As Christina Applegate was helped from the
ring after her fight and loss to the champ Cat
last month,* one of the first people to her side
was Britany Spears her new found friend.
Using her own body as a partial shield to
protect the damaged arm as Christina slowly
walked back to the dressing room, she had
only hatred for the dark hair beauty as she
strutted about showing off how she was the
champ, her words of apology seeming now to
be just words with no real meaning to them.
Back in the locker room, a camera crew was
there focusing on Chris as the arm was being
set and put in to a cast, Brit hovered close by
and offered what moral support she could,
and then turned to the booking agent for
these matches as he too came in to check on
her progress and wasted few words. "The
reign of that she-bitch needs to be brought to
an end. Get me a title shot at her let's see if
she's got the nerve to take me on."
Figuring it would be days at least before she
got any kind of response, Brit as quite willing
to wait as the negotiations went forward, she
got her answer back a lot sooner however
than she expected as minutes later Cat came
storming in to the room, "She-Bitch is it!?!
You dared call me that to the many who were
watching in front of the camera!" Stabbing an
angry finger at the camera crew nearby and
Brit realized her words had gone out live and
heard by all in the crowd as well as by Cat. A
wicked smile crossed Brit's lips as she
snapped back "Damm right I called you that,
and if you heard that, you know I want a shot
at your title as well, think you can keep me
from it?"
The sneer on Cat's face was no where near
pleasant, as she replied in a derisive tone, "A
two bit blonde bimbo like you? I'd hardly
break a sweat taking you out, you're on!
Anytime you want the match and the title shot
you've got it, I'll use you as an example to all
the other fighting wannabe's not to cross me,
and you'll be wishing you never entered the
fighting world when I'm done with you"
Every word spoken in there had been caught
and broadcast as the camera crew turned
from Christina's injury to this confrontation,
and the fans got their money's worth that
night as Brit snapped, "You're on bitch, and
the time I choose is right NOW!" and with that
she launched a drop kick that caught her out
and drilled the champ hard, slamming her
back in to some nearby lockers knocking the
tiara crown from her head and making her
slide down in to a sitting position.
Bouncing to her feet, Brit reached up and
jerked her own T-shirt off revealing a sexy set
of breasts barely held in by a tight bra, and
waited for the champ to come away from the
lockers and drop her robes which she was
doing as she stood up to face her in the same
black fighting gear she had worn in the ring.
With a shriek she launched herself at Brit and
the two went down in a tangle of flying arms
and legs the went rolling across the floor
even as the doctors and Christina beat a
hasty retreat from the room, but the camera
crew stayed put broadcasting the new fight
out to the fans.
Struggling to their feet, the two had one hand
in each other's hair and the other gripping the
tops of each other. Brit was about to lose her
top since her bra was not made for rough
handling, but she salvaged it for now with the
other hand as she jerked down on the dark
head with a snap and came away with a full
handful of the curly locks. With a yelp of
surprise and pain Cat jerked back looking at
the handful of hair and almost missed the
follow up as Brit lashed out with a hard kick
to the groin that doubled her over and then
was snapped back up and over as the blonde
stepped in with a knee lift to the jaw.
Landing flat on her back and dazed from the
ferocity of the teen's attack Cat could do little
as she grabbed at the legs and pulled her in
to an upended position and started to spin
around like a top making the Battle Queen
dizzy as the blood rushed to her head. With a
release and a crash Brit released the grip and
sent the Cat flying a good ten feet or so,
before she crashed to the ground. Rising
shakily to her feet she spotted Brit was also
feeling the effects of the spin perhaps more
so than she as she half stumbled towards her
and leap forward with fist ready snapping a
fast one two combination to the face that
rocked the challenger's head back and a hard
kick to the groin that doubled her over and
allowed Cat to secure a side headlock and
bulldog her face first to the ground.
There was no ring setup here with shock
absorbers built in to it to help cushion an
impact, but a cold hard and unyielding
concrete floor. The impact brought a
bloody nose to the young teen as Cat leaned
in to the hold raising her face for the cameras
to see, and started to grind away as she tried
to shake off the last effects of the first
Brit however was no where done and she
powered her way to her hands and knees
forcing herself to her feet, making Cat rise
with her or abandon the headlock. A hard
shove forward and a jerk back popped the
head of the youngster free and she had a
clear shot at the back of the champ as she
slammed her brakes on. Leaping in, her
young arms slid up and under the champs
and locked behind the head of the champ for
a full nelson and clamped down hard forcing
her head down to her chest and then forcing
her down to her knees as she tightened even
Realizing she was starting to lose this
struggle to the obviously still fresh teen, Cat
got dirty. She reached back and
clawed as best as she could at the face, but
the reach was poor and Brit expected such
from the dirty fighter and jerked them both
backwards landing on her own back with Cat
above her and grapevined the two legs with
her own rolled them over so she was on top
and in control of the situation. Releasing one
arm from the nelson and controlling the still
struggling Cat under her with the half nelson
she spread the legs apart and with the free
and started to undo the straps that held the
Battle Queen's top and once done worked it
off and out from under her tossing it to one
side of the room and leaving Cat topless.
Knowing the cameras were still broadcasting,
she relocked the full nelson on and rolled the
two of them a couple times across the floor
causing Cat's exposed breasts to be
displayed to the crowds outside, even deep in
the bowels of the arena, the reaction to this
display was heard albeit muffled as the sight
of the breasts were flashed across the
Satisfied she had humiliated the champ
enough for now, Brit decided to try for the
win, and released the one side of the nelson
again after rolling Cat under her one last
time. Shifting her free arm to the other side
she went after a crossover Nelson and
started to lever the black haired beauty's
upper body around twisting it cruelly even as
her grapevined legs kept the lower body
pinned down the other way. The effect of the
hold was a painful wringing effect as she was
slowly twisted and her ribs closed down over
her lungs and started to squeeze the air from
there as well reducing her to short and sharp
pantings as she tried to find breath her body
was no longer able to take in.
As the blonde cranked hard on the Nelson
twisting harder and harder on the upper body,
the Welsh queen groans were occasionally
punctured with screams from the pain as her
body was racked. Both were intent on the
struggle as she writhed in a desperate
attempt to somehow break free of the
torturous hold and neither of them heard the
slamming of the door as officials and referees
finally got in to the room and tried to break
up the fight.
With a particularly vicious twist to the nelson
and clamping even harder on the scissors
around the champs waist, Brit told the
officials bluntly to "Back off! You heard her
words like all the others. She offered the
challenge and I accepted for right now, this is
for all the marbles, interfere and I'll snap this
bitch's spine and you'll need a new champ
cause she'll never walk again!"
Reluctantly, and knowing that Brit had them
to their right's they let the struggle continue
and the referee moved in to watch for any
sign of surrender. Brit watched the others
back off with satisfaction but her brief
distraction cost her as she rose up a bit, and
the breast came close to the raven haired
beauty's face. Cat didn't hesitate to use
her sharp teeth to bite and bite hard on the
breast. With a scream of her own, Brit jerked
up involuntarily and lost her grip and with a
violent wrench, the Welsh queen was free
and rolling away to her feet.
Anger on her face, she charged the blonde
teen spearing her head first in the stomach
and slammed her hard back until she toppled
over the benches next to the lockers,
slamming her against one of them as she
went down. With a cry of rage, Cat followed
her over the bench and seizing the legs
quickly turning her over in to a Boston Crab
and dropped her full weight on to the hold
getting a squeal and shriek from the teen as it
was her turn for her back to be tortured.
While hot pain lanced the younger girls spine
and for a second she considered submitting,
but then her anger rose up and took over and
with it a clearing her head. Looking around
she spotted the bench she had toppled over
just to her side, it was bolted to the floor and
it offered the answer to her freedom. Digging
her arms under her, she partially raised her
body off the floor and dragged herself slowly
under the bench forcing the raven haired
champ to bump in to it as well, the narrow
space left the champ two choices either
abandon the hold as she was slowly getting
pulled under and across or else topple from
over balance. She chose to release it but not
before aiming a kick at the blonde's back and
then vaulting over the bench to grab her from
the other side and pull her free and to her
feet by her hair.
Brit came up all right, but also surged in close
and scooped the champ up as well in a
simple carry and twisting around slammed
her back down across the hard wooden
bench, hard enough for many to hear wood
splinter and crack from the impact. Straddling
the bench herself, Brit sat next to the queen
and one hand clamped over her neck in a
blatant choke and the other over the groin
fingers digging down and in with a claw hold
that had the queen groan and withering. Cat's
hands were free however and one shot up
and clawed at the face of the teen drawing
blood and caught the eye as well making her
release her choke and back away from the
Cat as she pawed at her eyes trying to clear
the blurring. Rising with fiery anger in her
eyes Cat charged Brit ready to put her down
again and give her a taste of her own
medicine, Brit however despite the blurry
sight could see her approach and caught her
as she reached for her and dropped back
catching the Cat with a near perfect monkey
flip that sent her skidding across the floor.
Both were on their feet at once and they
charged each other. Brit however was not
out of tricks and she suddenly went in to a
baseball like slide right between the startled
queen's legs and hooked both legs, dropping
the queen forward face first to the floor and
stunning her for a moment.
It was the opening that Brit had been hoping
for and she twisted and scrambled back
towards Cat grabbing both legs, bending
them back in to a figure X leglock. Spinning
around on top so she was facing away from
the queen Brit jammed her own feet between
the queen's thigh's and hooked the crossed
legs behind her own calves even as she
stood back and leaned back in to the leglock.
The sudden pain to both ankles, lower leg
and especially the kneecaps brought Cat out
of her daze in a hurry but by then she was
locked tight and Brit was already leaning back
keeping her legs stiff and letting more and
more of her body weight fall on the hold.
Brit was all business now, she knew she had
Cat in a hold that was all but inescapable and
the only options left were submission or
passing out from the pain. Looking down at
Cat, Brit demanded her surrender, but the
champ refused and tried desperately to find
any part the challenger that might let her pull
her off balance. No dice, Brit was keeping her
hands and arms well away from the grasping
Again she demander Cat's surrender and
again she refused to submit. Seeing she was
going to be stubborn Brit upped the hold even
further by arching back and dropping her
hands back and down until she could grasp
the tops of the champs shoulders and thrust
her own body forward using the arms like a
pivot. The result was an enormous increase
of the pressure and strain on the legs and
knees even as she also arched the queen's
back as well like a pseudo crab hold.
That was more than the queen could stand,
with a scream, she cried her submission
ending the match and the new champ was
Brit. Coming upright but holding her still in the
leglock, she looked down at the now fallen
queen and got a baleful glare back for her
efforts. Looking over to the side where
Christina still stood watching the whole fight
and the loss of the champ, Brit smiled and
addressed Christina saying, "We blondes
need to stick together, this is for you for her
breaking your arm" and with that she
suddenly dropped back with her full weight on
the hold. The pop of the knee as it dislocated
was heard by all and with a howl of pain, Cat
jerked and passed out from the sudden
extreme pain.
Disentangling her legs from the former
queen's, Brit looked around and gathered up
the robe and the tiara and put them on and
turning went back out to the main arena to
meet the fans as their new queen of mean.

Britney delivers a SHOCKING beating to the Champion Catherine
Britney Spears (51%) Rocks
Catherine Zeta Jones (49%)
Battle Zone officials were confused at how to
handle the apparent loss of the War Queen
Title by Catherine Zeta Jones to teenage
pop singing sensation, Britney Spears. Cat’s
lawyers argued the validity of Britney's
inpromtu challenge and win after Cat’s
defense against Christina Applegate. They
argued Cat was at a disadvantage, having
just completed a match, and second, she
couldn’t lose the title with out a properly
signed & sanctioned match. Some officials
agreed, while others felt Catherine’s mouth
wrote a check that her ass couldn’t cover and
got what she deserved. In a final
compromise, officials came up with a solution
to make the championship match 2 falls, with
Britney already gaining the first fall. This way
Britney gains an advantage for crushing
Catherine after the challenge, but they don’t
hand her the title.
Even with her impressive
victory many still put Britney as an underdog,
and dismissed it as a fluke. Britney needed
help to defeat tough Mariah Carey, and lost to Jennifer Lopez, although she humiliated Jennifer after the match. All in all, many
viewed Britney as the one of the most
formidable and talented newcomers to the
celebrity fight scene and aren't surprised to
see Britney already being put into main event
fights like this challenge for War Queen.
Catherine however is less than thrilled to be
putting her crown against this neophyte as
she referred to her. Used to more seasoned
fighters like Jennifer Lopez, and her arch
nemesis, Salma Hayek, she puts Britney into a league with Heather Graham, whom she
beat to an inch of her life. When Catherine
reminded of her own limited experience
on the fight circuit, starting only the last few
years, she blew her top. She quickly
reminded her detractors that she had been
fighting most of her life and the fact that she
had only gone pro in her late 20's was
irrelevant. Britney was going to be like a
lamb thrown to the lions as far as she was
concerned. Britney, hearing this retorted that
she too had been fighting most of her life,
practiced at wrestling, martial arts, boxing, for
the sheer love of it. As far as she was
concerned experience wise they were close.
The slight size advantage of Cat wasn't a
concern for Brit either. In fact she had said it
might be an advantage. Cat became smug
with this statement saying she was going to
squash the little bug if she insisted on still
stepping in the ring with the big girls. Fight
night has arrived and now we'll see if Cat can
hold back the young upstart.
Cat slowly makes her
way to the ring. A black silk cape surrounds
her and sashays as she moves. Her long
curly black hair as a draft blows on her. She
waits in her corner, one of her long legs
shows from out of the cape as she stands
defensively. Her expression turns to disgust
as Britney finally makes her way to the ring,
running and smiling as if she were making an
entrance to a concert instead of a fight. She
is dressed in a varsity school jacket of red
and white, her pig tails bouncing as she
jumps into the ring. She removes the jacket
to reveal a school girl outfit of white blouse,
red and black tartan skirt, white knees socks
and white wrestling boots. She starts to
unbutton the blouse then rips it off showing a
white muscle top. Then ripping the skirt to
show plaid briefs. She sails the skirt around
her head playing to the audience and Cat.
She then rolls down the socks till they
scrunch around the top of her boots. Cat,
whose eyes are slits of anger removes her
cape to show her two piece black outfit with
black boots with leather straps that circle her
legs to her knees looking like something a
Roman gladiatrix would've worn. Her black
suit set against her light skin contrasts nicely
making Cat stand out as a fashion statement.
Britney's light expression turns serious upon
looking at the cool calm but angry Cat as she
bites her lower lip and fingers her hair moving
to center ring.
As the bell sounds and the two start circling each
other. Britney at first seems a little hesitant
keeping her distance but then to Cat's
surprise she lunges in and locks up with her.
The two struggle until Cat slams a forearm to
her back and hiptosses her. Cat moves in
but is kicked back as Britney rolls and springs
to her feet. Cat crouches and moves in but is
met with a boot to the gut and a forearm
smash. Britney gets her in a front facelock as
Cat tries to lift her and flip her over but to no
avail as Britney drops her in a DDT. As Cat
rolls to her back Britney applies a figure four
Pouring on the pressure she
causes Cat's face to turn red in no time as
she frantically tries to kick out. Britney's
powerful legs are one of her best assets and
she's using them to their fullest as Cat well
realizes so she resorts to sinking her teeth in
the nubile silky flesh of her inner thigh.
Britney screams and lets go as Cat
scrambles for the ring apron exiting under the
bottom rope. But Britney is quick and grabs
two handfuls of her hair and latches on to her
ears pulling Cat back in the ring just as her
feet were about to hit the floor. Cat is
shrieking. Britney pulls her all the way in and
to her feet where she launches an assault of
closed fists, slaps and kicks. Cat is
overwhelmed at the youngsters aggression
and can only block them till she gets enough
composure to start returning punches
standing toe to toe.
Both women are soon
left with welts and cuts when Britney failing to
duck in time gets caught with a combo of fists
to the jaw and cheek reeling her back. Cat
has her on the defensive and goes in for the
kill swinging hard, her hair falling in front of
her face with the momentum. But Britney
ducks and moves in lifting Cat on her
shoulders and dumping her back so she falls
across the top rope. Her throat takes the
brunt of the impact as she falls on her back
gagging and gasping. Again she tries to roll
out of the ring but Britney grabs her ankles as
she slides under the rope. Positioning her just
right with her hands under the crooks of Cat's
knees she catapults her but Cat doesn't go
far as Britney planned when her throat again
is guillotined by the bottom rope and she
bounces back hard banging the back of her
head on the mat. Britney slides her out and
lifts her by the hair slugging her back to the
ropes where she ties her up and continues a
vicious onslaught of fists, slaps, kicks and
eye gouges. Britney starts to tire and settles
on just fists and the occasional kick as Cat
goes limp. She droops her head as Britney
slows her attack knowing she has the fight
The official is about to step in and stop
the fight as suddenly Salma Hayek who had
been yelling encouragement to Britney jumps
in the ring. She has a pair of scissors in hand
and raises Britney's hand in victory. Salma
offers Britney the scissors pointing at the
helpless Cat. Everyone including Britney is
well aware of the brutal match Cat had with
Salma when she cut off her clothes and some
of her hair with scissors** and now it was
revenge time. Salma was offering Britney a
piece of the action as she made a few snips
of her jet black hair and cut away her top
yanking it off. After Salma blades her with
the scissor blade making a small cut on her
forehead Salma slaps the scissors in
Britney’s hand and encourages her to do with
Cat what she wants. Britney is hesitant and
Salma grows impatient pushing her into Cat.
Britney looks back at Salma then at Cat who
is beaten and humiliated. She cuts off a
small lock of hair as Salma claps but then
suddenly turns and with the scissors secured
in the palm of her hand smashes a fist square
to Salma's jaw the lambastes her with a
series of fists and slaps till she has a very
surprised and hurt Salma tied up in the ropes
beside Cat. Britney turns to the audience
with scissors held high pointing at Cat and
Salma as Salma curses at Britney. Britney
shut her up as she again assaults her. She is
now turning the tables on Salma cutting away
her top and some of her hair.
Just then
another surprise enemy attacks Britney as
Jennifer Lopez slides through the ropes. Jen
is very anxious to get some revenge on
Britney after the humiliating beating she took
after she won her match but had goaded
Britney on afterwards. Britney saw her
coming and readied herself as Jen connected
with a fist she blocked the second and the
two struggled as Britney tried to fight back
still holding the scissors. Even with
adrenaline pumping Britney is tired from the
fight and Jen is winning the test of strength.
But Jen lets out a howl of pain as Britney
raises a knee into her crotch then another
kick very reminiscent of last month's
humiliating beating Britney gave Jen.*** Jen
tries to swing back but only gets air as she
falls into a side headlock and gets bladed
from Britney. Britney gouges the wound and
pounds it with her loaded fist till Jen is on
rubber leg street. She tosses her over into
both Salma and Cat as Jen falls to their feet
moaning on her side with Salma and Cat still
dangling semi conscious in the ropes. The
usually demure but vivacious pop singer lets
out a war cry as she stomps in the center of
the ring looking back at the carnage she
leaves exiting the ring with her hands raised
and the title of "War Queen" now belonging to
Britney Spears turns Cat into a Pussy! Slams Salma Hayek! and Jams on Jennifer Lopez in the same night to become the Undisputed War Queen

Catherine Zeta Jones, Salma Hayek, Jennifer Lopez & Christina Applegate
Bow to the new War Queen
* In Classic Cat vs Chris
** In Classic Cat vs Salma I
*** In Classic Jen vs Britney