Alyssa Milano vs. Jeri Ryan
Featuring Generation Next, Generation Prime & Daisy Fuentes
NOTE - This story immediately follows Auld Lang Syne, Part Two
"Sooo, whaddya think is going on?"
As soon as Nelly… heard Kelly's question… she thought about it for a couple of seconds, twisted her face up a little, with the cutest fuckin wry smile and then "No idea."
Kelly slapped at her playfully, letting Nelly know "YOU!? Here I was thinkin that you had some deep insight and it's just, BLAH! No idea!?" Nelly fended Kelly off as Kelly continued to play-fight with her and let her know that "I coulda thought of that one, no idea? WHY YOU!?"
Suddenly the door opened and their laughing and roughhousing was cut short with "On the phone here!" Both Kelly and Nelly straightened up in a hurry as Shakira gave them a look of knock it off or get knocked out "Thanks!" with that said, Shakira closed the door, barely avoiding slamming it in her two teammates mutual FACES!
Nelly cursed, but it was real quiet like "Fuck is wrong with her?"
But Kelly knew full well what it was as she whispered back "I think the pressure is startin ta get to her."
And with that? Nelly agreed wholeheartedly "Mmmhmm, yeah… it probably is. It's one thing to be the back-up singer, but then to have to take over without warning or notice?"
"We'd better move on up, or move on out. Don't wanna" Nelly waved Shakira off "disturb Shakira talkin to Milk Carton Milano." Kelly laughed quietly as they moved away from Shakira's bedroom door and headed out into the living room area.
Milk Carton Milano was pretty accurate. Neither of these catfighting cuties had seen their fearless leader in a few days since they set out on the town to celebrate Shakira's first title belt win. One minute they were all dancing the night away, then? Alyssa was nowhere to be found and didn't call them till late next day. Real vague, real excited sounding, but vague as hell. Weird, even for her. Anyway, her and Shakira've been having phone convo's for the last few days and it was made quite clear that Shakira was in charge while Alyssa was away doing… Whatever the hell she was doing!
"Look, I know you gotta do what you gotta do, but?" Shakira still didn't understand where any of this was going? Why the sudden hush-hush?
Alyssa on the other hand? Was getting a tad annoyed as she told Shakira "I know it isn't a lot of info right now, but I'm staking out some potentials and its better if I do this alone. If things pan out, then we'll be able to have a lot more flexibility than ever before." She was trying her best to reassure Shakira that "You've handled far more massive amounts of responsibility than looking after Nelly and Kelly. Besides, G-Man's still around to help you out, so you've got all kinds of moral support! I figure to be gone for a week or two, but I'm still in the area, scouting. Give me a buzz if anything really comes up, okay?"
Shakira's eyes narrowed as she tried to get a feel for what the fuck Alyssa was really up to, but then, after a brief sigh "Oh-kay, fine."
"Super! Kira you're the BEST!!!!"
"But I hope this scouting thing actually leads to someplace useful. The way you ducked out on us a few days ago, seemed like you were kinda angry?"
"Noh, noh, I was just…"
The silence spoke volumes as Shakira was starting to wonder if it had anything to do with her winning the Bootylicious belt, so she decided she'd better clear the air now, instead of later "Alyssa look"
"I have to go now Shakira, I'll call you later on or tomorrow," or whenever "bye for now. And don't worry, YOU'LL DO FINE!"
"BUT ALYSSA!?" click! And that was that. Shakira stared at her cellphone… It's the belt, isn't it… but then she sat back, "Good", she thought. And smiled, "Very good". Its past due time that our little leader started thinking about sandy beaches and slippers, in a cool villa somewhere in the Florida retirement community for has-been-HACKS!
But Shakira's moment was interrupted with a quiet question for her by the only other person she allowed to sit in on these phone calls "What? What are you smiling about?" G-Man raised an eyebrow? He could see it written all over Shakira's face. She was definitely happy about something.
Shakira shook her head in a dismissive fashion, flashed her tongue as she forgot that he was sitting right here with her. That's what I get for getting too comfortable, hmpf. Gotta watch myself if I really wanna be a big time player in the Battle Zone, certainly can't slip like this and expect to be successful. With a quick motion she flipped her hair behind her head and then looked at him… and she couldn't help but smile at him "It's nothing baby." She put her cellphone away as she saw that intensity in his eyes as she asked him "I see you like when I call you that."
Hold on now, quickly he put on a serious look "Who wouldn't…but? You're clearly hiding something, and we've been sharing everything else since you won that belt, why stonewall me now?" He saw the quick double take on Shakira's face as he made it clear to her in that one quick pass that, yeah bitch, it's been one hell of a fuckfest, but? My nose isn't THAT WIDE OPEN!
Shakira… took a moment to gather herself as her high-beams came on and this sheer black shirt wasn't hiding the fact that he'd definitely set her back on her heels a bit… then? She crossed her legs, for obvious reasons… and folded her hands over her knee as she looked straight ahead and smiled at his comment "Okay, score one more for you."
But when you're on a roll, you're on a roll and G-Man quickly came back with "I've been scoring for a while now, I like playing in your backcourt."
Shakira's eyes lit up with his unexpected double meaning move, good one. Oh good one, you little bastard "Oh really," she smiled, then got up, stood STRAIGHT UP, knowing full well what he wanted to see, but "could you put this on the dresser for me," then she leaned over and used him for support "since you're such a strong power forward." He nodded, as she stood up on her knees, not giving him any chance to get a good look at the ass that he spent years ogling as a ref, and now has spent the last few days since Shakira won the belt, PLOWING MERCILESSLY! No, he got up and smiled, slowly took the cellphone from out of Shakira's hand as she told him "Thanks lover boy."
"Ohhh, it's my pleasure… my pleasure." he murmured. By the time he put the cellphone down on the dresser and turned around, Shakira had already kicked off her heels and climbed into the bed "Go and tell Nelly and Kelly to come in, would you please?"
He looked her over as she moved up this king sized bed, keeping her ass firmly hidden from his overly obvious and eager eyes "So… trying your tricks on me, huh?" Shakira hid nothing as she nodded slyly and asked him "Is it working? I've heard I can be rather bewitching."
"Oh it's a b word alright, but bewitching isn't what comes to mind." She immediately gave him a cute startled gasp and then tossed, dammit it! Took my fuckin shoes off!
"Ha-ha-ha-HA! You kicked off your heels while you were playin Catwoman and trying to slink up the bed!"
"Ohhh, YOU!" she scurried up onto her hands and knees and scrambled down the bed to him as he stood there at the foot of it and grabbed him "U think you're so fuckin smart don't you, G-Man!?" she added some extra sass as she could clearly see the sparkle of lust in his eyes as she had crawled towards him on all fours!
He smirked "Nah, I ain't that dude Geese Howard, but I do pretty damn well for myself."
Then he took her by her hair hard and whispered to her as he held her close "And you know that already, don'tcha baby?"
Shakira bared her teeth at his blatant attempt to try to overpower her as she told him in a hushed sneer "You're getting pretty full of yourself, lover boy." But he didn't back down and instead slapped her on that ass that he loved so goddamn much! It actually made her flinch! She immediately grabbed hold of his shirt as she sneered at him in an even harsher hushed tone "Keep pushing your luck!" But he paid her no mind as he slapped her on her ass and then kissed her deeply as he gripped her hard with his embrace and she kissed him back just as passionately!
As they continued to go at it he grabbed two handfuls of that beautiful Bootylicious belt backside and then broke their kiss and looked deep into her eyes, loving the fact that she was returning his sinfully-fuckin-delicious and VERY DEVIANT GLARE! He held on like his fuckin LIFE DEPENDED ON HER ASS and told her "YEAHHHH! GREAT FUCKIN, FANTASTIC, ASS!!!!"
"What?" G-Man looked at Kelly as she was staring down at him with the most puzzling of "What?" he asked her again.
Kelly raised an eyebrow at him "Uhhh, what the hell are u thinkin about?"
He looked at her, sighed, and then took a deep breath "Nothing. So, what's the deal?" Damn it! Fuck does Shakira think I am!? One piece of that ass isn't enough! Its like that fuckin commercial, no one can eat just one! What the fuck was it that they were selling? Can't even... "HEY!? Are you even listening to me!?" Kelly shoved him again trying to get his attention!
He barely caught himself "Of course! You keep hittin me, I'm gonna think that you're interested in me! You know what they say about girls who hit boys!?"
Kelly frowned raising her eyebrow "Excuse me, but the phrase is about when BOYS, HIT GIRLS! What the hell you tryin to say here…that I'm a boy and… you're the ummm…"
"Hey!! Don't even think of going there my little Songbird! Don't make me leave ya woman!"
Kelly cracked up at his "You're SILLY!"
"But only for YOUUUUU, my American Idol of Awesomeness, or somethin like that." She then slapped at him playfully as they yucked it up and then he started tickling her till she fell into the chair on top of him! This is much better than daydreaming about one night in Shakira! Sure enough, Kelly was quite real and that night with Shakira, after she won the Bootylicious belt? Was also quite real too. Even as he and Kelly roughhoused and played around in this posh penthouse, the fact that Alyssa had disappeared a few days ago was the furthest from his mind.
Shakira peaked in at the two of them… frolicking in the chair… and she smirked because she knew it was working. Good boy. If you behave… then maybe, maybe? I'll let you get to paradise again. She withdrew knowing full well that he was in there groping the hell outta Kelly and the fact that Kelly actually liked it. We gotta put that Songbird title up. Kelly's a little too country, a little too laid back. We've got two pieces of gold in the group, but? Hmmm, guess we need to push the point that Gen Next ain't here to hold doors open for others. I'm gonna haveta start pushing Kelly… and I might be able to do that through G-Man. No need for me to look like the Evil Bitch. Not when I've got Milano Dramo to use as a shield.
Shakira headed through the huge entertainment area and enjoyed the dynamic view of Sin City's beautiful skyline knowing that Alyssa was out there, somewhere, up to or into, something. Things had gone smoothly over the last few days and while Alyssa was away, they seemed far more like… I dunno, a "family" so to speak. Alyssa's such a tight-ass! Shakira smirked! She saw Nelly outside sitting poolside and sunbathing by herself, just soaking in some sun under a nice beach umbrella. Everybodies just, more relaxed without Alyssa bringing her boot camp clique crap around to dampen people's spirits.
She made her way to her private room still really looking at? Was it that Alyssa brought them down? Or was she finally tired of being second to Alyssa? I have a belt now, first one for us since we became the new Gen Next. Nelly and Kelly, really look to me more than Alyssa… probably because we're all singers. Oh damn, forgot that quick that Kelly has the Songbird title, YEESH!?!? That is BAD! We gotta get that girl some more exposure and push her hard. And its past time that Nelly also get some more ring time too!
In the midst of all of this though, Shakira DIDN'T KNOW, that Alyssa herself is also a singer, and? That she'd actually released some albums to solid record sales here and especially in Japan where she is still seen more as a pop idol than actress. But none of these things really mattered to the sexy singer, as far as Shakira, that is. What mattered most was that she was starting to grow restless as the supporting second, and the seeds of rebellion were quickly growing… and actually growing more so thanks to Alyssa's abrupt disappearance. A taste of power? And already with the only belt in the group?
"Kelly did mention that she had a crush on me and adored me the night she joined us…who knows how much of that is true…who knows?" but one thing that Shakira DID KNOW WAS TRUE was that Kelly "She did enjoy it when I took the strap-on to that tight little ass of hers. Icing on the cake after her match" a lot of memories came flooding back from that night "Gotta say she can really hit those high notes…just like G-Man figured out not too long ago."
She smirked as thoughts turned to Nelly's big win over Britney and the celebrations that took place that night as well "Ahhhh, Nelly? Nelly, Nelly, NELLY…We both started off poor, but look at us now? We Latinos gotta stick together, that's what you said to me… Whatever it takes babe, but we're gonna see how much of that you meant." Alyssa was once again making mistakes without realizing the dire consequences that she could face should the sweet whispers in Shakira's ears start gaining more and more sway, and speaking of Alyssa…
They broke apart in a mutual cry of frustration! Both had battered each other pretty damn bad in this match! But Jeri had the upper hand, AGAIN! And Alyssa knew it! SHIT, I hate fuckin BLONDS! They circled right quick and then Jeri lunged, FUCK! Grabbed Alyssa, who tried desperately to resist! FUCK OFFA MEH! ERR, SHIT! Jeri shot Alyssa to the ropes! GOTTA, as soon as Alyssa came back she realized that Jeri was coming RIGHT AT HER!!!!! WHATTHAFUCK!?!?!
Jeri floored her with a FULL-BODY CHARGE!!!! "ARGH!!!!"
Hmphf! LOSER! Jeri stared for the briefest of seconds as Alyssa was flat on her fuckin back, tits heaving hard as hell! There won't be any draw this time… Now I FINISH YOU OFF, BITCH!!!! She DROPPED THE HAMMER!!!!
Alyssa tried to "ARGHHH!!!!" But Jeri gave her a standing elbow drop right into the center of her TITS!!!! SHE IMMEDIATELY KICKED OUT AND STARTED WHINING!!!! U fuckin blond haired bitch… u fuckin SLUT!
NOW, Jeri quickly pinned Alyssa and rolled her all the way up so that Alyssa's ass was up off the mat! NO WAY OUT MILANO!!!! NOT THIS TIME!!!!
Daisy was quick to get down and count! She was really enjoying the clearly personal hatred between these two one-time teammates, but this was the end! Her hand came flying down for the 1, 2, THREE!!!!
Alyssa BARELY WEASELED HER SHOULDER UP, just the groan of frustration made it sound like the bitch had killed herself or strained SOMETHING!!!!
Jeri was no fool! She heard it and she felt it! BITCH! YOU FUCKIN!?!? Quickly she just pinned the dazed brunette AGAIN! NO WAY-NO WAY-NOH WAY!!!!
Alyssa groaned and tried to, I CAN'T!?!? FUCK "U BITCH!!!!"
But she knew she was in trouble again as she heard Daisy's hand slap the canvas 1, 2... "AHHHH, FUCK!?!?!" Jeri screamed as Alyssa got a grip around her face AND MOUTH!?!?!
Daisy almost laughed, talk about foot-and-mouth disease "KNOCK IT OFF MILANO!!!!"
But once again the busty brunette bitch ESCAPED! Soon as Jeri even relented a little, Alyssa was scurrying away for HER LIFE!!!!
Jeri got to her feet in absolute DISGUST as she yelled at Alyssa "Clearly the years of getting your BUTT-WHUPPED HAS MADE U DESPERATE!!!!"
Alyssa leaned against the ropes "I'm not here to be anybodies stepping STONE," she gasped "blond-bitch!"
Daisy adjusted her black bikini bottom and simply smiled at her reversal of fortune. Just days ago she'd gotten her cunt kicked again by Eva! And got unceremoniously put back in her suite with an invitation to talk to Kimberly Page. Now here she stood ref-ing this match and feelin pretty damn good about "STOP STALLING AND WRESTLE!" she yelled at them!
Neither ex-ABA bitch liked Daisy as a ref. Bitch was a little too quick to get involved and she didn't tolerate a buncha shit. They liked her better when she was a fuckin non-entity! Alyssa came up off of the ropes, swept her hair out of her face. Then rubbed her hands dry on her silver spandex pants. I can still… I can still win this… But looking at Jeri? Alyssa actually wilted under the steely blue-eyed stare of the big-titted blond, shit. Jeri could see it in Alyssa's eyes. Jeri knew. She knew that Alyssa was ready to be put away. Bitch is probably pissin her pants, Jeri said to herself, but? Now is when shit can go south in a hurry… and I know that bitch'll try to pull some shit! SO!?!?
JERI CLOSED QUICK! Even Daisy was startled at the sudden rush! Alyssa threw out a punch but Jeri was too far inside, TOO CLOSE! FUCK!
I GOTCHU!!!! Jeri totally IGNORED the fucked up punch to her shoulder and shit! She grabbed Alyssa who immediately cried out! RAMMED THEM INTO THE RING ROPES!!!! WHICH IMMEDIATELY BEGAN PUSHING BACK AGAINST THEIR UNWANTED WEIGHT!!!! Jeri could feel how hard Alyssa's nipples were as she bearhugged the SHIT OUTTA HER "Gotchu now, bitch!" CRUSHING HER TITS AGAINST THE UPPER PARTS OF THE SHORTER ALYSSA, WHO WAS WAILING LIKE A STUCK PIG!!!! No draw this time BITCH! NO DRAWWWWW!!!!
The whole thing made Jeri wet as hell as she drove her legs hard one final time! Felt the rope resistance, JUST RIGHT! AND THEN WENT WITH THE SPRINGBOARD AFFECT OF IT!!!! Alyssa tried to get out but the MOMENTUM as they CAME OFF THE ROPES!?!? Then Jeri actually lifted her feet for a split second and Alyssa's own natural instinct to right herself!?!? FUCK IS SHE DOING!?!?!? Is all that Daisy AND Alyssa were THINKING! But gravity's a bitch and now it sunk in!
Alyssa rebounded forwarded from off the ropes!!!! Still held in Jeri's crushing bearhug, but she was the one that had been plowed into the ropes! And she was the one supporting them!!!! So she was the one to spring them back with all that momentum!!!! Soon as she did?!?! Jeri PLANTED HER FEET!!!! TWISTED AND YELPED AS ALYSSA TOLD HER!!!! "U USED THIS SHIT THE FIRST TIME BITCHHHHHH!!!!"
Daisy staggered back as the canvas shook from them slamming into the mat like some Jet Li movie stuntman spinout SHIT!!!! FUCK!?!?! Even Daisy's nipples were hard as hell and her ragged MILF pussy was moist with the fact that she knew if she'd have gotten hit with some shit like that, LIGHTS----FUCKIN---OUT!!!!
Jeri arched her back and she was still trying to regain her fuckin breath, ufuckincunt, she licked her lips as she panted softly! Ufuckin… CUNT! In her attempt to let go of Alyssa's dumbass she allowed the bitch to get her hands free and keep contact so that Alyssa and her full body weight came down tits-for-tits, SQUARE ON JERI'S GIRLS! Whether it was Jeri and her Girls, Vivica and her Two Little Bitches, or Lucy and her tits!? These three bitches simply could not stand well placed shots to the tits, especially late in a fuckin match! Much like Lucy and Vivica, Jeri opened up in every way and then having had her sneaky ass shown to be not so smart as she THOUGHT!?!?
Jeri licked her lips again and tried to see through her mane of blond hair "Phu, phuckin----phuckincunt!" She raised her leg and kicked out more so from the pain than anything else! Phuckincunt, mmmfph, bitch… get off, get offa meh…
Alyssa was panting hot and heavy and her heart was in her motherfucking THROAT!!!! She'd DODGED A BULLET! But it wasn't over JUST YET!!!! She realized? Thank GOD I remembered she did a similar move in that first match the other day! I guess you really are a fuckin BORG, unoriginal-BITCH!!!! GET UP!!!!
Alyssa started to pull Jeri up, but then she simply dove down on top of her with her tits against the straining sports string top of Jeri's!!!! Jeri cried out with a hard flinch and looked away! Her hair started swaying around her face and mouth from her now hard fuck- panting! Alyssa savored it, seeing the bitch that helped put her outta the ABA, laying here in!?!?
Jeri let out a bloodcurdling scream and eye-raked, ALYSSA BLOCKED HER!?!? BARELY!!!! A struggle broke out IMMEDIATELY!!!! Daisy circled trying to keep track of the two bitches who got tangled up in a hurry! A swirling flurry of blond and brunette, rolling the fuck around, groaning, gripping and griping at each other!!!! Till Jeri pulled Alyssa up with a vengeful cry! Alyssa tried to back off as her cunt creamed over, knowing this was the end! But she COULDN'T GET AWAY!!!! Then Jeri took a knee to her crotch! CRIED OUT! "PHUCKINCUNT!!!!" Then took a back elbow to her GUT! "HUHLL!!!!" Then DEAD IN HER HEART-TIT!!!! AND THAT SENT HER REELING BACKWARDS GASPING AND CHOKING AS SHE GRABBED HER HEART-TIT!!!!
Daisy didn't know what to fuckin, is she all right!?!? But Alyssa wasted no fuckin time! She punched Jeri all up in her TITS AS HARD AS SHE COULD!!!! Each hit caused Jeri to tremble as she lowered her head trying to hold on, TO HOLD IT IN!!!! Alyssa was landing haymaker AFTER HAYMAKER with animalistic groans while Jeri's Girl's ATE ALL OF IT!!!! Jeri WINCED and grit her teeth, while slight YELPS and BARKS escaped her CLINCHED TEETH! Till she started WHINING IN HER THROAT! Her eyes were shut TIGHT as Alyssa rocked her with hits to her tits TILL!?!?
Uuuu… phuck-innnn, each hit made Jeri's tits tingle and tremble and her huge nipples actually coughed up some of her sweet tit-milk as Alyssa was unloading EVERY FUCKIN THING SHE HAD ON THEM! Her legs were barely keeping her up and Alyssa was literally beating the piss outta her! NOHHH, youphuckinCUNT!!!!
Jeri threw her head back…. AND SCREAMED AT THE TOP OF HER LUNGS!!!!
Her shoulders slumped and her hands fell away from her heaving tits… the combination of Alyssa's attacks and her own attempts to protect them, had actually shredded some of the support straps. Jeri shuddered as she stood there with her head thrown back… peering down out of one eye through her mane of blond at this fuckin bitch… My Girls, she moaned to herself… Alyssa u… U… she tried to lift her arms, but? She was soaked sloppy in her panties from the intensity of Alyssa's… determination… and… Alyssa had hit her just right over the last few minutes, which made it that much more intense for the shuddering 7-of-9 Star Trek sex symbol…
Daisy was about to call the match, it was obvious Jeri was out on her feet. But Alyssa cried out and rushed Jeri as Jeri cursed at her bitterly "ALYSSA, U PHUCKIN-CUNNNNNT!!!!" Alyssa grabbed Jeri who struggled for a bit, tits swaying! Can't, I CAN'T, OOOOO! "PHUCKIN,"
"I got you now, you fuckin"
"U cunt, get offa"
"Shut your fuckin ass up, BLOND"
Jeri struggled hard as she could "U phuckin cunt" as Alyssa told her "BITCH! GOTCHA!"
Jeri made a last bitter cry "PHUCKIN CUNT!" but was finally subdued! Jeri pawed and clawed at Alyssa, who got her into a side-headlock!
Yes, Alyssa's heart was racing! YES!!!!
While Jeri could feel the intense flinching of her kicked cunt and asshole as her tits were swaying in the wind as she was stooped over in the clutches of Alyssa! U BITCH!!!! Phuckin CUNT! LET GOH, lemme GOH, fuckin, phuck! Can't believe, REVERSED meh, my, CUNT! GOTTA, noh, NOH! U can't, u-can't-phuckin-do-this-to-meh! Alyssa started towards the middle of the ring clutching Jeri hard in a side-headlock! Jeri stumbled, STAGGERED "NNF! Phuckin CUNT!" as Alyssa picked up speed! Jeri tried to!?!? NOH, my fuckin Girls! Alyssa had her held tight as Jeri tried to pick up her arms, TRIED TO!?!? But they hung and swung at her sides just as hard as her tits were swaying and stinging from Alyssa's desperation attack! MY TITS!?!? Alyssa ran with Jeri struggling to!?!? DON'T! PHUCK!!!!!
Jeri wailed as Alyssa BULLDOGGED HER TO THE CANVAS!!!! The moment she connected? Jeri's wail was abruptly SILENCED!!!! Her white boots came up off the canvas in a clear death rattle by the broken blond bitch as she pissed at being put away by the devious little attention whore!
Then her legs were whipped over as Alyssa abruptly rolled her over and rolled her up as hard as she could! She wanted to get this, BIG-TITTED-TALL-BLOND-BITCHES-LONG-ASS-LEGS!!!! As far into the FUCKIN AIR as she FUCKIN COULD, so that everybody could see that SHE WAS OUT LIKE A FUCKIN, LIGHT!!!!
Daisy got into position as Jeri guttural groaned deep in her throat like she was caught in the midst of a long hard CUM! She had nothing left as Daisy's hand hit the mat and the feel of her heavy-ass tits, weighing down on her from being pinned with her shoulders and neck so far upside fuckin down!!!! Alyssa savored Jeri's moans! The bitch only won any of her fuckin matches when she got the whole sneak attack shit going! Daisy's hand hit two and Jeri was too busy feeling the fucked over sensations of getting her ragged-ex-ABA-MILF CUNT, KICKED!!!! The three count came down just as hard as Alyssa did as soon as she heard that last hit and Jeri finally showed even a hint of consciousness, with thin-slitted glazed blue eyes!
Alyssa immediately SHOVED JERI OFFA HER!!!! Scrambled to her feet and "YYYYEAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" YES!!!! FUCK U BITCH!!!! FUCK UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!! She couldn't contain herself as she wandered around the ring with Jeri laid out twisted up on her tits, fuck-panting from the cunt-kicking that she'd just gotten! Daisy… gave Alyssa her space! Till finally, the bratty little brunette bitch… regained some composure… settled down, as Daisy gave her the look like; are you finished yet? Alyssa smiled, motioned with her head, as her pussy was just wet with excitement! Her whole body tingled with? So much FUCKIN EXCITEMENT! Just a few days ago, she'd fought Jeri to a draw, and nearly LOST! But today? TODAY!?!?
Finally, Daisy took her hand… and RAISED IT!!!! And Alyssa started ALL OVER AGAIN!!!! "YEAHHHHHHH!!!!! WHOOOOOOOOOO!!!!"
A few days had passed since Shakira had heard a word from Alyssa, but she really didn’t care though… things were going great in all honesty. They’d gone down to a private gym. Worked out. G-Man had been scouring the city, workin hard to collect information. Nelly and Kelly had done pretty fuckin good over the last few workouts and Shakira was pleased as punch! I just need to get these girls some more experience, she said to herself. But more importantly, she smiled and her pussy actually got wet. G-Man… has really been such a good boy. Maybe… maybe? But no sooner did she think that, she heard a light knock on her door and “Come in.”
Nelly peeked in and quietly entered, closed the door behind her "G-Man's back?" but even Nelly saw "Hey, what's up?" she whispered.
But Shakira simply smiled and shook her head with a flirtatious laugh "Nothing."
However, Nelly wasn't buying it "Noh," she whispered "what was that look?" But Nelly knew that over the last few days, Shakira was spending a lot of time talking to G-Man. Hmmm, I wonder "Is it G-Man?" she whispered.
Shakira gave a flirtatious laugh and quietly told Nelly "I'm sure G-Man has some news. Tell him to come see me when he gets settled in."
"Oooo," Nelly purred "cum see u? Uh-oh?"
"Stop" Shakira cautioned.
But Nelly only fired back "Shakira and G-Man sittin in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" She immediately retreated before Shakira could GET HER!
But the good times weren't going to last… as elsewhere in Sin City… Janet smiled after finally getting her LAST SHOT "This had better work Jackson," Christina hissed "or we'll be needing a new coach."
But Janet countered with "If you can pretend like you know how to follow my instructions," Mya managed to grab Christina's arm while Janet calmly finished "then I will lead us to victory over those vagabonds of vinegar vaginas, Gen Next. I can assure you that, if we lose, even ONE WOMAN, if even ONE of our girls ends up like these pervert pics!" Janet tossed the 8-by-10's of the ass out ABA in all their faces "If even one of us ends up, ass up, face down… then you'll get more than a flash of a naughty little nipple from me. I'll put my fate totally in your hands Christina. Oh? Oh look at that" and because Denise was standing behind Janet, she could see what Janet quickly pointed out "You like that thought, don't you Chrissy? Or should I call you Baby Jane?"
Christina pursed her lips, she felt that horny heat, as well as that strange ass sexual aura that Janet often times gave off when it was put up, or shut up "Listen here."
“I’m listening,” Janet whispered “mistress.” I’ve been forcing things too much, playing this allllll wrong, so very-very, very-very, wrongggg…
Christina’s mouth motioned, but only air came out as?
Denise smiled, this is already turning out exactly like I’d hoped! Wasn’t so sure about getting in with these girls, but!? Its already wayyy more exciting than I thought it would be. Denise gave Christina and Mya the once over, easy-like… Reallll easy-like. She didn’t wanna get caught gandering at how they were clearly thrown by Janet’s poker-faced move. I’ve heard stories. Heard plenty of stories on how this shit goes down in these catfight leagues and apartment wrestling, girl-girl, get-ups! But it takes an extra twist when you’re talking about, bitches with some sort of public life, public notice. Oh MAN! I fuckin MADE IT! I made it, I made it, I MADE IT! The chance to strip some bitch down to her skivvies! Pin her ass, HUMILIATE HER!?!? This is the best fuckin divorce therapy that a woman could WANT!
"Look," Christina growled "you'd BETTER COME THROUGH!"
"I will" Janet purred.
"I'm TIRED OF YOUR EXCUSES JJ!!!! TIRED OF IT! The ABA is down, we're gonna be NEXT ON STONE RAGE'S FUCK FEST!!!!" Christina could see, she didn't need the pervert pics that Janet had! She could still see the ABA all laid out… LAID… OUT!?!? Impossible, fuckin… IMPOSSIBLE!!!!
But Janet could see the panic in Chrissy's eyes and she knew she had A LOT to do with that, but? She also knew that "I realize now, that… I've been playing it all wrong… I've been trying, to step on your toes" she sighed softly, looked at the floor with her eyes, knowing the affect it was having on Chrissy and Mya "I was wrong. I see that now. I never really looked at the fact that it is my job to plan everything out, but?" Janet slowly brought her eyes up and looked into Chrissy's "You brought me here. You are the leader, not me. I've been trying to do my job AND, your job." Janet's voice, sounded so small, so… timid… and so submissive, filled with guilt because "I've been fucking us even harder then our enemies, even harder then our competition. The ABA, has fallen. The Fab-4, are on the rise.”
Mya blurted out “We GOTTA STOP THEM!” but just by her tone, it was clear she was creamed over quite heavy from the fact that it never ended well whenever they fought with them and now, now? The ABA were defeated, OUTRIGHT! We lost to fuckin GEN NEXT! We’re in trouble. WE’RE IN TROUBLE!
Christina clenched her fist “We aren’t ready to deal with the fuckin Fab-4! We can’t even FUCKIN BEAT GEN NEXT! JANET,” Christina’s glare briefly turned to out-and-out FEAR “you can’t fuck this up! Do you hear me, WE NEED THIS WIN!!!!”
But Janet, kept her composure, she could see it all now, as she nodded and softly reassured Christina that “We need to regroup… and I need to be, what you brought me here to be.” She touched Chrissy’s face… with the softest of touches… and easily diffused Chrissy’s tension with “Your supporter, your confidant, your strategist, your?” Chrissy started to, take her hand away but Janet didn’t let up “You need to be, my leader, our leader” she whispered “And point me in the right direction, and I will choreograph our victory.” Christina stammered as Janet slowly, carefully, inched into her personal space “I’ll chart our way out of this darkness, that I sailed us into” and softly pleaded with her “Just give me this last chance to prove myself”
Janet eased ever so close to kissing Christina, who stood motionlessly listening, waiting, wanting “I promise you Chrissy… you won’t regret it anywhere near the way our enemies willll” the minute they touched lips… Christina drew her in… and their kiss, became a clear sign of how this had been building up to this point… and why Christina had not tossed Janet aside as she’d done far too many other Gen Prime pussies…

DOWNLOAD - RagDoll Vol.2 (Vanessa vs. Brooke)
DOWNLOAD - Destiny vs. Jessicka (KO Angels Cruel Intensions 07)