Erotic City II, Act Three

Lucy vs. Vivica… Round 2, Part One
It started out as a rescue
mission and an admission of guilt over failing to
see the dangers that lay out in the Sin City nightlife. But now it had become
much more than any admissions of anything, as she realized that this bitch was
once again trying to take what was hers. Once again trying to spin the bottle
and hopefully have it land square on her shoulders, so that she could get
the fuck out of her own fuck-up!When she was right there, she was RIGHT
THERE! And should have been able to handle the situation without
anyone having to rescue her ass at all “Shit…! Uuuu,”
all over meh!? I won’t let
THIS FAR! I know… Damn u, u fuckin kissing machine! Give it UP ALREADY…bitch! Sooooh fuckin wet…
can’t b-lieve… this shit…!?
Is dragging on like this…!Fffuckin… die hard…!
They stumbled up against the
wall panting and pawing at each other…! The sounds of their wet kisses echoing
in this ornately beautiful hallway, as they continued their Girl Talk in this
most intimate of fashions… A rescue mission that actually did succeed, but it
was what went on before the rescue mission… that was so important, especially for one of them… No way… Am I gonna let u…! G----et! Away from meh “Fuck…!” Can’t
believe you won’t… juss… GIVE UP! Oh shit!? Why u… u…nnnn-I…!? I can’t b-lieve…
so wet…I didn’t think… di---didn’t think…u’d b able “Oh fuck…!? U…? St-st-stopufuckin…bitch…!” wearing meh OUT! I
can’t-I can’t-I CAN’T LET U… ! Can’t
let u jess… wear meh out like this…! Fuckin brute force…bit-ch…! This might be
my last chance… my only chance…my…only chance…!
Gotta take it… I gotta…take it…! I’m
sorry… Vivica…!
polished antique chair’s dotted the hallways plush red carpeted centerline
surface, while beautiful abstract portraits hung from both walls as these two
hot and horny Hollywood starlets…! Continued to slowly work their way from one
side of the hallway… to the other…! Their gasps and the wetness of their kisses
were mirrored by the wetness between their legs. Occasional moans of passion
and groans from being put up against the cold polished marble wall, “Fuck!”
Kept them both struggling hard against one another. They’d gone at it in the
limo on the ride home and took a brief break only to start up again right here
in the hallways of their Master’s Estate. And that was what was at stake in all
of this. Being Number One, to their man, their Master. Being his Main Bitch and
leading his entire pack of bitches in all of their various shapes, sizes and
colors. At first they both had their hesitations, but as the days have passed
they have seen that those who serve their Master are keenly aware that they are
at the top of this pile. Lucy’s freckled features and off-colored AmerAsian
skin contrasted hard like her height against her taller Black adversary,
Vivica, with her sexy browned skin “I got you now.” Lucy moaned.
But the roving of hands over
thighs and hips, the raising of legs to try to keep too much contact from their
way too wet womanhood’s, had kept this little sexfight going far longer than
even Lucy thought it could go, as Vivica groaned back “Fuck noh!
Noh… Nohhh…”
They started grinding their hips
against each other as they continued to struggle where they stood. Their lips,
both sets, were soft and wet as Lucy prodded Vivica to “Give up. Give up, I got
you.” Lucy kept trying to work over Vivica’s vaunted Two Little Bitches, while
Vivica faltered and tried to find her footing in an area she didn’t have nearly
the experience that Lucy had. Their moans of passion, moans of ego and
exhaustion, coupled with sexy insults. Made their ever-increasing fuck-fight in
this hallway!? Even hotter as Vivica simply refused to give up “Noh, fuck… U fuckin…”
but even in-between her and Lucy’s moans the one thought driving them even
harder was the fact that neither of them wanted to be thrown away “I won’t,”
the sounds of their wet kisses intensified as Vivica struggled under the
wall-pinning weight of Lucy “I can’t. I have to, uhh fuck.”
Vivica knew by the whining of
her Two Little Bitches that she’d better turn this around or else she’d be
cuming hard pinned against the wall by this little bitch. And that would be the
end of that. Never mind that Salma had already gotten her started in the wrong
direction when she checked her at the Diner. Quickly Vivica pushed off of the wall
with her ass, as she took Lucy by her shoulders, causing Lucy to yelp! Lucy
held onto Vivica as Vivica finally pinned her against the
wall “Uhmphf, fuck!” Lucy’s eyes rolled and she
struggled hard as hell to get control of herself because Vivica’s quick
reversal was sending a mind numbing reminder! Straight to Lucy’s pussy and
tits, about how Jennifer Love Hewitt had pinned her against the Diner wall and
head-banged the fight right out of her “Fuckin, cunt!” she cursed
moreso at the flashback, than at Vivica. She lifted up her leg and aimlessly
panted as she didn’t have the faintest idea what the fuck she was doing, but
she knew that she was still reeling from getting her cunt and ass kicked by
JLH! That fuckin Texas TWAT! Jess-jess-JESS WAIT! AH’M
GONNA, I’m gonna!? Lucy turned her head to the side and moaned like
a bitch in heat as she cried out without warning “I’m GONNA CUMMMM! God I’m
gonna fuckin cum all over you Vivica, get offa meh! Damn you and the slave ship
that brought u, get offa meh!” Lucy hoped hard that maybe Vivica would have a
Black history moment or something!? And dive for the intentionally dirt-poor
ploy she’d just thrown out there! But Vivica… didn’t bite, at least not on her
crappy attempt to play the race card, it was funny though, in a bizarre and
potentially fist-a-cuff fueling sort of way! Bullshit aside it didn’t fucking
work which only made Lucy turn her head up and expose her neck, which Vivica
did bite on immediately! The soft sensations
of Vivica’s teeth against her neck coupled with the smooth feel of her tongue
painting her neck with cockspit while her lips and teeth left passion marks on
the pale-skinned little CAP! Made Lucy’s knees buckle as she tried to keep the
trench coat on her while holding on around Vivica’s neck and shoulders, pressed
and trapped against the fuckin wall with Vivica driving her harder and faster
towards cuming all down her own LEG!
Lucy’s eyes narrowed as the
hazy-horniness of heat actually caused her to falter and only stay up because
of being trapped against the wall by Vivica! She hadn’t been handled this hard
in a good long while and it made her moan in admission as Vivica kept her up
“I’m sorri, I’m sorri! I want the Blackman! I was in Jerry McGuire Anji and I
love the Blackman,” she gasped! But she actually heard Vivica chuckle and she
could feel her trying to hold in a laugh and she quickly cried out “I LOVE THE BLACKMAN! SHOW ME YOUR COCK!”
Unbeknownst to either Lucy or
Vivica… up the hallway some twenty feet and around that 90-degree turn…? On a
straight-run, or walk, down this corridor? Was the closed double-doors that led
to Geese’s personal bedchamber. And sssstanding in
front of it? Were “Non?” Julia…
And Charmaine “Well now, looks
like we’re about to have a bit of company my luv.” I don’t much
care for that bitch.
Julia could almost sense the
fact that “Char?” ohhhh, please don’t tell meh that you’re
still mad at Lucy? We’re not supposed to interfere with any Test of Dominance
or Contest for First, you know that. Julia had been married to
Charmaine long enough to know by the tone of her voice and that gleam in her
eye? She wasn’t going to sit still like a good little girl and let matters
resolve themselves and that was something that endeared her so much to her, as
well as the Master, but sometimes? It got her tangled up from time-to-time with
shit that really stunk to high hell. Julia tried to assuage her with a soft
touch and an even softer, sexier, subtle question of “What’s
wrong, ma chérie d'amour?” She began slowly caressing the side of
Charmaine’s face and she quickly saw Charmaine show her tongue and lick her
lips which was one of Char’s visual indicators that someone or something was
definitely turning her on. She breathed a sigh of relief to herself as
Charmaine’s eyes did soften a bit, but the tone in Char’s voice did show that a
simple caress and soft words weren’t going to be enough for the agitated Black
Brit Bitch.
“Nothing.” Charmaine couldn’t
help but turn her attention towards her wife and moan back just as softly as
she looked slightly down into her eyes and reminded her that “Nothing’s wrong
for as long as I continue to hear the sound of Lucy, getting her friggin arse
kicked.” For the life of her, just the feel of Julia’s hand against her face,
against her hair? It turned her on, it always turned her on and settled her
down. It was the main reason why Julia was First of All Maid Enforcers and
Charmaine was Second. My bloody temper… I still
owe Lucy for tricking meh and for putting her hands on you. And I owe that
bitch Salma, too. Been soh twisted up lately and with the whole fight at that
dingy Diner? The Estate’s starting 2 really fill up nicely now and we’ll be
called upon to start testing these other daft-cunts and dummies to get them
into full fighting form for the Master’s W3W. I can’t have
our arse-holes all open and randy, ready, to follow a conniving little
bahk-stabber like, Lucy. Anji iz honest and forthright, a real leader, a woman.
Lucy is just a mish-mash of messed in the head mush. All fur coat and no
knickers, she is. Stupid bitch. She’ll do well at Second with Anji to keep her
honest. Even Space Cadet Chiaki would make a better First, than Lucy the
But Julia said back softly, as
she could see her wife’s gears working overtime while not nary a word was
coming out of her mouth “Stop worrying, my love.
Everything will be fine. And you’re picking up more and more weird slang by the
day. Here…? Let meh just… There you go… That’s a good girl… Let meh just… take
care of you, chérie…” Charmaine… moaned… and started to drift back
to her task of simply minding the door. The Master wants no
interruptions… And he’s been fucking Chiaki right good, lucky bitch… Now here
comes the last two, Charmaine moaned to herself about the fact that?
It’d be nice… To be able to join in… But it’s too
soon, too early. They have too… get used to one another first… Damn u Julia…
Damn u and your magik hands….
While Julia began massaging
the neck and shoulders of her wife, Lucy was trying to press her legs together,
but Vivica was quick to wedge herself up against Lucy and grind her up against
the wall causing Lucy to whine hard as hell while Vivica kissed her even
harder! FULL ON THE LIPS! Catching her right
while she was moaning hot and heavy at the fact that Vivica was starting to
really turn her out now! How the hell…!? Can I get
TRICKKKKK----MEH!? But even as her mind was sent swooning for a
loop!? Lucy shuddered at the sudden full-on offense by Vivica! It actually took
her totally off-guard! The sensations were sharp as her clit started buzzing
even harder and she could feel the constant trembling deep within her creamed
up cunt! She turned away in mid-kiss as Vivica was taking charge and having her
way! “Fuckin…
brute bitch!” but Lucy’s words
were more of a whine! And then she tensed up and drew in a sharp breath!
Actually closing her eyes as she felt Vivica licking her exposed neck again!
Vivica kept on her knowing
that her best defense was offense, as Lucy felt those tell tale signs of her
pussy just wanting something hard and solid against it, in it! Anything to quiet down the constant twitches and trembles
of her cuntwalls! The constant desire to have that emptiness filled and all
of that cuntjuice, the wetness!?!? Lucy squirmed
and tried to keep quiet as Vivica was really starting to overpower her, till
she just blurted out “Ohh, GOD,
FUCK!?” Her eyes rolled up and she
whined as Vivica was finally pawing at her ass! She tried to stop her! She knew
full well that the last thing that she needed was Vivica pawing around her
pussy patch and feeling her the fuck up! Can’t let’er touch me
while I’m all fuckin turned on and turned around like this! Fuckin bitch,
Lucy moaned and fell into the flashback of her match with Vivica that started
this shit! The match that made her Second, instead
of First…! I fuckin missed my finisher… Missed my fuckin… God I’m
so fuckin wet… Lucy put her chin in the crook of Vivica’s neck and
panted hard as fuck as Vivica was trying hard as
hell to get underneath her fuckin trench
coat! I fuckin missed… Lucy was losing it as
she was being drawn further and further into that first fuckin match! My fuckin finisher!? In
that first match…? Can’t stand it…! Always confuses the fuck out of meh, when I
miss it…! And the bitch got me…! Right when it fuckin counted, right WHERE…!? It fuckin counted!
That first
match, Lucy moaned to herself.
That first
fight, Vivica moaned to herself. I took a fuckin beating
from this bitch, but she’d fucked up and knocked out Julia, who was the ref. I
swear if she hadn’t have clocked Julia like that… I woulda lost soh fuckin
easily to her, BUT!? But… maybe my plan… would have worked even faster,
BETTER!? When he saw me all… laid out like that! I didn’t think he would ever
catch up to meh again, but he did… Tried to play it off, but when he gave me
his card… I remembered, I remembered
him! Tried to play it off, I tried! But planned or not…? If Lucy hadn’t lost
her fuckin mind and knocked Julia the fuck out!? I woulda lost wayyyy too
easily. The fact of the matter made Vivica’s cunt even wetter than
it already was. Even as she continued to hammer the nails into Lucy’s coffin,
her own cunt was clinching and flinching at how Salma had set her back on her
heels by kicking her ass hard in that match! Never mind that she’d just gotten
beaten by Halle again and humiliated! Back-to-back losses!? She
whined, but kept her kisses wet and actually a lot more sloppy, just like her
cunt that was creaming her panties to it, but was nicely hidden up underneath
these sweatpants! Back-to-back losses! Then I just got…
punk’d! By Salma in the Diner, then ambushed! By my ownnnn… fuckin teammate…
But that’s all right… even though I’m making a mess I know once I finish you
off! He’ll clean me all up… and enjoy every last single drop of juice that I
have… while you’re sleepin like a baby, bitch!
I never
should have hit Julia with that axe-kick, Lucy moaned to
herself. Fuckin… French Fucker… God she sounded so fuckin
hot when I caught her off-guard! I swear I thought I was gonna cum in my pants
when she went down like that! Then…? She just…? Turned her ass up like that…? I
love Europe… I actually… like her… snail-eating porn-whore… I wanna hear… that
fuckin yelp of hers! Ohhh fuck, Vivica u!? I’m gonna cum, I’m not gonna MAKE
IT! I wanna be first! I wanna be FIRST! He favors meh, I KNOW HE DOES! BUT!? I
KEEP!? I KEEP FUCKIN UP! Never… I never shoulda attack Julia, and now!? I’m
attackin Anji too! God I’m so fuckin DESPERATE! BUT IF I WIN THEN I’LL BE FIRST
AND THEN I CAN ALWAYS BE LIKE!? IT’LL… Be like normal… because I’m First…
I’ll-I’ll-IIIIII’ll----caLL The sHOTS!!!! I can… Lucy could see
herself coming into, but the moment she saw herself coming into Geese’s office
her wires got crossed and she was QUICKLY brought back to the fact that she was
NOT HIS FUCKIN FAVORITE BLACK BITCH! But try as she might… she
flinched in Vivica’s arms and nearly came on Vivica’s sweatpants covered leg! I need help! Chi-Chi-CHIAKI!? HELP MEH! Why the fuck doesn’t this
telepathic SHIT actually work in the real world!?!?
I have no
clue why Lucy did that stupid shit, Vivica kept up the pressure on
Lucy as they were both bouncing in and out of the here and now, versus the then
and gone. How much longer… Vivica wondered… Can I keep this up? He… has to know, he has to… Just the
thought made Vivica’s mind race with her first fuck with Geese! He has to know that I’m lying. He has to know that I’ve done celebrity
catfighting before. Vivica felt a tinge of guilt as Lucy trembled in
her embrace while she was seeing the image in her mind of Julia, face-down and
ass-up from getting hit by Lucy’s surprise attack during her first match
against Vivica.
Lucy could hardly contain herself when she saw Julia like that! That sound, Lucy moaned… That sweet sound of me,
GIVIN IT TO HER! When I fuckin ROCKED HER! God… she sounded so fuckin sweet…
But it cost me… I fucked up… Like I always do somehow… I won’t fuck up this
time, they both said to themselves, as they both remembered how.
Lucy took Vivica’s toe-kick
and it stunned the shit out of her! My ass was all hangin out!
I couldn’t believe I’d fucked up so fuckin much and now!?
Now I had
my chance, Vivica breathed hot and heavy as she kept Lucy
pinned to the wall and started finally stripping the little bitch up out of
their Master’s trench coat. I kept slapping her ass!
Gave her a few extra toe-kicks, too, Vivica recalled.
But Lucy remembered vividly
how Vivica had, CUNT-KICKED MEH!?!? Lucy
whined in her mind, BITCH!?!! CUNT-KICKED MEH, as Vivica was
slowly stripping her in this hallway! My pretty little cunt… My
pretty little cunt…! I’d fucked up too much. Missed too many moves, missed too many opportunities! Missed my finishing move… And
she caught me right out of it, and kept catching meh…
Vivica kissed downwards on
Lucy, almost as if to show her shorter teammate that it wasn’t just about size,
but she wanted to shove her will right down Lucy’s, throat! To
show her…? That she was the one who stood next to their Master and that she had
all of the tools, all of the talents needed!
To make sure everyone got their fair share… Orderly… Balanced… You’re too temperamental
Lucy trembled hard as she felt
Vivica’s warm hands finally find her tits and start working them over. She drew
in a sharp breath and her eyes narrowed as her forehead rested against the
bridge of Vivica’s nose. Too fast… happening too
ff-fast, can’t stand when, Lucy
started hard fuck-panting as her first fight with Vivica collided with her
latest loss to Jennifer at the Diner! “UUUHhhhuh-noh,” she shook her head slowly trying to clear
the cunt clenching cobwebs of having her precious tits toyed with, but also to
show the fact that Vivica wasn’t just fondling her tits, but fondling an area
that really, REALLY!?!!
Turned Lucy on and could turn her out “Nn-Noh, I? Anji… Please… Anji, Pleaz… I haveta b…
Haveta be… the leader, the Lead… Bitch, I know I can… fuck, stop, oh God, stop!
I know I can do it, I… I…?”
But Vivica showed no signs of
letting up as she told Lucy softly “It’s past due time…!”
she gasped “To put you in yourplace…!” Lucy picked up her head and gave off a
cunt-clinching/dick-stiffening sorrowful whine as she shook her head hard and
fast! Sending her mane flying as she was trying to clear the cobwebs, keep
herself from cuming! And to resist the fact that Vivica really had been kicking
her ass in every way where it mattered! She couldn’t keep it up for long and
she abruptly stopped heaved hard, fuck-panting through her teeth and then
literally settling back down against Vivica who breathlessly told her again “Once I put u in yer place, then? Then…!?” Lucy whined as
Vivica told her “Then
everything’ll go smoothly,”
Noooh, noh!
Don’t wanna be put down, not now! I don’t wanna be put down! Not now, Anji,
jess!? Jess give meh a chance to “Noh,
Anji-pleaz” Lucy’s real reason for even thinking that was because
she’d already shown too many times that she couldn’t handle responsibility on
this kind of scale. Never mind that she’d failed too many times already when
the chips were down! That JLH loss was the back-breaker though! And then being
laid on top of Chiaki when at any time if she’d have JUST!? I shoulda jess LEFT! I KNOW “An-An-ANJI-PLEAZ!
B-behging-God, I’m begging u! Don’t!” Lucy kissed back but it didn’t
take much for Vivica’s kisses to cause her to freeze up, never mind she was
still working over her tits! Lucy’s mouth fell open and Vivica began to tongue
her out and slowly encircle Lucy’s lips with her own, each time… Lucy’s panted
and closed her mouth a bit more… then a bit more… till she began sucking on
Vivica’s tongue while Vivica was kissing her lips and causing her eyes to stay
thin white streaks of constantly creaming at the cunt, slits!
Vivica WANTED to give her a
chance, but? But…? Lucy damn sure did ambush Vivica when she thought the
opportunity was there. Never mind that she’d just been knocked the fuck out by
Jennifer Love Hewitt, a perennial fuckin loser in the BZL! Bitch couldn’t even
get fuckin matches, let alone win them! And then while Vivica was in the midst
of fessin up for fuckin up, little Miss Chinese American Princess attacks! Uh-uh, I gotta put you down while you’re ready to go down and stay
down, but “Don’t worry, baby. I’ll
make sure that Geese spends a lotta time with you, okay?” Lucy damn
near creamed herself as she realized what Vivica was saying!
The fact that Vivica was
willing to MAKE SURE that Lucy got EXTRA TIME with Geese!? Her heart skipped a
beat even as she tried one last time to protest “But?”
she moaned. But she was easily kissed quiet by Vivica who slid her tongue back
into her willing and wet mouth.
bitch! Lucy knew her chance was slipping away! Maybe I shouldn’t have KEPT!?
But she was so sure she could push Vivica into a corner and get one more SHOT! You bitch!? I de-zerVE…
to be… first…! MeH!
Lucy panted as Vivica was really starting to wear-her-the-fuck-out in
this hallway “U bitch…” she panted at Vivica “St-stop it,”
“Ohhh noh,”
Vivica groaned as she reminded her “I told u 2 knock it off,
in the limo”
“But,” Lucy was losing it all now!
“And you kept
right on,”
“NNnnhf, Anji?”
Lucy whined back at her “Oh God, you’re gonna make
me cum all over Geese’s floor!” she pouted!
But then she drew in an
intense breath as Vivica told her “And then you’re gonna
haveta clean it up, sweetie.”
Lucy’s mind flashed white and
she saw herself in a hazy image in her head, on her hands and knees “Oh God, oh Noh!? Not meh, not like that!? Not now! Stupid
brain, stop it!” she gasped, but the image although hazy was of
her… On her hands and knees, hunched over with her ass up… She tried to fight
it off, fend it away but she saw herself all decked out like a good little
bitch in latex and kinky, CRAP! She shook her head and tried to get away from
Vivica as well as drive out the image, but she saw a leash extending from the
collar around her neck “Ill! Oh God!?” straight to Vivica’s hand! Then she felt Vivica
get her up and out of her trench coat, while she saw in this submissive shot… Vivica… walking her, in this hallway… telling her quietly to
“NOH! FUCK!!!!”
Even Lucy’s sudden burst of
energy wasn’t enough to get her out of Vivica’s vice grip! And Vivica wasted no
time resisting Lucy’s little surge of strength that was driven by her own
nightmare images of being a totally submissive, FREAK!
At the hands of Vivica! Who wasted no time getting her left hand up underneath
Lucy’s ass and slapping the right-side of it with a series of resounding slaps!
That pushed yet another memory to the forefront, of how Vivica had done the
same thing during their first fight when she was finally ready to polish the
little Chinese American Princess off! Lucy lowered her head and whined even
harder, nohhh! But the words weren’t
coming out of her mouth, simply racing through her mind as she was
hard-fuck-panting from Vivica riding her closer and closer to climax! Nohh, Anji-stop, noh! Happening TOO FAST! I NEED!?!? Lucy
couldn’t hold it in any more “Geese!? HeLP MEH!”
It actually startled Vivica
into a horny frenzy to finally here Ms. Difficult!!?!
Actually admit the fact that she WANTED HIS HELP!?!? Vivica
quickly guessed that Lucy was probably bitching up a storm when shit went south
in that fight at the Diner, and then it struck her and she told Lucy “Guess I’m
not as pathetic as you thought, huh?”
quickly gasped back at Vivica “Shuddup, u don’t” DENY EVERYTHING! DENY!
But Vivica wasn’t going for
Lucy’s name and rank and serial number bullshit as she softly asked Lucy “Why is this so hard for you?”
But Lucy immediately whined
back “I DON’T KNOW!? It,”
then for the briefest of moments they looked at each other more like the lovers
they were imitating, as they were fucking around in this hallway and Lucy told
her “I envy you, Anji”
Even Vivica was surprised as
Lucy told her “You? You…? You don’t hide anything.”
“Yeah and that hasn’t exactly
worked out all the time.”
I know you used to catfight.” Vivica gave Lucy a semi-shocked expression as
Lucy told her “I know you’ve been pretending with him, so that you can be
closer to him. Lord knows I started to run the same thing, but…? I don’t
want’im to think I’m…?” Vivica took her by her face and kissed her and Lucy…
relented. She savored the fact that Vivica had come out and took responsibility
for her fuck-up “I should’ve been able 2
save Chiaki.”
“No… noh…
I should’ve… I
wanted to, God I so desperately WANTED TO!” but then Lucy’s voice got soh
fuckin small as she meekly admitted “But I didn’t… I didn’t save her, I couldn’t even save myself! In the end I was laid
the fuck out and pinned up against the wall coughin up COCKSPIT! Like some porn
bitch on set!” her eyes immediately turned downward as she muttered
“Whining for Geese to come and bail meh the fuck out
after pretty much tell’em to fuck-off!”
but Lucy only muttered back how embarrassed and humiliated she was till Vivica
told her “C’mon gurl, you are beatin yourself up worse than
anybody else could, this isn’t exactly the words that any woman wants to hear.
Sharing a man? That’s not exactly news over here, but nobody wants to see or
hear about right up in their face, unless you’re Hugh Hefner or something like
“I know, I KNOW! BUT!? But look at you, look at
Chiaki!?” Lucy lowered her voice as she was still whining “You decided as soon as he put everything on the table, you said right
then and there ‘I’m staying!’. Chiaki too was like ‘Long as he’s there for me,
then I’m in!’ BUT!? But meh…?”
“Lucy? You aren’t meh and u
aren’t Chiaki.”
“I know,I’m meh! Which means something
presto-chango-weirdo! Has to happen all the stinkin time. And that’s
why this is so fuckin hard for meh… My personal life has always been… Messed up,” Lucy searched Vivica’s eyes and could see that
she knew full-well-EXACTLY, what she was fuckin
talking about “I can actually relate to you, Anji. But I’m
not as blunt in this one area… Not nearly as bold as I am in some of the other
areas.” Lucy could feel Vivica’s hand gripping the underside of her
ass, as she stood here shoulders bare with Geese’s heavy trench coat fallen to
the small of her back and pinned against the wall along with her ass!
Semi-naked in this hallway, except for her socks and sneakers, till she asked
Vivica bluntly “You trust him, don’t you?”
Vivica looked hesitant for a moment and Lucy immediately pounced “See, see? Look at this,” she whined “Look
at us!? We shouldn’t need to settle or fight over one
man!? We have everything that any woman could want!And we could have whatever man we want, of any race
or any nationality! So why,” and
Vivica knew Lucy wanted an answer “HOW has it come to this?! How
did we reach this point!?”
With not nary a seconds
hesitation Vivica told her “Shitty decisions in our dating lives,” Lucy’s heart
and spirit sank as Vivica punctuated her point “Simple as
that. We made some shitty choices, Lucy. Lord knows I have.” Lucy
tried to turn away, find someplace to HIDE, but Vivica had her held tight and
wouldn’t let her look away as she told her “There’s no place ta hide from
yourself.” Lucy sighed, a depressed sigh, as Vivica lifted up her chin and told
her “He loves meh, I know it.”
Now Lucy’s eyes held her
trademark Dragonlady leer as she snapped softly “You’re
not helping.”
But Vivica easily disarmed her
with a soft snappy come back of “And you know he loves you
Lucy’s legs almost turned to
fuckin jelly as the sincerity, the… the assuredness,
the fuckin confidence in Vivica’s “HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT!?”
but Vivica didn’t raise her voice as she quietly shot back “Because I do.”
why are you trying so hard to fuck me senseless?” gotcha.
Lucy’s mouth
fell open… she made a few weird noises that you could say were
pretty-fuckin-feeble attempts to answer… Then she closed her mouth, for fear a
fly might zip on in there…! Then she sighed “I hate your ultra-cool,
Blaxploitational uber-confidence, crap. U
know that don’t you?”
“It’s a gift.” Vivica smiled
and softly told Lucy “Relax, okay? You know you
like the way he’s always lookin out for you and handlin all that goddamn
baggage you got.”
Now Lucy’s face soured again
as she snapped “I don’t have baggage! And you’re one to talk Mrs. Ex-50 Cent, cage-dancer!”
Vivica smirked “like I just said, we’ve made bad choices for the wrong
Lucy narrowed her eyes “It’s scary
when you’re making more sense to me by the moment. I liked it better when you
were at my throat.”
“Sweetie, I wuz never at your
throat. So you know you’re telling on yourself, right?”
Lucy’s mouth fell open again as she did realize that sure
enough!? She was ALWAYS harping
at Vivica for some reason or another! She started to say something more but
Vivica told her “Intermission’s over, Alexis. It’s
time for me to wrap you up and take you on home to our old man so we can really
Lucy immediately stammered “He---He’s!?
He’s not my old man!”
“Sure he’s not, guess that
means more for me then, right?”
“Wait-a-second!?!! I change my mind!” But then Lucy whined as Vivica slapped
her on her ass and then kissed her quiet, abruptly ending their intermission. She’s all over meh!? Lucy turned away as she rubbed herself
against Vivica’s sweatpants trying to turn down the heat between her legs. I thought that our stupid little conversation might at least give me
some time to get my-fuckin-mind right! But!?!? Fuckin… bitch! Didn’t realize…
she actually… knew how ta make sense of shit “Uhhh-fuck,
Vivica? Anji, I?!?! I need a timeout,”
but Vivica was pawing all over her naked body now and Lucy was quickly building
back up towards overload and orgasm “An-An-Anji… oh Fuck,
c’mon… pleaz, so fuckin wet” Lucy was ready to fuck, NOT GET FUCKED
“Geese… Geese help meh… U helped them… U---U!??!”
Vivica was now starting to rub in between her legs with her hands from behind
her “Uuuu---Anji-stop, I’m gonna cum…! Not in the
hallway…! I’m not sum whore, not in the hallway, migod!” But Vivica was pressing home her
advantage and gripping Lucy’s ass like she owned it as she abruptly spread her
ass-cheeks open and got a firm GRIP OF THEM! Intentionally working her over and
causing her untouched cunt to cream and call for much needed attention as
Lucy’s cuntlips were being pulled by default from Vivica’s fondling of her ass
and exposing of her asshole “Geese…!? U gotta…!? Help
Anji whispered in her ear “He’ll help you as soon as we get to his room just around the corner, at
the end of the hallway.” Lucy picked her left leg up and started
rubbing the inside of her leg, trying to rub her pussy against Anji’s leg! She
needed to feel SOMETHING AGAINST HER! AGAINST HER SOFT!? WEAK AND WET, PUSSY! And Anji was more than happy
to hook her leg and use her height and size to move Lucy up against the wall! “FUCK!” actually forcing a gasping breath from the
little bitch! As Anji was finally starting to play at the fringes of her cunt!
Savoring the sloppy sensations of cunt cream and Lucy’s ragged cuntlips! Finally, Anji moaned to herself. FINALLY,
she stayed nice and tight against Lucy and savored the slutty-sounds of heat
that Lucy was making right in her ear! Finally, I got you, you
little bitch. Just the thought made Anji moan as she realized that
she would simply fuck her senseless right here, RIGHT
NOW! And she was oh-so-sure! That
the moment Lucy was anywhere near Geese, she’d
dive on him like he was the last man on EARTH!
Which was what she actually wanted anyway, all BS aside. Now, she finally slid
some of her fingers into the folds of Lucy’s cunt. Now things
can finally fall into order, Anji sighed. I’ll make
sure that you get the attention you need, BUT FIRST!?!?
You should’ve left well enough alone, but ohhh-noh. I see now that with YOU, Anji finally slid her fingers into Lucy’s
willing and waiting cunt. With you? You just don’t
know when to say when, and I’m gonna haveta watch out for that. I see right now
that Salma keys in on shit like that.
Lucy shuddered and held on
TIGHT to Anji as she tried to hold in a loud bitch-bark at Anji’s fingers
finally finding their way into her hole! BITCH!?!! First…!? JLH…! Lucy could
clearly remember how JLH poured all of that crap on her ass! After kicking it
FIRST! Now…!? Vivica A. Fox…!
Who the fuck… is next…!? F.H.A.!?!? Lucy shuddered as Anji started
stroking her and her eyes narrowed while she realized that… That crap… was only funny because I didn’t say it out-loud “FUCK!” Oh-God that was so much
better wasn’t it “U fuckin bitch… fucking meh… in this fuckin hall…! Like I’m sum…!? Sum fuckin whore!
I----I’m NOT… your bitch! DEEPER! That’s it! RIGHT THERE!
OOOOO, U FUCKIN CUNT…! U won’t get away with this, UH! U won’t get, YES! THERE!
Keep pounding my pussy right there and I swear I’ll shoot it right down your
fuckin sweatpants, ufuckinbitch!”
Anji could only raise an
eyebrow and smirk as she started slowly, but surely finger-fucking Lucy with
three of her fingers! Up underneath Lucy’s hooked left leg! The entire thing
made Anji’s pussy wet too, but she was content to get her rocks-off by keeping
Lucy pinned to the wall hot and heavy! While stroking her sweet spot with one
leg UP! And the other one barely touching the floor “C’mon, Lucy…!”
Anji moaned “Put your back into it, you little bitch.”
“FUCK ARE U!?” Lucy shuddered
hard as Anji was really starting to hit her sweet spot “MY FUCKIN
Anji didn’t waste anytime as
she fired right back “Right now? OH YEAH!”
Just hearing the self-assured
SHIT in Anji’s voice made Lucy whine hard and loud “NOH!
And you sound like the fuckin, KOOL-AIDE MAN!”
“Yeah, well?” Anji picked up her
pace as she enjoyed the feel of Lucy’s cunt taking her fingers hard and deep
while Lucy herself was crawling all the fuck over her! And panting like the
bitch in heat she’d been reduced to! And that gave Anji an idea and she started
the ball rolling by telling her teammate that “This is some
good pussy right here!”
Lucy bitch-barked at Anji’s
audacity! YOU BITCH! I’m supposed
to be making YOU loose all your fuckin self-OH FUCK!?!
RIGHT THERE! U BITCH! FUCKING MEH SO FUCKIN-HARD!Lucy started breathlessly gasping as Anji’s fingers were rubbing up
against the softest spots of her cunt and pushing her closer and closer to
cuming! U!?!! U----She
actually pulled Anji closer, TIGHTER!
Gonna fuckin cum, migod I
Lucy turned her head up and her eyes narrowed as she was quickly being
bombarded with images of all of the times when she pledged at college! How
DESPERATELY she wanted to GET IN! TO BE ACCEPTED! And how hard those bastards
and bitches FUCKED HER! EVERYTIME! ALL THE TIME! And how they always stroked
hard against the left side of her cunt! That left side of her cunt!?!! Always… she gasped… ALWAYS THAT LEFT SIDE! She couldn’t
hold it in, couldn’t hold it back! As she could feel Anji’s fingers in the midst
of a barrage of bastards and bitches who ABSOLUTELY FUCKED HER HARD AND FAST!
SENSELESS! All throughout her college days, when she pledged. And they all said
the same thing once she was finally caught-up in the heat of her own pussy!
Lucy stared at the ceiling in
shock but then ABRUPTLY lowered her head down and SNAPPED HER FACE IN FRONT OF
But this time, wasn’t that time, as Anji didn’t LET
Lucy say something else smart back to her! Both of these Bitch Queen’s had been
in similar boats, but their ability to DEAL WITH IT, was totally different,
just like they are. So Anji had no fuckin idea what Lucy wanted to say. She’d
set the ball rolling because she understood what Lucy REALLY
WANTED! What Lucy wanted was another shot at being First. Another
shot at being First Wife, and Vivica, Anji? Wasn’t
going to give the little bitch anymore shots. Unless it was another stroke with
her fingers! That? SURE! Matter of fact she dished out two rabbit-quick strokes as she made sure
to kiss Lucy as soon as she was about to mouth-off some more! But as
far as “shots to contest who should lead VLK”!?!? Opportunities to be “the Lead
Bitch”?!?! In this pack?!!! NEVER! The
fact that Lucy would even try it
after getting her ragged cunt kicked by Jennifer Love, HEWITT!?!? OF ALL PEOPLE! AFTER FAILING TO SAVE
HER GIRLFRIEND!?!? HA! WHAT A SELFISH BITCH! But at the same time…?
It turned Anji on, and as she
QUEEN’S, THROAT!?!! Anji remembered the fact
that their Master confessed to her, while she was in his arms, her back to him,
held in his embrace and her ass planted against his CROTCH! Geese showed her,
that he’d patiently plotted and planned, scouted her out. Scouted Lucy out.
Scouted Chiaki out. Stalked them like the Big Game hunter he is, as far as
Vivica was concerned. Then he went about the business of PERSONALLY
meeting each of them on THEIR TURF!
IN THEIR DOMAIN! And one by one…? When other men feared them, or simply used them… He simply had to have
them… And he would not be denied… Vivica knew that this was the
real reason why Lucy was so driven even in defeat, to need to be the one
standing DIRECTLY NEXT TO HIM…! After he’d boldly gone into each of their
rather unforgiving fuckin realms… And
took them each on, HIM,
against THEM…!
And after a rather brutal amount of back-and-forth in tests of dominance… Tests
where each one of these Bitch Queen’s made it crystal clear that they would
fight tooth and nail to keep their own autonomy and simply drift through life
alone till the end! MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY!
And of course, the Highway was kicking their CUNTS!
Even IT was getting a little tired of them
traipsing up and down stomping the shit out of it! And that’s pretty damn bad
when the fuckin Highway of Life even revolts against your ass! YOUR IN FUCKIN
But that was why Anji was
forcing her kisses on a more and more submissive Lucy. Because Anji could feel
the fact that she’d fought with Geese from the moment he intro’d himself when
they wrapped up shooting Kill Bill. She didn’t give him the time of day then,
but he was clearly floating around, watching, waiting. Till finally he
reappeared again, years later, with that lame-ass Mister Manager, CRAP! She
tried to take a bite out of his ass from the door! But he knew how to handle
her “Everything’ll be all right, Lucy.” Anji
But Lucy moaned back
hot-and-heavy, barely able to focus as Anji was fucking her hard with her
fingers and sucking on her neck “I… I’m scared, Anji… So
fuckin scared…”
“So am I,”
Anji moaned back.
But Lucy whined as just the
fact that Anji didn’t bullshit her just now!? She cried out and quickly settled
down and moaned abruptly “How did this happen to
us!? How did he, don’t stop… Don’t stop stroking, RIGHT-THERE!
OHHHH-gODDDDD------right there!”
Anji simply leaned against Lucy and kept her pinned while she plowed her hard
and deep remembering the fact that Geese was able to easily disarm her, even
when she was at her absolute, bitchiest! The same way Halle had done, but this
was obviously different. He didn’t shoot in on her after blocking her
heavy-handed snide shot at him! Normally, NORMALLY!?
That was the best way, the EASIEST WAY!
To get yourself a free piece of pussy! And it was making Anji just as wet as
Lucy! She could feel it all up and down her spine, as she just had to keep
going! Anji could feel how her panties were clinging to her cunt and her
beautifully shaved pussy was just making more and more cunt cream, at the fact
that she wasn’t just in heat about FINALLY,
breaking Lucy. But about the fact that she actually wanted, needed to do this
for all of their sakes. I’ll take you to him… I’ll
be a good leader, a good bitch for you and Chiaki… And a good bitch,
Anji shuddered. A good woman… for Geese “We can finally let goh, Lucy.” she moaned.
And Lucy moaned right back as
she nodded emphatically “I know! GOD, I KNOW!”
She clung to Anji and whined in her ear “Too strong… He was too
strong!” Anji nodded and agreed as Lucy told her in her ear as her
sweet spot was really being stoked “The shit he said to meh in
Japan…?! Never…
Always…” Anji kept
stroking that SPOT! And Lucy’s eyes rolled up as she moaned hot and heavy in
Anji’s ear “I’m gonna fuckin cum… God I’m gonna fuckin cum
again all over your fuckin leg…! These bitches… After us!? They, that fuckin… Salma… ! Fuck does she…?!”
Anji went to say something, but Lucy whined in her ear “Shewantshim, to fuck her!” Anji
nodded as Lucy groaned “We can’t let’er in!” THEN LUCY STRUGGLED HARD AS FUCK
she whined at Anji with such a desperate tone that Anji’s clit started buzzing
from the sound of her voice “I’M FINISHED, ANJI!!!! TRIED !?”Lucy
struggled as her cunt started trembling “I TRIED!? Wanted to…!?!? Break you soH Bad…! BE…! The Leader,”
Lucy started shaking “STRONG… You fuckin Evil Black Bitch… Too
fuckin strong… ! And I’m
fuckin finished.” Then she pleaded with Anji “FINISH ME OFF!” Then
she whispered at her hard “And make me cum all over
your fuckin-fingers.” Anji
licked her lips! as she was still busy jack-hammering away at Lucy’s hole as
best she could! Lucy’s eyes showed that she was barely aware
underneath her mess of mangled mane, which was all over her face “Anji? I
swear…! I’ll be a good girl for
you…! I’ll fuckin be your bitch…! And I’ll keep Chiaki in line… She’s a good
little bitch, she’ll eat your pussy real good and she’ll obey. We’ll help!
WE’ll hElp U! But you!? U, FUCK! U… r the… leader now… No more… bullshit from
meh,” then Lucy lifted her chin and spoke to the air around them,
whining, pleading “Nnnnn----Geese!? I tried. I
tried.” Then she looked back at Anji “U can’t… let Salma beat u…! U can’t…! Once I’m broken in…
by U!? Then…
I’m, I’m?! I’m finished. Weaker.” Lucy’s mouth hung-open
as she exhaled hard “If Salma beats you with meh being weaker and Chiaki weaker
BEAT U! U CAN’T!----U… CAN’T!-----u can’t!”
Much like the way that Geese
had rather boldly COLLARED THEM! Anji could feel herself finally capping off
and collaring Lucy. Anji knew, what everyone else already knew… and knows… That
Bitch Queen’s, Dragonladies? Evil Bitches in general… are great
IT ALL! Most of the time,
BUT?!?! But if you don’t have the
patience to handle their many rather fatal flaws and shortcomings? Or the
ability to know “just when” they’re dipping into shit they really-oughta-NOT BE
DOIN! And yeah, I typed really-oughta-NOT BE DOIN!
The reality is…?
Some women… like some men…
Simply can’t stay out of their
own fuckin way, for their own fuckin good…
In the end?
They’ll fuckin ruin you, right along with themselves…
Now sometimes… the person they’re
dealing with, was never about shit in the first place… So it don’t really
matter to them, because they were simply along for the fuckin ride anyway… But
when you start puttin on them miles? When you start gettin a clue about what
life’s really all-a-fuckin-bout? As you start getting older?
Cause some muthafucka’s don’t learn shit from experiencing it, they haveta
start lookin in the mirror and seein “Oh shit… I’m getting OLD? LEMME DO AN
they don’t have anyone of any worth around them. They don’t have that man or
that woman there, everybody calls that shit relationships when they still can
hustle and kick-game and shit like that. But the smart money-muthafucka’s know
that its really all about companionship, once you start seeing how fuckin
frivolous and short, life really fuckin is. Then you want that woman that’s
been with you through thick-and-thin. Then you’re rolling over and happy
that-that other person is in this bed with you and they’re gonna stick by you
no matter hell-or-high water. But for the fools who think they have fuckin
forever, or there’s always “next time”?
By that point, shit is usually
too fuckin late… and that’s why Lucy can’t stand Chiaki’s “cool attitude” with
Geese. She thinks it has to do with Chiaki being young and not understanding
where she, Lucy, is coming from being forty years old, no husband, no kids, no
semblance of a successful dating life leading up to actual MARRIAGE! But Lucy
still doesn’t quite understand that although Chiaki is younger than her, by Japanese standards? Damn near 25?
No fuckin steady-boyfriend, slash, potential husband!?!?
Lucy doesn’t quite understand that Chiaki’s in
the same boat, as her and Vivica.
But the difference between Lucy and her girlfriend is much like Lucy and Vivica
right now. Chiaki knows Geese much better than Lucy, and she actually knows
herself, better than Lucy is comfortable,
with her own self. Vivica too, is more
able to accept the reality of the situation and is more comfortable with who
she is, while Lucy?
And this is why these two
bitches are battling it the fuck out right now and finishing up. Trying to fuck
each other into a sweaty. Sloppy-pussied. Pile of quivering, FLESH! Because this time? They finally found a man that’s
made it clear that he’s INTENTIONALLY!
Done all of this in order to be with THEM! They’ve tested him, and he passed,
and not barely either! But with A++ type grades in all categories! And even
with the baggage that these bitches have? Sure, they get “suitors”, but they
don’t get MEN of his caliber who clearly can CONNECT with them and better
still, understand them and accept them. They’re gonna give it everything
they’ve got for that top spot. While ironically? Chiaki is not battling it out
with either of them and she’s of course already enjoying alone time with Geese,
while these two fuck each other senseless.
Lucy whined hard as fuck in
her throat “NNNNNN,” and then opened her
mouth wide in a whine as Anji tongued her mouth out. The minute Lucy had any
breathing space she immediately bitch-barked “FUCK!?!?”
And kept her cunt creaming and contracting on Anji’s hard-fucking fingers! Her
right leg actually trembled and she actually started to try to lift her leg UP?!?! So she could actually MOUNT
ANJI! Catching on quick! Anji knew that Lucy was done! She was just looking for
TIMES! Anji used the wall and QUICKLY got her left arm up underneath Lucy’s leg
from the INSIDE this time and actually JAMMED HER UP AGAINST THE WALL, FORCING
kiss and lick her lips, her face! The
two of them were a mess! As Lucy was sporadically crying out with her eyes
practically glazed over while her mouth was hanging open! Anji was hammering
her pussy with her fingers! And she kept her pressed against the wall, as if to
make it crystal clear who was the naked bitch and who was the bitch wearing the
pants in this little lovefest! Anji FLINCHED and shuddered as she worked her
own hips and her mouth fell open while her pussy drooled all over her soaked
Lucy whined again as she looked
at Anji’s face and saw that she was caught-up in the sexiest stunned look of
horniness! She sucked on her bottom-lip as Anji’s fingers were still stroking
her weakest cuntwalls, but she could see that she had Anji’s full attention as
she flinched again! Anji made a horny hollow sound in her throat as Lucy
trembled, still making glazed eye-contact with her, while snaking another one
of her fingers right up Anji’s pussyjuice-paved, asshole! Anji let out a mournful cry as Lucy got a third
finger up her ass and briefly bared her teeth at her, clearly struggling to
keep her own cunt from crumbling under the finger-fucking she was taking to her
weakest cuntwalls. Both bitches stayed locked like this for what seemed like an
eternity, till Lucy lifted her chin up and started panting harder and harder
and harder, till…!?
Anji’s fingers were pressed
hard as hell against the inside of her cunt! Riding Lucy through her orgasm
with a deliberate slow and hard, long stroking! Against Lucy’s weak
left wall of her cunt! Lucy was flinching as she stared up into the air…
Reeling from Anji’s three fingers rubbing all of that sweet cunt cream, all of
that cunt cream that this entire fucked up morning had forced from out of her
cute little ragged MILF cunt! Lucy flinched abruptly and kept staring at the
ceiling as Anji trembled with her forehead up against the center Lucy’s chest.
Anji could feel the fact that Lucy had INDEED shot her girl-cum all down her
fingers and hand… While Lucy’d also kept her three fingers deep up Anji’s ass! The sensations of Lucy’s fingers
finding the mark and then Lucy using the wall and the fact that her legs were
wrapped around Anji’s waist!? She used that to fuck Anji hard, fast and deep!
Right in her ass! Using Anji’s own soaked sloppy pussyjuices! That were all up
and down Anji’s pantyline from how badly her ragged MILF, CUNT! Was just
constantly drooling and building-up from the brief run-in with Salma at the
Diner. The fact that she’d failed to stop Chiaki and Lucy from leaving in the
first place! Never mind that Geese had fucked her hard and deep before Julia
came in and woke them up about the fact that Chiaki was spotted in The Diner
fighting JLH!?!! Stacked on top of that the attack by Lucy in the limo! WHERE
Anji’s two Little Bitches!? As
far as Anji’s tits?!?! They were bitch-barking for attention loud and hard at
Lucy’s sudden backdoor barge-in “Huhnf… Huhnf… Huhnf…” Bitch, Anji
moaned to herself, bitch… got down… my pants…
Should’ve---should’ve known…!? That!? She was up to something…! Anji
rolled her hips instinctively as Lucy’s fingers pulled out of her rim-puckered
asshole, and started to rub hard against the front of her soaked slick asshole,
pushing all of that sloppy wetness into the space between Anji’s asshole and
pussy, her perineum. Anji kept dragging her own fingers in and out of Lucy’s
still clenching cunt! Especially against the left side of it, as Lucy was
flinching and fighting for her last chance to lead… While her cunt was just as
wet-ragged-and SLOPPY… as Anji’s. If I can just…?
Lucy lowered her head and the two of them were bunched together and slowly
sliding down the wall with Lucy draped over top of Anji. Both bitches moaning
and panting, very softly, very quietly, after cuming so hard. Till Anji’s knees
hit the hardwood floor and then her sneakers, sliding up underneath the red
carpeted centerline of this grand hallway, dredging up the carpet and bunching
it up as she finally couldn’t support Lucy’s weight. Lucy tried to get her legs
to respond but they were still feeling the numbing ecstasy of how hard she’d
cum. Especially from having that soft “west wall” of her cunt, if you will, worked over hard and deep till it collapsed as
usual and sent Lucy into a tailspin of trembling and body tensing, orgasm!
I just
have ta… Dammit LEGS!?!! Lucy’s eyes actually narrowed and
the hallway went fuzzy! SHIT!?!! FUCK!?!? I haveta!? Lucy actually strained her body upwards in
an attempt to un-impale herself from Anji’s still slow moving and methodically
dredging FINGERS! That were quickly re-building her back to climax! Cunt! GET OUTTA THERE… FUCKIN DIE-HARD! Lucy glared down at Anji, but
could only feel Anji’s panting deep breaths as she was clearly still hanging on
the same way that she was “Let goh,” Lucy
moaned “T-t-takeyourfingers, f-f-fuck! Take’em out! U-uuu-UHLL-FUCK! U
But Anji didn’t hear anything.
All that she knew was that once again she’d forgotten just who the fuck she was
dealing with… And now the bitch had three of her fingers up her ASS! And has
her on the verge of losing what she should have known was too good to be true! U bitcH! U fuc-ken!? TrIcKed MEH!? TRicKED mEH?!
Shhhhhould, Ishould’ve known!
Anji kicked her left foot against the bunched up carpet and then abruptly
OUT OF HER ASS! Her move however only highlighted how wet she was and how deep
Lucy’s fingers were buried in her backdoor as she could feel her asshole,
soaked wet from her pussyhole juices! She could feel how tight Lucy’s fingers
were in her asshole! And when she kicked out it only drove them deeper! Which
made her ragged-MILF-CUNT! Brew up some more fresh pussyjuice to pour in her
already soaked sloppy thong, which was really starting to ride up in-between
her ragged cuntlips! The sensation of having her cunt being gagged by her own
thong, while she was so fuckin turned on! Plus the fact that Lucy had her
fuckin fingers deep in her asshole!?!? She’d just gone at it hours ago with
Geese and he’d fucked her good and hard, and she gave him her ass as his reward
for fucking her pussy senseless! And now Lucy was back there working hard, so
that you don’t have to! Trying to find that sweet-sex-soft-spot! That all women
have back there, if they ever get past the sometimes uncomfortableness of anal
Anji only gave up her ass for
one of two reasons, to anybody! One? Was if she was so totally in-love with the
bastard and was willing to give him that kind of opportunity. TWO?! Was if and
when, someone just FUCKED HER, so fuckin GOOD! That she had to have more! That
they’d MADE HER give up her ass to them because she just couldn’t take anymore
in her pussy! There was a rare few that actually could get her so turned-on, so
fuckin twisted-up and in heat! That they could just put her on the bed or sit
her on the counter or pin her to the fuckin wall! Get her pants down! Get her
panties down! And she was so fuckin wet and raring to go that her asshole was
wet like pussy! AND THEY COULD JUST SLID RIGHT IN AND GO! It should be no
secret that certain people had been able to do that to her. And Anji was never
said to be a bad fuck, not at all, not in the least! Most Evil Bitches tend to
be very good fucks! Although there are exceptions to every rule, Vivica is NOT
one of them! BY FAR, one of THEE BEST ASSES in ALLLL OF HOLLYWOOD, thank you
very much! And a chance to get your DICK UP IT!?!! MISTER!?!! BUY THAT MAN A
And Geese had joined the ranks
of the Inglorious Bastards. Yes, he was lucky indeed, and he made sure to ride
Anji for all she was worth. And take her as far as he could take her…. Till she
simply collapsed under a ton of cunt-shaking, climaxes! From him fucking her so
hard in her ass. Even as she mindlessly kept her fingers fucking Lucy’s smelly
cunt, cursing the bitch for tricking her! Even as she was inching
closer-and-closer to either total victory, or total defeat… The feel of Lucy’s
fingers working over what is essentially “the Heart” of an Evil Bitch, a Bitch
Queen, a Dragonlady or a Black Tigress, LIONESS WHATEVER ANIMAL ANALOGY FOR
Lucy’s fingers up her ass…? Reminded her so much of how Geese had drilled her
senseless, and even how other muthafucka’s from the past… Had rode her sweet
Black ass into the fuckin ground! Even though Anji wasn’t aware of what Chiaki
had said or thought, not too far from here. In Geese’s bedroom, just up the
hall and around this sharp-ass 90 degree turn where Chiaki was getting her
“heart” drilled and rebuilt from the cunt-and-ass kicking that JLH had put on
her. Anji felt the exact same way as Chiaki. Once they give up their asses to
someone? They’re either gonna turn that bastard out! Or GET turned out, and if
they get turned-out!?!? They’re finished. It’s over. They’ll get ridden over
roughshod until he gets tired of toying with them, then he’ll simply give her
the cliché crap of waiting till her guard is down… And then running her through
and killing her off, in some form or another…
Vivica tried to rally… I can’t lose my spot… NoT Now!
She could hear it, THEY could hear it. And THEY could
smell it. Up till now they had stayed put and simply watched the wall monitors
built into the very uppermost part of this high arching hall ceiling, but now
“What are those two daft cunts doing?” Charmaine sighed with more than a bit of
“Trying to finish each other
off.” Julia calmly replied as she watched the monitor on her side of the wall.
Watched as Vivica again threw her hips and ass out! Along with her legs! In an
attempt to get Lucy out of her asshole! Julia’s nipples were hard as hell
against her bra as her and Charmaine stood guard at their Masters door “I’m
telling you, Char? It’s over for Vivica.”
“Says you! But I know this
much, I don’t want the two bitches ta bloody break-up the Masters stuff that’s
sitting on those tables. It’s priceless!”
Julia nodded as Charmaine
glared with even more anger at her monitor on the left side of this hall. I
can’t believe you’re gonna fuckin let that smarmy-sneaky cunt! Trick her way to
the front of the line, ANJI!??!
GEHT UP, DAMMIT! Lucy is an IDIOT! A right dumb cunt and most
definitely can’t get one shoe on right without somebody feelin sorry for her
ass and then she takes advantage! But while Charmaine was fuming,
Julia was creaming her cunt because she’d had her run-ins with both Lucy and
Vivica and she felt just the opposite of her wife. Lucy will do
whatever needs to be done to win and that’s what VLK needs. The sneaky bitch
hit me with that axe-kick in her first match against Vivica. But when Vivica
and I fought against Salma, she was no fuckin help at all. She’s too fuckin
worn down from dealing with Black American TRASH! While at least Lucy has spent
most of her time alone for the most part. Chiaki’s too timid to be First and
Vivica’s too nice to be First. Lucy will do what she needs to do, but she’ll
always look to the Master to verify what she’s doing. She’d be perfect for
“Where are you going?” Julia couldn’t believe “Charmaine?
Char, where are you going!?!?”
“I’ll be back! Hold the Fort!”
Charmaine continued hard walking her way down the hallway determined to stop
But Julia “Char,” shit can’t
Geese stopped as he heard something
going on out in the hallway?
“Nan desu ka?” Chiaki moaned,
as she too heard the suddenly raised voices outside the doors “Is something
wrong?” she asked again, although there’s nothing
wrong with THIS! She smiled to herself hard! Then patted herself on
the back mentally, I still got it. And now
I’ve got all of it up my ass! I’M A BIG-GIRL! WHO CAN TAKE BIG BLACK AMERICAN
COCK UP HER ASS! But then her face soured and she shifted her eyes
to the side and sulked at the fact that “I’ve been hanging around Lucy-chan too
much lately.”
Geese looked down puzzled at
her out of the blue comment “Huh?”
But Chiaki smiled and told him
“Nothing!” Meanwhile Geese was trying to figure out whether he should “If it
was something important, Julia-chan would have come in here by now, Geese-kun.”
Chiaki pointed that out and then quickly reared her head up and kissed the side
of his face as she moaned at him “Don’t stop… We’ve waited so long for this.
You’ve fixed my broken heart and I’m ready to go back out there and fight for
you, so please… Don’t stop, don’t ever stop.” She
kissed his face and licked at his cheek, slathering it with her cockspit so she
could show him how much she wanted to suck him clean again when he was done
cuming deep in her ass again. And it didn’t take long for Geese… to slowly… carefully… go back to what they
were doing. However? He was suspicious that Lucy and
Vivica were somewhere nearby doing something they probably shouldn’t be. Maybe I should
Chiaki moaned “Please don’t stop.”
DOWNLOAD - Jessicka Havoc vs. Suicide II (SOE 2008)