Britney Spears (55%)
Bombs Jeri Ryan (45%) The
main event was about to begin. The Rock’s
entrance music came on blaring, and out
walked Jeri Ryan. Jeri made her way to the
ring with a quick walk and a determined look on
her face. She was wearing a bright red
leather cat suit, identical to the one that her
opponent wore in her latest video, “Oops, I
Did It Again.” It was obvious that she
planned to psych the champion out. Jeri
entered the ring, and grabbed a microphone.
Jeri shouted, “Britney, you little pop slut, get
your ass out here, so I can lay the smack
down on you!”
With this, Britney Spears, the
reigning War Queen, made her entrance to
the ring. Wearing a pair of tight, dark denim
pants and a white top that showed her tits off
nicely, Britney slowly approached the ring.
She was still hurting physically from the
attack from Salma Hayek and Catherine Zeta Jones, Brit’s face
showed little confidence. She was well
aware of how Jeri Ryan had cleaned house in
her debut four-way match.* Britney climbed in
the ring and look at Jeri Ryan. Jeri saw the
look of fear in Brit’s eyes, and immediately
Jeri charged across the ring and leveled
Britney with a hard clothesline, and then
proceeded to lift the champion to her feet and
pummel her with several hard punches to the
head. Britney was in trouble early, barely
able to stay on her feet, so she propped herself
in the corner. Jeri backed up and charged in
again, but Britney was able to move at the
last second, allowing Jeri to collide into the
turnbuckles very hard. Realizing she had to try
and fight, or Jeri would kill her, Britney
jumped on Jeri's back and locked on a sleeper
Stunned by this sudden attack, Jeri
Ryan drops to her knees. Britney
clings to the hold for all she is worth, but
Jeri is simply too strong, and manages to
break out by delivering some hard elbows to
ribs. Britney staggers back. Jeri comes in, and lands a series of
hard right hands to Britney’s head, ending
with an open hand slap that sends her to the
canvas. Jeri lifts Brit back to her feet
by her hair, and yanks her white top off,
revealing Britney’s bare tits, then steps
away. Britney looks at her opponent
shocked, Jeri Ryan is standing there
laughing at her. Being exposed and as she
felt her face swelling from where she had
been slapped, Britney becomes enraged, and
instantly she charges Jeri Ryan.
The sudden
attack was out of pure anger, and Jeri had
expected this. She caught Britney as she
charged in and delivered a devastating spine
buster. The champion’s head bounces off
the mat hard, as she lay out cold beneath
the challenger. Jeri Ryan then proceeded to
go for the People’s elbow. At the time the
spine buster was being delivered Britney’s
Generation Next partners had run to the ring.
Now, as Jeri bounced off one side of the
ropes, and then the other, Christina Aguilera
grabbed her ankle and pulled her to the floor.
Christina, already weak from her Battle Zone
debut earlier in the evening, ** threw a weak
punch that did not even cause Jeri to flinch.
Jeri countered with a boot to the stomach,
and the a DDT to the concrete floor. This left
Miss Aguilera unconscious outside the ring.
As Jeri rolled back into the ring, Ananda
Lewis tried to land a few good stomps, but to
no avail. The much tougher Jeri Ryan simply
shrugged the kicks off and then crushed
Ananda with a devastating clothesline. As
Ananda lay stunned in the middle of the ring,
Jeri set up and delivered the People’s Elbow
to her. Ananda lay motionless, and Jeri
rolls her out of the ring next to Christina.
She then turns her attention to the
champion, Britney Spears. Britney had
crawled to one of the ring corner’s and was
crouched there trying to recover. Jeri Ryan
walked over and attempted to pick her up by
the hair again, but just as Britney was on her
feet, she unleashed a hard kick to Jeri’s
crotch. This put the challenger to her knees.
Now Britney sensed she was in control of the
match. She began pummeling her foe with
kicks and punches, until Jeri topples to the mat in
a heap. Britney then climbs to the top rope,
she was planning to end it all in one move.
She dives off the top rope and delivers a
crushing guillotine leg-drop across Jeri
Ryan’s throat. She went for the cover, but
Jeri managed to roll out of it at the last
Shocked, Britney goes up top
again. By this time, Jeri Ryan had gotten to
her feet. As Britney came off the top rope to
deliver a flying clothesline, Jeri caught her
and countered with the Rock Bottom. Britney
was completely out, and Jeri Ryan proceeded
to sit on her stomach. It appeared that the
title was about to change hands, but Jeri
instructed the ref not to count yet. Instead
she grabbed Brit’s tits and dug her nails
deeply into them. Jeri proceeded to torture
the teen sensations breasts for several
minutes while Brit squirmed beneath her.
Jeri leaned close to Brit’s face and hissed, “
Say you quit you little slut, give up now and I
wont ruin this expensive tit job of yours!”
Britney responded by spitting into her foes
face. Jeri Ryan proceeded to squeeze hard
into the champ’s tits one more time, then
delivered a hard back hand slap. Jeri stood
over Britney and placed several hard boots
directly to her crotch. While Britney was
writhing in pain, Jeri brought a table in to the
ring and set it up. She then lifted Britney up
for a powerbomb. It appeared a new
champion was to be crowned as Jeri Ryan
prepared to drop Brit through the table. In a
final attempt to save herself, Britney locked
her legs around Jeri’s head and squeezed.
Jeri Ryan tried to sling her down, but those
legs were wrapped to tightly. Brit’s crotch
was pressed hard into Jeri’s face, preventing
the challenger from getting any air. Jeri
Ryan’s knees began to go weak, and sensing
this Britney Spears flipped back keeping her
legs locked firmly. The Frankensteiner took
both of the competitors through the table,
with Jeri Ryan’s head leading the way.
Laying in the remains of the shattered table,
Jeri was laid spread eagle, with Brit sitting on
her face. With her last ounce of strength, the
Britney reached back and hooked her
opponent’s legs. The referee delivered the
standard ten count, and then called for the
bell. Britney rolled off and lay on the mat,
completely exhausted. Her body ached
terribly all over, especially her breasts which
were bleeding from the claw marks, and her
crotch which felt numb from the kicks it
received, but nevertheless, Britney Spears
was still the War Queen. By this time,
Generation Next was able to stand up on
their own, and help their champion to the
back, however, all three young stars knew,
they had received a beating that they
wouldn’t soon forget.

Generation Next Wins Again!
Jeri Ryan couldn't stand alone against Generation Next tonight
* Jeri in the Fatal Fourway Debut
** Christina's debut versus Brandy