Nightmares of Futures Past

Kelly Hu: Nightmares of Futures Past Part Three
Kelly felt flush with fear and Dog responded by growling at Mason as she
approached the two of them, but Kelly "I'm warning you Mason,
stay back!" But for all of Kelly's warning's? She was
slowly backing up... slowly running herself ragged with fear that... something really
bad was about to happen to her. SHIT!
What do I DO!?!? I can't, why am I? Kelly's
whole body was actually quaking in fear and she backed up a bit more, trying to
muster up her courage as Mason was slowly walking towards her like one
of those Resident Evil zombie bitches! Dog started barking at Mason
and tried to jump out of Kelly's arms to defend her, but Kelly was scared to
death that Mason might!?!? She couldn't bare the thought of her only friend
getting hurt by this!?!? THIS!?!?! "ST, st-STAY
AWAY FROM MEH!" but Mason kept walking towards her and the pale
moonlight that caught her face, showed that there was nobody home "Mason?
Ma, Mason pleaz! Just" Kelly was
actually on the verge of tears because she could hear herself and she sounded
She actually
wanted those two fuck-tards back that were just drilling this
bitch a second ago "Mah-Mason, I, I didn't
mean to raise my voice, just" she then told Dog "Stop,
stop-she's, she's just cun, confused?" she
looked at Mason and nodded as she tried to convince Mason "You...
You're, you're just confused! Right, right!?
Pleaz, ohgod pleaz, Mason"
then Kelly cried out as she actually fell back into the plush upholstery of the
easy chair that she'd used to spy on the shit that was going on outside!
Kelly tried to back peddle in her easy chair, tried to hold on to Dog! The tall
back of the easy chair was soft and warm, but the cold shivers and scared stiff
streaks that ran down her literal yellow spine were just too fuck much for this
one proud bitch to bare! She started to cry out, but everything happened so FUCKIN
FAST!!!! She arched her back and writhed in agony as she
carefully clutched Dog! She couldn't believe it ended like
this! LIKE THIS!?!? My whole life, all
of my hard work... reduced to ashes in one foul-swoop... ruined,
she moaned as Mason finished her off "I'm... ruuuu-end,
ruined... everything," Dog lapped at her face and
whimpered as she sunk back against the chair whining as Mason was doing her in
"everything... gone... all gone... ruined..."
Everything was
flashing before her glazed over eyes..
The ups-and-downs,
the highs-and-lows. Her love life, the ones that got away, the ones that she
should have let get away, and the only one that stayed with her as she climbed
the Hollywood Hill "Mushu..." She moaned for her little dog
and she could hear him barking, but she couldn't move at all as her life passed
in front of her eyes in a steady stream of sights, sounds, and times long since
swept away. Her career... a compilation of empty roles that seemed
long, but never long lasting when it was all said and
done. My life, she thought, how could it... end this way... She
whispered aloud "All ruined..." as she saw how many times
she had foolishly kept going back to try and get into the world of catfighting.
She could see herself, striding confidently towards Stone Rage's office
building, sunglasses on, sexy-sassy ass swaying with the swagger that had
passerby's gawking and staring. The heat of their eyes, from staring...
always made her nipples hard... her pussy wet... as well as making
her... more than a little... hot in the ass...
again... I got overlooked... Why? I never... understood it... I never...
could understand why I could never get in... noh... noh... I can't lie to
myself anymore, I can't... I can't take this to the grave with meh... I
can't spend my last few... moments... taking a lie to the grave with
remembered time and time again... that she would sometimes come across one or
two other Asian American actresses leaving out of the Battle
Zone Building... and one stood out... and even at this late stage, this LAST
STAGE... in her life... she saw that bitch...
She saw the reflection of herself, whenever she saw that bitch... and
she hated it! The same exact swagger... the same EXACT SUNGLASSES!
The same... exact... smug-arrogant, Bitch Queen
Oh look, if it
isn't the model minority, no-talent HACK
Kelly already knew
exactly what was going through that airheaded White cock worshipping
bitches BRAIN, as she fired back with "HEYYYYYY,
LUCY!?!?" They embraced and hugged and held each other while
the aura of mutual HATRED!
ENGULFED THEM where all you needed was an ATOMIC BOMB SPECIAL EFFECT!!!!
They immediately got down to chit-chatting as they walked towards the
doors and found one too many man trying to open it for them as they went in!
Both Lucy and Kelly were looking stunning and they were going
back-and-forth like two old friends, complete with fake-laugh and fake-smile!
I guess I shouldn't have written that part... kinda ruins it. Either way, these
two continued to talk as they rode the elevator up. Signed a few autographs,
but one thing was clear. Lucy was the dominant bitch when it came to
recognition... or was she? In reality... as Kelly looked at it...
people had to do just as many double-takes for Lucy, as they did for her...
which was just... BIZARRE!
Although Lucy went
ahead of her the times that they ever bumped into each other at the Battle Zone
Building. Stone Rage was often times not in or had to re-schedule due to some
shenanigans by either the ABA or merely because his workload was so heavy.
Kelly could see the times that Lucy would leave out of his office
and immediately put her sunglasses on to hide the sour fuckin face that
she was making about trying to get in to the Battle Zone League... and
clearly being rejected or told to come back another time. A few times
Lucy didn't even fuckin play the Game, the whole wave
and front and pretend, she just? She just... She
just hauled ass up out of there as quickly as possible... It's... funny
now... now that I look at it... but I would go in next... and he
would just tell me how much he wanted me to participate... but he never had
any matches for me, and no one ever showed me any real interest... I
always resented it, but... he always stroked
my ego... kissed it and made it better... but the reality is...
No one was clamoring to see me fight... No one was... banging down his
door, DEMANDING, that I get a chance to
show my stuff... why? Why didn't I see it... before all of this
happened... why didn't I see it... before I went to Vegas... and got totally
An intense wave of
anger welled up and washed over her as she admitted to herself that... I've
always lived in Lucy's shadow... Always competed for roles
with that bitch... Always came second-fiddle, after
her cockeyed ass! But in the end? Look at meh... in the
end... look at her? What did either of us accomplish... aside from being
disposable eye-candy... I never should have... I was so stupid... so full of
myself, so full of shit! And now... now its too late... too fuckin late... to
fix this... and this bitch... I can't believe... I had this... bitch... up
underneath meh... this entire time... and now... I'm paying for my poor fuckin
choices again... again...
Kelly came
hard in Mason's mouth as Mason held her legs up in the air, wide apart!
Dog was howling at his bitch-in-heat mistress, who was wailing like Mason was killing
her! She'd never been into women, but one night in Vegas... turned her
out... completely... She went in full of
confidence, so sure that she could set things right and save the day and
FINALLY! Finally she would get accepted into Stone Rage's good
graces "I would be the one to save the day! I would be the LEADING
LADY! Everyone would worship MEH, I deserve to be WORSHIPPED,
was busy stroking her wet worn out pussy with two fingers and forcing her to
arch up as she cried out bitterly about how "I was WRONG!
Shit, I WAS WRONG! That, that---- THAT
MASON! Godd u gotta believe me, PLEAZ B-LIEVVVVE MEH!"
Kelly sat up and peered down at Mason who was kneeling between her legs,
working hard, but looking at her as if the only thing that mattered to her was
getting her mistress off "Mason," Kelly panted "Mason,
pleaZ! Pleaz say u believe meh! I'm NOT
A WEAK BITCH," Kelly turned away and grabbed, then she tried to!?!? She
was all over the fuckin place! Her tits were screaming for attention and her
nipples were throbbing white hot for someone to suck on them! But her PUSSY!?!?
This BiTCH!?!? Mason was turning her OUT AGAIN!!!!
Dog was scampering
around trying to find some room on this easy chair as his bitch-in-heat
mistress was loosing her fuckin mind as she cried out "I don't
waNNA b LIKE THIS!" she reached down again! Tried to pry
Mason up from in-between her legs, but the more she fought, the wetter she got,
the faster she came down from one climax, only to start right up again "MAY-son,
MAYSON, stop, pleAZ, I'm, ohmifuckingod!?!?
she was screaming for dear life as she was cuming again and then it started up
"Noh, PLeaz, sTop, ssstop"
she started getting bombarded by images, memories, SENSATIONS! Of how Lisa had
totally TROUNCED HER!!!! She squirmed, JERKED VIOLENTLY!
Then CRIED OUT AT THE TOP OF HER LUNGS!!!! Even Dog had no
choice but to abandon easy chair for fear of being crushed from all of her
wild-random thrashing around!
B-LIEVE THIS!?!? I CAN'T!!!! Bitch, Kelly
gripped both her tits hard as hell as Mason started sucking her pussy and
continued to plow her out mercilessly!
Ican'tfuckinbelievethatbitchbeatmesofuckinbadlikethat, SHIT,
FUCK! Kelly then abruptly let go of her tits and started
fuck-panting through her teeth hard as HELL as Mason was
MEH!?!?!" she threw her head back and cried out at her ceiling "KILLING
FUCKIN, KILLIN MeH! Dammit!" even Dogs wails were drowned
out by all of the noise that Kelly was making as her mind kept seeing images
and she kept replaying exactly how Lisa had broken her down, tore her apart,
and then put her back together again as one of her sex slaves! I'M NOT THAT WEAAAAAAAK,
I'm not, God I'm NOT! I don't like women, I
But the more she
kept saying that to herself, the more intense the memories of how she went into
Vegas, imploded against, the way she LEFT
from Vegas!
She shook her head
wildly and gave off some half-human bark and fell back into the easy chair as
she gave up all of her girl-cum to Mason's mouth and fingers! She squirted all
over her easy chair, Mason's mouth and fingers, and the fact that Mason DIDN'T
she was cuming in her slaves mouth, like Mason, was her Dog...?
Everything that she had went through at Lisa's hands, started to unravel and it
was like a light went on in Kelly's head and she immediately started a hard
fuck-panting-whine for Mason to come up to her face "C'mere, Mayson,
PLeaZ!?!?" as soon as Kelly could see the blurry shadowed
image of her hired helper she immediately drew her in by her face and started
kissing her like she was the last woman on earth and she had to have her! She
tasted her own girl-cum and relished it, licked it off of Mason's chin and she
started licking out Mason's mouth! She tried to use,
the shit that Lisa had done to her, talked to her about, as she kicked her ass
and wore her down! And sure enough, Mason relented, eagerly, easily letting
Kelly feed off of her supplication and submission, and it clicked "U
diD ThIS 4 Meh?"
Mason caressed
Kelly's face and finally showed some emotion other than single-minded grim
determination. Her eyes, softened, and the moonlight? Made her look even more
beautiful, Kelly felt something more than just; this is a beautiful woman. And
with these new found feelings? Kelly looked at her, searched her eyes, and she
felt all kinds of emotions well up in her as Mason looked more and more hurt,
more and more emotionally distraught, till she finally moaned at Kelly with a
mournful gasp "MISTRESS!?!?"
Kelly immediately
drew her in and held her close and as Mason collapsed up against
her, Kelly wrapped her legs around her and drew her in as she tried to
calm her down, but also admit to her "I'm sorry, Mason! I'M
SORRY! I never understood anything that you were doing for meh! I never
realized why you were doing what you were doing! You've stood by me since the
day you came here, and I've been such a bratty BITCH! I'm
sorry Mason, shhhh, I'm sorry!" but Kelly was quickly being overwhelmed
with reality and she didn't hide it from Mason "I don't know what I'm
doing" she moved Mason's face out of her embrace and looked at her
"I'm all fucked up now, Mason." "Mistress,"
"Noh, I don't know what 2 do and my confidence is gone! I, I don't
wanna do to you what Lisa did to meh." Kelly didn't mean to let that
part slip, but the cat was out of the bag now.
Mason gasped in disbelief "why?"
"I can't lie
to myself anymore, Mason. I went to Vegas and I got beat," she whined
"I-got-beat-bad! She turned me out" Mason tried to
reassure her mistress, but Kelly would have none of it "Noh, she
did, she beat meh. They all beat meh, humiliated meh. And it was
because I was weak" she looked Mason straight in the eyes "I'm still
weak" but even as Mason shook her head Kelly refused to let Mason lie
"Noh, look at meh, look! I called you, because, I needed
someone to talk to, a person! All of my friends, all
of my so-called friends! They won't come near meh!
The ABA, Jeri RYAN! Lisa Lipps, they BROKE
"NOH, they BeAT MEH,
too weak to fight them alone, I'm too, I'm all turned out!"
she kissed Mason's lips and shushed her as she savored the taste of her own
weak wet PUSSY on her new found sub "I never would have done this before I
left, b4 I got broken! But now? I have U, but!?
I need someone to have me! I need" Mason tried to stop her but
Kelly moaned "Lisa, I need someone like Lisa!
She broke meh, but then!?!?" Kelly actually was
wild with emotions, just as much as her sub, she nearly broke out crying as she
whined "Why DIDN'T SHE FIGHT FOR MEH!?!?! She broke meh, defeated
meh, reigned meh IN! I, I" she still couldn't
believe it "I WAS HER BITCH," then she
whispered in a panic "she beat meh, collared
meh... then? She dumped meh, wouldn't-even"
she looked at Mason and kissed her hard and then as soon as she broke their
kiss she shook her head in a schizo sort of way "She wouldn't even
fight for meh! WHY!?!? ShE'd Beaten
MeH! I, I would" she could see it "I
would've... attacked Halle... if she would've told meh, asked meh, 4 my help!
I... should've attacked Halle... but a part of meh... after seeing Lisa, after
hearing... I could tell... she made it clear, but I could tell... I was just a
token, a TRINKET! She didn't LOVE MEH! CHERISH MEH! She didn't... value me... I
just... this is all so strange, I don't know... how this works... but I knew...
she's not the one... she doesn't deserve to have my leash... she let them destroy
meh, publicly " but without the public
destruction at the hands of Jeri Ryan... would Kelly have melted into the weak
bitch she is now?
Kelly tried to get
a fuckin hold of her self "I would've attacked that Black
bitch... I would've... fought to protect my mistress...
but she didn't really want meh, I was just a disposable doll... I
was just a trinket... I need... I feel... so fuckin
empty, Mason... I feel... like I'm just drifting without an anchor, I need to
feel... I feel like... I have no direction..." she looked at Mason.
She looked at Mason because she hoped that since Mason was clearly involved in
this kind of lifestyle...? She hoped to high-hell that Mason knew something
other than how to serve, she had to "Please," she panted,
then took a deep breath "please tell meh that you know something, someone.
Because I feel so empty now and I can't stand it. I need to feel"
Mason licked her lips as her mistress looked at her with such a sexy look of
submission and longing as she told her "I need to feel someone at the
end of my leash again. Someone who will take care of meh, value
meh. Someone that I can cut loose for and they'll stroke my ego, stroke
my pussy, and spank my ass when I act up. Please tell meh, that
you know someone. I don't care anymore if its a woman, but I need it. I need
someone who'll walk meh on my leash, and help tend to my kicked cunt... I'm
broken, I can't, I can't do it alone anymore... Please tell meh you know
someone... anyone..."
Mason licked her
lips... she savored her mistresses plea, savored that she'd... she savored... his
foresight... his unashamed assessment of people and situations... this
is why she had been sent here... knowing that she may well never return to her
Masters side, if the bitch that she was now being assigned to serve and
watch... never woke up to the reality of her situation... but she had
volunteered, Julia had handpicked her for this long-range and possibly FINAL
ASSIGNMENT, knowing that Mason Marconi truly did long to love and serve Kelly
Hu... and after all of these years... his assessment of Kelly had proven right,
and Julia's assignment of Mason to this task... was also proven
right "I know of someone..." she whispered and licked
the side of her mistresses face "Who has longed to have
a bitch that is as loyal as you, at his feet. He has longed... to possess
you... as one of his prized possessions..."
Kelly shuddered at
the intensity in Mason's eyes... she savored the fact that she was a beaten,
broken bitch now, but finally... she'd found her human Dog, her human Mushu...
Looking at Mason, obviously in heat, and the intensity of her gaze. It made
Kelly's pussy wet with eager anticipation once again as the words fell out
of her mouth in a breathless gasp "Take meh to him... take meh to him
now..." "At once, my Mistress..."
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