Journey Into Mystery!
A Band of Bitches-VLK
The Present…
Just try to stay calm, okay? No more," Jenn flailed her arms around
"freaking out and psycho-shit, okay?!?!" but Jenn saw the look
that Penelope was giving her and she quickly added "I'm just
saying. I've been choked more times in the last 24 hours than a
chicken! I mean I know that things are bad, but you only make it worse by
spazzing out like that! Just don't attack me!
That's all. I'm on your side here, doesn't help when you kill your own people
too." Bitch has vice-grip! Last thing I need is to have my win streak
derailed by my own teammate!
"Penelope frowned "Sorry, it’s just that... never mind."
you wouldn't understand.
Jenn looked at Penelope and quietly asked her "What is it?"
Penelope simply looked back towards Salma and sighed "It’s nothing."
But Jenn didn’t buy "No, it is something? You
really shouldn't keep things bottled up like this." Yes, listen to
the Jenny. Listen to me, so you don’t go bat-shit crazy again and attack me.
Penelope shifted around a bit, clearly uncomfortable, then "It’s
Jenn tried to push the issue "Penelop"
But Penny put a stop to it in a hurry
"I said," as she looked at Jenn with murderous intent "It’s nothing." Now drop it u little bitch before I drop you.
Jenn put her hands up as a cold chill ran down her spine "Ok, OK!? It’s nothing." fuckin psycho-bitch. You're just as bad as Chiaki and Lucy! I mean I
know I haven't been the strongest fighter in the League, but? Then
Jenn fell into her own personal hellhole as she recalled her brief fights and
the fact that Stone Rage made it clear that no one was particularly interested
in seeing her wrestle or fight at all. "That
sucked..." she murmured.
Penelope heard her… and turned slowly... and saw? Penelope's
nipples were already at full attention as it was after fighting two back to
back fights with four of the most unexpected rabid Black bitches. She enjoyed
fighting. She enjoyed it and loved it! Far more than she originally thought she ever
would, but now? Now she was seeing what she and Salma used to sit around The
Bar and drink till they were drunk about, talking about Stone Rage's
motherfuckin Celebrity Catfight League! The Battle Zone and it damn sure IS! A battle
zone... with a ton of walking wounded and walking dead... But to see
it... hear it... CAUSE IT!? The exhilaration!? She could only guess
that this was why men were so fuckin brutal at times! The chance to just beat
the CRAP out of your opponent! She sucked on her lower lip as she watched Jenn,
sitting there, clearly lost in thought... with this totally sexy, sleepy-eyed,
fuck-me look on her face "Jenn?"
Penelope whispered.
Nothing? Not a peep of a response. What could that fool be thinking this time? But then it kind
of dawned on Penelope that? Maybe I’m being too hard
on her? She did come through when we needed her. She was at the Mouth’s meeting
and she used everything that Sal had said and she won back-to-back, just like
Sal said it could be done! Then Penelope heard Jenn gave off the
cutest little whimper and she said to herself, you are a
total weak bitch. You've gotten your cunt kicked too while you've been trying
to get into the League. Least Sal has had her share of title runs and
ups-and-downs, but you've been nothing but down... till last night. Looks like
I have two bitches to protect, but that's okay! Penelope looked at
Salma. I'm up to the task. I'll do the job, and I'll be
the fuckin heavy of this group. I'll crush anyone and anything that gets in our
way, you watch!
Jenn was still remembering how she got laid out at the pool, when? She felt the
softest of voices, almost a whisper... it sounded so far or was it because
she'd fallen so deep into her thoughts that…? Weren't exactly doing wonders for
her will power anyway. But then she heard it again, someone asking her
something, or calling her name, softly. Who? She looked up, and then she felt
the softest, sweetest of kisses and it made her moan, and she returned it
easily, as she closed her eyes, and sat there and took it. She let them, slowly
snake their tongue... into her mouth... and she tasted it, as she continued to
taste their kiss and for the life of her it made her wet, it made her? She sat
there, it made her sit there, and just enjoy it, enjoy taking... their kiss...
she opened her eyes just enough... and she SAT BACK WITH A START AS SHE
WHISPERED "Chiaki!?!?"
Oh. My. God!? Jenn couldn’t believe the fact that she
was sitting her with Chiaki right in her face! KISSING HER!?
“Jenn-chan… did u in-joy
your-self?” Chiaki moaned at her.
But all Jenn could do was stammer back
“I-I-I-I-I?”as it dawned on her that she’d just
The hazy daylight glow around Chiaki’s
stripped body as she looked at Jenn and asked her again, softly “Jenn-chan…? Did u in-joy your self?” Chiaki reached out and caressed Jenn’s face
and stroked down her neck and over her exposed heart-tit.
It only then dawned on Jenn that? Wait!? Fuck
are my clothes!?!?
“Nani? Watash tachi wa…? Watash tachi no… clothes…?” Jenn stared in
disbelief as Chiaki moved up on her gracefully… and embraced her, kissing her, telling her the fact that “We don’t need clothes.”
Jenn started to, to…?
Return the “Wwa-wa-wait! I-I-I-I need my clothes!?”
I need my, oh my God is that her hand down my!? WTF!?!? HAVE I LOST MY FUCKIN MARBLES AND HOW DO I GET’EM THE FUCK BACK!?!?!?
You’ve won, fair and square. U beat meh… I’m yours now.”
Now Jenn was!? “Wa-wa-wait!? L-l-l-look, I enjoyed beatin the pants
offa u an all, but now is when u gotta!?” WITHOUT WARNING JENN WRITHED IN PAIN
But Jenn’s eyes widened in shock…
and she back peddled right into Chiaki’s grasp as Chiaki whispered in her ear “Look… It’s Lucy-chan…!”
Jenn flinched as Chiaki cupped her bare
naked breasts while Lucy’s eyes filled with even more crazed jealousy “U LITTLE PIECE A SHIT! FUCK ARE U DOING with MY WOMAN!?!?”
“Lucy-chan is very
sensitive.” Chiaki nodded blissfully smiling as she spoke in the
most angelic voice, while Jenn was trying to get her the fuck offa her!
“L-LOOK!?!? I never!?”
But Lucy grabbed Jenn around her throat as Jenn couldn’t get the fuck away
because Chiaki was holding her from behind “GACKT!
“I seek
your fuckin HEAD
Jenn struggled to get away! While Chiaki was humming some song in Jenn’s ear as
her girlfriend Lucy was choking the fuckin bejesus outta Jenn! Till finally
Lucy screamed as she savored the feel of her fingers around JLH’s THROAT! “BITCH! I’LL FUCKIN KILL YOUR GHOST WHISPERIN-HORSE FUCKER ASS!”
Jenn kicked and struggled as Chiaki
whispered to her “Lucy-chan doesn’t like to share. At least
not with you.” Chiaki then held onto Jenn nicccccce
and tight, which only caused Lucy to
choke the crap outta Jenn even harder as Chiaki whispered “Can’t u feel
the love…?”
Chiaki quickly perked up “Pikachu?!?!”
But even as Jenn let out a frustrated cry at
Chiaki’s joke, Lucy quickly snapped back at Chiaki “Gesundheit!”
Jenn let out a frustrated cry and actually
wasted air that she really needed as she screamed at Lucy and Chiaki “NOBODY
Chiaki moaned “Ohhhh,
gomennasai, Jenn-chan.”
But Lucy wasn’t so sorry “Yeah whatever
bitch, die.”
Now Jenn was on her last leg as she
moaned for “PEN!?!?”
Chiaki began working over Jenn’s tits “I don’t have a pen,
Jenn-chan. Gomennasai.”
I think you see the pattern, but one more
for the road won’t hurt. Lucy quickly added “U need to be
happy she doesn’t have a pen because I’d STICK IT WHERE THE SUN
makes a fool outta me. NOBODY!
Jenn couldn’t believe that!?!? How
the---------fuck can she---SIT------THERE!?!?
But Lucy only got redder as she too was
sitting here ass-naked from getting stripped by Jenn and then paraded around “I’M GONNA KILL U ANNNNND YOUR
This time even Jenn couldn’t pass up this one…
She croaked back as her eyes started to roll in the back of her head “Fuck
is----- a bucket a water----WHEN U NEED IT!?!?
XENA!” It then dawned on Jenn that if…. Penny was Xena? Then? Sal was… Gabrielle? That didn’t exactly work because Sal was just as
Xena-like as…?!
Lucy stopped “Wait? How can Penelope be
Xena?” It just doesn’t make sense.
Jenn then thought about it for a moment…
“That’s a good question?” I wonder then… would I be
the Gabrielle of this group? Yeesh, that’s not exactly… well long as I’m not
the season 1 version… that bitch couldn’t fight for shit, but she sure could
talk a lot!
Chiaki rubbed her chin “Salma wa motto Xena,
demo Penelope…?” I think YOU’RE the Gabrielle my Cow-Tit-Cunt
friend…. And I think u know that already…. Indeed, denial is not just a river
in Egypt.
The three of them sat there… naked… and thinking…
for a moment… until Lucy took a deep
breath…. And Chiaki took a deep breath… And then Jenn….? Took an unfortunately
long stalling and procrastinating deep breath… AND TRIED TO RUN FOR IT BEFORE
She’d tried to ignore all of Jenn’s mindless
fidgeting or whatever!?!? But now it was becoming noisy and annoying, two great
tastes that sucked shit together! “What is that fool doing
now?” Penelope said to herself, till she finally asked out loud "Hey?
You all right?" Penelope actually heard Jenn scurry away from her and
turned instantly to see Jenn looking like she was half-in-heat and half scared-outta-her-
Jenn's mouth dropped open "Uhhhh,"
but that wasn't what she INTENDED TO SAY, then she "YEAH!"
she gave off a BIG-CHEESE GRIN "YUP!
Heh-HEH! I'M FINE! Y wouldn't I b fine, everything is fine! I'm fine, you're fine! Salma'll be fine! FINE-FINE WEATHER WE'RE
HAVING HERE, JEEZ! I'm so fine I
blow my mind, HEY MICKEY! GOTTA GO
THAT!?!?!?Tell me I didn’t just dream of being butt-naked and attacked by the
very two bitches that may have just put me on the catfighting map!?I need a
minute to catch my fuckin breath! But regardless of how hard Jenn
was panicking she knew she had to get the fuck outta here and get some space to
think about why the fuck was she just daydreaming about tongue-kissing, Chiaki? WTF WUZ THAT!?!? And then being ATTACKED by Lucy at
the same time as she was!?!? I’m losin my marbles! Just
need a minute ta THINK!
Penelope started to say something, but Jenn was up off the floor and fast
walking outta the bedroom like she'd seen a GHOST "Just
don't leave the suite Jenn!" damn, sorry Salma! Didn’t mean to
yell. But what the hell was that all about?! I knew Jenn was kinda out there at
times, but?
But then Jenn yelled back "Okay,
MOM!" I gotta get my head on
straight! Jenn went into the beautifully ornate kitchen and grabbed a glass and
quickly used the filtered water, why would I be thinking
about…!? She tried to figure it out, wrap her head around it? But
then she remembered one of her earlier matches during her time in Japan against
a young Aya Sugimoto and it didn’t take her long to remember how she blew the
match and ended up pancaked underneath the NNL star! After taking a top rope splash
that drove any fight that Jenn had left!? Right the fuck outta her! The only thing I remember was the fact that the bitch had spun the fuck
around with all those shots to the ropes and then dropkicks and toeholds and
hip-tosses and shit like that! I was winning till I got too fuckin cute with it
and the bitch recovered on me outta nowhere!?!!! All down-fuckin-hill from
there! BUT WHY!?
“It’s because you’re such a fuckin loser,
Jenn shrunk back at the sound of Lucy’s
voice as she turned to see not nary a soul standing there!? Quickly she started
to down her water when she felt how close!? SOMEONE WAS RIGHT UP ON HER! The
moment she spun around she saw “What are u doing here!?!?”
smiled and batted her eyelashes at her “You three stooges plus 2, honestly
think you’ve got me licked, don’t you?” Jenn took in a deep breath as she could
see the fact that she could understand having psycho-visions of Chiaki and
Lucy, feeling guilty or some shit like that, but Vivica? And Vivica smiled at
her and nodded as she was practically dripping smug-arrogance “Relax, Jenn. You
and your two friends just play your part nice and right, just like Lucy and
Chiaki are.” Jenn looked at Vivica in “Don’t look so surprised my Ghost
Whispering accomplice. You done good gurl! Reeeeeallllll good. U an Salma and
Penelope and Lucy and Chiaki can plot and scheme and connive and shit like
that,” Vivica adjusted her black with white striped tie “But tell me, how do I
Jenn stammered and said… “U look like
either a business woman with a white pen-striped suit or… You kinda look like
your Vernita character from KBV1?”
“Or?” Vivica smiled… waiting…?
But Jenn blurted out “OOOOOO!?!?!?
“Exactly!” Vivica smirked “I got the inside
track and I’ve had it since day one darlin, oh-kay!?” Vivica adjusted her black
leather gloves “Salma’s just a pawn in my game honey, not the other way around,
all right? I fucked up last two times,
third times mine, all right?”
“But you’re not real!? You’re just some
figment of my imagination!?”
“So what does that mean, you’re the
TV-expert that talks to dead people and figments and all that, so what does
this mean?”
“You’re… You’re,” but it’s not possible,
but? “I----I think… You’re, you’re using us?” somehow!? Somehow you’re
actually using us!?
Vivica smiled like the cat that ate the
canary “When your boss showed up at that gym…? I knew I could win either way,
either way easy.” Vivica then pulled on the hem of her suit coat “You liked
what you did to Chiaki and Lucy, didn’t u?” Jenn got a little nervous, but
Vivica quickly told her “Don’t sweat it, like I said? U, Salma, Penny, Lucy and
Chiaki…? You just keep on-keepin on with your hot mess moves. In the end,
remember. I’m the one who’s been at Geese’s side from day one when the Fab-4
and all of that other mess came to town. I got my own little surprises in store
for evvvvvvvvvery last one of u covetous bitches. U got that, girlfriend. I
just need u to handle my help and straighten a few people out and then
everything’ll be fine and dandy, okay?”
Jenn decided to indulge her own self “So
then you’re saying, OR!?!? What I’m saying to myself is… That Vivica is
actually more dangerous than she appears?”
Vivica smiled… “I dunno, you tell me, we’re
in your head, right?”
Jenn just… stood there for a second and
then… “Great… I win and then I go bonkers.”
But Vivica shook her head slowly “You’re
fine, you just feel guilty, but then again I ain’t real so? Or am I? Maybe
you’re actually in my mind and I’m the one goin crazy and shit, how about
Now Jenn sucked her teeth and sipped some of
her water “Great, my figment from my mind is playing a mind game from my own
mind which is within itself a mind game of my own mind.”
Vivica laughed but then stopped abruptly
“Don’t try to weasel outta of the fact that you actually like Chiaki and you
know Lucy’s gonna kick your ass for it… Never mind that Chiaki’s gonna do that
her damn self after what you did to her at the Diner.”
Jenn’s shoulders slumped and she whined “I
KNOW!!?! I don’t understand where the attraction is coming from! It makes no
fuckin sense after what just happened!”
But Vivica shrugged “I’m sure you’ll figure
it all out, but look? I gotta get back, so? Just do me this solid and we’ll all
be cool-in-the-gang when it’s over and done, oh-kay?”
“Wait a second?! So are you saying!?” then
Jenn shook her head “Am I saying to myself that Vivica might be pretending to
be weak!?!?”
But Vivica didn’t answer and that was
because Penelope asked Jenn from the entryway to the kitchen from behind her
“Who are you talking to?”
Jenn turned and faced and quickly spun back
around in hopes of keeping, gone “Rats.”
“You’re talking 2 rats?”
Penelope sighed.
“No. I just…!? I’m
thinking out loud that we may not be seeing the big picture on everything going
on with”
But Penelope cut Jenn off and told her
“Now’s not the time talk about Geese or any of his concubine cunts. We never
shoulda wasted time talking to Stacey and Tracey downstairs in the first fuckin
place, but Salma thought that since Stacey was cool with Vivica they’d make
good team members for our group.”
Jenn then deadpanned “Thought you said u
didn’t wanna talk about Geese and his concubined cunts.”
Penelope made a sour face that quickly
turned to a shut-the-fuck-up face, but Jenn made her way by Penelope and told
her “I’m just saying. We shouldn’t underestimate them, especially not Vivica. I
think she’s up to something.” Penelope started to say something, but Jenn
sighed and added “I know, I know ‘Now’s not the time with Salma recovering’,
fine. But we need to look out for the fact that they’ve got their own issues
internally and I’m starting to think that Vivica might not be as wounded as she
Penelope… nodded slowly, but didn’t bother
to turn around as she said “U could b right… U could be right… We’ll talk about
it later, okay?” she turned in time to see Jenn nod, then she told Jenn “Good
job, Dragonslayer. I hadn’t thought about the fact that the internal trappings
of whatever is going on with them may cause one or two of them to do something
out of the ordinary. Good job.” but as Jenn was trying to drown her
dream and deal with her bizarre bout of woman’s
intuition with another glass of water. Penelope patted her
shoulder and then made her way back to the bedroom and within moments… was back
to tending Salma. And speaking of Salma? Their leader was still skipping down
the path of ancient history from her run through the Battle
Zone League at the very beginning...
The Past….
My first title shot! I still can't believe it! The fans really like my
matches, so Stone Rage is gonna give me a TITLE
SHOT! A chance to pick-up the vacated War Queen Title!?!?! YES! I'm gonna win, I HAVE TO! Hmphf, looks like beating J-Lo
was really the key to it. But?
He said he was gonna randomly draw the other person since the belt was vacant. Errrrr, I don't like
the sounds of that. It could be anybody. I hope he doesn't draw someone like Madonna or Dolly Parton, that would SUCK DONKEY-BALLS!!!!
However, it'd be an easy win for me! GO MADONNA! YOU WASTED AWAY, WENCH!
Salma got herself dressed, this time in a silver version of her black
outfit, but she still wore the black leg warmers and the black calf-high ankle
boots! I can't let whoever this is get me into that shit that J-Lo did.
Salma actually swiveled her neck as she remembered how J-Lo had her
in that head-and-arm hold. It took me too long to fight my way outta that!
They have to have seen the videotape of the match, so I gotta be careful and
not give them an opening. Can't believe I charged in there like that and took
all those shots to the head like an IDIOT! If she was dishing out
real power behind those jabs I woulda been all fucked up. Salma looked
herself over in the mirror and then smiled to herself. Then she quickly put
together the rest of her outfit. She added a black headband, got her hair in
order. The headband'll keep all this fuckin hair from getting in my way. I
GOTTA WIN THIS MATCH! ME! War QUEEN! Makes me tingle all over! This is the
big-time, BABY!
“You’ve done well, Salma.”
Salma smiled as she looked in the mirror and
enjoyed the cold once over of “Geese!?” Quickly she turned around and embraced
him as hard as she could “I DIDN’T THINK U’D MAKE IT!”
“I had some business to take care of, but
I’ve been watching your matches.”
“I thought I saw Julia in the crowd the last
few nights, but I wasn’t sure so I didn’t say anything.” She roved her hands up
and down his back and loved the feel of “U look good in a suit.” She drew back
so she could look up at him, she wanted to see “That’s better,” she wanted to
see the warmth in his eyes “You gonna sit front row, right?” She gave him a
look and he smirked and nodded and she was all smiles as she said “Good. I know
some people think I’m climbing too fast.” She caressed his face and told him “I
made the internet national you know?”
“Oh really?” he’d already read what the
catfighting corners were babbling about on-line, Charmaine had made sure to
drop the print-outs on his desk with the morning meal. But he knew that Sal
wanted to tell him allllll about it and he wasn’t about to disappoint her “So?
Don’t keep me in suspense, what’d they say?”
She smiled up at him and “Thank u.”
“For what?”
Now she smiled even harder “I know that
either Julia or Charmaine already let you know, but thank you for indulging
me.” She didn’t let instincts go to waste as she stood up slightly on her
tippy-toes and kissed his lips “You’re always indulging me.”
Now it was his turn to smile as he told her
back “I enjoy indulging you, my dear.”
Now she was taken back to the other night as
she told him “Oh and how you indulge.”
She kissed him again only to hear the throat
clearing sound of Charmaine and then “Now-now, you two can canoodle and shag
later,” Salma looked at Charmaine in feigned shock with sinister smile, but
Charmaine reminded them both that “You’ve got a match to win luv and it’s a
mystery opponent on top of that.” Charmaine could see the look of concern on Salma’s face but “No need to
get your panties in a bunch, Salma.” Salma gave Charmaine a wry smile as
Charmaine set about putting her mind at ease “I made shore to set Julia on
doing some digging and seeing what she could find.” now Salma was all smiles as
Charmaine continued “We won’t let any major surprises spoil the pre-planned
victory celebration dear. You can rest easy because she did find out that none of
the previous daft-cunts you cut down are involved, that we know 4-sure, so?”
Geese picked up where his 2nd of
All of his Maid Enforcers left off “I would suspect that the person you’re
going to fight is someone who needs a big-push, someone outside the box who
with a once and a lifetime shot like this one here? Will come out of the gate
hard and fast, knowing that she’ll never get another go at this again,” Salma
looked at him intently, clinging to every word as he told her “You’d best be
prepared for someone that you’d not only least expect, but someone who in all
honestly doesn’t actually deserve a shot at all. But will give it their all in
order to make the most of this one-time cheat to the top.”
Salma perked up and her whole face lit up as
she said “That’s the same shit that those bastards on the Catfight Corner put
down on their stinky-site!”
Charmaine nodded and smiled “They think
you’ve cheated your way to the top, but we all know betta. So like the Master
said, whomever Stonerage has chosen they honestly will be someone who hasn’t
actually fought their way to the top but will fight tooth and nail to show that
they can carry the weight of being War Queen if they win.” Charmaine pressed
the sides of her maid uniform as she hoped to high-hell that her and Julia
would somehow be able to get in on the match! I’m dyin 4
sum action. Hopefully whomever this bitch is, she’ll have a coupla friends and
this way me and the Misses can get in on the fun and raise a little ruckus too,
otherwise? This’ll just be a dull-arsed assignment… Although I’m sure the after
party will be absolutely awesome! But then it dawned on Charmaine as
Salma decided to get a closer with her Master… Julia’s
taking a little bit longer than I’d expected though, I wonder…? Then
Charmaine came out and said it “Master?”
Salma turned to look at Charmaine as she
enjoyed the feel of being held in Geese’s warm embrace, while Geese told
Charmaine “Go ahead.”
“Yes, Master.” Charmaine paid her respects
and then turned and walked out… looking to see where her wife had disappeared
to and why she wasn’t back yet. Maybe I’ll get some action
in after all…? The thought of it made Charmaine wet with want and
she quickly gave orders as soon as she got outside of Salma’s dressing room
“Wake up, ladies.”
Adele chimed in immediately with her own British accent “Stephens here,
ready Mistress.”
And Michelle added also in her softer
British accent “Thorne here, go ahead Mistress.”
However… the
last person to check in wasn’t so sheepish and gung-ho ready to go like the two
big-titted blond Brit Bitches, as she stated clear across their com-channel
about the fact that “Clearly Julia hasn’t come back. I warned you two that
roaming around during the event would lead to trouble eventually, now didn’t I
Charmaine?” Anna said.
To which Charmaine immediately told Anna
Amore “Take Brittney and go guard the Master, Anna.”
Anna was decked out in a black PVC French
maid uniform along with one of her lieutenants, Brittney Skye “Don’t worry luv,” Anna mocked softly into her earpiece “I’m all over
“I know u are, Anna.” Charmaine could see in
her mind Anna’s vacant crazed-eyed look at being called from her post to having
to tend to the Master directly “Anna?”
Anna’s voice was an interestingly soft and sweet mixture of compliance and
obvious mischief-maker madness.
“Don’t start any trouble with the locals,
understand? This is Stonerage’s show and we’re guest here, do try not to ruffle
feathers that don’t need to be ruffled up or roughed up unnecessarily, understood?”
Anna smiled to herself while Brittney stood
to her left with her tongue out slightly and smiling, knowing her mistress all
too well, as Anna coolly told Charmaine “Don’t worry… I
won’t do anything that would cause a commotion here. We are guests, after all, right?”
“Right, Charmaine out.” That bitch
is already up to no good. I’d better find Julia and get back to my post before
Anna right brings the bloody place down with one of her insane schemes.
Aria was busy standing just a few feet away
from their Master and Salma as she quietly responded “Go ahead, Anna?”
Perfect “Aria? You and the others stay with
the Master. It appears that everything has gone straight to shit just like I
knew it would.”
Aria immediately nodded and said “I’ll make
sure that we’re ready for any trouble.”
“Good girl, Anna out.” And with that, Anna
turned her attention to her subordinate bitch and told her “We’ll let Charmaine
and her little troupe try to make the save and then we’ll crash the party at
the last moment and finish up.” Brittney smiled and got ready to savor the look
on Charmaine and Julia’s face for when the two of them and their subordinate
bitches would have to come crawling to them once they got back to the Estate
and properly thank them for pulling their
fat out of the fire “This is going to be oh-soooooh-sweet, my dear.” Anna
smirked and caressed Brittney’s face “Once we’re done here, then we’ll rejoin
the Master and watch the match, but only after we’ve cleaned up CJ’s mess.”
“Let’s do it.” Brittney murmured.
Meanwhile Aria turned towards the sound of
her Master’s voice as he asked her “I take it Anna is looking to steal some
more glory, Giovanni?”
Aria immediately bowed as her French maid
uniform was much more sheer than that of any of the other Command Maid
Enforcers, sheer to the point of stupidity in all honesty as she told him “Yes
Master, my SB’s and I have opted to assist Anna even though Anna had warned
both Julia and Charmaine repeatedly that trying to gain any additional
information once we arrived here would fail.” Aria’s French maid uniform was
inverted with a sheer white blouse tip with the world’s deepest-plunging
neckline, attached and tied to a black soft fabric corset that was more like a
vest that left her stomach open only to be covered by a sheer frill-trimmed
white waist apron. A pair of black garter belts connected and kept the waist
apron where it was as well as the string-tie at the back, while she wore a two
toned pair of rather obvious white sheer-frilled panties that didn’t leave much
to the imagination! Aria sported a pair of thigh-high stockings, some white
frilly bicep bands. Don’t ask, I just type it. And a white
sheer-frilled-trimmed, bonnet!
Aria was feeling frisky today, so sue her.
Salma on the other-hand? Felt a wave of discontentment
as she sneered “The Fab-4?” to which Aria
nodded and Salma immediately looked up at Geese and told him that they are
“Stone Rage’s little pathetic pack of pussies.”
Geese gripped Salma’s ass and held her even
closer as he jokingly mocked her “I’m sensing some resentment here.”
Salma stared right into his eyes and told
him about the fact that “I cannot stand those sorry
sluts.” Now Geese was looking at Salma
as if he were actually looking through her, as she told him flat out again that
“They crawl around up underneath Stone Rage and he’s always finding excuses 2
throw those bitches a bone or two, literally.”
“Now-now,” Geese cautioned “you’ve got a title
shot so clearly he’s not cheating or mistreating you, my dear.”
Aria smirked at Salma’s double-meaning about
Stone Rage giving his Fab-4 a bone or two and she quickly added that “Mistress
Hayek is right though Master. He only treats her fairly because he knows that
you support her.”
Salma nodded emphatically “That’s right,
Aria.” Aria nodded back but Salma was that quickly catching on that maybe!?!? Holy shit I hadn’t thought of that “What if the surprise
challenger is one of them!?”
Aria telegraphed easily on her face the fact
that she hadn’t thought of that either, but Geese reassured them both that “It
isn’t one of the Fab-4, relax ladies. Right now? You are in his good graces my
Impressive Mexican Matron, so he isn’t going to pit two of his favorites for
the moment one-against-the-other.” At least… not yet….
Aria nodded while Salma mouthed back
“Favorite for the moment…? That’s another thing that they posted on-line, that
I was the Flavor of the Month or Flavor for the
Moment, some shit like that.” Salma loved the sensation of feeling Geese’s
embrace as she pressed the side of her face against his chest “Flavor of the
Month my ass. I was multi-time champion in Mexico. I’ve fought internationally
too, fuck do those dickheads know anyway. I’m nobodies moment, I’m going to
take this belt from whomever it is that he put in the ring, but I have to admit
that if it is one of his little lackey’s, den that will make it all the more
better when I pin her ass to the mat.”
“I have no doubt that you’ll win.” Geese
made sure to caress Salma’s face as he told her again “Don’t worry about
anything other than winning the match, understand?”
Salma snapped back and loved every touch, every sensation of support and then?
She loved it even more as Aria said “We will
be ready to head-off any outside interference whatsoever. It’ll be you and
whomever it is that Stone Rage has selected, I can promise you that much
Mistress.” Aria’s voice was so soft, but it held a hint of aggression and even
some fanaticism to it to which….?
Salma…? Smiled hard, Mistress… Yessss, it’s
just like back home… Just the way that it should be… She looked up
at Geese and touched his face “I promise you, I’ll win… Then we can celebrate
all to ourselves tonight. Just me and you, I’ll even let you pin me.” she
chuckled and kissed his lips softly at first and then as they stayed like this
with more and more passion building up be, but enough about Salma and her
dreams of how things could have been if she’d known about Geese early on. Let’s
check in on what’s going on with….
“JULIA!?” Charmaine knew that something was
wrong! Nothin on the bloody com-channels!?!? Where r u
LUV!?!? Nevah shoulda let u go out here without me! Charmaine’s
heart was pounding in her chest as they continued to search the back sections
of the concrete concourse! Gotta FIND’ER! I know
she’s in TROUBLE! Quickly she took Adele and Michelle and hauled ass
round the corner mindful of all the clutter and crap back here in the closed
off sections of the arena! She glanced at Adele and Michelle who both reported
negative on their attempts to raise Julia and her raiding party. Just hold on luv! I’m coming! Just hold on!
And all of Julia’s initial contingent of
Maid Enforcers had already found that out the hard way!
But Aniya was finding it out first hand again as she went back and forth with
Pam Anderson of all people!? Who kept surprising the shit out of Aniya with her
use of size and speed, BITCH “UHF!?!!” Another stiff shot to the tits sent the
skinny-shapely French maid motifed Black-Thai bitch reeling! THIS ISN’T MY FAULT! THEY SHOULDA BEEN ABLE TO GET FUCKIN CLEAR WITHOUT
GETTING CAUGHT! Aniya’s bitching to herself aside!? She’d been
brought in along with Lisa Daniels to back up Lanny Barbie and her half-sister
Kimberly Franklin, for the sole purpose of stealing some shitty secret ballot
result to help Salma the fuck out in a match! STUPID WASTE
In the midst of her bitching and moaning she
made an easy fuckin target for Pam to chin-check with her FIST! And send Aniya
spinning into and over a series of sound-boxes and stage propped cut-off
curtains “AHGH!” Aniya was already punch-drunk
anyway from Pam catching her time-and-again in the tits, on the chin and her
cocksuckers! Fuckin bitch! Aniya struggled to
get up and get untangled but that only caused the rest of the set to collapse
down on her! She was already upside fuckin down to begin with after getting
spun the fuck out by that last punch from Pam! Havin her ass hangin out to the
enemy wasn’t exactly helpin her and then with the other shit crashing down on
her that was enough to finish her off! Thankfully most of the set was made of
hollow aluminum pipes so it didn’t fuckin kill her ass, but a couple curtain
covered pipes did find the mark as she wailed like the weak broken bitch she’d
been reduced to! Kicking out and crying out for her Master till one of the
pipes caught her right on the back of the neck and took her the fuck out for
the night “AHHH!” She pissed herself hard as hell
while the fight wound down around her!
“One down, too many more to go!” Pam backed
away as Crissy Moran immediately picked up where Aniya went down at “I knew it
was a bad idea to invite that guy here!” Pam cried out as Crissy connected to her jaw and cursed her for what
she’d just done to Aniya! But Pam fired back “Maybe if you guys hadn’t been
snoopin around like a buncha rejected GI Jane’s, then she wouldn’t be all
fucked up right now! OW!”
“SHUT UP!” All this for
some damn catfight CRAP! Crissy wasn’t doing too
fuckin good either! She’d gotten blindsided earlier when Tia and Halle showed
up and gotten knocked the fuck out for it! But when Julia and Katsuni arrived
and the fight heated up, it gave Chrissy the chance to recover and come back
around and look for some fuckin “PAYBACK!”
But while Pam reeled back from Crissy’s shot to HER
tits! Halle was trying to wrap things up with one of the original French maid
motif thieves “Haven’t had enough!?” bitch is determined! To get away
“Just yet, huh!?”
Finally got a HOLDA this LITTLE----BITCH! Sure
enough the two-toned black-and-pink French maid fucker was trying hard to get
out from Halle’s grip! To no avail, but Halle however had heard Charmaine’s cry
from up and around the corner of the concourse! I KNOW I
heard someone calling out to this pack of Mardi Gras rejects! WE GOTTA WRAP
Lanny struggled with Halle and tried to get her the fuck offa her! But she
was exhausted from fighting with Pam and J-Lo when her and her sister stole the
lottery result in the first place! Much like the rest of these worn and ragged
Maid Enforcer cunts for this mission! Lanny was now regretting wasting the time
and effort to even bother with something so petty and stupid! JUST HAVETA---GET BACK! GET OUTTA HERE!
But Halle wasn’t trying to give the Canadian
cunt any room to breathe, ay? She kept a tight grip of the front of her
two-toned French maid top! While Lanny struggled desperately to break free! She
was exhausted! Took too much earlier from J-Lo and Pam!
Barely GOT OUT! Just need 2!?!? Lanny gripped Halle’s wrists and
grit her teeth as she felt her holes tightening up from the effort while her
legs were starting to burn right
along with her tits and lungs from exhaustion!
She managed to knee Halle in her HIP! Which caused Halle to wince, but the next
time she tried it she bitch-barked as she found herself drawn in ABRUPTLY “NOH!?!!” And then summarily
hip-tossed and taken down to the fuckin cold hard concrete! FUCK! It was the absolute last thing that Lanny wanted or
needed and she tried to get up, but then she yelped hard as Halle didn’t let go
and didn’t let up! She creamed her panties and kicked out with her two-toned
high-heels at the fact that she knew she wasn’t gonna be able to get the fuck
out of this! All she could do was holdout and hope that her sister and the
others could finish up before she got finished the fuck off. Speaking of
Standing about ten feet away from them was
Lanny’s sister, Kimberly! Like Lanny, she’s sporting a two-toned black-and-pink
French maid uniform too, what made her different was the fact that her uniform
had more black than pink, while her slutty sister sported more pink than black
in her uniform, BUT ALSO!? And unfortunately,
Lanny was caught-up in a side-headlock too!
She was hard stumble-switching in her high-heels, bitching! Struggling! With
her pink-and-black panties showing as she was getting led around struggling and
fighting to get free from Tia Carrere’s clutches to no avail! Like her sister
Lanny she was totally fuckin exhausted and worn-out from fighting with the
initial intrusion to their operation, J-Lo and Pam. Two members of the
cornerstone to Stone Rage’s Battle Zone League, the Fab-4. It was an intense
exchange between the two sisters and the somewhat sworn sisters that the Fab-4 had become. Kimberly took
on J-Lo and Lanny took on Pam. It was filled with back-and-forth’s of all
kinds till J-Lo landed some decisive shots to Kimberly’s tits and then her NECK!
While Pam caught Lanny in a series of trips and charges till she could start
hammering her with her fists! Pam then took Lanny and charged her into Kimberly
who’d just taken a wicked set of shots to her exposed mid-riffed midsection!
Ribs! Tits! And NECK! The two then managed to BOLT! And actually tore down
parts of the soundstage where they’d been caught creeping away from in the
first place! Both these bitches, both Lanny and Kimberly were at the heart of
this fuck-up and they’d pretty much dragged the entire operation straight into
the fuckin crapper with their shitty-ass inability to steal a goddamn lottery
result right!
MEH!” Kimberly started to pick Tia up in order to actually backdrop
this bitch on this fuckin concourse concrete!?! But Tia quickly countered Kim’s
counter with a counter of her own! Kimberly immediately huffed and cried out as
her attempt was BLOCKED! Tia squirmed hard and kept Kim from getting the
leverage she needed to and that only made the Canadian cunt expose her cockspit
covered tongue as Tia choked the cockspit right the fuck out of her mouth by
tightening her side-headlock at the same time that she was resisting Kim’s
attempt to pick her up by her legs! Tia heard Kimberly gag and felt her hands paw
at her legs while Kim’s body bucked and she threw her hips and ass out in a
vain attempt to back out of the headlock! After a few moments it was yet
another failed attempt at escape and Kimberly felt that all too familiar
sensation as she creamed her pink-and-black panties and let out a
mournfully-exhausted outcry at failing to break free! AND at having her counter
successfully countered AND!?!? Having the initial headlock slapped on her even
fuckin harder by the bitch that had trapped her like this in the first fuckin
place! U fuckin washed-up…!?!? C-lisssted----CUNT!
But bitch all she wanted, Kimberly knew she wasn’t going anywhere and she
started mindlessly grinding her ass-and-hips against the air in acknowledgment
that Tia had her and that her cunt and ass were hers for the taking or
continued kicking for that matter.
Tia…? Felt Kim’s hard fuck-panting and the
fact that she was holding onto her more than actually fighting against her, FINALLY! Tia gasped to herself again, FINALLY!
She could feel Kim occasionally BUCKING her hips and ass, while the right-side
of her body bumped against Tia every-so-often aimlessly “Had enuff
now, I take it?!!?” Tia cranked her headlock harder, but Kimberly
heard every emphasized word and whined in response and rode her ass in the air
to each emphasis of Tia’s words while she clutched Tia’s forearms around the
side of her head and neck! She stomped her heels and shifted as she gagged and
gurgled with her tongue out! Tightening her cunt and ass as Tia was slowly
choking her out, but Tia? Imitating Halle’s very same move that Halle had used
on Lanny! Tia took down Kimberly with a hard hip-toss takedown! And just like her sister
did, Kimberly wailed “NnnnoooOH!?!?” and ate all of it on the back of
her neck and upper-back! Mind you Tia was still sporting her black
spaghetti-strapped one-piece mini! The last thing any of them expected was
coming back to close down the backroom area to find Lanny and Kimberly skulking
away! And it was J-Lo and Pam who stumbled onto the robbery in progress, but it
quickly turned into a catfight that spilled out into a chase through the
concourse till these other bitches joined Kimberly and Lanny! Even while Tia
kept Kim in this side-headlock and grinded down on her! Kimberly kicked out and
glared up for a brief moment before she lost all cohesive thought in her eyes
again and clutched at Tia’s arms while she clenched her eyes tight and opened
her mouth slowly in a vain attempt to get more air into her lungs! The only
thing going through Kim’s mind was to hold on and just take it! She’d botched
the whole fuckin thing up and now she was getting what she deserved for it! She
creamed her panties hard as the sensation of being powerless began to drag her
the fuck under! To her!? This C-listed bitch was definitely an A-list
catfighter and she’d loused it up by underestimating her but on a more intimate
and inappropriate level Tia was unintentionally tripping submission switches
that all Maid Enforcers had, if someone could push the right buttons and get
inside their heads. To Kimberly, Tia was fucking her up mentally just as much
as physically! Just have-2---hold on---hold out!

*DOWNLOAD - Daffney vs. Desire VOD
DOWNLOAD - SoCal vs. Amy Love (SleeperGirls Custom)