lookin at? Damn… Ah
don’t know why Ah’m… actin all schizo, but? Just lookin at her layin here like
this? She’s… still gorgeous, you’re still gorgeous Lynn… Still sexy, still got
it. Brandy ran her hand lightly up Lynn’s nylon covered leg. She could feel the
tears and stretches all along it from Lynn’s fight with Angie. From all of the
fighting and wresting and all of that shit “Angie kept slamming you
down onto the floor,” she moaned softly like a bitch in heat “Ah couldn’t decide what to do while Ah was watching. Ah’m sorry Lynn,
Ah shoulda raced right out there and helped you, but? Ah’m… so confused… I wuz… So
confused, but not anymore. Ah know what Ah want… Ah’m gonna help you outta this
Lynn, so don’t you worry. We Southern Girls gotta stick together…”
Brandy didn’t rush herself as
she caressed the inside of Lynn’s calf, admired the fact that she was still in
good shape, had great legs, but also? In a… weird… perverse way…
she loved the fact that… She felt as though she had managed to convince the
Empress Dowager, not to kill the defeated Queen, while she secretly longed to
save the Queen’s life. She’d fought hard, but in the end the Empress Dowager
and her army were just too much for the Queen and her army. Now it wasn’t just
the Deposed Princess that the Empress Dowager had defeated, but now she had
also defeated and captured the Queen of the Creole’s, and worse, she had
defeated her before, badly! Brandy could see that the Empress Dowager was
sending a message to the Queen of Creole’s. Ah know that you were puttin a
whippin on Lynn’s ass so that she could see that she’s got no right ta talk
shit to you. Just the thought made Brandy even hornier. Both her and Queen Lynn
were now Angie’s bitches to do with as she pleased! But Brandy knew that Angie
wanted to kill Queen Lynn, and she COULDN’T ALLOW THAT! NOH! NOT NOW! Not now… Not now that… Ah… see that…Brandy just kept
caressing slowly… rubbing… Queen Lynn’s leg, her
Queen! The woman who would become, her advisor, her travel
companion… and manager… Ah need ta find… other
girls like meh… wandering around… out here in the Hinterlands… Willing to
follow meh… back to this safe haven that Angie was tryin ta take meh to… Where
Ah can rest up and recuperate, get my mind right. And start takin in all that
Lynn has to teach meh, tell meh, and get back into the Battle Zone League… But
who… Who would be willing to ride with meh…?
Brandy didn’t have to think
hard as she licked her lips and enjoyed the feel of her own wetness and the
afterglow of cuming from her lusting-love for this beautiful MILF laid out in
front of her. She took in… Lynn’s faint scent… from the cunt-kicking that Angie
had given her “Ah bet… you’re still wet, baby” Brandy
moaned “That bitch… that Bible Thumping…
Trrramp!” she hissed softly “Ah’ll get us out of this,
I promise, don’t worry.” In Brandy’s mind she could see herself
silently sitting in her tent, out here in this semi-open clearing where Angie
and her twice victorious army was now camped. Loaded up with all kinds of loot
from kicking the crap out of Brandy’s useless-ass-army! And now Lynn’s. In her
mind? She could see some of her handmaidens sneaking to her tent, as she ignored
the sounds of the spoils of war that would break through the cold night air,
from one of Angie’s men enjoying either one of Brandy’s own bitches, or Lynn’s.
Brandy had risked everything to make sure that Angie and her Amazon Generals
didn’t just kill Queen Lynn, NOH! And now in the dead of night while Angie’s
bitches and bastards were fucking her and Lynn’s defeated damsels and seized
sluts. Now was the time to sneak away and check on Queen Lynn, let her know
that she wasn’t in here by herself and that she had a plan! A plan where the
two of them would be able to break free of the Empress Dowager and get away! To
start over…
“Ah know that
you know,” she purred softly as her hand started traveling up Lynn’s
leg “who would willingly follow meh, follow us…”
Brandy’s breathing was shallow as she felt every little nick and tear of her
newfound advisor’s stockings. She remembered how Angie kept powering Lynn down
onto her ass and she felt ashamed by the fact that she didn’t make a decision
sooner, instead of trying to play both sides of the fence. Her hand glided up
the inside of Lynn’s leg till it reached the hem of Lynn’s power mini-skirt… but? Can’t believe Angie actually… beat u like
this? At first Ah thought she wuz just braggin an stuff, but now? No… Ah c that now she wuz talkin the way she wuz
talkin because she knowz you Lynn. She knows you baby, and she knowz you from
the fact that she’d beaten your ass before… But… Why do Ah keep comin back in
here? I keep… comin back in here… She’d made meh… She’d beat meh… earlier…
Brandy could see her
handmaiden’s, two lovely, big-breasted, dark-skinned Black women. Dressed in as
much concealment as they could get, to make sure that the guards didn’t see
their faces, and know that they were the now defeated Princesses skulking
little spies within the overly exuberant encampment of the Empress Dowager.
Quickly Brandy gathered up her courage and followed them out of her tent. The
guards had gone to sleep early thanks to some more of Brandy’s more loyal girls
who had given themselves to them to get them away from her tent. Following the
urgings of her handmaidens, Princess Brandy was quickly rushing across the
moonless night, trying to weave her way through the dimly lit sections of
Angie’s encampment to get to the tent that held a potential ally, and more. Her excitement was twofold. The fact that if she
was caught!? It would mean her end, but also!? The
fact that if she could reach Queen Lynn, she could prove that she was willing
to follow her anywhere and that if they worked together? They could escape this
place and try one last time to rebuild their respective Queendom’s!
In a flash Brandy was brought
out of her imagination and back to the real world “Whut wuz
Angie lookin for earlier?” Brandy realized that Angela had searched
everywhere, but she didn’t know what exactly Angie was looking for. Whatever it
was, she finally found what she was looking for, but she’d turned Lynn’s high
priced car upside down in search of it. What Princess Brandy didn’t know was
that the Empress Dowager found it on Queen Lynn herself in the end. She didn’t
bother to tell the Princess what she was looking for, but Brandy continued to
play her role of confused cunt. She played it off, as far as not waking up and
all that, even though she’d watched the fight down to the last licks that her
precious Queen Lynn ended up taking. Before sneaking back in here, she’d snuck
into Angie’s room… and pilfered the precious necklace that Lynn had fought so
bitterly to get back. She still couldn’t figure out though what the “other
thing was” that Angie was looking for and she couldn’t keep pressing her luck
searching Angie’s room. She’d found her Queen’s necklace, a token that she
could show Lynn that she was serious… Whatever thuh other thing
wuz… Ah couldn’t find it…
Now Brandy took long,
luxurious steps, enjoying the feel of her own high-heels against this wooden
floor. All kinds of thoughts danced through her mind! Ah wanna
taste u so bad, Lynn. Ah bet u taste so fuckin sweet right about now? Especially
after Angie put her foot so far up this nice round ass of yours. Ah know, ah
know, it’s so much fuckin bullshit, isn’t it? Gettin beat by some holier than
thou Christian Cunt! Brandy continued to trace her mahogany nailed
fingers up the contours of Lynn’s body, over the smooth hill of Lynn’s power
mini-skirted ass. It wasn’t right, whut she did 2 u, I know, I
know. Shhhh, don’t worry… I’m on your side your highness. I may be a Deposed
Pop Princess, but we Princesses gotta stick together, right?
Brandy’s heel slowly echoed from her heel-to-toe step, as she walked
next to Lynn’s prone body, as she so desperately wanted to savor this. You’re
so vulnerable right now, Lynn? So… powerless… Is
this… whut I looked like… from all of those times I got my butt kicked in Stone
Rage’s League? Hear he might be steppin down due to corruption or something?
Looks like we all got some kinda legal trouble with the law, it’s depressing,
isn’t it Lynn? Don’t worry, Brandy slowly found
her fingers… tracing the fringes of Lynn’s mini-skirt. Ah’m here
now, she sighed to herself. Slowly she slid her fingers up
underneath the waistband and found the flawlessly seamed zipper, as she softly
reassured her unconscious new mentor “Ah’m gonna get us out of
this. And,” she glanced down and felt her mouth watering as she
slowly undid Lynn’s mini-skirt “take care of you. Ah’ll
take good care of you, ‘cause… ‘Cause I need you ta help meh,” she
cocked her head to the side as she finally could see, what she was sooo sure
she would see “Ah won’t leave you behind, Lynn. And Ah’m
sorry Ah was such a coward earlier. Ah just didn’t know whut Ah wanted, but not
Brandy savored the shape, the
sight, of Lynn’s exposed ass. Now between me, you and whomever is reading this…
Bitch is kinda crazy, seriously though. But I guess with the hell that she’s
been through, odds are that something is bound to give.
As Brandy stood… gawking, in all honesty. Her
mind was stuck again, in her first time, when she’d gotten the chance to take
advantage of a thoroughly defeated Halle Berry, way back when. Lynn’s power
mini-skirt fit perfectly around her beautiful backside “Look at
that… ass,” Brandy sighed as
she caressed it, softly, lovingly “Ah wish Ah had an ass… Ah
betcha sum fool would be like ‘Whut chu mean, Brandy? U crazy’!” She
kept it down as she chuckled to herself, but she knew that a Black woman with
no ass? NO ASS!?!?
That’s like a White woman with NO TITS! A Black woman with no ass,
no hips, no curves!?!? Brandy lightly scraped her nails, ever so lightly across
Lynn’s exposed ass as she sighed “Ah’m not a Black woman…” Then she looked up
and smiled “Good thing nobody’s here ta hear that shit. No photogs, no tabloid
trash, no mindless groupies. Headlines read; Brandy says she ain’t got no ass,
membership to the Black race, revoked!” then it dawned on her “Did Ah just say
‘Ah ain’t got no ass’?! Ah’m losin my fool mind, see whut happens when somebody
sees a Black woman’s ass? They lose their fool ass, mind! Mind you, you ain’t
got one of them just, ridiculous lookin asses, thank God. Buffie the Body, nnn,
no, that’s too much ass! Like tryin tah
live my whole life on chocolate! Just ain’t a smart thing ta do!”
Brandy felt a wave of fuckin
lust as she was smirkin to herself and went with it! She bent over abruptly! And took
her sopping wet tongue! And proceeded to lick Lynn’s ass in a long stroke
towards her t-string! Then she pressed the side of her face, RIGHT INTO the streak of spittle! That she had
licked along Lynn’s ass! She whined softly as she gripped the other half of
Lynn’s ass “Ah won’t let’er keep us apart, Lynn!
Ah won’t let’er get away with doin this to you.
That bitch!” Brandy rubbed
the side of her face against Lynn’s ass as she caressed and rubbed up and down
her body like a possessed-obsessed, IDIOT! “Soooh
beautiful, sooooh wrong whut she did ta u! Ah’ll kiss it an make it all better,
baby!” Brandy moved aside Lynn’s t-string and buried her face in Lynn’s
pantyline! Slathering her holes with her tongue and sloppy cockspit! WHINING
I guess Angie’s in here? Nope,
place is dark as all hell… Huhhhhl, didn’t
realize it would take me so long to get up here, but? What’s that
noise? Little bit of light from over there… I guess Angie’s still
up, in here. She needs to turn on some lights around here iF---
sHe!?!? HUH!?!!WHuT in
As soon as Brandy heard that she damn near peed herself from FRIGHT! She stood up stiff as a fuckin board! As she
turned to see someone standing in the doorway to the infirmary! Oh crap, it’s Angie!
What in the world is she
DOING!?!! I know she wasn’t just “I said ‘What are you doing!?!!’”
Brandy tried to collect herself as whoever the haughty sounding bitch was?!?!
She knew it wasn’t Angie as her tone and the authority it carried! Made Brandy
take a few steps back! Then Brandy started to respond when whomever it was came
out of the doorway and into the dim-light to ask her again “WHAT, are you doing, Brandy?!”
Tamera!?” fuck is this bitch doing
way out, uh-oh!? Looks like Angie called in reinforcements! Great, another
Bible thumpin bitch.
Tamera gave Brandy a sideways
look as she knew full well that she just saw this sick bitch… li-li-LICKING “Were,” she still couldn’t believe that “were you
just licking Lynn Whitfield’s, ASS!?”
Brandy immediately started
shaking her head “NO! Don’t b
silly! NO WAY!”
“Keep it down dumb ass, Angie’s tryin ta sleep!”
But Tamera wasn’t havin it “YES YOU WERE!”
SHIT! AH’M, COLE-BUSTED! Brandy could see that her
plans were becoming undone if this LOUDMOUTH! KEPT BEING LOUD “Tamera!? Would you keep it down!?!!”
But Tamera could see that
Brandy was up in here “You sSSSick, FREAK! Are you trying to take
advantage of her!?” Brandy hoped that Tamera would offer to join in, but
instead Tamera immediately approached the infirmary bed, mad as hell! Forcing
Brandy to retreat to the head of the bed! Tamera still couldn’t believe the
fact that “Jesus Christ, I knew you were messed up, but this is crazy!” I better find
Angie! I didn’t think it was THIS BAD!
Lickin unconscious ass, what the hell?
Quickly Tamera started to zip Lynn back up when she heard the sharp-quick-taps
of high heels! She started to look up as she asked Brandy “What are you, OH!?!!”
Brandy crashed into Tamera and
the two of them went flying back towards the doorway of the infirmary “It’s not
personal Tamera! But Ah gotta shut you up!” Tamera tried to regain her balance,
but then they both fell in a heap out into the hallway “OW!”
“Be QUIET I SAID!” “Brandy?! YOU BETTER GET OFFA ME!” I didn’t drive all this damn way
for this CRAP “I said, GET OFF!”
Brandy was shocked as shit as Tamera actually muscled her off of her and shoved
her aside! For Brandy, the jig was up! She didn’t know that Angie had called
someone else after her fight with Lynn!? If all of this noise hadn’t already
woke Angie up? The longer this went on, the worse it would get! The Deposed Pop
Princess knew that if she didn’t silence this guard,
then everything she’d worked so hard to try to do was done for! Ah’m too close
now to let it all slip away! Ah know with Lynn in mah corner, Ah can finally
get out of this hole! Just haveta shut Tamera up… and get Lynn, Brandy
struggled to her feet, and get the hell outta here!
Tamera barely got herself to
her feet because she was so busy trying to keep her skirt down! This bitch is
CRAZY! I TOLD Angie not to get tangled
up with her! But does anyone listen to me? Noooooooooooh!
Tamera steadied herself on her high heels while Brandy stood up clearly still
lookin for a fight “Give it up Brandy, everybody with half-a-brain already
knows you can’t really fight!”
Now Brandy was really rarin ta
go at it “Tough talk from a pacifist!”
Pacifist?!?! When did I ever
“I’m not a paci-OW!”
Brandy knew that Tamera’s dimwitted ass would fall for that one “You’re gonna
need a pacifier after Ah knock out your teeth!” Brandy didn’t wanna lose her
momentum now that the Christian cunt was reeling! She tossed out another jab
and stung Tamera right in the face! Tamera retreated because for everything
that it was worth, this WAS NOT WHY SHE CAME OUT HERE! I came out here to help your DUMB ASS! AND THIS IS WHAT I
GET!?!! FINE THEN! I’LL SHOW YOU! But no sooner was Tamera ready to unload her righteous fury, that she tasted
another knuckle-sandwich from Brandy “You want another shot a Brandy!” Brandy
taunted as she gave chase “Don’t RUN!” Tamera staggered out into the t-section
of this hall and fell up against the finely finished wood wall and tried to
shake off how this shit was turning into a boxing match! No way will I let a
loser like her BEAT ME! She
heard Brandy’s heeled footsteps close on her and she bull-rushed right at
Brandy! Who tried to put on the brakes as she yelped “Oh SHIT!?” and got driven
to the floor! She ate the brunt of it all and she winced in pain as Tamera
climbed all over top of her “Get OFFA MEH!”
“YOU STARTED IT!” Tamera wasted no time grabbing
the scruff of Brandy’s burgundy suit coat, along with one of the collars! And
yanking her around by it! Brandy thrashed about and wild flailed till she
managed to get Tamera off of her! But one thing became clear to her in a hurry!
Tamera was definitely bigger and stronger than she was “SHIT!” Ah can’t let’er
get me down on the ground like that again!
Brandy scrambled away to get
some distance from Tamera who was hot on her heels, in her heels! Mowry looked
like she’d just come back from a business trip or meeting her damn self! But it
was the fact that Angie had called her right while she was headed back from
reviewing for a part and said to come up here right away to help her get Brandy
some help! Lighting in this place is too damn dim, Tamera cursed to herself! I
shoulda known that this wasn’t gonna turn out right when she said that she’d
gotten into it with Lynn! This psycho-bitch had better not had done anything to
Angie! Or they’ll be hell to pay for it! Brandy darted around one of the
corners and Tamera slowed down and rounded the corner ready for the!?!?
Brandy lunged out at her and
plowed her into the wall “U are really
startin ta urk me, BRANDY!” “Ah said, KEEP QUIET!” Brandy tried to dish out
some forearms to Tamera, but she’d gotten in too close and quickly found
herself getting grabbed AGAIN! SHIT! Can’t believe Ah just went and fuckin did
whut Ah just fuckin told mah-self not ta DO! GOTTA BACK OFFA HER! The two of
them struggled hard as hell, but then with a hard groan! NOH! Tamera
overpowered Brandy, who whined pathetically! Tamera quickly swapped spots with
the Deposed Pop Princess and slammed her into the corner “SHIT!?!!”
I gotta get outta “UH!”
But before she could get out of the corner, Tamera connected with a makeshift
body shot and then just barreled into her full blast! JAMMING BRANDY UP INTO
THE CORNER “FUCK!” Brandy flailed around trying to
force her way out of the corner, her heels sounding all too familiar as she
scraped at the floor for traction! Gotta get this BITCH UP OFFA MEH!!!! She
tried to push her off, PUSH HER AWAY! But Tamera was too strong! Brandy whined
again and tried to force her way out as they were scuffling in this corner! To
Brandy she saw Tamara as one of the Empress Dowager’s cute little CUNTS! That
still were far more stable than she was! Another piece of an old power
structure long since gone! A Baroness!? YES! A Banished Baroness! Fuckin Tia
and Tamera were practically dead in the Hollywood waters too! Fuckin one-hit
But Tamera was only concerned
that crazy ass Brandy! May have done something to Angie “Up in here…” Brandy
was taller than her, wiry, but she wasn’t as strong “Lickin ass, ay!?” “U SHUD-UP!” but Brandy couldn’t get out from
underneath Tamera as she kept her pinned hard in the corner! Ah can’t go down,
wasn’t cooperating, nor was she playing around as she started to finally get
control of Brandy! Brandy kept digging and dredging through her mind! Trying to
psych herself up! But Tamera was just too fuckin strong! She started to cave in
on herself as both of them knew that the moment Tamera finally got her hands on
Brandy’s arms!?!? It was over! Brandy was trying to struggle, plus keep QUIET!
And it wasn’t working, AT ALL! AH CAN’T GO DOWN HERE! NOT NOW! Ah… jess haveta…!?!?
Tamera cried out “UHHL!” and
gave Brandy a little bit of breathing room as she tried to make sense of what
Brandy had just “HUHHL!” LITTLE BITCH! She narrowed her eyes as Brandy had
delivered another sharp knee to her GUT! Then she felt Brandy driving against
her hard, whining like the sick little FREAK that she obviously was! Trying to
force her way out of the corner! You’ll so pay for that “Bitch!” she gasped as
she pulled Brandy into her and just went with IT! Brandy’s eyes flew open in
shock as she yelped like the bitch that she is as Tamera took her own attempt
to get out! And used it to help carry her
over and send them both crashing
to the fuckin floor AGAIN! Brandy could see that this was the same shit that
Angie kept doing to Lynn and it ended up causing Lynn to eventually get laid
low! She struggled to regain her bearings as she’d once again taken the full
brunt of the impact from falling and then having Tamera’s heavy half-breed ass
FALL ON TOP OF HER! Ah can’t lose this, she gasped as she crawled to her feet,
dazed and disoriented! Haveta get back to mah feet, but Brandy could feel the
fact that Tamera was practically up on her ass! RIGHT BEHIND HER! Mah baby iz
countin on meh! Ah GOTTA GET UP!
But the moment she felt Tamera
grab her she bitch-barked partially out of surprise and mostly out of fear! But
also because she was struggling so fuckin badly! A part of her was damn near
ready to just roll over and give up to Tamera! She could see herself bound and
brought before the Empress Dowager, CAUGHT by one of the Empress Dowagers,
Baroness Bitches. She knew that Angela would be lounging on one of those long
fuckin throne-beds! WHATEVER THE FUCK THEY WERE CALLED! But the bitch would be
looking down from her little elevated dais, bastards fanning her as she looked
down on her… shaking her head slowly at her treachery. Ah can’t let
it end like this!
By the time Brandy snapped out
of it, Tamera had already forced her up to her feet! She heard her say some
shit to her before she started shaking her senseless by her shoulders! Which
only scrambled Brandy’s already refried brain further!
She grabbed hold of Tamera off of instinct as she tried to pull away from her!
But once again found herself unable to escape or break free! She never thought
that Tamera Mowry was this fuckin STRONG! And the fact that the bitch seemed to
always be able to muscle her whichever way she wanted to, made Brandy’s mind
and pussy weak! She was already wet with want for Lynn. Then being CAUGHT!
Actually made her even wetter! Now she was playing out her fantasy with
everything riding on her winning or losing! And she was quickly being shown
that Tamera may have never fought in the BZL, but the bitch and her sister did
fight in the V1 League, and they did pretty damn good for themselves whenever
they did! So now it was looking more and more like the Deposed Pop Princess was
about to be laid out alongside her lover! And that only made her that much more
hornier! Because she knew that Lynn was broken! And she herself was barely
clinging to any kind of slim defiance to escape from Angela’s evil clutches!
She pushed off of Tamera finally “Let goh a me, your BREATH IS KICKIN WITH ALL
Tamera staggered back and
quickly righted herself as she quietly told Brandy “You’ve totally lost it. I
mean you have really, lost it!”
Brandy had her back to the
wall, pressing her knees together as she was slumped-stooped over forward,
panting softly… till she lifted her chin up… looking down her nose at Tamera as
she moaned quietly “Ah had it all… Ah want it back… And Ah’m gonna get it all
back… Lynn’s gonna help meh” “Lynn is laid out unconscious and you were licking her ass, Brandy. You
need help, you need to see a psychiatrist or something.” “Ah don’t need ta see
anybody.” “Brandy, c’mon? This is pointless, Angela is just trying to help
you.” “Ah don’t want that bitches help.” “Brandy?” “Bitch knocked meh the fuck
out,” Brandy damn near slid down the wall “then she beat mah baby.” “What in
the world are you talking about, listen to yourself?! You don’t even KNOW
Lynn!? You’re just confused and scared.”
Brandy looked away and started
to cry as she told Tamera “You don’t know whut it’s like… Tah have the whole
world at your fingertips… And then it’s just all gone in an instant.”
Tamera stood up straight as
Brandy just started crying profusely, trying not to look at her “I know about
what happened in Stone Rage’s League.” “Be quiet!” Brandy looked back at her
“You juss shut your mouth!” But Tamera looked at her with so much concern and
for the life of Brandy it disarmed her as Tamera told her “It was the main
reason why my sister and I never really took this whole celebrity catfighting
thing too seriously. As things started to really, change.
We decided it would be better to just stick to the lower leagues, where things
didn’t get out of hand, you know?”
Brandy nodded slowly, as she
stood staring at Tamera, trembling “Ah’m so confused Tamera.
So much went on, too much happened, you know? Ah… did things… that…?”!
Tamera could see that Brandy
was on the verge of total collapse, poor girl, she
said to herself. Slowly she walked over to her and told her softly “It’s okay, Brandy. We’ll help you get through this, okay? Just… let us
help you, okay?” Brandy nodded slowly as she couldn’t stop crying or
shaking like a leaf. Everything that had happened to her over the last five
years came crashing in on her and she just started crying like a baby! Tamera
quickly caught her as she fell and they fell to their knees “It’s okay Brandy, we’ll help you. Don’t,” she was slightly
shocked and surprised as she slowly-softly… stumbled out the words “wah-wa-wwwworry…” The feel
of Brandy’s lips against her and the passion of her kiss, the desperation as
she held onto Tamera like she was the last person on earth! She couldn’t help
feeling her own pussy twinge at the sudden expression of emotion from Brandy,
nor her own return of the kiss as Brandy began rubbing her back and running her
hand down to her ass and rubbing her leg as she sat here holding her. The feel
of Brandy’s other hand stroking her hair as her other hand was rubbing her
stocking covered leg!?
BACK GASPING “Oh-OH-KAY! Enuff of that!” She
quickly tried to regain her bearings as Brandy looked at her with such a look
of innocent intent and emotions that were clearly caught up in the fact that
Tamera showed her genuine belief, concern, for her, in her “Oh-oh-kay, Bran, Brandy. Le-let’s just, whew! Let’s just… simmer down.”
Tamera gently took Brandy’s hand from off of her leg “Let’s just… simmer down, okay.”
Brandy looked at her and asked
her quietly “Did you feel it?”
Tamera gave her a nervous look
and an even more nervous smile “Fe-feel what? I, I didn’t
feel nothin, feel? What? Where?
Brandy licked her lips and
asked her again, softly “Ah know u felt it. It felt
good, didn’t it?” “Brandy?” Tamera
sighed, but Brandy pressed her, softly, as she spoke “You see,
see? Before Ah got into the BZL, Ah wuz never runnin around kissin girls and
stuff like that. But…it felt nice, didn’t it?” Tamera fixed her hair
and quickly stammered back “Ju-just because something,” she searched for words as
she was looking for spiritual strength to get her through this maze “Just because, something feels nice?
Doesn’t mean, that its right.” Brandy’s face immediately went blank, which
caused Tamera to sit forward wondering what was wrong and right into a
bitch-slap. Brandy wasted no time in savagely crashing into Tamera and slamming
her onto her back! Tamera managed to cry out as Brandy crawled up her body
clearly trying to face-sit her! But once again Tamera was just too fuckin
strong for the sneaky little bitch! With a disgusted and VERY ANGRY groan!
Tamera managed to fight through her momentary stunned stupor! And fend off
Brandy’s surprise attack by wrestling her off of her!
Brandy scurried to her feet!
Horny as hell at having at least gotten a taste of Tamera and seeing the fact
that Tamera wasn’t quite as strong as Angela was, when it came to being
enticed… to the Darkside! She had
hoped that Tamera would fall for her female charms, bitch is strong! She’s much
stronger than Ah could’ve possibly imagined! She’d make a great subordinate
bitch for me and my group, but she’s still drinkin that Jim Jones Kool-aide!
Too bad… too fuckin bad! But even as Brandy was saying that to herself, she was
trying to keep back that sinking feeling in her slit that she’d misfired
somehow and missed not only a chance to turn Tamera, but now she had gotten her
angry and her guard was up. The element of surprise was gone now as she raced
back to the infirmary! She could hear Tamera right behind her as she rounded
the corner and she could see the doorway up ahead on her left. It was still too
damn dim in here as she quickly darted into the infirmary only to be tackled
from behind “NOH!!!!”
Tamera was fuming now “I try
to treat you with some understanding and you try to SNEAK MEH!?!! GET UP,
Brandy struggled to pull away
NOT THE ONLY THING I’M GONNA RIP!” Tamera slapped the shit out of Brandy who
cried out and slumped! She was still caught in Tamera’s clutches! Brandy tried
to breakaway! But Tamera held her hard and firm! Pulled her off-balance and
slammed her up against Lynn’s bed! Lynn was still face down, ass exposed. Her
t-string still pulled aside, wedged up her pussy from Brandy trying to eat her
out! The two bitches bounced off of her bed and fell over onto their sides on
her prone body! Till Tamera once again proved the stronger bitch and pulled
Brandy up as she was righting her own self! Brandy bitch-barked because Tamera
was just having her fuckin way with her! She tried to break free but couldn’t
and that just caused her cunt to cream even more! Tamera forced Brandy sideways
and SHOVED Brandy’s arms down! So she could give the raunchy little bitch a
good shot to her CHIN! Brandy yelped hard as fuck and reeled only to get yanked
back by Tamera! Who stopped her by grabbing her arm as she was stumbling away!
Brandy cried out again as the violent shaking and change of direction along
with her own heat and fucked up thoughts!?!? Had her seeing stars and streaks
as Tamera landed another solid shot to her BODY! She curled in on herself and
shuffled back only for Tamera to yank her back to her hard as fuck, so she
Brandy’s eyes opened wide as
she spritzed her panties with a bit of piss from being punched so fuckin hard!
She struggled for air as she whined with her mouth hanging open! Only to take
another gut-punch and a few solid body shots from Tamera! She let out a choked
off scream as she fell up against Tamera who quickly shoved her upright with a
disgusted groan! Grabbed Brandy as she was whining like a bitch! She then took
the Depraved Pop Princess and slung her into the corner! Near the entryway to
the doorway that they’d just come in from! Brandy bitch-barked as soon as she
hit the corner hard! She reached back and grabbed at the wall for support as
she remembered how Lynn had gotten polished off against the wall by Angela
earlier! Everything was blurry, her fuckin heart was pounding hard in her
chest! And her pussy was drooling harder in her panties! She could hear moreso
than see, especially with the lights being so fuckin low! Ah’m finished! AH’M
FINISHED!!!! Lynn Ah tried, Ah’m sorry!
Tamera slammed into Brandy who
immediately cried out and arched her back as her whole body trembled from
Tamera bashing herself into Brandy! She picked up her chin as she felt Tamera
grinding against her in the corner. She whispered in Tamera’s ear hot and heavy
“Ah know… you liked it… Ah’m just sorry… Ah wasn’t better… at this… we coulda…
used you… on Team Whitney…”
Tamera tried to ignore
Brandy’s words… but she felt Brandy’s tongue, her lips, close to her ear… then
she felt… the slick grazing… as Brandy was clearly… licking her ear “You… need Jesus!” ”
Softly Tamera heard from
behind her “She probably does, but not today.”
Tamera felt the sharp sting as
someone hit her from behind! Then grabbed her and pulled her up off of Brandy!
Tamera had also spritzed her own panties from being startled by someone
sneaking up on her. Never mind that Brandy’s little stunt in the hallway…
really had turned her on. She struggled in shock as someone got her into a
full-nelson and held her HARD AND TIGHT “WHUT THE FUCK!?!?” Tamera struggled
hard as she could! But she’d been taken off-guard and she was still feelin
woozy with warm fuzzies from the heat of Brandy’s kiss, plus her bizarre
tonguing of her ear, THEN!? Being hit in the back of the head at the height of
her heat and victory!?!? The room was barely staying still as she struggled
slowly through her stupor “NNNH! Let, GOH!”
The world came flooding back
in as Brandy heard someone tell her “SNAP OUT OF IT!” Brandy shook her head and
could feel the fact that she was still standing up! As she heard someone tell
her again “C’MON GIRL! SNAP OUT OF IT!” Brandy batted her eyes and groaned hard
as she righted herself, trying to figure out how long had she been out!?!? Till
she heard someone tell her “I CAN’T HOLD HER MUCH LONGER! TAKE THE SHOT!”
Tamera struggled as she
finally recovered from the cheap shot from behind! She started to break out
when she heard Brandy’s groan in front of her and barely picked her head up to
see that Brandy hadn’t gone down from getting smashed into the corner! SHIT!?!?
Tamera could see that Brandy was totally fucked up, but the bitch behind her
Now Lynn was panicking! She
quickly told Brandy “If she comes in here it’s over! SHUT
HER UP!” she sneered!
Tamera cried out for help “ANGIE!!!! HELP MEH!!!!”
Brandy came out of the corner and
sharply but shut up, for the moment! As soon as she went to cry out again!?
Brandy was right there with a hard as hell GUT PUNCH! To her exposed
midsection! Tamera cried out and lurched forward in Lynn’s grip! She stomped at
the floor as she started to wail in her mind for her twin sister to help her!
But then she felt the sharp shot to her breadbasket again as Brandy unloaded
another gut punch that took the wind out of her sails hard! She started panting
for air as Brandy gave her two shots to the tits, which were held wide open and
exposed thanks to Lynn! Tamera’s closed beige suit coat, blouse and bra!
Provided her with a bit of protection, but Brandy teed off two more times while
Lynn cinched up her hold on her! She tried to kick out with her heels but
Brandy’s punches and Lynn’s hold was just fucking her up! She grit her teeth as
her mane of hair fell all around her face as Brandy teed off two more tit-shots
that shook her whole fuckin body “You bitch,” Tamera sneered spittle between her
teeth as she was starting to sink into unconsciousness “you fuckin
bitch, Brandy!
Tried ta help your ass! Tried ta help! UH-fuck! UH-shit! U stupid CUNT!”
Brandy teed off and gave
Tamera a full body forearm! Right to her exposed GUT “Shud-up, BITCH! Go ta sleep all ready,
Tamera lurched forward still
stuck in Lynn’s full-nelson! She’d never gotten her cunt kicked this badly
before! And the fact that she’d come here hoping to help Angie, help Brandy!
Only to be ambushed by the bitch she came here to HELP!?!? It pushed her over
the edge as Brandy gave her one more forearm to her exposed stomach! She whined
helplessly as she coughed and stuck her tongue out drooling cockspit from
continuously being hammered in her stomach, while being held open by the bitch
that was supposed to be OUT COLD!?!? She gave off a straining soft whine “Tia… helllp meh…” as she passed out and pissed herself. Lynn
let go of her and quickly grabbed Tamera by her black hair and let her slump
down her legs till she crumpled in a heap at Lynn’s feet.
Brandy immediately crouched
down and held Tamera’s face and started trying to bring her back around!?
Lynn raised an eyebrow, still
exhausted from earlier as she asked “Whut are you doing?”
Brandy feverishly looked up at
Lynn and told her “I think she can help us!” “Are you serious?” Lynn asked in
disbelief, but Brandy shot back in a frantic turn “I kissed her earlier and she
just got all turned around and stuff! I think she can be talked into”
Lynn cut her off “We just
finished beating the piss out of her, literally. It’s a little late for trying
to convince her to help us, don’t ya think?” Brandy looked at her with the
shock of a little girl who’d been told that her favorite pet isn’t coming back
this time. Lynn wasted no time “We’ve gotta get ready for Angie.”
Brandy snapped out of it as
she caressed Tamera’s face “NO! We can’t fight with Angie, we gotta get outta
here!” “No way!” Lynn’s temper flared up as she told Brandy “I need my necklace
back!” but Lynn’s eyes softened as Brandy pulled out her necklace and quickly
told Lynn “C’mon! No way Angie didn’t hear all THAT noise. Let’s just GO!”
But then they both snapped
their attention to the doorway as Angie cried out “WHAT HAVE
Lynn gripped Tamera’s mane and
told her “STAY BACK! C’mere Brandy, get up!” Brandy immediately got up and hurried over to stand
next to Lynn as Angela was burning with anger at seeing what these two cunts
had done to Tamera! But Lynn quickly told her “See how God works in
mysterious ways, bitch!
I came up here just like this fool I
got in my hands, because you
fuckin claimed to have needed help!” Angela went to speak but
Lynn cut her off “You lured meh here! To force meh to help you take Brandy to
Geese for help! When I said NO, you
shoulda respected my decision insteada forcing
your own fucked up opinion on me, JUST LIKE LAST TIME! Well just like last time,” Lynn sneered
“you won the fuckin battle and lost the war!
Team Whitney was a buncha BULLSHIT FROM THE DOOR!
And this time is no different!” Lynn was burning with bitterness as she
admitted “You beat me, both times! But what did it matter,
what does it matter, ANGELA!?
Look at how it keeps coming back! Tamera got sucked into this because of your ass! And she got ambushed the same way that you ambushed me! I don’t need ta be some
Zen philosopher or some shit like that! Now… you move
the fuck outta the way… and I’ll take Brandy to see Geese on my own.” Angela
stood there heated till Lynn roared at her “MOOOVE,
Angela understood Lynn’s truthful taunt… and she
reluctantly… moved…
Lynn asked Brandy “Do you have
my car keys?”
“No, but Ah have mine.”
“Fine, we’ll take your car,
and I’ll send someone to get my fuckin car.” Lynn never took her eyes off of
Angela “Now you just move aside… otherwise I can’t be responsible for kneeing
Tamera in the back of her big fat watermelon head. Go on, move…”
Angela carefully moved aside…
as Lynn reached down and pulled Tamera up. She was out cold, and heavy as hell.
Plus Lynn was still far from 100%, but she had to get out of here, now! She knew that all Angela wanted to
do was prove a point that was lonnnng since a moot
fuckin point! By bringing Brandy to Geese’s Estate, with her, Lynn, in tow. You
aren’t gonna try to serve me up like some platter to cover your own ass over
what happened lonnnng time ago! Other people might think you’re some kind of
fuckin saint! But not me, and you won’t use me as a scapegoat to try to patch
things up with him. We all made our fuckin choices, and you did yours the worst
way. Lynn carefully got Tamera up and over her shoulder, while having Brandy
help her as they carefully went by Angela who was now out in the hallway,
backing away from them “Just stay there, bitch.” Carefully…
they made their way out through the training hall, their heels clicking off the
hardwood floor. Brandy trying desperately to support Lynn, knowing that she was
practically out on her feet “Lean on meh, Lynn.” “We just gotta get to the car,
okay?” “Oh-kay.” and just that much was enough
to have Brandy on cloud-9! She kept checking to see and sure enough, Angela was
slowly following them through the training hall “We’re almost there, Lynn.”
Once they got to the main
training hall… Lynn kept her stride with Brandy helping support Tamera over her
right shoulder. She quietly told Brandy “We’ll carry her out to the
car and then you go on ahead and start the car while I set her down, okay?”
“Right, you can count on meh, Lynn.”
As soon as they got out of the
training hall, they could see the faint signs of the sun coming up. Brandy
guided Lynn to her car and quietly asked “Can we take Tamera with
us?” “No, Brandy. Tamera has to make her own decisions and what just
went down isn’t exactly gonna sit too well with her, or anybody else for that
matter. Let’s just get out of here and maybe some other time down the road,
maybe then…” Brandy nodded and cursed herself for not being able to better use
the golden opportunity that she knew she had somehow misplayed when she could
feel and see… that Tamera was honestly thinking about it…
Ah won’t botch it up next time. Lynn
lowered Tamera down as Brandy darted away and hopped in her car and quickly
started her Porsche! She gunned it back and swung it around as Lynn watched
Angela standing in the doorway of the Team Whitney Training Hall. She quietly
yelled up at Angela “I
can’t say that this has been fun, Angie.”
Angela said nothing.
Brandy backed up alongside
Lynn carefully and nervously told her new love and mentor “C’mon, get in!” Lynn carefully laid Tamera down on the black
asphalt and quietly apologized to Tamera for having her fall into the same shit
that she’d been snared in by Angela. Then she looked up at Angela and licked
her lips and told her “Go
home to your husband, Angie. And
forget about celebrity catfighting! Stone Rage! the BZL and especially Geese! You had your shot…! and you blew it!” with that, Lynn got in and Brandy eased
her car out onto the main road and down the winding roadway while Angela picked
Tamera up and held her against her… and glared at them as they hauled ass off
into the early morning light “It’s not over, Lynn… Just… to be continued… for now…”

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DOWNLOAD - RagDoll Vol.3 (Vanessa vs. Sayuri)