Britney Spears (53%)
Escapes Tia Carrere (47%)
Stone Rage sat uneasily in his chair. He
was being bombarded from both sides.
Britney Spears and her attorneys were
complaining on one side. Tia Carrere and
her attorneys were yelling on the other.
Britney wanted a no disqualification match in
the ring for their title match this month. Tia
wanted another ‘on location’ fight, where
neither combatant knew where the fight will
take place, only a limo will take them to the
undisclosed destination, and they fight there.
Tia’s wins over Christina Applegate* &
Jennifer Lopez** in those type matches were
extremely popular with the fans. Her and her
attorneys argued that type of match would be
huge rating getters.
“You just want a no DQ match in the ring so
your buddies, Christina Aguilera & Ananda
Lewis can save your butt again” yelled Tia.
“What’s the matter scared to face me one on
one?” the TV star continued.
Britney returned, “I’m a prize fighter, not
street trash like you. I do my fighting in the
ring, not on a corner somewhere.”
“Well Booby, I suppose we can’t face each
other woman-to-woman, cause we’ll be one
woman short. How about woman-to-girl or
woman-to-three girls, that’s how you like it
isn’t it?” Tia blurted back.
Stone Rage sat back in his chair while the
argument raged. He silently considered his
options. “Damn, Britney has some beautiful
breast!” was his first thought. His second thought was
“Does Tia make my hottest babes of all time
“Mr. Rage.. Mr. Rage, we need a decision.”
yelled the attorneys, interrupting his thoughts.
“Damn, I hate lawyers!” ran through his mind
as he sat up and announced, “Well I’ve
made a decision.” “Britney, it will be a no
disqualification match.” Britney briefly
celebrated the words. “But it will be at an
undisclosed location, the limo will pick you up
at 9pm. I suggest you wear something
comfortable” Britney opened her mouth to
complain, “My decision is final, and good luck
to both of you.” The commissioner
Britney knew it was pointless to continue to
argue, so she turned and left in a huff,
followed by her attorneys. “Yeah, Tia is
definitely one of my hottest babes of all time!”
Rage thought.
With the decreed being made, Tia waited at
her LA home for the limo to pick her up for
the fight. She wore a green tank top, and
tight green pants, similar to an outfit she
would wear on her TV show, The Relic
Hunter. She felt confident she would soon be
the new War Queen with a fair fight between
her and Britney, free of her Generation Next
members, Aguilera & Lewis’ interference. The
limo arrived and the driver ran around to open
the door for the beautiful young lady. Tia
politely smiled and said “Thank you” as she
began to climb into the car. He returned her
smile with a nod of his head. She was half
way inside when she looked up in complete
shock to see Christina Aguilera & Ananda
Lewis already in the car. She stood frozen for only
an instant, but that was long enough for the
teens to grab Tia, and drag her inside, to the floor
of the car. The driver quickly shut the door
and ran to the driver’s seat. He smiled and
dreamed about his new life as a roadie for
Miss Aguilera and how he was going to
spend the large roll of cash in his pocket.
In back of the limo, Ananda & Christina
began to pound Tia with both fist as fast &
hard as they could. Tia covered up as best
she could to protect herself, but their fist
always seemed to find some unprotected
body part, and stingingly dig into it. The
driver heard Tia’s yelps and squeals as he
drove away, and wondered if his betrayal and
certain loss of a job was worth the price. But
a new job on the road, a lot of cash, and
being seduced by Christina & Ananda for the
last 2 hours was well worth it for him.
Tia had done a masterful job of covering up
so that so far she had not sustained any
serious punishment. But, the digs in her
back, side and legs were beginning to have a
cumulative affect. She had to act now or be
taken down by this attack. Tia lounged out
and knocked Ananda back to the floor. She
pinned the VJ down but Christina tackled her
from behind. Tia struggled till she faced
Christina, and managed to get her foot up
into the blonde’s stomach and push her off.
Christina went flying back to a seat on the
back chair of the limo. Tia grabs Ananda by
her shoulders and tosses her onto Christina’s
lap. Tia cursed the confinement of the car,
she would not be able to use her martial arts
skills. Tia charged after the two youngsters,
but Ananda used her long skinny legs to mule
kick Tia in the chest as she approached. Tia
was catapulted back to the floor of the car,
with Ananda diving on top op her. Christina
dove on top too.
The driver could barely keep the car on the
road, between trying to keep track of the fight
by looking back in his rear view mirror. He
could not help but think of the
Schwarzenegger thriller, True Lies and the
catfight between Tia & Jamie Lee Curtis in
the back of a limo. Ananda pinned Tia’s left
arm under her knee. Tia was trapped under
Ananda’s body weight. Christina quickly
down and pinned Tia’s right arm. With Tia
trapped, the Generation Next girls looked at
each other, then began pounding, each of
Tia’s unprotected breast. Tia yelled &
squirmed in pain trying to free herself, but
found no relief. The piston like blows rained
down causing Tia to wilt underneath.
Realizing they had Tia hurt, Christina reached
down and tore the tank top open, to expose a
small lace bra covering Tia’s boobs. Ananda
unhooked the clasp between the cups, and
Tia’s tits popped free. Ananda & Christina
renewed their pummeling of Tia’s tits,
relishing in the sound of flesh smacking
against flesh resounding through the limo.
Ananda kept pulverizing Tia’ chest while
Christina worked her way down to Tia’s tight
Tia was whimpering & crying in agony as the
car pulled into the drive way of the mansion
where the fight with Britney was to take
place. Ananda & Christina climbed off their
victim while Christina made a call on her cell
phone to Britney. “We’re at the entrance by
the pool”, the young blonde said alerting
Britney where to find Tia. While Christina was
on the phone, Tia covered her aching chest &
stomach and sobbed in the floor. Ananda
pulls down Tia’s pants & panties and delivers
a looping punch up into Tia’s crotch, causing
the action movie star to even blubber louder.
Britney arrives at the entrance to see the long
stretch black limo. The back door opens and
a nude, sobbing Tia is tossed out. The limo
drives off with Ananda & Christina high fiving
each other in the back. They knew the No
DQ clause meant Britney could not be
penalized for their pre-fight attack.
Britney approached the sobbing woman
who’s rolled in a ball with pain. Britney uses
her foot to roll her over onto her back. and
plops her ass down on Tia’s face. Britney
hears Tia’s muffled yells underneath her and
gleefully reaches back and pinches Tia’s
nipples. Britney could not make out the
whimpering cries Tia was making but knew it
was something along the lines of an
unconditional surrender. Britney reached
back further till she found the furry patch
between Tia’s legs and tugged at her pubic
hair. Britney was able to pull a few hairs out
causing Tia to convulse in agony. Britney
continued tugging at the hair, ripping out what
she could, until Tia’s body lie motionless
under her. Britney realized she had pushed
the ‘hot babe’ past her thresholds of pain
causing the beauty to black out. Britney rises
off her conquest, looks into the camera that
has caught all the action and asks, “So
who’s next?”

But... Christina & Ananda really deserve the credit instead of Britney

Tia has had some bad experienes in the back of limosiunes!
* Classic Tia whips Christina Applegate
** Tia beats Jennifer Lopez