Journey Into Mystery
Tenison’s in Trouble
“GET… OFFA… MEH!!!!” this is… so fuckin… un---fair! Can’t get this heavy ass… BITCH! OFFA----MEH! I!?!?
How did it----cum 2---THIS!
Need--- help “Get---off!” Can’t, ca-ca-can’t---breathe!
ack!” Traci!
I can’t!?!? Where
tha---FUCK---R---U—bitches!?!? RO-Z----Ro---sie---HelP MeH---nnn NoT liKe----not like---not
like thissssss*
“YOUUUU, nhf----ack! Stop!” Renee!?!?NOT
“GET---ack---get offa---meh!” can’t get out! Can’t get’er--- OFF!
AIR, I NEED, RENEE HELP MEH!?!? “Ack---stop---st-stop!” WHERE
THOUGHT--- Nohhhhh, NOH---
Did, nhf-shit, did Lisa---
do this--- did she know what we were---
up to? Sneaky--- bitch---only
pretended---to leave, please---please--- my sister--- sssssstop---
WE COULD---I thought we coulddddd---TAKE---THEM---cccccan’t---can’t
breath---please---stop---RENEE!?!? I’m sorrrrryyyy*
Standing out here in this brisk cool breeze was refreshing
since it was another balmy day in Kingston, Jamaica “Let’s hustle it up girls,
no need to wait around or hold back! Renee, Rosie?” Lady Lisa Raye barked
“You’re up, let’s HIT IT!”
Renee and Rosie
moved to the center of this sealed off section of sandy beached seclusion as
both these lovely Black bitches stood gleaming in oil as they faced off against
their two teammates and training partners “You ready Traci!?” Renee chided “You
ready Stacey!?” Rosie added.
Traci and Stacey
smirked “It’s been how long now and I still can’t get used to you two!” Stacey
joked. But Traci was NOT JOKING as she spitefully told them “This isn’t some
kind of game. You need to take these training lessons seriously, idiots.”
“Oooo,” Renee
taunted “what’re you gonna do” then Rosie finished for her “Eat yer spinach?”
While Stacey
laughed, Traci CHARGED “I’ll show you, you twin stereo, TRAMPS!”
Kellita started to
say something, but Lisa checked her quietly “No… Let’er go right on ahead. She
likes to run right in, she’ll learn eventually.” “Eventually?” Kellita asked
“Eventually.” Lisa stated.
All that every last
one of these ladies were wearing, the only thing any of them were wearing was
black bras. If you were shipwrecked you’d think you landed on Canary Island off
of North Africa. This writer, me. Has found some rather interesting things from
my time writing for a now deleted RPG yahoo group that used to be called Roma
Victrix. Roman Victory in English, an Amazon RPG yahoo group started by two British
women. But during my time there I decided to do some digging when these two
ladies decided to tell me the truth.
“You smart mouthed little, PUNKS!” Traci
came in with a running punch that was destined to MISS!
Renee and Rosie
split to her left and right kicked up sand as they hauled ass out of the way
“You’ll have to do,” “Better than that,” “to hit US!”
“SHUT UP!” Traci
Once the two site
owners made it clear that they were actually continuing an older yahoo group
that they had years before, adult of course, that had gotten deleted. I found
out that they, along with a whole bunch of other women, created the original
group as a woman only yahoo group where they wrote these stories and RPG’d
their Amazon characters and of course, since they had no men there, they didn’t
hold back in writing some very kinky shit from everything that I found out from
some of the original writers of that group, who were now simply readers on this
new group.
Both Tenison’s got
their feet pretty deep in the sand as Traci was trying to decide which one she
was gonna go after! Then they simply kicked the sand up into the air as they
also kicked at Traci “I luv the beach, Renee.” “So do I Rosie.”
The kicks were
lame, they weren’t supposed to do anything other than toss some sand up in the
air and piss off Traci even more “YOU DIRTY BITCHES!?”
“Not a bad attempt.” Kellita smirked, but
then she looked a little stupefied when Lady Lisa shook her head, sucked her
teeth and quietly told her without taking her eyes off the fight “That was a
waste of time. These two try too hard. You really think that weak-ass attempt
at blinding somebody with that?” Sure enough, Traci shoved Renee aside and then
came back with a left to Rosie’s TITS! Both Tenison’s cried out as they were
knocked back and Traci wasted no time in going after Rosie with another punch
“See?” Lady Lisa pointed out “They fuck around too much, and that’s why I’m
always on their asses.” Kellita nodded as her mistress told her “We’re gonna
keep practicing till the cows come home. I want this right, and look at that.” Rosie
staggered from another punch, wincing as she righted herself only to get
hammered again by an irate and out of control Traci Bingham “She is freakin
out!” Lisa quietly exclaimed, then as she folded her arms across her tits she
told Kellita “She’s got some real anger management issues. Remember the old
Incredible Hulk cartoon from back in the day?” Kellita’s face showed a bit of
confusion and then lit up in recognition as she said “You think Traci is like,”
“No,” Lady Lisa smiled at her “but? If you remember that cartoon,” they watched
as Rosie tossed out a few weak ass punches that Traci took head-on and then
gave back “the Incredible Hulk had a cousin I think it was? The She-Hulk, remember
that?” Kellita nodded as Renee finally got her ass in gear and rammed into
Traci from behind while her sister was on her hands with her head down trying
to shake the cobwebs from Traci knocking her ass to the ground “Traci reminds
me of She-Hulk. The She-Hulk is strong and tough and shit like that, sexy
bitch, too, but? She didn’t get stronger as she got angrier, like her cousin
did. So when she tried to stop the Hulk when he was lashing out, she could hold
him up, but in the end, she couldn’t match him.”
Renee pounded
Traci’s head face first into the sand and Traci flailed around as Renee started
going to town on her, while her sister was still groggy as fuck from getting
her ass practically punch drunk. As far as the whole Roma Victrix thing? I found
out that some of these ladies actually knew that Amazons originally, real live
Amazons, not so-called Greek mythology. But real Amazons existed on the Canary
Islands. Ironically, one of the new group owners for Roma Victrix, she actually
didn’t give a shit about any of that. She was just there for the fuckin kinky
girl-on-girl, girl-fights-girl, girl-fucks-girl, girl-gets-RAPED-BY-GIRL, girl-gets-killed
or kills girl! Okay I need a minute… ALL RIGHT I’M READY! Hey, for all I know
you could be saying to yourself, motherfucka I’m only here for the biotches! Shut
the fuck up and gimme that insteada this long ass parable! LOL! You Wildin For
the Night, SON!!!!
Traci had tried too
many times to get Renee off of her fuckin back, but to no avail! She was pinned
underneath the Tenison Twin, kicking and screeching whenever Renee wasn’t
pounding her pretty little face into the fuckin SAND! It didn’t take long
before she was clawing at the sand and kicking out her legs from underneath
Renee, slower, but HARDER!
Kellita winced “I
think she’s just about had it?”
But Lady Lisa shook her head “See what I
mean, She-Hulk. She charged right the fuck in and forgot it was two of them.”
“Maybe she was trying to finish off,” “No,” she cut Kellita off softly “she
wasn’t thinking. That shit may work on TV and in the movies, but in a real
fight? You gotta get it right the first time. It doesn’t matter though. She
Now Kellita was
“Huh, how?”
“First of all,
Rosie is just getting her bearings, which is terrible, but most importantly?” Lady
Lisa pointed as Stacey slammed into Renee and football tackled her RIGHT OFF OF
TRACI “Annnnnd, there ya go. Stacey’s been kickin back and watching while Traci
dismantled Rosie and Renee, till Traci got caught-up with Renee.” “And forgot
about Stacey.” Kellita deadpanned.
“Exactly.” Lisa
Stacey got behind
the disoriented Renee and locked her arms around her waist and flung her back
to the sandy beach! Renee struggled and howled as Stacey pulled her up and then
they stumbled back down with Stacey flinging her back down onto the ground,
while still keeping a firm lock around Renee’s stomach! Traci was trying to get
her bearings as Renee was wailing again from Stacey forcing her back down,
staying behind her! And then rolling around with Renee held hard by her
stomach! Renee barely had time to try to break out as Stacey pulled her up,
cursed like a sailor, while Renee was bitching like a prostitute! Then Stacey
slammed Renee back down to the ground, never letting go of the whining wench as
she came crashing down on Renee every single time!
Rosie had gotten to her feet as Stacey was
once again sitting up, pulling up. Her dazed and nearly defeated sister, into a
sitting position with her! Renee was panting hard as hell and her and Stacey’s
oiled up bodies were covered from head-to-toe in sand! Renee swept her hair out
of her face as Stacey whirled them over and dumped Renee sideways onto the
beach AGAIN! Renee tried to get out from underneath Stacey, who still had her
wristlocked by her stomach! Rosie ran up on Stacey and was just about to KICK
“She recovered
faster than I thought she would.” Kellita was watching them like a hawk.
But Lisa was not
impressed “Of course Traci recovered fast, but that doesn’t mean she can take a
Renee struggled
with the side of her face buried in the sand! She got her knees up underneath
her, but Stacey was still in control and both bitches knew it! Stacey pulled
her up into a sitting position AGAIN! And Renee let out a frustrated and bitter
groan as she tried to GET OUT! And failed. Stacey then slung her back onto her
side! Kept a hold of Renee as she bitched a fit! Pulled her up again, slung her
DOWN! Got up onto Renee’s back as Renee was kicking up sand and starting to
wild flail at the ground! Traci had overpowered Rosie and gotten her to her
fuckin feet just to TACKLE HER ASS BACK DOWN! Stacey could feel Renee actually
tense up as her sister got taken down and then she realized that more likely
than not, the reason why Rosie was all fucked up was because Renee was getting
fucked up!
“You plan on
stepping in here?” Kellita glanced at Lady Lisa as her own impressive set of
tits were becoming quite sensitive to seeing Stacey and Traci manhandle the
Tenison Twins. Never mind the fact that all of them were naked except for the
black bra’s they were all wearing.
Lady Lisa chuckled
“No.” “But don’t you think” “No,” she cut Kellita off as she explained “and
here is why. Do you think I twist the knife slowly in Stacey and Traci’s asses
because I’m just bein a bitch, or because I have some whole other idea?”
Kellita thought about it as Traci kneed Rosie and bent her over so that her
bush covered pussy and ass were jutting out in Lisa and Kellita’s direction “If
you’ve got an ulterior motive… I don’t see it…” Kellita admitted.
“Then that means
that I’m doing my job then.” Lady Lisa nodded slowly as she watched Stacey slam
a totally worn-out Renee to the ground for the umpteenth time! While Traci
actually HIP-TOSSED Rosie onto her fuckin BACK “See that shit?” Lady Lisa
smiled, a wicked smile, vividly pleased by her dark angel’s of destruction
“Stacey and Traci, I put the knife to them, I tease them? Because it makes them
do shit like this. Those two bitches are like pitbulls on the end of my leash,
with my pretty little collars around their dangerous ass necks. When I wind
them up, when I talk about how they love that White cock, it makes those two
angry as hell. But it actually makes them easier for me to control,
understand?” Kellita nodded as Rosie kicked out at the air like a broken bitch
“They’ve got their pride and although they claim they love their men for men,
and all this other shit? Please, they are as self-conscious as the day is long.
And it’s because they were never good at picking GOOD Black men, not even
half-way-fuckin-decent. So when people,” then Lady Lisa emphasized as Stacey
had finally rendered Renee totally fuckin helpless “when Black people. Look at
them funny? Those two bitches get defensive and angry, because they’re not
right in the head. They’re not as cool with their relationships as they claim
and it bothers them. Look at how they’re attacking Renee and Rosie, like it’s
personal. Because Renee and Rosie are half-Black, but their not half-baked!
They make decisions and they accept the consequences, good and bad. Stacey’s my
girl and all, but she can’t deal with the fact that she likes and loves White
men, because of the shit that happened to her with Black men. Think her husband
doesn’t know that?”
Now Kellita licked
her lips and nodded slowly as she finally got why Lisa was always “I simply
thought you just hated them.” “Girl please. These two bitches and all that pent
up frustration? They’re the perfect weapons, the perfect pair of attack dogs to
sick on somebody, because they keep wastin their time trying to compare
themselves to me or you, or this one or that one. If this is what you like,
this is what you WANT!?!? Maybe even need. Maybe they need to be with White
men, I can’t tell ya. But I know this much, they haven’t accepted that shit. So
they’ve always got that fuckin edge of animosity… And I need it at my
fingertips… And now that I’m startin to figure out how to work their little
buttons? I’ma use them wisely, shape’em, mold’em… Then when they’ve done what
really matters and their asses come back ready to throw that shit in my face?
Kellita looked at
her like? Then she murmured softly “Then you’ve got’em.” Kellita looked like
she was hot and bothered for Lisa, the look on her face as she looked at Lisa
and listened intently as Lisa told her, without looking at her, without taking
her eyes off of Stacey and Traci, polishing off Renee and Rosie...
“Bitches think they know how to manipulate
the situation and bring out the best an all that? Please. These two bit
trollops in this fuckin weak ass league? Madonna, old. Janet, loser. Whitney,
Crackwhore. Demi Moore, double old and triple Crackwhore. By the time I’m done
with this league these bitches will be women. Ladies. Ladies lead, women
follow, and bitches attack on sight. That’s the way that it is. Ladies lead,
women follow, and bitches attack on sight, believe that Kellita… Believe that…”
Renee was a
rag-doll in Stacey’s clutches “Uhhhhnnnnn” as she was being pulled up into a
sitting position, whining pathetically as she could feel nothing but sand and
sloppy pussy sauce all up and down her heavily carpeted cunt. Up the crack of
her ass and all over her fuckin body from Stacey womanhandling her hard as
FUCK! She was weakly holding on to Stacey’s still clasping wristlock around her
stomach! Everything was blurry, but she could feel the dizziness of her sister
being slammed down again by Traci and she yelped and flinched! Then she lowered
her head as she felt Traci pulling her up, noh! Pulling her sister up! Then she
felt movement behind her and she whined in her throat as Stacey tightened an
already vice-like grip on her stomach “Uhhhhnnnnn” and then proceeded to sling
her back to the GROUND! She kicked out hard and then froze up as Stacey pulled
her up and slung her down onto her right side this time! Her arms went limp as
she was then bombarded with the sensation of her sister getting nailed in her
own GUT! Then she was pulled up and shit just started spinning out from around
her as she cried out while Stacey flung her as hard as she could to the ground
while FINALLY letting go of her! As soon as she slammed onto her side she
bitch-barked as she kinda… rolled… and then half-rolled again, gave off a loud
and exhausted moan as she… fell out onto her back… staring up at the blaring
sunlit sky of this sandy beach… she tried to reach up as she passed out…
Rosie stumbled away
from Traci who smashed into her with a body-charge and a crazy-bitter-deranged
DOUBLE AXE-HANDLE TO HER BACK “AHHHHH!!!!” She went down on all fours, pushed
herself up, stumbled towards her sister and then felt the searing sensations of
bright lights and blurry vision as she felt Renee giving out “RENEE!?!?
RenEE!?!?” haVE 2!?!? Rosie tried to stumble to, REneE!?!? But then Traci
crashed into her and clobbered her again, this time HARD AS FUCK ON THE BACK OF
HER FUCKIN NECK “UH-GLLAK!!!!” She went down onto her hands and knees and just
started trembling as she too felt the fact that she had sand coating and
sticking too all of her worn-out and worn over parts of her pantyline! You
bitches… U just wait… She dug her nails into the sand as she tried to hold out
but then Traci smashed her again, much to the delight of Lady Lisa “NOOHHH!”
Rosie felt an intense numbness as she crashed onto the side of her face and
clawed at the sand desperately dredging at it, till she tensed up and FLINCHED!
From Traci smashing her clasped fists right down on the nape of her NECK! She
raised her right leg as she felt her sister respond to Traci’s fuckin brutally
unnecessary attack. Both twins pissed hard and heavy as Traci’s last attack
laid them out for the rest of the day and more than likely the majority of the
“See that,” Lady
Lisa smiled, as Kellita practically was creaming her cunt at how vicious
Traci’s assault was “see that?” Lady Lisa purred. And as Kellita nodded, her
Lady told her “That’s what I need from them.”

DOWNLOAD - Ultimate Low Blows Vol.3 (Amber vs. Demon)
DOWNLOAD - Tracy vs. SoCal Val (SleeperGirls vs. Battle Angels)