Current Status - Alive & Well
Team History
The renegade band of outlaws that have taken control of the Battle Zone. Originally founded by Alyssa Milano, (she was kicked out due to her mischief making and jealousy) they terrorized the league like no other before or since. Their dirty tatics have proven sucessful as they have reached the top through plain foul play. Eventually internal strife shook the group to it's core, causing multiple problems.
Now they have created a mob syndicate concept to expand and stablize their power. The four bosses form a network of others to do the ABA's bidding. However they must be careful too. The bosses can be challenged and replaced by anybody in the network if they prove too weak to hold their position. Lisa Lipps is the Enforcer. Her position is a super Parlimentarian. She works for neither Boss, but polices activity between the bosses to keep the peace.
They have two goals (1) win at any cost (2) destroy Stone Rage's favorites through any means necessary! They plan on kicking ass, taking names, and doing whatever the Hell they want, any time they want. At first only the Fab 4 have been able to stand against them. Now the Resistance has sworn against them, along with the Studio Advisor, Quatro Calderon. How long can the ABA remain an irresisitable force?